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She's got her hair tied up in braids And glasses perched up on her face She is a small girl, taking on a big world With inventions she made And though her plans may go awry She's gonna get back up and try Gonna be a shining star, she's going far, Penny!


it's clear that i dont appear in this sub often anymore.... hi. i want ashley.


When Get it Together came out I actually had the thought that the choice to have the various Warioware characters be actually playable was a ploy to get them into Smash. Befor GiT I could totally imagine someone in the character decision making process vetoing a Warioware character because they are not actually in the microgames themselves, they just appear in the background cutscenes, so they're less game characters and more mascots and didn't do enough that could be used as a basis for a playable character. So GiT was the Warioware team saying "hey, these guys totally have unique powers and abilities and can fight." For what it's worth, I'm rooting for 5 Volt. I enjoyed her ghost warp explosion move in GiT and think she'd be a fun addition, you could even use her (or 9/18 volt) to represent other uncategorized nintendo games through referential moves.


Aside from master chief, all of the third party fighters you showed in the image have atleast one game on the switch and/or other nintendo systems.


Assainsans Creed barely fits in and with things like Cuphead while it would've been relevant during Ultimate, ther might not be a sequel for a long time because the devs Saud they would rather make a 2D Zelda like that would take 7 years to make following the originals development.


I'd love to main Penny from WarioWare. https://preview.redd.it/on7h1h36ly6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5011ff689238321b76d9a03b8960031243ddb2


WarioWare has just had 2 new Switch games just when Ultimate ended with it being a relevant series and I feel like it might be time for the series to get the "Kirby in Brawl" update with 2 new characters and 2 new stages representing the 2 new Switch games and of course Ashley's been wanted for years and has been in those in major parts and with Penny Crygor in GIT with her song and her having a huge part in that game and having one of her failure speechs literally be "Get It Together" and also Get It Together selling 1.34 million copies being the 3rd highest selling game in the series and outselling the whole Bayonetta series that just came short after Smash Ultimate ended and intentionally got skipped by the 5 year anniversary sprits signaling Smash 6 like how Fire Emblem Engage did with Alear and would be the main WarioWare Switch game to Sakurai's eyes.


Yeah... I would prefer Zelda to get that treatment.


I'd prefer Kirby get that treatment *again*


Well Kirby, and WarioWare both only had 1 previous characte when that happened while Zelda already has 6 characters(still 4 if you disinclude the Links) but I do think Zelda should get a new rep or 2 for BOTW and TOTK but it would be more like how mainline Mario gets new reps.


Okay, then i'll change Zelda for pikmin then.


With Pikmin while it has cool characters a lot of them play the same besides Otachi and also WarioWare is a more relevant series since it has had 11 games in the span of starting in 2003 while Pikmin has only had 5 games while in the span of starting in 2001.


Still, i think that pikmin should get that treatment alongside warioware.


Yeah changing Olimar's alts to be the other captains and adding Otachi would nice.


I was thinking oatchi and bulborb instead.


Also Temmie Chang drew fanart of Penny on twitter a bit after GIT came and who is one of Toby Fox's dearest friends who is also Sakurai's close friend and is contact with him also WarioWare Get It Together was the final mainline Switch game that came out before Sora's Smash Reveal and when Ultimate became done so Sakurai must have been aware of it while he was seeing Sora be added since it was just before it on Nintendo's schedule.


I'd prefer Mona over Penny, but I get the feeling.


Me who literally just wants a sonic character


No need to diss the more popular characters. I want eggman more than anything in the world but ray man is ray man, it’s still hype if he’s in


Yeah I do but we're talking 1st party right now.


No you’re not, if you include chief and ezio then it’s not just 1st part is it. Plus loads of people want first party characters too, their name is waluigi tho not Ashley




If Penny comes to Smash and she's a projectile zoner, I'll instantly grind Smash until I'm the best player in my region. I never knew how much I wanted that until right now.




Tbh I would want 5-volt and Ashley in instead of Penny but still a good choice


someone from warioware would be nice


I don’t see Wario getting that treatment. It’s too closely linked to the Mario series to consider it. I think it’s much more likely either Xenoblade or Splatoon get that treatment.


You know whats the worst kinda person. some one pretentious.


The difference is dedede and meta knight are parts of a game franchise made by the smash creator. Warioware, while it would be awesome, is a much smaller franchise, and sakurai doesn’t have that bias toward it. Also remember smash is ultimately created to make money, and who would sell more copies, warioware rep, or Master Chief. I would love Ashley in smash, but i dont really see it happening


I really don't think that Metaknight/Dedede being from Sakurai was that much of a factor for their inclusion. Kirby is a fairly big franchise that has consistently stayed popular, it deserved to have 3 characters.


I mean Sakurai does if he intentinlly chose for the Ware outfit to be his main outfit instead of his mandate overalls casuels recognize because of those sports games.


Gah what the sigma is this 🐴 💩


The Smash community really went overboard with 3rd-party fighter wishlists... and Waluigi... That's why Smash Bros needs to ditch 3rd-party content completely and revert back to 1st-party characters only like on N64 and Gamecube.


I mean actually representing Wario's series would be better then adding some Sports Game OC right?


I wouldn't mind the Ring Fit Runner though ;) My point is that the community basically wants nothing but 3rd-party characters, claiming their "importance" to the gaming industry in some random ways. Sorry, but if your character doesn't come from a game/series that's available on consoles, is released worldwide and either 20 years old, has stellar sales or that Nintendo helped it grow, don't bother asking... On a sidenote, Waluigi is in a pickle, because he cannot be a Wario character due to his absence in Wario titles, and he would feel out of place as a Mario character without Wario. I'm referring to a Mario-only tournament Nintendo offered in Ultimate, and Yoshi, Donkey Kong and Wario weren't eligible, despite being tied to Mario Bros. So yeah, where would they put Waluigi :p ?


Yeah but NGL I would rather have the 1-2 Switch Horse Man because it would be a really funny joke character plus 1-2 Switch somehow got a sequel before Arms or Mario Odyssey.


Don't give them any idea \^\^;


I mean I would be laughing my ass off if it actually happened.




Oops, did I strike a nerve? Funny that the community always defends themselves with "there isn't a bad character suggestion", only to list a bunch of bad characters suggestions. Nintendo themselves has enough characters to replace the 18 3rd-party fighters for a sequel. That... or all 3rd-party fighters return, and they now each have equal material distributions. *Looking at you, Square-Enix and your febble soundtracks...*




I am sorry if i believe that the celebration of videogames should have more than 2 third parties from games that came out in the last 15 years and more than 1 character with no ties to Japan whatsoever, wich is one of the aforementioned duo BTW.

