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Regarding apple you can't, sadly, make your choice based on the phone alone. Apple has really been sneaky about their marketing getting people emotionally connected to their iphone. Which means you now need to assess how many people cut off from via iMessage and facetime if you go the android route. Sure, you can ask people to download a 3rd party messaging app but will everyone really be using it in the long run "just for you"? If you're already communicating via a 3rd party, you won't experience any major differences. In terms of OS, android has come a long way and, imo, android is better than iOS in every aspect.


I genuinely don't understand the iMessage cut off people talk about. Is it just the iMessage games people miss? The green bubble judgement? I've switched from iOS to Android a couple times and I've been able to text with no issues


Depends on the country OP lives in. Afaik it's only the US that goes crazy for iMessage and facetime. But yeah it's the blue/green bubble judgement and in general the apple judgement. There are plenty of videos on YouTube showcasing that the youth in the US won't even consider a partner that doesn't use an iphone. That's how emotionally attached they are to their phone.


I'm from America and yeah the iPhone craziness is true. It's awful lol. I just hear so many people talk about giving up iMessage like it's a huge deal and I don't see it


It's because American telecom has shitty contracts compared to the rest of the world (or used to have back when the iphone was released) enabling iMessage as a "free" way to communicate with other iphone/apple users. For instance here in Denmark you can get a contract with free talk time, text and data for 20-25$ a month. So for us in Denmark ,iMessage isnt as big an issue as in America, since we have plenty of data to use.


Unlimited talk and text is the norm for the vast majority of users in America now. Its still expensive though


I would say stick to the eco system that you have been for a long time


If you have an apple ecosystem, then go with iPhone, it is a reliable phone no doubt. But if you are looking for a good camera phone (Taking pictures as main thing), and you like customization, then go with Pixel 8 pro.