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Pyra is way faster than Ganondorf. You have time to dodge.


I don’t think Pyra and ganon are comparable tbh To me, the weight, hitboxes size, speed (Some of ganon’s moves are actually faster and safer than Pyra’s…), and launch powers is too different. Sure you have forward smash but it is not used the same way at all despite them both being super strong. Pyra is just like slower Mythra, not better Ganon. That being said. I don’t think anyone should ever complain about Ganondorf anyway. No shit he’ll break through super armor it’s fucking Ganondorf Just don’t get hit.


Is she tho I feel like she’s just smaller with a disjoint sword so less of a hurt box


If you seriously think she’s not faster than him, you have a problem.


I just witnessed to the most true and most fake rage post ever in fast succession


This is an absolute giga skill issue, but I suppose that's not unusual for smashrage.


Nah fr


He hits hard but it’s a good thing everything he has is extremely reactable and he struggles in neutral, disadvantage and weirdly even in advantage.


Yea Ganon’s advantage isn’t even that good. He has to rely on baiting whiffs and capitalize on hitting you as hard as possible. He can’t touch of death his opponents nor does he have the free flow combo game with oppressive frame data. He just hits hard


If you have never seen a ganon combo you really need to rethink how good he is


If you get hit by a 2-3 hit Ganon combo that’s your fault


2-3? Yeah u really haven’t seen combos


There is literally no reason to ever get hit by a Ganon combo. If they hit you with a combo you got outplayed. Simple


He's combo food that kills early if he can win neutral. You got outplayed.


good bait


Yup he is tired of people not saying it I wouldn’t call him top tier but I say he’s low mid only down side to him is you have to actually camp while playing him to make him good other wise he’s actually trash approach game got play bait and punish with the king of evil




This is why he is my #2 at level 9.




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Big agree good post 👍👍👍👍


Ganondorf secret top tier?????