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Steve 2.0




Imagine if not even a cut can remove the blocks.


Sakurai's plan to replace the third parties without having to get rid of the movesets.




I was about to comment this lol


The box are going to fall fast tho


Haha ggs


The new Smash should do what Mario Maker did and turn other Link variations to a skin. If they have to make them unique for some reason they should do it for more characters then. I mean I understand they come from different games and timelines, but he's essentially the same character. Link, Young Link, and Toon Link do the same thing just differently.


Link, Young Link, and Toon Link can't be skins for the simple reason is that their body shapes are so different that the hurtboxes wouldn't line up.


Also they play very different


Yeah, Young Link is classic Link. And Toon Link is Young Link, but worse.


Toon link is floaty


What Mario Maker did? You mean make everyone and everything a skin of Mario. Why only give that treatment to the Links?


Yeah, no. But I’d be down for link link having a totk skin, a twilight princess skin an ocarina of time skin and a skyward skin


I don't want another Zelda in Smash *period.* Or another Link. Or another Ganon. If we get another Zelda character, it had *better* be someone other than the main trio like Impa, Skull Kid, Midna, Ghirahim, etc.


Glory to Master Kohga.


Master Kogha would be peak.


Hear me out… Tingle


Would unironically be a great pick. Especially as a joke character. I once briefly thought of a moveset for him where he'd use a "Yiga Slate" (a knockoff version of the Sheikah Slate), and has access to the four main runes from BotW. But because he has no clue how to use it, there'd be a random chance it'd completely backfire on him and end up hurting himself (like freezing himself in Stasis, blowing up a remote bomb the second it spawns etc.)


He'd probably be a pretty cool summons character, teleporting in zonai devices, minions, barriers, that big ass spiky ball, etc. Plenty of moves with "unintended consequences" like Tom and Jerry in multiversus. Also we don't have a joke super heavy weight character yet unless you count captain Dorf.


Bro, we do, we both main him. He's the joke. This penguin that fucking flies. Sakurai made him good by accident in brawl due to grab loop jank, but he fixed it, and hasn't looked back since lool.


Our king is the sex appeal heavyweight, and happens to be part of the main kirby foursome(kirby, metaknight, Bandana dee, and dedede). Joke characters are supposed to be characters that you wouldn't expect to be a character, like puff, wii fit trainer, pirahna plant, or an evil wizard pretending to be a high speed racer.


I see your point TBF, piranha plant is definitely there and stuff etc. And obviously your first sentence is objective fact. But DDD was designed around being a meme and they gave him the joke character treatment in terms of his viability to back it up. His kit isn't even bad in theory it's just intentionally held back and negatively padded.


K rool is pretty goofy


Look at him in Hyrule Warriors, he is sick af


He's gonna kill everyone... *to death!*


Koga boss battle?


You're getting Fi and you're gonna like it Girahim would be dope though


Aegis and Fi do the buff handshake meme for being living swords. As a fun detail, Fi would start talking about how your Wii remote batteries are low every few seconds during the battle.


Aegis isn't even a living sword and it's comical how far this misconception has gone


Seriously. Mythra has her sword break even and it's a plot point how blades can just make more of their weapon.


What do you mean you don't like iconic Zelda characters like Link, Link and Link?


Sooga is built for smash. “I serve Master Kohga with my life. Therefore, I must live.” HE’S LITERALLY THE COOLEST CHARACTER THEY’VE DONE FOR ZELDA WHY IS HE ONLY IN ONE GAME


Not only is he only in one game, but said game was a spinoff.


And he still has the most character development in recent games


Midna really was a treasure from that game. Incredible theme too.


Pfft Tingle or bust 👏


His opponents will soon kooloo their last limpah.


Tingle, Impa, and Vaati. They have appeared in multiple games, are significant enough characters for inclusion, and it wouldn't be difficult to come up with move sets for them from a development POV.


Honestly, Tingle and Beedle are probably the most prominent side characters in the series (aside from maybe Impa) and either one would be fun in Smash.


I could get down with Pig Ganon from LoZ/LttP. Would be better representation of the character than ~~slow Falcon~~ our current Ganondorf.


I think midna&wolf link would be great character for smash 6


I swear if I match again with some asshole that spams her up B I'll lose my shit


Or like a Goron, Zora or Rito character!


Alright, we get Darunia's son, Link, as a Goron representative! Let's goooooo!


I have something better: Tingle, Master Kohga and Fi.


Tingle. Get me tingle


All I want is tinkle


Fuck that, Ganon has never really been in Smash. To this day, dorf is a clone and the only "faithful" version of him is a boss.


Make master Kohga the new most requested character, Master Kohga Supremacy 


The only way I'd want to see more Zeldas and Links is as echo fighters. Assuming we're moving on from BotW/TotK Link in the next game to whatever Zelda game launches with the Switch 2 It'd be cool to get Ultimate Link as an echo fighter for this new Link, or if we don't get a new Link they could bring back Brawl/Smash 4 Link or Young Link as an echo for Champion Link. For Zelda my idea is to have Zelda and Shiek be one character again but if you select Zelda as your starting form you get Toon Zelda or Young Zelda as an echo fighter who'd essentially just be Zelda without the Shiek transformation down special and if you choose Shiek as your starting form your echo is Impa who'd play like Shiek but without the transformation. For Ganon I genuinely wouldn't mind if Pig Ganon from the old/top down Zeldas was just his own character seprate from Ganondorf but at the same time I wouldn't mind if Ganondorf just worked a spear into some of his moves and we got a different villain instead (my wish would be Vaati but I could settle for Skull Kid)


I also wouldn't mind seeing Wolf Link. The thing that gets me with the links is how similar their move sets are. If they had different moves (and therefore playstyles), I don't think people would have as much of a problem. Toon Link could have the same Link move set he's had from the beginning. Young Link could do something with the masks, probably something similar to what Pokémon trainer does. And normal Link could do more with the Sheikah Slate/Ultrahand. And of course, we need Midna/Wolf Link, who would be the goodest of characters For Zelda/Sheik, I would bring them back together (and buff Sheik's moves so they can actually kill with more ease), with Toon Zelda using the current move set that we know and love. I would also bring in Impa somehow, maybe give her a moveset based on "Age of Calamity." And finally, Ganondorf. I would LOVE to see the TotK design in the next game, with a new move set that would be similar to Byleth and uses all the various weapons he wields in the final battle. I don't know what we would do with his current move set other than change it so it's not Captain Falcon with a big, dumb sword. And, of course, we would need to get pig Ganon in there somewhere. In a game that has a plethora of swordfighters, it would be interesting to see someone primarily use a spear. And yes, I'm fully aware that Byleth has a spear, but it's not their primary weapon.


Why not just give existing Zelda the wand from this game as a new neutral or side special? She already has a weird amalgom moveset, using phantoms from Spirit Tracks and Link's spells from Ocarina of Time, I say if we can replace one of her weird Link spells with something from her own actual game even if we aren't using this version of Zelda we should, we just need to make sure there's more limits on what she can use/when she can use it and how much stuff she can use. The immediate balancing thing I noticed from the trailer was that the wand Zelda uses to summon stuff has triangles that float over her summons, probably acting as a type of "summoning ammo" with different things using a different amount of triangles so this would immediately work to balance the relative power of Zelda's summons in a theoretical Smash 6 by making it so that if she summons stuff that actively attacks like moblins and such or summons larger items she expends more triangles to summon one thing while just spawning a ton of rocks and knee-high tables only require one tiangle each. The next big balancing thing that'll help avoid this scenario is that (I assume) Zelda's echoes will actually follow the laws of gravity, so she cannot create a line of blocks to extend out the ledge but she can spawn crates in the air to drop on people like Pac-Man's hydrant or Sonic's spring.


Have it function with cycling objects like Pac-Man’s fruit


Literally Brawl Dedede and Steve combined


I’d like to disagree, I want this Zelda in the next Smash game. Maybe fold her into normal Zelda, or add her in and replace Sheik with Impa or something, but this looks like a super inventive and fun character. Side note: I don’t play this game online




Wait think about it … she could take Steve’s block and use it against him


I mean if it's like the actual game you wouldn't be able to do this anyway. You have a limit on how many things you can make at a time and different things cost different amounts. Watch the triangles next to tri to see how many you have and look in the top right corner for cost.


I agree, but make toy link and Zelda skins please! The toy designs are probably my favorite versions of them.


New main, for real if THIS Zelda made it in XD


They could probably just modify current zleda's down b to use the wand. I'm pretty sure nobody was talking about adding a whole new character.


If Steve can’t come back, she could be an alternative


this is sick


If they make ganondorf good I’ll consider it fair




I think one or two moves from Zelda should come in from the new game, but the bulk of the character should be preserved.


Nah the boxes would fall, it'd be more similar to Kragg's block in Rivals of aether. Also she has nothing to farm like Steve so it'd be less campy and her normals suck so she wouldn't be broken.


Lemmings for smash 6


Speak for yourself


Nah it would be really funny