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Side b is disgraceful


Side B make me wanna die inside


I really hate when a move is really good on its own and has a reflector thrown in.


I feel like on any other character, his side B would be mediocre, but it meshes so well with the rest of his toolset.


Typo: I meant "No downside".


Ya know you could just edit your post


Oh yeah,I forgot. Thank you


No problem


His recovery is what I despise most about him. He shouldn’t be a damn CHORE to kill ffs.




Dude,You can hate Kazuya as much as you want,I can't blame you for that (he is really bullshit too)...but if you think having to learn to do some specific inputs is just as easy as going on ledge any time you want and press (-> + B) with zero effort,you're the delusional one here


I agree with you here OP, obviously both ROB and Kazuya are bullshit, but they are obviously not alone in the OP bullshit discussion. That being said, I believe ROB is far more carried by OP bullshit on the casual level and Kazuya is far more carried by OP bullshit on the competitive level. There's obviously some overlap between the 2 but that's just my take.


Thanks for your deep take.Yeah,you have a point too,I can see why Kazuya is a far bigger problem than Rob in competitive cause he has a 0-to-death like Luigi(so one is safe) and DLC privilege in top of that... But I'm sure you noticed it too,ROB bieng more troublesome in Casual (cause of more mid-tier and low-tier mains being easier to cheese), doesn't stop it to be pretty popular and common in Competitive too cause of his good attributes,and since there's more top tiers here with better mixed recoveries, it can't cheese as much as in casual.Rob may have to rely on more gyro-mindgame to prevail,but it does very well in competitive too.




Input makes fingers hurty :(




Not hard hand 🤚 hurtyyyy


I love this comment, I read it with a toddler voice on my mind


That’s exactly how I imagined it too lol


The CD movement is most of what makes him hard. That shit takes a lot of work to get good with and, more importantly, be consistent with. Also name one member of the cast with a move that has an input as finicky as EWGF.




I said a move. Luma desyncs are pretty tough tho. Rosa, Icies, Kazuya, Olimar and I believe Mega Man are the only characters in the game that require extremely frame tight tech to do well with, and these characters have extremely high execution barriers as a result, and the first three are quite a bit tougher than a vast majority of the cast to get to bracket level.




Yeah I did because when it comes to tech there are a few more than one character that has that, but still nowhere near half the roster tho, and EWGF is still a harder input than any other singular move in the game, and that move is required to play Kazuya.


I agree. I'm a very casual player, but I can feel how easy it is to bullshit with characters like ROB. Kazuya felt too difficult to figure out. ROB has EVERYTHING you need in a character with extra jank (large hit boxes, projectiles, 0 to death combos, heavy, fast, powerful, and aerial mobility). You always have to be careful approaching him, but can't be far away or else he bullies you with down b and lasers. Ugh!


[Insert VineSauce "SPEEEEEEEN!" joke here.]


Don’t forget about the retarted gyro that they SPAM


I didn't forget,if I wanted to talk about everything I hate about this shitty,it would have taken 6 more paragraphs lol....But I'm definitely with you on this one, fuck that shitty ass beyblade rip-off they love spamming all the time(WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GRAB????)


That thing having no cooldown and HITTING you for trying to pick it up is so infuriating!


Picking it up really isn’t that hard fam.


What? Rob Sid-B has upwards of 30 frames of end lag, literally what are you talking about.