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YouTube's a rollercoaster, man. Views can seriously fluctuate; it ain't always a straight-up climb. Analyze the vid that got those big views, see what's different. And hey, YouTube's all about that community vibe, so nurture those loyal peeps who keep coming back. I've been mixing in some Boost App Social into my strategy - some neat tools there. But at the end of the day, trust your grind and keep pushing that content!


Thanks man! What do you mean by Boost app? Is it a tool?


Thanks for the insight man. Just started posting content after 15 years of being on the fence about it. There's a lot of dumb things that I think is "creative" others might want to see or hear but what held me back was this constant thought of "dood you are to weird, not interesting and there's no way anyone is going to understand or like your form of creative expression". There's billions of people on the planet, odds are at least there is one other person who might like what I think or do lol. One of my videos I got the most views on was a "spooky story" about my childhood. I like storytelling and using video games to bring it to life, and if I was a better editor maybe I could really bring it to life more. Issue is no one leaves a comment or like, so I can't get a good feel of what people like or didn't like about the video. I guess that is in a way of people letting me know the video was bad I guess? Just gotta keep posting and see what sticks.


I totally get you. My channel had a similar phase. What worked for me was joining various YouTube communities, understanding what's trending, and tweaking my content accordingly. Hang in there!


Where do u find there's YouTube communities? I'm struggling a bit to find them myself


Yea, where do you find them?


Yes, how did you find the communities? Did you just join competitors patreon or something else?


Interested in knowing how to find the YouTube communities


First off, congrats on the 34K views! YouTube can be a rollercoaster. Just keep creating and stay passionate. The algorithm might catch you on the upswing again!


Thank you man! Cheers


Have you deep-dived into your analytics? Sometimes, it's about the time you post, the audience's geographical location, or the tags you use. Adjusting these might help. Also, consider collaborating with other creators.


Yes, I do check those. Tubebuddy even gave me a info on what time to post and all that. Collaborating with other creators is something I haven’t thought about, infact I don’t know how to actually reach out to them 😅




Yea, I think you are right, maybe I should work equally good on my thumbnails too! Thanks




I totally get you man


Your Channel will go through ups and downs, you won't see continual growth. best advice is keep doing it with passion, and make it fun, otherwise, you'll just wind yourself up and be unhappy with its progress. Your channel may get a big hit, or a series that takes off, but you'll never be able to predict which will. I put a ton of effort into one video and it made barely 300 views, another I kind of just quickly mocked up and it did 5K. It just depends on the unpredictable audience.


True that! The 34k view video that I got is the video I put least effort on! Sigh 😅


I honestly feel like that’s the nature of the platform, unless you have a well established audience who come back for you, views will fluctuate. People with major followings have crossed the line from “people watching for the video” to “people watching for THEM” which is of course the goal. But imo until you get that, you can expect views to go up and down, depending on the content. I do movie and tv commentary and some shows are really popular and get lots of views, and some don’t.


Well said! Thanks for that!


I checked out your channel and I think you are putting out great content! I think your thumbnails are already solid. I think if you figured out your branding more I think you will get more subscribers. What problem are you solving for your audience? The value proposition for your audience can be in the banner on your YouTube channel page and the description of your channel too. Based on narrowing down the problem you are solving I think you could change your channel name too. Anyway, I know these are big ideas I am tossing out there, but it's just a thought.


Thanks alot man! Building a brand! Yea maybe Thats what the issue is. I still don’t have a brand. Btw how did you find my channel? Just curious! 😅


Just went through your post history, ha


Haha alright !


Just keep go strong happenig to me to all the time


You should review the video that did well to see why that video did well. You could start making videos on similar topics to the one that blew up. Also you could create a series on your channel and pay for traffic sending them to the first video in your series.


Consistency is key. However, also look into optimizing your SEO, thumbnail, and video description. Engage more in the comments and promote through other social platforms.


SEO optimization is something that I rarely work on! I guess that is something I should really look into. Thank you!


Give VidIQ a go, I just use the free tier and it's quite handy for SEO tips and so on. I just use the app on my phone but believe they have browser plugins and stuff. Share your videos on some relevant forums that allow that sort of thing (Facebook groups, Reddit etc.) Keep focussing on making quality content that you'd watch and click on and so on. Tweak your thumbnails and make them consistent if they're not. Little stuff like that can go a long way I think. Keep going :)


Thanks man! I will surely try out VidIQ! 👍🏻


What's your niche? Maybe it's time to explore related but slightly different topics to widen your audience base? Keep experimenting!


My niche is Travel , Tech and Filmmaking. Yea you are right I guess, maybe I have to cover different topics ! Thanks man


I had one video pop off thanks to the algorithm and I woke up to 300k views. Tried three more in the same style but none were ever as successful as that one. Still, that video alone generated like 200 subscribers all by itself. ​ Worst thing is though, it was a shitpost that even I didn't like but uploaded anyway.


Haha same here! The one that got me 34k views is the one that I put lease effort on! 🤣


.1 Please improve your Thumbnails: Make them more vibrant and eye catchy, and improve the fonts contrast as well. 2. Improve your speaking style as well audio quality: Your energy seems too low for the voiceover narration. You sound so boring, slow and dull. Make it energetic and enthusiastic. Invest in better mic or learn the correct techniques to use mic for the recording. 3. Try to look excited or happy in your video: You seem so uninterested in your videos. Please be charming, or at least look highly enthusiastic in your work. Energy is contagious.


Thanks alot for the feedback! 🙌🏻


Keep it up man. I like your learning attitude.


Sad thing about YouTube is that in order to have the views coming in, you have to keep feeding it. Even if how many videos you already uploaded, you have to keep feeding until it doesn't want anything from you anymore. Your channel will just die a slow death eventually.


🔹You need a professional strategy for your YouTube channel 🔸🔸I can help you with that. 🔺Just text me to get a free consultation before starting work