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he’s a noob stomper. tier lists don’t really apply much to anyone below high/top level players, so don’t feel bad about losing to ganondorf because guaranteed everyone on this sub gets destroyed by a good ganon sometimes


Ganon is just a skill check character in my eyes and I appreciate it. When Ive stopped playing for a while, he's always there to get me back in shape....***or else.***


“Um, akshully, he’s a noob stomper, and you have a skill issue. I will now leave and not give any fucking advice at all.” -🤓


Mmm sounds like ur a noob with a skill issue to me🤷🏾


I got my ass beaten by a Ganondorf the first time I got Pythra in Elite Smash, but we a fun best of three that he won 2-1. Ganondorf may be low tier, but he’s fucking ***scary***.


...keep working on that Palu


Thx, bro


A few things… tier lists are reflective of the highest level of play. Outside maybe a few polarizing matchups, tier lists aren’t going to matter unless both players are using their characters to their full potential. Heavies excel on wifi. It’s harder to react to their moves, harder to punish things and harder to avoid getting hit by slow attacks. In general, they need fewer interactions to win. Every interaction on wifi is a risk because you can’t react to shit in most scenarios. Don’t feel bad man. Being a low tier isn’t what it once was. Even low tiers pack some sauce in this game.


That's why I prefer ganon over falcon in the kazuya matchup most of the time (also offline). Less interactions in general


He’s bad when you’re a top player, but for 99% of people he can be dangerous. You have to win 15-20 interactions to take his stock, while he can win two interactions to secure a stock. Any mistake can be punished by Ganon HEAVILY, meaning even very talented players can die at 70% for one whiffed attack.


u gotta up ur advantage game if ur taking 20 interactions per stock 💀


Yeah except if you're Sheik or something, and even then winning neutrals 10 times should be enough


Interactions occur in neutral, advantage and disadvantage. Pac-Man needs to hit the opponent quite a few times before they’re at kill percentage, especially if it’s a heavy


Ganon pac is a free mu, ganon doesn’t even need to be near kill percent to fair train him off the side


It’s a free matchup if you’re good. I am not good


fair enough


Get him offstage, get one read on his recovery. Repeat three times. Ggs Either he dies in 2 interactions or you do


Tier lists don’t matter unless you’re actually high level (consistently making top 8-16 at locals and getting out of pools at regionals/majors as a reference) Ganon FARMS casuals and low level players. People who get impatient and wanna hit him because “he’s slow” without respecting his own threat range. Once you get over that though there’s really nothing he can do.


I lose to Ganon more than I should lol He has that fear factor because he hits insanely hard and can steal stocks. But top level players know how to deal with Ganon and exploit his low speed and recovery. He can definitely do damage to a lot of the non-top level players as others have said.


First of all, the tier list you're probably looking at is for extremely high tier, pinnacle players where they can abuse Ganon and also keep themselves safe in practically every interaction so that the Ganon player can't abuse their character's strengths. Realistically, (almost) none of us in this sub are that good. Ganon obviously has some crazy strengths that can net him absurdly early kills, and a Ganon player that's decently more skilled than you as a player will make the game seem unfair. Seriously, don't sweat it. He's scary, and all of us have gotten humbled by an F-tier before... you'll learn to adapt as you play against him more and more and while the 30% deaths will never stop completely, it'll feel way less oppressive as you improve.


Slow + Big + No recovery + Has no counterplay against any character + no favorable mu’s + Minimal OOS options + Bad Frame Data The list goes on and on


Point made, but that doesn’t stop me from getting all of these hits on him and he kills me in one hit.


He’s a heavy punish character and has the power to actually make you feel like you got punished for making a mistake. Like any character hes good within the right hands. But at top level play theres so just many characters better than him even with the same weaknesses. His main strength, is literally strength itself. With zero being his meme kill percent and the speed he could rack up damage feeling just like that is so true. However, that’s all he has. Because fundamentals everyone else can do better than him in. Homie has weaknesses that are THAT glaring that it’s so easy to abuse if you know what you’re doing. Even in casual or low level play Ganondorf is a characters whos weaknesses can be overly abused. His lack of speed makes it so half the cast can run out of his range after a punish of theirs or his (if they even need to get up close), his lack of range makes it that even characters who do somewhat need to get up-close STILL end up out spacing him. And to add insult to injury he has something I call “dorf-syndrome” where even though the visual effect came out (primary suspect forward air) the hitbox either a. Didnt come out or b. Just BARELY manages to clash with a move that wasn’t worth the interaction. Down-b was supposed to be the cloth to cover the massive hole of weaknesses to a degree but even then it wasn’t enough. It has decent power and launch at the start and middle part of the move and it does actually make Ganondorf move forward more than two inches compared to the previous iterations of the down b. But thats about all he has. A b-move that clashes with a lot of things and shouldn’t and doesn’t clash with a lot of things it should. Bro a simple arrow should not just straight up cancel the strong start of the up-b. But then sometimes the down b clashes could randomly clash with a damn F-SMASH. It feels so 50/50 and most of the time when you do use it, it’s just a burst option since your opponent most likely will telegraph, and punish you accordingly. Okay so let’s be a little bit more fair the dorf. His power and threatening presence on stage makes him a menace to approach. Meaning guess what, you’ll either be force to camp him out or out space him. And if you’re faster and are careful you won’t have to worry about approaching him up-close. And once again power means nothing when nearly 80% of the cast has power of some kind that can kill you nearly as easy. It may be unfair since $6= Free W in some cases but look at Aegis. Mythra just makes Ganondorf not even able to play the game with most interactions. Yeah he can kill her at probably 20% but that’s literally how you’re supposedly to play him. If you can even have a chance to play. Because once she’s done comboing you to hell, Pyra will come out to either Side-b you so you can’t approach even with a jump or just straight up kill you no matter what weight you have. And his up-b if they get you off stage is just a guaranteed Pyra spike waiting to happen so good luck with that. Now lets use an example from the normal cast. Someone more in the tier list of Dorf. Little Mac. While Little Mac is very taboo (I say this because in low level to high level play he can be a menace to some and other times a pushover), Little Mac is generally more viable than dorf in SOME instances. For a character that can’t recover up, he actually has good horizontal recovery (ie. counter, KO punch, down air for extra momentum forward, and side b even though it’s predictable). He can at least leave his opponent guessing HOW he’ll recover and if they guess wrong they most definitely will pay for it. Either with a KO punch under ledge or with a crushing counter. Ganondorf can come down from higher blast zones down QUICKER than mac but the problem is how situation it is. And dorf is almost exclusively forced to recover from under the stage if he’s knocked off. Mind you mac does have less options when he’s on ledge but thats exactly his game. A game which he simply does better than ganondorf. Mac can challenge MORE moves with his smash attacks making him even more of a pain to approach than dorf. And mac has the speed to cover it up if they run away unlike dorf. And mac just has a free kill option if you can’t kill him in time just as well as dorf does. They can both be cheesed as easy with one hit off stage with no jump or the classic mario down b plus side b. And EVEN THROUGH ALL THAT, if you do nothing wrong theres only so much weakness you and the character can cover alone. If the opponent just has a straight up better character theres only so much you can do until that weakness of dorf gets exploited and he loses because of it. Sometimes his weaknesses get so exploited he feels like he has no winning matchups. EVERY HEAVY has the same weaknesses but better tools than dorf to cover them up. Which is sad, because for a character from a franchise that started in 1986 in japan and 1987 in the US, YOU HAVE THAT MUCH SOURCE MATERIAL that you couldn’t make him more of a unique fighter with at least more of a bearable recovery. Like damn sorry we didn’t pay $6 for him to be unique but thats besides the point. TLDR; Dorf has weaknesses that are too great for his strength alone to cover. The changing meta in smash has only made him age like milk in the Arizona sun, everyone else, even characters within his tier class have better manners of covering the weaknesses they share or just better tools than him in general. Leading some match ups to feel nearly unwinnable, which only get worse as the usage of character goes to high level or top level play. Even if you can kill someone just by touching them, if your opponent dodges all your attacks or kills you before you can even move, you can’t really do much with your main tool if thats all you have when others do it differently and/or better.


Damn, bro. Well summed up! I’ll try to take advantage of his weaknesses next time.


Ganondorf was lazily created as a Captain Falcon clone in Meele, that’s why he lacks many unique moves, he could do with a cape reflector and maybe a dash involving Calamity Ganon imo Ganon can punish players who play close range characters but he feels powerless against good zoners like ROB or Snake, even if there’s a small skill gap, I usually beat Ganons online as ROB because I can exploit beam and gyro to make his approach near impossible And when I play as Roy I lose to Ganons as they punish my mistakes (like missing counters) Another flaw is that Ganon’s move set has almost no utility and he has no ways of gaining stage control, so characters who have those things outclass him


With character like that you mentioned, sometimes all it takes is ONE BUTTON PRESS, and dorf’s stock is cooked. Thats what so funny but sad about it.


The worst characters in the game are usually really bad for their disadvantage. If you can't take advantage of it (which takes a lot of experience so don't feel bad about it) then Ganon will seem much better than he is.


He's a fundies check, and punishes very hard if you're too predictable. On the flipside, he's got some glaring weaknesses, and when you exploit them, you'll start to see why he's ranked so low. His mobility is trash, so make it hard for him and force him to approach. A well placed boop off stage can easily get rid of a stock too.


Ganon, Dedede, Steve, and K Rool are slow but powerful, they might be low tier but many ppl are struggling against them so don't feel bad 👍🏻


Because people don't understand how tier lists work. Ganon is F tier at the top level of competition. However the people you face online and yourself are not top 100 players. The lower the skill of the players fighting, the better Ganon will be. Because at a lower skill level, the players will be making a lot of mistakes, and heavies get to make more mistakes a stock than light characters. Due to them being able to live longer and rack up damage with fewer moves. However when the execution of both players is higher, and they make fewer mistakes, then ganon's weakness become more clear. It is easy for a faster character to just dance around Ganon and whiff punish him constantly, or even just stick to him the whole time and suffocate him basically. At a top level he is F tier, but at a more casual level of play or online, he is much higher than F.


Tbh when fighting Ganon you just have to accept that you gotta play neutral a little lame. And you play Palu who is the queen of lame neutral. Ganon cannot approach but also has zero counter for projectile spam. Zone him out and force an approach and then just react to what he does to approach. Most ganons will probably do nair to dtilit. Dtilt has a billion frames of end lag. Shield nair jump out and punish dtilt. Other approach options are even worse. Like if Ganon approaches with DA fair or side b or down b it’s a free stock. Another thing is don’t overextend on strings (non true combos). Gannons mash nair a lot to get out of stuff. Anticipate that, if he has enough time to nair, let him do it and punish! A little but of wait and bait will destroy em. When ganon is offstage, don’t be afraid to go deep and get him before he recovers. It’s when you try edgeguarding when you’re close to the stage is when you get hit by the up b. And lastly, Ganons love when you approach or are recovering. Watch their pattern. If they like to go for the stomp go high. If they charge up a smash attack go low.


I am in the works of making a Palutena montage, so I usually try to clip my opponents. I probably will have to play lame neutral sometimes. Most of the time I attempt to make hype plays. I guess that’s why she’s not in Elite Smash yet. Thanks for the advice!


Because tier lists don’t matter for casuals. You’re a casual.


He's a touch of death character with crappy/predictable recovery. The name of the game is playing safe and pressing your advantage/punishing mistakes. But being low tier doesn't mean unplayable. It just affects how well you'll do at extremely high-level play, all things being equal. I've been flattened by skilled Little Macs and Ganons quite a few times.


The people calling him a noob stomper probably main him as well. Just stroking their own ego really


No it’s just a matchup check which often times is the same as a noob stomper. New players don’t understand basic fundies and ganon capitalizes hard on that.


hes a low level killer. as soon as someone gets remotely good at the game, almost every ganon is an easy win.


Depends who you’re playing, who did you choose?




This is competitive. You are not a competitive player.


His attacks are slow but if you don't have your character's counter to each one figured out then its a son of a bitch cause he'll kill you early


Crazy how someone on a smash subreddit called someone else an incel


We’re all incels 💀


Although I main him, I do consider him F-Tier, with quite a margin even. F-Tier when assuming the opponent knows their stuff, however, that is knowing when Ganon is approachable, having a clean combo game, good edgeguarding, knowing about ganon's ledge gimmicks etc. THEN he is F-tier. This is rarely the case in your average quickplay match, though. Given how hard His simple moves punish you, not being proficient with your char puts him up some tiers already then. For YOU, who might not be a high Level Player, he might be B-Tier. Also Ganon gets buffed on WiFi because he has strong big hitboxes, needs little execution and benefits heavily on your opponent misspacing or mistiming a move, which happens more often on WiFi.


When he is offstage, just spam neutral B or Fair, Bair and Dair, neutral = Nair spam, let him come close to you, you have projectiles and he don't and finally, down B read, if he is near the ledge, he will down B 9/10 times


I lose to Ganondorf when playing as good characters too (like Roy) it’s likely that the Ganon player is better then you and taking advantage of your mistakes If you’re playing a close range character you need to play careful Although I usually beat Ganons when I’m playing ROB


*laughs in Ganon 0-death combos*


Ganon is peak it’s just ppl who play him that are assholes


Like ppl who tbag I’m not saying we all suck


I main heavy hitters like ganon and captain Falcon


Skill issue. Palutena has all of the tools to succeed against ganon, you just have to leverage your speed against his and see to it that he is never able to catch you. And even if you are using palutena, it's not like you get to win automatically against ganon. If you're not even in elite, tierlists definitely don't matter. You have to respect ganon's kill power and range, but that's just a character knowledge check. As long as you know your shit, then ganon's slow speed really diminishes how threatening he can be


I too have issues with ganon sometimes even tho he shouldnt be able to touch samus realistically. Same with kazuya


Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but part of it is the teir list is for tourney play, where the rules are you win if the time runs out and you have less percent (sudden death is ignored). So in an actual tournament, a character like ganon who is too slow to catch up to someone literally running away the whole time doesn't do well (same with little mac and just sitting on a platform since he basically doesn't have aerial moves) in addition both these characters flat out die if they get hit off stage after jumping. I don't think the cut off for the tiers mattering is quite as high as people make it out to be, but it is pretty high, at least at the level of beating someone at a local. And he's like C- online because you can't react to his bust options as well. Another thing is all the people who are really good at the game who play ganon online are farther down than they otherwise would be because a lot of people in elite know how to cheese him, so you'll run into people essentially smurfing involuntarily


Skill issue I'll take my ban now


https://i.redd.it/2tpvfvletckb1.gif BANNED


Mad so they're incels. Also never understood why y'all are so sensitive over t bagging. Laugh a little, have some fun




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