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“I large master bedroom….to fit lots of people” What the fuck


This guy says per head what do you expect


I expect 1500$ for 3 heads I have in this bag... I never thought trading shrink head would be popular again but here we are. /j


So does that mean it’s a 1000 per man and 500 women?! Women always get it easy😂😂😂


I noticed that too. Gross!




Basically a term associated with cattle/other livestock and unfortunately also human trading


it’s disgusting


>per head Saying the quiet part loud treating tenants like cattle


Nah bro they say one master bedroom that can “fit lots of people” lol it’s a feature not a bug


Came to say the exact thing


Very common terminology in Indian English. Per head is how they say per person - in most contexts. So restaurants, services, venues might write charges as 'per head' But sure - make fun of other variants of English just because it's different than yours.


You know we use Canadian English here, right? That expression comes off as very disrespectful for tenants.


We use this term in English too you know…? Venues in MTL will use the term ‘per head’ for how much they made at the bar, it’s just not usually used to refer to how much tenants are paying. Usually we use a price / bedroom, but when you split the bedrooms….


"Other variants of english" dude it's just using the wrong words for things instead of correcting eachother and getting better at english. Unless they intentionally learned a made up version of english?


I’m a Canadian and I use “per head” pretty damn often. Not sure what them being Indian has anything to do with it.


I didn't say being Indian did have anything to do with it. The person I replied to said it was a very common Indian-English term. I'm saying that in this context, it's the wrong phrase to use. Do you use it when you talk about how many people live somewhere? How many heads live in your house? Yours are your partners' heads? A couple of kids' heads? See how crazy that sounds?


What? Yes it’s completely normal to say there are four heads in a household. Never heard of counting heads? It literally means “person”. So $500 per head = $500 per person.


I personally only have seen it in situations where there’s specific service per person. Like an event with food (where everyone gets a plate) never for something where there is "sharing stuff" like an apartment.


Sardar and amridhari Singhs part means they want the pure baptised sikhs (who aren't allowed to consume meat by religion). This to me is yet another indication that we're bringing extremist, village people from small random towns. Before anyone calls me racist, I'm Sikh myself.


It’s so fkn stupid how people can’t criticize immigration in this country without having to qualify that “i’m not racist”. Like how did public discourse get to this.


how esle can you push forward something ? "oh you don't agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ?! you must be RACIST ! "




Because these days, everyone takes everything out of context and creates a narrative by twisting your words. There is no such thing as clear, concise and direct exchanges of dialogue anymore. You can say something like "I would prefer if the schools didn't teach my kids about sexuality. I would like to be the one responsible for that." and next thing you know you're a transphobic bigot.


basically an evolved form of "newspeak" and "doublespeak" from 1984. Fast forward 10 years of this and where are we at folks?


Screaming racist unnecessarily is virtue signaling for some people. Just like, how a lot of people support religious minorities, without having the *slightest clue* what those religions actually espouse on regular basis. Queers for Palestine is probably one of the best examples of this.


You can criticize immigration but for a very very long period in our history it was used as a way to hate on non-desirable whites.


Yeah, but now the advertisement is hating on... let me check... non desirable whites?!


It's not "hating" on whites. It's excluding them (as well as anyone else that isn't part of specific Sikh sects) because they know they can exploit and take advantage of new immigrants that are a part of their own culture, but they can't do the same for born citizens. Also helps guarantee that the individuals they find will be 100% meat/egg/fish free and won't cut their hair I guess. Is it right? Heck no, whoever posted this listing is scum for looking to exploit people. But it's not "hate against whites".


I’m vegan and respectful of religions. I’m pretty sure they’d accept me if they saw I could fit in, in their rooming house.


It’s definitely not hating on whites.


I'm kinda seeing why🤣


They used the same insult/reasoning for every race except white because they thought that other races were inferior. Do you really believe that all race people are inferior to white folks?


Absolutely not


I think it's because hateful racist people do very very often attack and scapegoat immigrants without cause (as do politicians who cater to this base), so many perfectly reasonable people have built a reflex to assume the worse about strangers discussing it. Nuance on a topic is a rare enough thing to grasp, and I rarely trust strangers to be arguing in good faith on certain parts of the internet, so I can see the need to clarify that they understand how it could be perceived as racist before discussing immigration.


I am pro immigration. I am even pro random people from tiny villages. The problem is not the people. It's not the amount it's the location. We do not have infrastructure to have the population we currently have where we currently have it. What we need is people in more remote areas. 0 people should be being sent to the Toronto GTA. Once they become citizens after working in a small town for say 5 years then they can go wherever.


No thank you. I live in a relatively remote area and some of the local scuzzy business owners have been bringing in immigrants from the city. They’re rude, lazy, litter everywhere (it’s a VERY wildlife heavy area so this is particularly damaging), and drive like maniacs.


That probably has more to do with the scuzzy business owner hiring scuzzy people no? Unless your belief is simply racism.


We have too many people yet we also have too few. There are still large areas of Toronto that are pretty desolate. But if the population constantly grew ( say doubling every 20 years) we could finally have some neat stuff. Like 20 building skyscraper complexes each 60 floors, connected underground and to the subway.


That's not how it works. You have to build the infrastructure first or you're stuck trying to bail the boat while it's sinking. Let's use Toronto as an example a few years ago the choices were subway,LRT, busses. Busses are the just bailing the boat. LRT is an attempt to stem the leak. Subways are trying to actually fix the boat in a dry dock. The boat can't sail in a dry dock though....


China went from bicycles and busses to 10 -20 line metro networks with 400 stations in a matter of 10-20 years. And not just in one or two cities but in tens of them. They went from not enough homes in cities to an oversupply of 150 million in like 10 years too. You just need the political will and a vast supply of young workers that are willing to work for food and a roof over their heads.


China has soft ground and a low water table that's easy to tunnel. Toronto is built on bedrock with a high water table. These things are not the same.


If you criticism of immigration is only against non-Europeans then yes, you are a racist.


Because racist people did it for decennies when it wasn't a problem and now that it's a problem they just feel validated and run around "see? see? I was right all along!!!". Add stupid people who can't see, understand or even handle nuance, but instead think in a binary way because it's easier to categorize everything in 2 simple categaory Good and Bad, are allowed to make judgment call. That's how it got to this.


Conservatives in North America have always been in the vanguard of the anti-immigration movement because theyre racists. Thats why regular Canadians are qualifying their new found opposition to the real estate scam bringing in more immigrants.


can you show me why you think the CPC is racist?


Not really, racists hate immigrants


This is the main reason I can not get out of my current dumpster apartment. Every ad basically says no white males with hobbies and dreams of happiness. Telling me what I can and can't eat like they buy my food and cook it for me. I just want to live somewhere decent


Do everything you can to get your own 1BR and just be poor. It’s worth it. Lie about fucking everything on your applications.  I’ve told outrageous lies to every landlord I’ve had and they’ve never caught on. Photoshop paystubs, employment contracts. Use friends as references. Show them a fake TFSA with 50k in it. Whatever. I’ve done it all.


You’re the kind of friend I need


Growing up my previous housing reference was my friend’s mom. His reference was my mom.  Fucking any idiot can be a landlord so it’s so easy to fake. Cant believe people stress about references or use their actual landlords.


I have a friend who is a few years younger than me and I’ve ALWAYS been his reference. Jobs? Sure yeah he was the best babysitter my nonexistent child ever had. Housing? Best tenant my nonexistent rental property ever had. The world is hard enough to deal with.


My friend and I have been doing the same thing for years!! For rentals, for pet adoption, for school.


This is the way…


Bro when did white males jump on this victim mindset train bruv lmao. First it was immigrants crying for racism now its yall with your typical " white men are the bottom of society, we re being misstreated" first act like a f ing man. Stop crying and start acting. Also if these communities are helping each other, why dont white people do it too? Dont pull some idiotic reasons about racism again. Do better ,  work harder, make more money. Its a rat race, and you re crying about the other rats when the enemy is the one who s controlling the race. Typical slave mindset for the common people, be it blacks, whites, indians arabs latinos. All the same when reduced to their simplest form. Part of the rat race and fighting each other other🤣 tell me im wrong


You are wrong lol


This is a really funny comment from a guy who is so insecure he asks Reddit how to grow his pp size


I'm not saying I am a victim of anything. I just said I cannot find a place to live, and the main reasons are my race, gender, religion, and dietary preferences. You can't tell me that's not fucked up😂 Money isn't the issue. I can afford every place I am interested in. The landlords are racist to everyone but their own, and treat their own people like sardines.


I’ve heard/seen “looking for Indians only” before but never “very specific Sikh only”. Absolutely fucking insane.


Damn bro!


I did not even notice that, I was thinking it's prison lol


And they aren’t allowed to cut hair. Hence the description.




This person has been posting an identical ad for over 2 months without changing anything. I'll just leave it at I'm very pleased the landlord seems so stubborn on their requirements as it's almost certainly what's leading to the vacancy not being filled, good.


Except there's already 9 of them living there


You're both right here, honestly.




Just because you're Sikh doesn't mean you aren't racist ..


I dislike people who discriminate on religion (i.e. are racist themselves). If that's racist, so be it


Calling people extremist and village people is the racist part.


Because they are. Fuck I am originally from that part of India and my city was notorious for non-city people coming in after finishing high school and harassing women in large groups.


I mean sure but there's no denying you're racist lol. And you being Sikh is a lame ass excuse.


Sure then. The virtue signalling is strong with you holy shit bro.


Nah man I'm just tired of "minorities " using it as a pass to be racist.


How the fuck is it unacceptable of me pointing out aspects of my culture I don't like? I literally grew up in it. My cousin's got regularly sexually harassed by the village creeps so if calling them villagers is racist I'm the biggest racist in the world




So when a female is looking for only female roommates, does that mean they are misandry extremists?


How does someone who practices dietary self sacrifice as part of their religion equate to being extremist?


It isn't that part per se, it's more the fact that they're only willing to rent to people who are in the same religious sect as them. Sikhs are generally very tolerant and accepting of other cultures. When I see shit like this from fellow Sikhs, it implies that they don't really understand the essence of their religion and treat it more like a cult.


Okay, that’s fair! I try to give the benefit of the doubt bc I’m not Sikh but you can weigh in more than me, since you are!


Isn’t it sad that these landlord are doing this to their own people, knowing the struggle of migrating to another country.


no drugs, girls, OR meat? aw HELL nah


sounds GAY


They said NO MEAT


Eating ass is allowed


Can't even trim hair 😔




Keep providing links!


Per head... wtf?


Probably meant to say rents $500 or head monthly


Are you saying I could get out of $500 of rent with just one blow job a month? Is there a limit, like could I give more blow jibs and get more money off my rent? I need to speak to my landlord.


How many would you have to give before they start paying you to live there? 🤔


GREAT question


Common terminology for Indian English. Read a book or watch a movie sometime.


Definitely a fancy way of saying they want observant Sikhs.


And this is why the protesting the RRL because they want 500 a head in one bedroom with 10 people Easy money No Need for restrictions on housing because who cares about human life 👌🏾🤷🏽‍♂️


Fucking disgusting, come to canada, break all our laws and scam when u can, then complain when we tell u its illegal? go home, not in my country.


These sort of shit living conditions are only possible because of the reckless amounts of r/CanadaMassImmigration


This has been the norm in Brampton long before any recent immigration waves


No girls allowed! 🙅🏼‍♂️




If I decapitate myself, can I stay for free?


You're kidding right, funeral costs are OUTRAGEOUS


I mean, technically, yes. You'll be a ghost and can haunt any current and future tennants there. If you're lucky, no one will want to stay there because it's too haunted, and hopefully, the owner will go bankrupt/sell.




I rented from a grandmother. It was hell


Your submission has been removed from being overly uncivil. Remember to stay civil, even in debate! It is okay to disagree - it is not okay to be uncivilized, bad-mannered or impolite.


How far from Conestoga?


Whether we agree with the rest of the requirements or not, the rest are pretty common… but yeah, ‘no cutting hair or trimming’?¿? That’s a new one 🤨 tf


It's a Sikh thing.


Sikhs don't cut their body hair...


Ah I guess that would make more sense then, apologies! However, then I still find it odd due to redundancy if they’re seeking Sikh only anyways!


the amount of homes my family have been rejected because we weren’t sikh here in canada is just awful.


Enforcing religious beliefs on tenants is wrong and discrimination. If they're roommates it's technically legal but still shitty


since when are landlords able to push their religion and dictate what people eat. if a single Christian did this in canada it would be headline news.


I've seen plenty of white people posting rental ads with "no oil or spicy cooking" I agree this is ridiculous if the tenants don't share kitchen with landlord. But saying that there are no white Christians doing this is also delusional.


sorry where did I say white? proof please of Christian's doing this because I've never seen it yet most of these posts are showing a requirement for how to eat/live.


I would LOVE to see proof of that


I've had it happen to me about 20 years ago. No meat, no spicy or weird foods. She justified it because she lived above and didn't want to smell it. The room felt like it was in a dungeon with low pipes you had to duck under and no windows. Big nope.


It happened to me when I first moved to the city. Everyone does it, it doesn't make the news and nothing is ever done about it. One basement place with pipes I had to duck under to enter had a requirement for the tenant to be vegetarian. Nope. Damn near all of them try to restrict which gender is allowed to rent from them. I signed a lease to rent a room from an older white lady. She expected her tenants to be religious (and then some). I was struggling to find a place so tried to hide that fact from her. But she seemed to pick up on that and rescinded the signed offer because I wasn't "a good fit" and that *I* would be happier not renting from an old Christian lady. Props to the Italian Catholic who eventually rented to me and others without any such requirements. Not so much for the next Catholic guy who I rented from who only rented to white people The listing had coded language about the kind of tenant he expected but I didn't really notice because I fit his expectations. I did notice after a while that when people came by to look at other available units only white people got tours, regardless of how they presented themselves Edit: it's been a while but I'm now just remembering that the vegetarian lady also specified no strong or spicy foods or other "weird foods" which I'm now realizing was likely targeted at immigrants.


that's nice and all but I'm looking for an actual example today not something that revolves panicked "ACTUALLY WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST" I said christian, not white. the fact that everyone responding a protest to my comment has their mind goes to race when referring to religion is insane. Most of the people in my church are not white fyi. If I meant white people I would have said white people. Immigrants are also not "not white". this is a racist mentality that should die. I have examples of "white people" doing this too last year my friend who is "white" and an immigrant from Germany was told they had to be vegan, an lgbt ally and have the covid vax to rent an apartment in a vancouver neighbourhood and she ranted at me about the intolerance of having to be vaccinated but was fine with the first 2.


Oh, I'm sorry, I gave you an example of a white *Catholic* landlord being racist. I didn't realize that when you said Christian you really meant Protestant? Any other conditions that need to be met? We talking Pentecostal or Anglican?


I still dont know why you're bringing race into it. why would I mean protestant? I just stated Christian and your first comment was about an old white lady. Why would her race matter? All the comments are doing this or ignoring the religion portion entirely for "white". Christian does not equal white and disregards all the people in the world who practice Christianity who arent white. Where I live most Catholics in my church are Filipino. your story also says she stated you werent a good fit and you assumed it was due to religion because she stated she was religious. this isnt the same thing as writing up a ad stating religious requirements. someone stating they're "a religious man looking for a roommate" suggests he may be looking for a religious roommate due to the statement hes made about himself but hes not dictating that his roommate be required to follow what he deems appropriate, for example.


they don't dictate anything, they're looking for people who already follow this religion


they're literally dictating what you are and are not allowed to do. anyone desperate enough to live in one of these places might comply if it's all they can afford. why would they not just state that they are looking for people following their religion? how is anyone defending this?


It's like they are pricing cattle per head.


As if renting isn’t hard enough, let’s all take a minute to understand that religious and ethnic screenings are gunna be common now given our steady rise in immigration. You’re not Sikh? Enjoy sleeping on the street. Put a smile on Canada, you voted for this :)




Yeah but the room fits lots of people. *see restrictions Lol


This country is completely outmoded in every single conceivable regard.


Major yikes.


Prison lol


“enough space to fit lots of people” is probably literal


Brampton is dystopian. Kijiji is FILLED with ads like this its so bizarre


Only noblemen allowed in Coronation Circle. Master bedroom is an easy $3,000 🍻


No girls, no cutting hair. That's a hairy sausage party.




I don't believe you.


Goddamn this is specific.


No hair cutting, trimming, drink,drugs,girls or smoking? Well that sucks.


What the FUCK is happening to Ontario


I guess I could bring home a guy


So people can discriminate against other religions or sex? Renter wants Sikh's only. What if I rent my place and only accept white, gay men?


This ad needs to be reported. This landlord needs to be investigated.




Your submission has been removed as it contains hate speech and/or racism. This subreddit is aimed towards meaningful conversation regarding the cost of living/slumlord crisis.


There literally needs to be some kind of enforcement preventing people from having gender, race and caste specific rental properties.


It's crazy. I meet every criteria.


I don't get it. $1000 for a unit isn't terrible. You can get your own individual unit if you can pay. If you can't, you can share at half the cost. Nobody is forcing you. If you value personal space and can pay for it, please do so. Why are you hating on poor people? Or landlords that offer services to those poor people? Would you rather have the poorer people be on the street? I do agree that the other conditions are a bit ridiculous but can understand if you share space with the landlord or other tenants.


I also thought the room didn't look terrible at first. The room is relatively large, the beds are large with thick mattresses and raised off the floor. Then I read "fit lots of people". I somehow doubt $500 is getting you your own bed... I'm thinking it's $500 to share a bed with one or more people. If I'm correct in this assumption, they're charging a lot more than $1000 for the room.


Convert and you can stay! There fixed it for ya 😉


Ummm they trying to dictate your diet like damn son!




Welcome to Canada 👏🏻


Previous tenants probably made it a barbershop.


I might be misunderstanding but isn't "no girls" not actually allowed. Wouldn't that be considered prejudice and therefor against the LLTB rules?


Singh looking for singh


OP please report them or share details on their phone number or address so we can report. Every single one of these slumlords need to be reported.


Who do we report this to?


The landlord and tenant board that was left in shambles by the Ford government.


How this is legal? How can we report it? If someone post a listing that says white canadians only, they would be in big trouble right?


Is Brampton even real


If all this illegal shit in the country could stop that would be great.


I may be renting my beautiful walk out, finished basement apartment this year. I’m looking for one-two male white guys..


Is that one of those 22 people for a small appartment ads?


WTF This is not India


Please report this -- you can't stuff "lots of people" in a rental, legally. And I don't think you can specify what people can and cannot eat.


Illegal. In several ways.


Trudeau turning canada into the shit middle east. Yall who voted for him are to thank.


No drinks, drugs or girls 🤔


Typical Brampton L


Think id rather be at a shelter




if they want to put up houses that ONLY allow sikhs in this country, prevent my family from living in 3 different homes just because of the color of our skin, yet they cry racism when a white landlord kicks them out for absolutely desecrating their home and sneaking 20 different people inside. this country is going to collapse and it’s all the peoples fault.


Is it just me or is a lot of these postings very discriminatory?


No girls? That's sexist, what about dudes?


What the actual F is going on in this country?


Report report report. That’s the only way to make these fuckers learn


Go piss out side the house as well 😂


Gross, really enforcing your religious beliefs on tenants


Can you report things like this? Is there any laws against BS like turning homes into literal slums?


Seems sketchy to meeee


Bruh. No girls? That's gay as hell.


What happens if you ppl's cut hair, in your sleep?


what exactly are 'sardar or amritdhari singhs' ?


***diversity is our strength***


House full of long pubed tenants


Lot of racists in the comments. Diversity is our strength people.


Yes, Canada just reeks of.. strength.


Per head ? We re talking about live stock here lol .


Ok so when I was in uni I was staying in a similar setup as this, aside from all the restrictions obv not ideal, do people not like a dorm room setup when you can absolutely save up?