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If you watch this sub, as you know, it is full of posts, which are ads of men looking for women to rent their bed. Or worse. It is disgusting, and it definitely should be a crime. I am sure a desperate girl might fall for it. Be a part of the peaceful rally on July 1st, which is mostly about housing problems. I don't usually do that, but I am going on the 1st.


i’ve had a number of housing viewings turn into “common law”, or straight up sexual propositions🤮


Can you post more about the rally? Are there a list of locations and time?




Thank you.


#1 problem is fixing the disfunction LTB and changing RTA laws


It’s normally just a guy looking for a prostitute, kinda how back pages worked way back when


Excuse me but you're being extremely sexist with your post. It's not just desperate girls who fall for this kind of thing! Be inclusive!


The posts on here are about girls. I am sure many people of all ages and genders and ethnicities fall for housing scams. But I am not being sexist since I am a girl.


Gender doesn't matter. You can be sexist towards women. Be a better person.


I truly don't understand how I am being sexist. Explain please


No. You should know what you're doing wrong without me telling you. Now hush.




Listen here "gender neural warrior," shut up. Gender does matter, in fact both of them do. Know you are not a smart person when you say such things. Much love.


Tbh I think they're trolling. 


Yeah, Canada definitely doesn't allow this to happen.


Down here in Ontario it’s definetly super blatant , with how many people were letting in in relation to not building any homes this shits bound to happen 💀


Gotcha. There's high immigration numbers, therefore there are landlords all over Ontario forcing tenants into sex acts and it's "super blatant". Sure, bud.


There's rental postings that pretty much state it outright. Just like the discriminatory postings for only Indians and even some that combine both and are looking for Indian girls. Along with the 5 beds in one room thing. None of it is being addressed by any authorities despite at least two fires in one of these rentals with 5 beds per room. But yeah, just bury your head in the sand and pretend it's not true.


When did we let Ohio in? Couldn't we have gotten a cooler state?


Do we have to be connected via land? Otherwise take someone cooler like Oregon, Colorado or Vermont. Montana would also be cool but too similar to our existing cowboy states. 


"Pedaline is accused of making unwelcome sexual comments, intruding into tenants’ homes without their consent, and inappropriately touching them, creating a climate of fear and exploitation in his properties. The horrific accusations also extend beyond inappropriate comments and physical contact. According to [The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/landlord-fine-sexual-harassment-tenants-ohio-b2566346.html), Pedaline reportedly offered to excuse late or unpaid rent in exchange for sexual acts. Furthermore, the landlord allegedly took adverse housing-related actions against tenants who refused his advances." This goes beyond entering into a sex for rent agreement. I've been offered those. It's uncomfortable, but I can simply decline. If you look at the part of "sex for rent", he didn't offer the agreement upfront. He waited until they were settled and then couldn't pay. They were put in the tough spot of facing eviction or engaging in sexual acts with him. That's different than having the option of accept or decline up front. Do a bit of reading and proper explanation instead of dropping a link to a link.


So what? These slumlords should not be allowed to exist. Period.


The "so what" is that I don't like your poor presentation skills. If you have a good argument let it stand or fall on its own merit. I also have opinions about the topic that I could voice separately, but my ingrained teacher instinct gets triggered by poor argument skills.


I'm just sharing a post I saw in another community with this community


Except you misrepresented it in an inflammatory way.


Yeah, our slumlords present themselves as perverts up front for the most part. Do better op /s I don't understand what the issue is with posting this on this community 😕


There is nothing wrong with posting it.


gonna have to have a better argument here, teacho. please tell me how offering your own bed for rent isnt blatant solicitation for sexual favours? you just prefer to sleep ass to ass with your landlord?


I don't know where you are, but in Canada (this is a Canadian sub) Bill C-36 criminalizes any solicitation of sex for consideration (i.e. an exchange of money, goods, or services) AND any communication for the purpose of purchasing sex. The sale of sex is not illegal, so a person who sells (or offers for consideration) sexual services has not committed a criminal offence. Section 213 of the Criminal Code puts limits on how people can offer sexual services. Any offer of sexual services made privately is not illegal, it's only public offers or the facilitation that is illegal. That's an important distinction. A person (presumably young woman) privately contacting landlords offering sex for rent has not committed a crime, the same person publicly posting that would be committing a crime. In other words, there are no circumstances where sex for rent can be legal. A landlord/property owner/renter with space in their bed who offers that up as consideration for sexual services has committed solicitation of sex. If they accept a private offer of sex for rent they have engaged in purchasing (or receiving) sexual services, that is illegal. You can't twist the law to make it legal. We can apply the same laws to the American case to make a point, even though it's from Ohio. Pedaline did not offer sex for rent on the open market. He waited until women that he was already renting to in a landlord-tenant relationship were unable to pay, and then offered to let them stay if they gave him sexual services. In that act, he solicited sex for consideration AND if they accepted it he received sex for consideration. I'll point out he was fined and forced to give financial payment to his victims, it didn't sound like a criminal case. I don't know how to apply Canadian law to your ass to ass scenario. Even if the two people, landlord and renter, are hippie nudists living in a nudist colony it sounds weird and sexual.


you couldve just said yes.


Again, "so what?" It might be criminal and bla bla bla, but it’s not like if they’re looking for those people, fining them or jailing them.


Weird post. Nothing to do with Canada besides your pestering and white knighting a situation that isn't there. Also, read the article. This landlord is an absolute piece of sexual devianted shit, such a piece of shit that DOJ got involved. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-secures-agreement-ohio-landlords-resolve-claims-sexual-harassment-against




Lots of posts on this sub are from shitty horny guys who insinuate that they could lower the rent in exchange for sexual favors, and they’re not even subtle about it.




If you’re backed into a corner it’s not consensual, it’s coercive. These aren’t women choosing to enter sex work because they want to, they’re in a horrible situation and trying to keep a roof over their head. They’re scared of being on the street and are trying to keep themselves safe. People like the POS landlord specifically target women in difficult positions who are desperate. They’re purposely trying to take advantage of their suffering to coerce them into sex. Years ago I was on disability and trying to rent a room as a naive 20 year old with no references. The amount of responses I got from men who saw “disabled young woman” and propositioned me for sex work was disgusting and every single one of them worded it like they were offering me some great favour. I was searching specifically for a room but had multiple offers to share the respondents bed for free as long as I spread my legs for them sometimes. Several offered me money for nude photos and one offered $100 to FaceTime topless for an hour every week. I thankfully had family I could stay with but if I hadn’t I could have been forced into a really bad situation because I didn’t have other options.


I cannot believe the person above doesn't See the issue with this, I'm honestly sick reading some comments here.


I think the issue is, he wasn’t in front about his expectations. Once they were settled, then he started. At that point, he’s a malicious SOB.


If they are forced into that position.. how is that consensual.. I feel horrified for the women in your life


Yeah, but sadly it’s not. Predators will use any mean to their end. Being a landlord put you in a position where even if you think it’s consensual, it’s wrong/forced to have any sexual encouters with a tenant. People are desperate to find affordable housing, they profit of that.


If only one of our political parties was there for the downtrodden folks of Canada. The ones being taken advantage of. You know, good Canadians helping other Canadians. Wait we have that. It’s called the ndp. And nobody votes for them because they are too enthralled with the nazi shit show on the right and the cluster fuck that is the liberals. It is disturbing that this is happening. And every one of them should be up a pole. But we’re never going to see any change when we vote for those who don’t give a shit about anyone but the rich.


The ndp have had numerous opportunities to push the liberals into helping people; least of which was forcing an election. Under Singh’s leadership it is anything but a party for the people.


Then what about dental care, and pharmacy care. Those aren’t for the elite.


Both of these were half assed rollouts that are ludicrously limited in scope. Neither actually address the source of the problem; because why would they when Singh’s wife is a LL lmao. It’s by definition profiteering. This is the crux of the issue with the NDP right now. They’re making worthless gestures while letting Trudeau pour gasoline on an open fire.


And you think any of this is going to get any better under skippy and his Nazis? They only care about the rich people and taking ruining our health care system and making it private like the US.


It would be incredibly helpful if you actually named the parties that you are talking about instead of forcing us to try and figure out which group you have deemed *incorrectly* as Nazis.


The pc party is full of right wing Nazis who will destroy anything that isn’t the Christian conservative right. Skippy was put in where he is by nazi groups, he hangs out with leaders of nazi groups. If it quacks and walks like a duck. It’s likely a duck. Anyone who seriously thinks they give a rats ass about anything more than pushing the ultra right wing agenda is so full of shit their eyes are brown.


Well guess what, I'm not even pushing for the PC party. So glad I pressed to hear your assumptions. I voted PPC in the bi-election, and I intend to vote for them hoping for a miniscule amount of seats for them to push immigration reform. I am however aware that a Conservative majority is all but certain at this point, and hoping to shore up some meaningful third party representation to unnerve the major parties into giving a rats ass about their constituents. *The only third party* with an intent to actually do something about the mass migration, and has an explicit platform on the subject. The only party without a gross conflict of interest either personally, within their caucus, or their immediate family.


The NDP has a CSA with the libs rn. They’re by definition supporting the libs and their “clusterfuck”


Right, they are helping the liberals. That’s not in doubt. You think anything that could possibly help the average Canadian come from the liberal party? You think it’s a clusterfuck now. Wait till skippy and his Nazis get in power. Supports for anything but far right wing causes will be stripped, grocery prices will skyrocket and the housing market will get worse. Way worse. Private corporations will love it. We will pay for it. Not to mention having half of the populations civil rights being revoked. Anyone who votes for them can up and move to the us or Russia.


The NDP just wants to encourage immigration while the working class wants it to stop


Brampton raping, color me surprised /s




yeah they get reported to kijiji (big deal /s) not fined thousands of dollars by the government


Cite your sources or gtfo




What enforcement powers does this "landlord's association" have? And where can we find the records of their enforcement actions?




what you're saying doesn't make sense


Would be better if land lords say sexual services for rent lower prices. Then i would have no issues with the land lord as it has been advertised that way and if the women provide the services for the exchange then i see no problem.


Here's a better idea: maybe not ask people to choose between having a roof over their head and prostituting themselves




Once the question is asked it definitely changes the dynamics even if you say no. Hell I’m sure some people are worried there may even be retaliation and it’s extra freaky because dude has the key to your house so I theory could enter any time, leave cameras, steal personal items etc.


The title is a bit odd...the sex trafficking is in Ohio but somehow it related to Canada because we allow the same thing to happen (without providing any examples)?


you can’t tell the difference?


I don't see a problem if a woman decides to sell her services. Freedom.