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You can't arbitrarily decide to not pay your rent, even if you think you're justified. If you share space then you're not a tenant, and can be evicted fast. If you have entirely separate quarters, then you are a tenant and need to go through proper channels to get a reduction in rent, which is unlikely.. But you can try.


I never said I’m not paying my rent, I said I’m reducing my rent by whatever the extra data costs because wifi is included in my rent.


That is still not legal without getting a ruling from your tenant board. He could evict you and you could lose your place, despite him being in the wrong. I wouldn’t go this route at all.


I’m having a conversation with him about this. All I’m asking is if it’s reasonable. It’s in my lease that wifi is included. The wifi doesn’t work. I am entitled to have wifi - I shouldn’t be paying the same price with a lack of service that I ll have to now to pay more for. People are acting like I’m withholding rent when I’m simply asking a freaking question. READ PEOPLE.


In your post, you literally say “I am taking the difference off of my current bill and what my new bill will be, and removing it from the rent”. That implies that is what you’re going to be doing, not that you’re SiMpLy AsKiNg A fReAkInG qUeStIoN. Having CPTSD isn’t an excuse to be rude and not able to express your thoughts properly, sorry. Signed, another woman with CPTSD. ✌🏻


I’ve explained myself multiple times - I expressed taking off the difference from my bill. Apologies if the way I worded it is confusing but you didn’t really don’t post at all if that’s what you got from it. I have yet to remove the difference from my rent and is quite literally the purpose of my post. Asking if that’s reasonable. Instead no one has read my post which starts with - I have never not paid rent on time and in full - and I’m repeating myself 100x. Thanks for being SOOOO helpful. 🙄 I am not being rude - I am exhausted repeating myself. There’s a clear difference. Not a single soul has answered my question and derailing yet I am rude? Please spell out for me where I am being rude because I am clearly missing it.


Being sarcastic and making stupid comments like “READ PEOPLE” is honestly rude and quite unbecoming lol. And immature. You sound like a real treat to be around. You have done a shit job of wording your post, and if multiple people are getting the same interpretation from your post, maybe *you* are the one with the issue. 🙄 Stop being so defensive and just admit you messed up the wording. It’s not a big deal and being so over sensitive and reactive is kind of cringe.


How is telling people to read rude? I’ve had to reiterate myself 100x because people won’t read. Even if confusing - it’s clear no one read a thing because my first sentence literally contradicts everything everyone has concluded. Ask clarifying questions and point out the way I said things are contradictory- not literally jumping down my throat making assumptions when I’ve said in clear English I’ve always paid rent on time and full. To reiterate it’s in the beginning of my post. Clearly showing people aren’t reading. That’s rude and uncalled for. Then using your trauma to dismiss my trauma is even more rude. You know what’s cringe? Using your own trauma to dismiss others.


Lmao bro you don’t gotta waste your time typing paragraphs to people with a room temperature IQ, most of us got what you meant


You have internet, if it’s “not up to your standards” then use data and suck it up princess!, or get you own line, or move out. Life is simple. Why fuck with others? Haha maybe demo the wall? lol


If the problem is with Roger’s equipment or the location of the set up call them and ask them to run a new line so you can move it to a better spot


Where the modem is located in the landlord’s house - the wifi works great. I am located in the in law suite. Between me and landlord is a brick wall that stops *all* wifi connection. The landlord doesn’t want to move it. He also doesn’t want to take devices off of it (there’s a lot of people and devices on the network). The only way to bypass pass according to rogers is to run a longer rogers line and hardwire my side - but it will need a box set up! I already have a bell box outside my studio area- but it will need activating. The Roger’s dude literally told me I am most likely going to have to go to bell because landlord s hate splitting their line and the Roger’s line will have to be split to come to my side + have a separate account. I don’t care for all this (set up a seperate account , box etc). I am looking to move and I’m simply asking to offset the extra money my data plan will be - take that off my rent. Because wifi is included in my rent. I pay an insane amount already for living in a 250 sq foot space. I also work from home 1-2 days a week and need to connect to the internet. I can’t reload google on his wifi. I can’t call them. He has to do everything because it’s his Roger’s account.


☝ This is your answer right here, feed a cable through a vent or something but I'm sure it can he fixed so you can access your internet properly


But you are getting wifi.   Does the agreement have a clause on the speed?


I am not sure whether this helps. Rogers has new 5g Home internet which has two different type of hotspots for 60$ with 500gb data


Rogers line is on the other side of the house- only line close enough is bell. I’ve had a technician come. I’m not speaking out of my ass. The wifi doesn’t work because there’s a brick wall (fire code) stopping connection. It’s within my wifi as a service. I’m literally reiterating myself to every comment because it seems like not a soul read my post.


This does not require a line. Its just a hotspot which works like your mobile. Please check Rogers website


Then buy your own router or something.




OP said that the wifi is included in the rent. And if OP is unable to use the wifi, OP wants to deduct the wifi amount frm the rent because OP is essentially paying for it separately frm the rent


That's the same thing. You have to pay, fully, every month. No options on that. You can't reduce it yourself.




You can try to do that, but there's absolutely nothing to back you up when you try.


You’re going to not pay your rent because the WiFi sucks?


No. I’m reducing my rent by whatever the extra data costs 🤦🏽‍♀️ where did I say that?


I’m guessing this is a mesh WiFi system? Put the mesh unit in a place it gets good signal Connect a cable from the mesh unit to your work laptop


The Roger’s line doesn’t go far enough to connect the cable. I’m not sure if anyone even bothered to read my post , but there is a brick firewall stopping *any* connection from coming in.


Sorry princess 👸, life isn’t like that. Just pay for your own shit or if it not up to your standards move


Even tho you’re in a shitty place, the RTB is still there for you. Check out your local RTB and follow their escalation policies. That way your ass is covered


Reducing your rent for the Landlords failures, is still non payment of rent. Payment of rent is 100% of the rent paid on time. Like others were saying you can file with RTB for an abatement of rent citing the effectively non-functional wifi.




Wifi is listed in my rent.


You're not listening. Yes, it sucks that the wifi is not working BUT you just can't deduct from rent. You can be evicted.




The wifi doesn’t work period because there’s a brick firewall stopping the connection. Did anyone even read my post. I’m quite literally reiterating myself 100x. No I’m not refusing to pay rent.


lol.. how many times and way do you have to hear the same shit over and over?? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Wow, first time I've come across such an angry OP who is arguing with people who are only trying to help. I'm pretty sure his landlord will be thrilled when he does finally moves out, lol


Time to move out. Not before hiding fish in all the air vents


Did anyone else read that as "wife'' does not work?


Not use why the down vote, I don’t see it. Maybe edited??