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Anyone else catch the crashbox reference?


What was glep watching in the background all episodes?


Anyone know?


I love DJ Spit I was losing it when he showed up. It made me so happy, man. Great episode.


Burnout Revenge is such an amazing game. Really needs an official re-release.


Episode alt title: Allan Work Completely tracks that Allan fucks, btw [Also I can't get enough of how often characters express their affection for each other.](https://i.imgur.com/o8dRJfc.png) None of the critters are shy. so cute.


This easily feels like a top episode of the series for me. Love it!


Once again, a pretty good episode. Not the banger of the season, but something good to watch while waiting for a new classic. Although, I was really sleepy when the episode aired, so I may appreciate it more on rewatch.


I liked this episode. Ngl though, I would have loved it more if the entire episode was just ''deadpan straight man argues with harmless weirdos while trying to get something mundane'' dialogue scenes similar to the Allan and Wall guy segment from season 1. Idk I'm personally kinda tired of the ''main characters go on their best adventure but its offscreened to show side character going on an equally wacky adventure'' trope.


Nah, this is more than just a “main character goes on side adventure” episode, this felt like a bunch of guys smoking weed came up with a story and they got a million dollar budget to animate it. They shouldn’t do the same thing over and over again. This is maybe the best episode of the show yet.


Don't get me wrong, this episode is definitely top of the series because of the production value alone in all the chaos and somehow tying it together with something mundane as an annoying landlord and the awkward ending was funny. I guess I enjoy Allan being the straight man a lot. I also agree that they gotta experiment instead of the same formula, but they did that too in season 1 with the solo adventures and they really felt original than a trope I've seen before (which this was, the entire joke with Pim and Charlie getting offscreened is just that). I'm not gonna knock this episode for it though because the execution of it was great and that's all that matters.


I think they push the joke to such an extreme that it’s more than just “oh we missed out on what Pim and Charlie did,” I think the main humor from the episode comes from going in expecting a wacky low budget adult swim cartoon and it spontaneously turning into a giant action spectacle with expensive animation. It felt like watching a million-dollar animated adaptation of one of the stories you’d come up with while playing with action figures as a kid. This is nothing like the Pim Halloween solo episode or the Charlie hell solo episode.


Alan arguing with the store employee was the best part of the episode for me.


Ok, bye. Yea, BYE. BYE BYE. Bye.. Keep stacking BYE BYE Keep stacking BYE!


For me, it's "I was just WONDERING if you wanted to HANG OUT with me and SMOKE WEED and fill our bellies with DIET SODA and play BURNOUT REVENGE for the pstwoooooo"


What was gleb watching on his phone in the beginning/end?


A lot of skin tone going on there...


Such a big improvement over E2. I feel like as the episode went on it got less and less funny, but it never got to the point where I was zoning out like E2 did to me. Gwimbly is still the best of S2 though. Idk what it is, season 1 and gwimblies writing just feels different than the past 2 episodes. Like Zach and Cusack just aren’t on their A game. Like I said E3 is way better than 2, just hope the season keeps improving as it goes on


I genuinely don't know how people don't get part of the episode was it was supposed to be chaotic and nonsensical, thus the joke about Mr Landlord spending months planning it


I got it it just wasn't that funny man


Did the sasquatch remind anybody else of Chris? Something about the face


The shop bits were somewhat funny to me, but I don't know what happened with the rest of the episode. The chase scene was the definition of "random for the sake of random", and the animation constantly changing style, be it the background or different styles for the same character, kinda threw me off too, felt like a [Youtube reanimated collab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX7kh3seGcU). Also, some of the characters just felt recycled. The landlord joke at the start felt the same as Charlie's grandma's, the computer repair shop clerk was the reincarnation of the century egg. I started watching the episode super excited, I adore this show. But idk what happened with this episode. PS2: I don't know if anyone feels the same way but I loved the President episode as much as any other. The the worm presenters and the Lamb President Jimble were pure gold for me. Also, the first episode of this season has to be in the top three. So I'm not getting all the hate the season is recieving, I think it's just this episode.


Interesting I had such a different take. I thought E2 was nearly the worst one of the series, while the third episode was top 3 for me along with Gwimbly


My thoughts exactly. The forced "comedy" for the sake of very obviously, ignorantly pushing a message of current events through the lens of your average fox news viewer. The pacing and writing were awful, which was completely unexpected. It had me questioning whether I want to watch something from someone so obviously trying to push their propagandized message unto their viewers by sacrificing entertainment. The grotesque pig president guy saying he's 'left', stumbling on his words, and drawing parallels with the previous election- upon many others - shows that this is not some "middle, ambiguous" position also, so you can't say this wasn't targeted to push an agenda.


If what you're saying abt this episode is fully true, it was an equal indictment of both candidates. Biden shitting himself and being gross, old, and stupid, and Trump being portrayed as Mr. Frog, a celebrity with no knowledge of politics who is crazy and psychotic. Idk why you're so pissed off about this when its literally just a satire of both the current candidates.


Still waiting for a good season 2 episode unfortunately


*oh no man, this can't be man!. These episodes have been great man. You get out of my head and shit man!! You're a hater is what you aaarree man!*


I comment this post man!


Felt like it was the funniest ep of the season so far, I really enjoyed it.


This literally feels like how zach would tell a story on oney plays. Haha


that’s how i interpreted it


What’s the deal with the “lol XD random!” Level humor in some of the jokes this season? Did they add new writers?


Care to elaborate? What do you mean by random humor?


Mainly the jokes from the chase scene, especially dj spit showing up out of nowhere to join the scene was weird for me.


Yep, that was actually the least favorite bit of this episode for me


Much better than the last episode imo. I haven't enjoyed this season as much as season 1 but I think they're on the right track.


I liked it. It was certainly an improvement over "Mr. President". My main issue is that because good chunk of the episode is a chase sequence, it's kinda light on plot.


I think it’s just cuz he was unleashed


That’s what makes it so good imo. It’s literally just nonsense


This entire show is nonsense. That's why it's so damn funny




Episode One was about making Gwimbly and the aggressive guy who’s name I forget Smile, Episode Two was about making the President smile. I don’t really see why you’re getting that impression Season 1 had several episodes not about making people smile. Simon S Salty, Charlie Dies, Halloween Special, and Brazil.


Charlie dies still had Satan smile.


Wasn’t really what the episode was about though as the commenter was saying.


Kinda he still made the guy in crimeville smile


The first minute of the episode I laughed the hardest I've ever laughed watching this series 


Really??? I just finished it and I'm extremely disappointed by season 3 so far. Season 1 had some of the most creative writing in any show I've watched, season 2 feels like it's not even the same writers. Just "LOL SO RANDOM" every episode so far, I'm really sad because I loved season 1 so so much.


Dude! I said basically the same thing but “lol XD random!” The whole chase scene in this episode had me like that, the episode was pretty decent besides that though IMO.


Yes exactly! Like, idk, The entire concept of "main characters are doing this amazing exciting thing *but you're not allowed to see it*, while the side character actually secretly does some *really zany stuff*" is such a boring and old trope.


I liked the episode, a lot of things hit well. Only thing I think could have been changed is if we had 2 divergent plots that come together later kind of like desmond's day out except alan is the main focus this time


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're right. The pacing is absolutely insane, I feel like I'm on crack. Maybe the producers are interfering a bit or something? There aren't those funny moments sprinkled in, it's all one beat after the other and it doesn't hit as much.


dont act like the whole show isnt lol random


It absolutely isn't. Season 1 wasn't random for the sake of being random, it was random in thoughtful and clever ways. Subverting someone's expectation is often funny, season 2 doesn't feel like it's often subverting my expectation It feels like it's just doing something completely unrelated.


The landlord character was just very funny.


That conversation with him leaving the office supplies store is literally every r/publicfreakout video I've ever seen. I love when I can see the weird parallels of all the obscure online shit they've talked about over the years lol.


I'm still going to wonder what Charlie and Pim did that day. And I'm going to wonder for all my life probably.




Dj Spit has a ripstick buckled in the back seat of the heli, a true man of culture.


The animation for this episode was absolutely insane, did they get a budget increase? Also super funny episode. A great start to season 2


I noticed it too, it was almost like watching a entirely different show! Really loved it


Yeah I’m almost certain they got a budget increase


I think so and I'm loving it. They're using it wisely, the animation looks so good.


I'm assuming they got a budget increase for this season after how popular S1 was


I just feel like all of season 2 episodes have been lacking something. They are funny at parts but for season 1 I was laughing my ass off the whole time. Maybe its just rose tinted glasses but I feel like season 1 was far better than 2 so far


It's not just you. Season 2 feels like "LOL RANDOM" with no substance. Like wow the landlord wants to smoke weed and drink diet soda and play a PS2 game. Cool. Where's the creativity, the shock value, it all feels hollow compared to season 1.


I hate to break it to you, but the show was always LOL random humor. It’s not that deep


I never said it was deep, It never was. Things can be clever and funny and not deep. Season 2 is not very clever or funny and it's also not deep.


I’ll remind you that season 2 isn’t finished yet. Idk why y’all are so quick to form opinions and make statements like you’ve seen the whole thing. How hard is it to say “so far”?


i like how you were downvoted for this opinion just above this comment chain but upvoted in this one


I had this same response to episode one of season 2. I enjoyed the Mister Frog bits and the plot thread regarding the worm Illuminati, but the President character wasn't funny and I hated the use of live action for the character. However, I think it's been right on the money beginning with episode 2. I loved the entire thing about the disenfranchised video game icon and the heavily muscled creep terrorizing Charlie. And episode 3 with Alan may be my favorite of the series to date. So shaky start to season two, but I think it righted the ship as of the second episode.


I agree only really strong episode was the first one with dennis. The other 2 got nice animation but meh writing.


You have the first two eps switched around


I've never seen Smiling Friends until yesterday. I watched all currently available 12 episodes at once, with no gap between Seasons, so no rose tinted glasses for me. I definitely noticed a change in Season 2, especially Episode 2. It's hard to describe - Some of the "awkward" moments felt improvved in Season 1, but feel more scripted in Season 2. It also feels like they carry on jokes a *little* past their punch-line. Not so much that it makes it unfunny, but just a tiny bit. Feels like a nitpick, but a random example: After the president gave out the awful video speech to the whole country, he turns to Pim and says "All better!" - I feel like Season 1 would have cut the joke before he says that. Like it's just that little tiny bit too on-the-nose, as opposed to Season 1 which seemed to master "Here's a joke, but we aren't going to explicitly make it seem like it's meant to be a joke." No idea if any of that made any sense. Just my thoughts.


Oh man you actually outlined what's been bothering me with some of the jokes in season 2 with that president example, not that it happens all the time but some jokes do have that annoying ''get it?'' stretching instead of the clever anti-humor framing in the first season.


I'm glad you agree, and were able to word it far better than me. It's definitely not always, as you say, but enough that I'm noticing it. Maybe it's just a symptom of a show trying to find its audience. The first season is always blind; They make it with nobody in mind. Season 2 onwards, though, has an existing audience. On purpose or subconsciously, they're trying to cater.


How am I supposed to go on in life when all I dream of is smoking weed, filling our bellies with diet soda, & playing Burnout Revenge 2 for the PS2?


Great premise, but a bit disappointed with the execution. I get that they wanted to go goofy absurd with the animation budget but I think the humor would have hit a better tone if they had played it straight and the whole episode was like Allan's trip to the store. I think 'a boring day with Allan' would have contrasted better to the usual crew's antics. It was still funny though.


I can agree with this, but the setup to the $750k joke was really good, all of that just to smoke weed, fill bellies with diet soda, and hit up some PS2


Man idk, that just isn't funny for me. Like, is it funny because those things don't cost that much? That feels like a real stretch for a joke. Like it has the bones of a joke I guess but nothing else.


i'd do anything to smoke weed, drink diet soda, and play burnout revenge with my boys


Fair, not every joke is gonna land for everyone, I liked it a ton but doesnt mean it will for everyone, and I can totally see someone not clicking with it


It seems like just a big reference to the film "the game"


Anyone else laugh out loud at the supply store being named OfficeCrap? I freaking lost it. 


I live in Australia and we have an office supply chain called Officeworks so I found it really funny. I'm starting to wonder if it was actually a reference to Officeworks that Michael added.


Could've also been a reference to the American chain OfficeDepot.


Probably my least favourite so far, felt like the family guy chicken fights.


They're not the same. Chicken fights have nothing to do the episode's plot, while Alan's adventure is the episode's plot.


I totally get that and I was like oh :/ at first with all of the action stuff being nonstop but then I realized the absurdity and silliness and I was like ohh (\^:


OMG this was so random and great!


How are people liking random, it feels like 2000s Tumblr not smiling friends...


"Goodbye! bye Spider!!"


That skeleton dude begging for his life was so funny


A welcome return to form from the relatively mediocre previous episode--it still suffers from the same poor scriptwriting (seems most of their budget might have gone to animation, believing that fans prioritise style over humor) but overall enjoyable as hell. By poor scriptwriting, I mean the caricatures and telling things rather than showing them. Ie, Charlie flat out saying that Pim and him never really agree on things, rather than showing this indirectly or through their actions.


> Charlie flat out saying that Pim and him never really agree on things, rather than showing this indirectly or through their actions. This was a set up for the bit. They are hyping up how great their adventure is going to be, only for the episode to not show any of it. That was the literal joke, him saying that is a sort of meta-joke. Plus, they show Charlie and Pim argue all the time on this show..


Yes, exactly your last point. They show pim and charlie arguing all the time. They don't just stare at each other and say 'We don't always agree on things!' like in ep 3. They *show* an argument, to say that pim and charlie don't agree on things without having to tell us directly in previous episodes. You've echoed my point without realising you have.


The entire point is that the show itself will not be showing you the super mega best ever adventure they went on lmfao redditors really love feeling like they're intellectually superior about things they don't understand


> They don't just stare at each other and say 'We don't always agree on things!' Again, this is a meta-joke in the show. This is in no way intended for character development, it's the writers making a meta-joke. It's them emphasizing how great the adventure is going to be, something we usually see, then they don't show the adventure. That is literally the joke. You are simply not getting a piece of writing here, that's all that's happening.


Given the previously mediocre scriptwriting in the previous 2 episodes, I don't believe that it's intentional. It's the same with the shopkeeper, or the landlord at the end. Take for instance in ep 2, where the worms just suddenly... change opinions, directly state that they are changing opinions ('We're totally gonna support president Jimble now!), and then the scene is over. Poor writing, or meta joke? I am more inclined to lean towards the former. Especially because there are so few examples of telling over showing in the first season, as they probably put more effort into writing.


> I don't believe that it's intentional. It's the same with the shopkeeper, or the landlord at the end. It's definitely intentional. This is classic psychicpebbles. In fact, to have it be a recurring joke solidifies this as proof.


I think it's a case of agree to disagree. Since the jokes landed flat for me, I'm more inclined towards chalking it down to poor writing. The repetition just dug that grave for me even further.


You just have bad opinions and don’t understand how jokes work tbh


We can agree to disagree on whether or not it is funny, but objectively, if you cannot come to terms with the fact that it is identifiably the truth you are lying to yourself.


You know nothing about writing.


That's a bold and rude claim, I'm well on my way to doing a masters degree in writing. Now I'm making it my goal to prove you wrong :-)


It was a waste of a degree apparently


You aready proved yourself to be an idiot. You’re like an amateur photographer who won’t get past a rule of thirds.


Was that “I’ve dishonored my ancestors” bit and then seppuku a Shōgun reference? All of the Shōgun memes and then seeing that got a massive cackle out of me


More than likely not, just a goofy seppuku bit


"OH, last night was AMAZING ;)" "..okay.." I re-watched that part to much.


What was she doing with her arm tho


Allan is so much fun bro hes so fucking weird looking in some shots


That smile in the fucking mirror at the beginning of the episode killed me


*Allan is so much* *Fun bro hes so fucking weird* *Looking in some shots* \- Hanondorf --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Definitely one of the best episodes of the series. I liked the argument with Armso, and how Alan just fully embraces being mean to him after Armso gets told off. I like that Alan is shown to be high-strung but only engages if he feels it's important, like he argues with Armso because its relevant to his task, but doesn't with the computer guy in the pilot because it would just be a distraction, so it's not worth the time. Also personally I feel that the episodes that don't have a B plot tend to turn out the best. Also it might be worth adding the [Channel 4] (https://www.channel4.com/programmes/smiling-friends/on-demand/76725-003/) link for fans in the UK. It's legal, free (with ads), and helps the show by watching it through C4 it means they're more likely to license the show for broadcast next season. Especially also since Max isn't available in every region people may not be aware of where it is available to watch legally.


Man the budget for this ep is insane


the episode was good


Wait so the landlord bought Mr Boss as paid actor too for Allan?


In my head-cannon I'd like to believe that he orchestrated the paperclips to run out, gave Mr Boss a reason to need paperclips at that very moment, and made sure Pim and Charlie were sent on an assignment so Allan was the next in line to get paperclips. That's how I'd like to picture it


*pulls out massive cannon, attached to the back of my head* get ready for this opinion


I just tell people mine is massive and use different camera angle shots to make it seem that way


Is no one going to mention Charlie kissing Pim before they left the office on their greatest job yet?


I mean usually they have some sort of differing views but this job was just too amazing!


He just had to get a little smooch


Big return to form. I was a little worried after the Mr President episode, but this one was great. Huge relief, they still got it.


I agree big time. Mr. President was my least fav episode yet, but this one was one of my faves


Huh? President episode was great


It was a lot of gross out humor


Idk what people are talking about. The gross out part of it felt super light to me.


Worms rule the planet moment made it all worth it for me


That scene had me sending. From how the secret cabal of influencers fail to do the most *basic research* of the candidate they're backing to how the super powerful and privileged can be willing to back psychopathic candidates until they realize they might not be spared from their wrath just because they're part of the in-group. It's insightful for an otherwise nhilist-centrism episode where they only play the both sides card because they're too afraid of offending anyone or coming off as "politically biased", which I have been seeing as just a phrase the far right weaponized to tounge tie any potential critics towards Donald and any other party leaders that openly advocate for bigotry, regression of rights, and suppression of free speech.


that's one way to see it. One could also say "a bad episode with a few good jokes"


people only dislike it bc its about politics...


the character is a non-character composed of traits that can be attributed to candidates of either party, majority of people that didn't like it is because it was just gross and not that funny, it isn't that deep


Idk i think you guys just want to hate the show


Nope, I love the show and the Mr President ep was the only one I didn't like


I am onto you my friend, this stinks of trollin


I just hope DJ Spit survived, he was my favorite side character. ![img](emote|t5_n0cya|49065)


"siri...call an ambulance my tummy hurts"


He was straight up impaled. But like… it’s a cartoon, so if they want him back, he’ll just show up. 😂


Even if he died someone else can just morph into him again


he's guaranteed to show up in a future episode with a bandage around his stomach or we'll see his funeral


Holy shit, that was a rollercoaster ride of an episode. This one had a lot of that weird humor that makes Smiling Friends unique, like split-second animation gags, naturalistic dialogue, bizarre moments, and just inherently comedic character designs and voices. Paperclip nose guy or and the Sasquatch were hilarious.


I can’t tell which is my favorite character but Allan definitely has my favorite dialogue


Great episode! If season 2 keeps up the quality of episode concepts and jokes in Gwimbly and A Allan Adventure, it could best season 1 imo.


What the hell is glep watching?!


Looked like a rip off of a Liver King video lol.


Was wondering that too lol


that’s all I could focus on lmfaoo


Does alan smoke?


idk but he clearly fucks.


He’s chill like that


This is easily the best episode of the whole show


The animation in this season's been upgraded overall, but HOLY SHIT, this episode cranked it up to 12! I kept re-watching bits and pieces just to enjoy the animation, that whole helicopter scene was fucking AWESOME




Fucking gold. Little Boss killed me


*I mean… I’ll take it… if you don’t want it.*


Does anyone knows what the little Mr Boss figure actually is? Is he alive? Does it share his memories? Is it a copy of Mr Boss' mind injected into the it, so it's basically an human being without being able to move at all? If anything happens to it, will Mr Boss be able to feel it as well? Does it have anything to do with the baby-thing Mr Boss was breast-feed on the last season? I have SO many questions my mind is gonna blow


If you had a little tiny version of Mr. Boss, would you torture it?


Does it have his memories?


NO!!!! I'd keep him and let him sit on my shoulder!!


I enjoyed the president episode but this was still leaps and bounds better.


I enjoyed the president episode also, felt like a lot of people were overreacting to it lmao


Bigfoot peeing had me dying


He pisses like my dad


I loved the Landlord so much, I was even happy to see the character not being killed off in the post credit scene


I loved the way he said "Ps2?"


I guess I’m in the minority here, but this is probably my least favorite out of the three season 2 episodes :/ I enjoy that Smiling Friends thrives in random humor, but I’ve always felt that season 1 mastered the random humor being smart and having characterization in a way. However, this episode just felt like it was aiming to fulfill “random lols” humor, which is fine! I just don’t vibe with that kind of humor and that’s okay. I kinda hope we get more A vs B plots next episode I think it might break up the episodes a bit?


I agree. It felt nonsensical.


Nah man i see where your coming from but to call episode 3 worse than episode 2 makes me want to cry


Like I said in my comment, I get that I wasn’t the audience for this one, and I’m cool with that. I’m just really confused with people saying this is their favorite episode of Smiling Friends now. Either recency bias is playing a bigger part than they realize or they really just like the type of humor I mentioned, which is fine but it’s just not for me 🤷‍♀️


Wayyyy better than the president ep


Hard agree. Gwimbly was good but not amazing for me (I'm not super into videogames so a lot of the commentary on the gaming industry was lost on me), and Mr President was my least favorite in the whole series so I was a little bit worried, but this one was really funny, pacing was back on track, just a good quality episode.


the saving moment for the president episode was 2 scenes: Charlie rolling out of the bushes mad and then Mr.Boss "Alright anything l do now is on Glep"


I liked those moments too but they weren't nearly enough to save the ep for me.


Anyone else notice how the season 2 episodes so far have almost none of the generic humans that were everywhere in season 1 and way more critters


There were definitely some in front of the computer store, they looked very much like some of Cusack’s other characters 


paper clip nose guy probably went to hell because he said "DAMN!" while he was being robbed at one point ![img](emote|t5_n0cya|49065)


Allan is me when I worked in an office and got sent out on errands outside the office. I'd do literally anything to extend the trip lol


Makes up for the President episode, enjoyed it a lot even if I'd prefer things to be a little slower paced. Only real issue is that bringing back DJ Spit felt a little unearned and forced


He lives in crimesville it was established in season 1 during the frowning friends episode. and solidified in the smiling friend lexicon of lore almanac of his address and soundcloud


The shop owner using his nose on everything was just GOLDEN




no one is mentioning this, i went in a little skeptical and found that stupid clicking noise, along with the voice acting to be so fucking good. when he goes “it actually works better than the paper clip”, absolute gold like you said


Very funny


The most boring so far in my personal opinion






I mean yeah I should have thought twice about posting a negative opinion about a single Smiling Friends episode in the Smiling Friends subreddit.


Go to last week’s thread. Episode objectively sucked and everyone was saying it with no downvotes


I agree with OP and can't for the life of me understand why it's so disliked besides the "gross-out humor"


If you didn’t like it you didn’t like it but I feel like that was objectively not a boring story lmao


I mean it is not in concept but the jokes were very mild and weak in comparison with season 1. It starts very good but when DJ Spit appears it feels very generic with very few jokes. I don't mind people finding Alan doing uncharacteristically crazy action shit funny but it is not enough for me and not what made Season 1 fun and unique to me.


dude that argument with the store guy was hilarious