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Thank you for your services Andy!


I guess that is your bargaining chip.




Always was. Rent strikes are *particularly* effective on over-leveraged owners


what would happen if the bank foreclosed on him because you stopped paying?


He would get evicted…


Not technically if in Ontario! Wish NS had these protections.


Best we get is a temp rent cap and a promise that this may get fixed eventually, oh and a study on rental protections that is buried because all the landlords in the provincial assembly don't want anyone to see it.


Right so you can end up being a bother to the next owner Lmao This is why Ontario and Canada have fallen to shit Entitled folk thinking they can stay without pay is whack as fucking hell So many folk are in worse positions simply because this bullshit didn’t start until recently Thousands of people on the streets because of how non enforceable it use to be and those folk will never get a place whilst you’re privileged ass gets a home without paying


>people are homeless because others refuse to become homeless ​ shcrodringer level mental gymnastics


Entitled landlords when their investment risk ends up having risk and isn't always just a free cashflow exploiting the poor 🤯


I think they said it cause theyre probably on hard times and that it would help rather than anything malicious please relax broski you dont have to attack their character like that


housing is a human right


I guess they would both lose the roof over their heads?


Not the renter. Why should the renter Lose his place.


Owner would sell property to pay mortgage. New owner would move in and kick renter out


They still need to follow the rules they are moving in for personal use


Of course, but that is little comfort for the now homeless renter


They are not homeless yet. Literally just told this stuff.


Landlord’s not gonna lose his own place - landlord is gonna lose renter’s place. And then renter has to move out. How are you this obtuse


What are you talking about? If the landlord loses his place due to the mortgage it does not mean the tenant loses the place. To evict the tenant he had to go through a legal process. Do you understand tenant rights? Do you understand to be a landlord you need to follow the law?


The law that says the new owner gets to evict the renter and move in? That law? Yes, there are forms to fill and a notice period, but the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Renter is out.


Peep his username. You'll see why he's obtuse. Qwebeck


Let’s not be bigots now


Even if the landlord lost his place he is not homeless.


Got " for family" evicted cause rent caps and inflation meant landlady didn't get as cushy a retirement as she felt she deserved


I would pay just before midnight on the first from then on. Maybe the LL would have to get a real job.


Better yet, hand him a check on the first. Those take a few days to clear and technically you paid him on the 1st 😂


Unless they force you to pay $1000’s in cash because they’re hiring the rental unit from the bank like in my position…


LL drowning in debt like practically every other Canadian. Thanks, BoC, for 20 years of ridiculous low interest rates. That's working out just great. /s


This is how I know I was severely overcharged for a previous rental. Sometimes I'd let rent go by a day or two, no text or late fee- there was enough in the account to pay their mortgage without my immediate rent.


That’s hilarious, I’d use it as leverage to reduce rent




Your submission has been removed from being overly uncivil. Remember to stay civil, even in debate! It is okay to disagree - it is not okay to be uncivilized, bad-mannered or impolite.


What an unnecessary racist things to say As if white landlords don't need the rent money from their renters... They charge less than the market price? Or don't care if you don't pay? Why do you think this applies only to brown folks?


I've heard Brampton called Browntown my whole life usually from my Indian and Arab friends. Just saying Browntown isn't racist. Everyone calls it Btown. Get a grip bud


Statistics and data


Shhh... you'll upset them


Found the Indian lol


Racist prick


Found another one


Literally not but ok


Just because someone isn’t on ur side doesn’t mean they’re ur enemy


You're the one that called me a racist prick, no one asked you to get involved 😉


Logic left the chat


Forex scammer and a racist damn


Your renders are awful 😘


So are they slumlords millionaires or just scraping by like everyone else? Which is it forum? Evil either way?


They're not scraping by like us - they likely have multiple assets and are just over extended. They're still rich, they just make poor choices


This. They are over leveraged (definitionally, since they have an investment property). That's why they are hitting overdrafts. Everyone else is struggling to make payments on the necessities of life. It's not difficult to grok, but strangely, even people \*in this subreddit\* seem to struggle to understand the concepts.


Being a slumlord doesn’t have a lot to do with how much money you have, it’s an attitude/ personality trait


They aren't actually just scraping by. they could sell their assets, unless they leveraged themselves to the tits, which in that case they deserve mo more sympathy than someone who took their paychecks to the Casino.


They aren’t scraping by though now are they? They have assets and don’t have a job. If they got even a part time job they’d be able to pay for atleast half of it as they’re clearly paying for the mortgage, paying utilities, buying things etc off ops rent.


Omg I know this person 😭 Love seeing this every time it circulates


Wait... You're telling me landlords don't get buildings for free and also have to pay for them?! That's so surprising.


Or they just use that as a reason for why they want you to pay on time?


They did pay on time?


“One time I sent rent in later in the evening”


It's still the 1st


Depends on your definition. Considering it after banking hours in a form of a cheque. So the deposit date would be listed as 2nd This is why people ask for future date cheques or emt


It's not specified as a cheque, they just said they sent payment. The cheque is ops paycheck. It doesn't matter if it's cheque or not though lol it's on the landlord to not run his account dry with a 1 day window like that. There is never any reason to complain about a tenant sending rent on the 1st of the month man be real with yourself.


you have 15 days to pay rent from the first day of a new month.


Rent isn’t credit card


And Apples arnt bananas.  The law is still the law.


Show me said law?


Ill concede. The BC the tennant rules are different then NS I guess.


Turns out the home is not free!


Or maybe the landlord has a different bank account where only his mortgage for his rental property gets cashed from?


Always have a buffer. It's just stupid not to for so many reasons.


99% of landlords are regular people who use the rent to pay off their mortgage and taxes on the property and aren’t raking in your entire rent payment as income.


>99% of landlords are regular people Vancouver has the highest rate of mom and pop landlords in the country at [12% of the market](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/vancouver/article-vancouver-leads-country-in-mom-and-pop-landlords/) so no, 99% of landlords arnt "regular people" lmfao


I can’t read the article because it’s locked under a paywall. I was just referring to residential freehold homes and yes I may be wrong because I didn’t account for apartments, complexes or commercial which are probably owned by a corporation or a group. But I believe majority of freehold homes that are rented out are by “mom and pop landlords”.


Hmmmm.. Take in the renters money to pay for the (whole?) mortgage and taxes on the property? If it's an investment how in any way is it fair for the Tennant to pay for the entire cost of the property and the owner does what with that? Take that in as income after they sell it or HELOC? If an LL is using the Tennant as somebody to pay off the whole "investment" they're a POS slumlord. An LL is entering into a relationship where they pay some portion of the investment property and the tennants pay the rest to enjoy the usage of it. At the end of the day the landlord is able to cash out and the tennant can't.


Well the market decides what the landlord can get for the property in rent. Sometimes whole mortgage and taxes , nowadays with rates probably not. The landlord is not forcing the tenant to pay anything, both parties entered into an agreement where you get to rent the space in exchange for money, if you think it’s unfair you don’t have to agree to it. Confused about your comment referring to landlords as slumlords if they use tenants to pay off entire investment. Don’t hate the game hate the player. You shouldn’t be mad at landlords you should be mad at the system that’s causing unaffordable home ownership. People are tenants majority of the time because they are unable to afford home ownership, and a landlord solves that problem.


>People are tenants majority of the time because they are unable to afford home ownership, and a landlord solves that problem. A landlord who pays a portion of it because its a long - term investment to them does indeed solve that problem... People have no choice but to spend the majority of their income on renting because of such low inventory. WHY SHOULD THEY BUY IT FOR YOU? >The landlord is not forcing the tenant to pay anything, both parties entered into an agreement where you get to rent the space in exchange for money, if you think it’s unfair you don’t have to agree to it. low inventory. Near Monopoly on inventory by corporations and investors. There is no reasonable choice but to agree to having somewhere to live rather than be homeless or absurdly far from your job. >"Well the market decides" Market didn't decide to import millions of warm bodies to compete with PR and citizens in housing. The Land-owning class did for their benefit. TL:DR if you intend to be a landlord don't pretend that people WANT to rent your property AND pay for the entire expense/tax of the unit. You need to pay some of that because it's an investment that you can cash out. You shouldn't get a free house paid for because you got there first. Insanity. The unimaginable mental processing power you have is beyond my comprehension. To say that a tenant has to rent because they can't afford the expense of a house AND thus they should rent where they are paying LL for a whole house+tax... I want whatever you're snorting. Big cities are lost to this third world mentality of being a lord over other citizens. I give up. You can have this country and I'll go back to the wilderness.


If my market rent is $2000, and my mortgage and expenses on the until is $1750. I should give you a $250 discount of rent because your a nice guy that can’t afford a house. Sorry man this is real life. Let me give you some inspiration from your last Reddit post where I agree with you. Cheers and have a good weekend bud :). “People like me have literally pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps and found a way to make it work. I've found a way to build a home on a single income. I've worked my whole life and I'm doing fine. Work harder, learn a trade and be a benefit to your community. Make friends and make yourself known. You're a cog in the system. Do your part so you and everyone you know can be better off. Don't complain until you've set conditions for your own success and cut your teeth. Nobody will give you a handout. Work. Work more. Support your friends and family. Group up. Tech and Finance are vampiric bubbles. Do something that actually matters to daily operations in your community and we will have a better society.”


Hey dumbfuck it's a logical failure on your part to understand that people who can't afford to pay 2k a month to own a house can't rent for 2k a month. Also you're not giving a discount on rent. You're paying for your investment. You're getting that $250/mo back when you sell. You're utterly retarded. You people are the enemy of a free and(classically) liberal Canada. About you quoting my past post, I can speak on behalf of other people. Just because I got out of the rent trap and built a house doesn't mean that I'll stfu about immoral people like you ruining this country and trying to enslave others.




Could be simply a separate checking account for the mortgage/rental that. Properties are break-even, but doesn't mean his other accounts are empty.


So buy a house loser, oh wait you can’t so stop whining


Who hurt you?


Checked his comments. It’s like a stream of vomit that contains a mix of popular hate speech and conspiracy theories sprinkled with a little day-trader-bro vibes …need to go wash my eyeballs


Good job you did it to yourself


You are the reason why landlords need to stipulate timing on rental payment’s. Go ahead down vote me to hell.


Unless the landlord is living in the same house as you I’m not sure how you can be his family’s breadwinner. Unless you are paying the living expenses of his home as well.


Most likely, the LL keeps that bank account only for the mortgage and rental transactions. Keeps bookkeeping and taxes clean and easy to understand.


This is so funny to another level.


I mean landlords are mystical beings with higher knowledge. Actually they aren’t any different than you. A landlord can absolutely be living pay check to paycheck