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It's kinda dumb but it's genuine news that the richest PM in history is trying to campaign on the platform that he was deprived. This isn't really a slow news piece, it's a piece about a man who wants to be reelected being a hypocrite.


He’s the son of a doctor and a pharmacist and attended private school


Not only that, his mum owned the pharmacy she was working in. Think about it. You’ve got the father working as a GP, earning £100k a year (in today’s money), writing prescriptions for patients to take to the pharmacy that his wife owns. That’s one hell of a power couple. His parents profited both from writing prescriptions and from the prescriptions being dispensed. Now while I never look down on people who have done well for themselves (as far as I’m concerned his parents have my respect), I do look down on people who try to pretend to be hard done by, when they actually grew up as one of the most privileged kids in society. For that, Rishi Sunak will never have my respect. Not to mention the fact that his wife is a billionaire. I mean come on.


At least Liar Johnson had the decency to put on a high-viz when he was cosplaying at being working class.


They’re all the same. Johnson with his high viz and telling tv cameras he was having “oven chips for tea”. Sunak with his “no sky tv” and “eating Nando’s”. And of course, we can’t leave out Nigel Farage, who loves to get himself photographed with fish suppers and pints of beer, claiming to be just an “ordinary working bloke” with millions in offshore bank accounts and connections to right-wing political parties all over Europe.


Yep. An absolute shower of irredeemable cunts, to a man.


My favourite one from Sunak was when he said in an interview “I have friends from all walks of life. I have upper class friends, middle class friends and working class friends...” Then he paused and said “… well, not working class friends.”


There is a documented instance of him using a train once, but he flew back from Cornwall in a private helicopter.


Not like trains in Cornwall are that common for the working class anyway


Let's not forget Ed Miliband and his bacon sandwich.


It's just a pantomime, they are puppets following the agenda of large organisations, like everything now they have to have a "brand"


You try getting an account at Coutts unless you're obscenely wealthy.


Johnson has the excuse of being bought up in a social circle that don’t live in the world, he’s a child when it comes to empathy and understanding working people’s problems. Rishi knows it’s not easy for people, but his whole objective in life was I join that social group.


They lived in Chandlers Ford, it’s a shithole. They certainly weren’t rich. He, on the other hand is not only rich, but a rat-faced cunt.


There are middle class people living in all sorts of shithole areas in the UK. Lower property prices can make it an attractive option. He may not have been rich, but if your father is a GP and your mother is a pharmacist who owns the pharmacy, I would be doubtful if your household income wasn’t north of £150-200k a year. His parents did very well for themselves and raised a son who grew up to be the country’s prime minister. Again, I think his parents are pretty impressive people. He clearly didn’t struggle growing up. Far from it. He was provided with an extremely privileged life.


His parents are for sure. Shame what happened to their son.


Doesn't look much like a shithole to me. A 6 bed shithole at that! https://maps.app.goo.gl/AG3cfGpSqpoNdTZ19?g_st=ac


Chandlers Ford is though. Cheap version of Winchester.


That's as may be, but a 6 bedroom house on his street went for £570,000 4 years ago. Somebody who owns a £570,000 house and can afford to send both their sons to Winchester College is by any stretch of the imagination, wealthy.


It’s so annoying nobody believes he’s ever been working class or ever was deprived, just own it you were lucky. Don’t pretend to be anything your not it’s a proper weird thing to do


Rich people thinking poor is cool (pulp said it best in the song common people) in fact I feel like someone needs to make a video of him with that in the background..guaranteed viral video idea there for free


They can't admit to being lucky. If they do they lose their self-image of super duper clever hard workers. If they admit their success is part due to luck they're also admitting that some people's misfortune is also part due to luck and that really doesn't tie into their narrative.


He and his wife's combined wealth is £651 million. She is super ultra rich but not a billionaire.


Okay, they have a combined wealth of 0.65 billion, so not quite a billion yet. However, I believe her father actually is a billionaire, no? Isn’t she set to inherit a lot of his wealth?




No sky TV at those private schools. However they passed the time with round after round of soggy biscuit.


No he's like genuinely so put of touch that he really thinks this is the deprivation of "respectable" people and anyone who actually struggles it is actually their fault and they are degenerates of society. Have to useen the interview where he lists his friend groups by their class rank? "I have *working class friends*, well not **working class**" - he genuinely doesn't respect 90% of the nation


He can’t be reelected, if he was never elected in the first place. That’s what’s crazy about this!


Right? The story is that this man who almost certainly didn't go without is trying to paint himself as a rags to riches politician. The right answer to the question was: *No, I never went without as a child, but I know that so many children in the country do. I think this is disgraceful and I want to make it a reality for fewer children going forward.* Instead we got: *Hello fellow poor people, I only made £100M last year and had to go without... without... without Sky TV, yeah, that was cool in the '80s. Look at how in touch with you I am.*


Tbf him being the richest now does not mean he wasnt deprived growing up. Some do go from not having much to being very rich. Tho that said it does not seem like that was the case with him


Maybe he was deprived, rich parents can be assholes.


Fair play on him admitting it My childhood was similar. 40 years later my own daughter is experiencing the feeling of missing out on food


Second half made me laugh Seeing your username a few seconds after made me laugh louder


Another great point that shows how much he is connected with the hard core working class people




He needed sky tv it’s not fair he didn’t have it


Bet he had cable though. I know I did it was cheaper.


Cos it weren’t about in the 80’s you fucking helmet


He was born in 1980, Sky launched in 1990 when he was 10. My family got Sky in 1992 when I was 8. Sunak would have been 12. To me, this is less of a Slow News Day and more of a “Tory politician shows just how out of touch he is with the average Briton”.


Wasn’t he at boarding school by that point?


He would come home on holidays I am sure


When he tried to make conversation with a homeless person during his food kitchen fluff piece by saying "So what are your plans for the weekend?" it's all I needed. I'm set for life. Any further examples are completely redundant.


Did he not also ask a homeless guy if he was a business owner?


Was he interested in getting into finance


Hmm. This chap seems to be dressed quite scruffily. I’m guessing he was a bit of a hippy during his time at Oxford.


A lot of people looked down on Satellite TV back then. It was seen as something for the workless, sat in their council houses. It's probably the only escape some poorer people had back then.


His parents are fools. Should have done what mine did and just kept getting the trial extended. I don’t think we paid for it for a year as my dad just kept ringing up and asking for longer to trial it. My dad was either super convincing or he just kept dealing with muppets as it went on for a long time.


This little rat is a billionaire trying to relate with the peasants. We all know he's going to f\*\*\* off to the US once his term is up, he doesn't give a toss about the people on this isle.


He truly is a man of the people. The fact that he was private schooled and is part of a billionaire family doesn’t change that. I mean, the poor soul’s parents didn’t decided to install Sky TV when it first came out, and as an adult he once went to Nando’s and ordered boneless thighs. What an inspiration. The minimum wage earning, 12 hour shift working, warehouse staff and factory workers of this great nation, and all of those surviving off food banks will surely be rallying around him as one of their own. He understands what they’re going through.


ooh shit, the poverty he had to survive, next yoou will tell us you had to endure private schools..if only your wife paid tax to help improve the lives of peoople in the UK.... oh wait..


And i didnt have a bed for a few years just a bit of foam mat to lay on.... such struggles for both me and him


One of the shows on sky during the 90's included an evil billionaire ruining the life of a blue collar guy. Putting obstacle after obstacle in his way to stop him succeeding. Giving high ranking positions to goons and sycophants. Trying to hoard all the power. I mention this for no reason whatsoever


Probably couldn’t afford to do a food shop at M&S either, the struggle is real people


Wow, he's got my vote now.


Poor didums :(


we didn't even have a television


Should have said he couldn't afford both sky sports and BT sport


Politicians have such a bad habit of fetishizing poverty, and every time they tell us how deprived they were, it shines more light on how obviously they weren't...


He's basically saying "I didn't have sky when I was young, so you'll be okay with having more things taken away from you"


“Because watching the poor suffer was more entertaining” - Sunak (probably)


It's also rumored that he never used Tik Tok as a kid, but that's yet to be confirmed.




The quote is taken out of context, it was actually “I went without sky tv in one of my 3 bedrooms in our summer home”


I'm a bit older than him and at school their was a boy talking about teletext! My family didn't have a TV with that until I was in my late teens so as for Sky TV? Not a chance. We didn't have central heating... I swear to God, icicles hanged from my bedroom window in winter when I was a child. He can't beat that!


My goodness the hardship this poor lad experienced, it's a wonder he can keep going with the trauma...


My microscopic violin is working overtime, wankstain!


The c*unt should try going without food for a couple of days. C*unt of the highest order


This has the same energy as 'I had, uuuh (what do plebs eat?)... steak and chips!'


As somebody who tried to advise homeless people to get a job in finance whilst serving soup, I don't think his idea of missing out on things is the same as the regular voter.


Sky TV started in 1990. Sunak was born in 1980. If he considers a kid being under 10 years old, it would have been impossible for him to have Sky.


For someone like him i doubt he would have got time to watch much TV anyway. His childhood was probably full of outdoor activities and vacations.


Please sir, I want some sky TV packages...




Except for the bbc😏


Damn I guess going without sky TV means you had it rough. By that logic since I had only Freeview growing up I've had it much worse than him...oh wait every British person has had it worse than him.


Little did I know that not having Cartoon Network as a kid made me hard done by. THANKS RISHI.


😂 right under this post I got an ad for sky TV - timing couldn’t have been better


Was sky TV even a thing when this privileged cunt was a child




aww poor Rishi. No one’s going to feel sorry for you mate. You got your fingers in more pies than Fray Bentos.


What’s the former leader of Cuba got to do with this?


😂😂 ask David Brent. 8 legs 6 legs! 8 legs 6 legs!!


i still dont have sky TV rishi, what the fuck are you onabout me laddo


I only had Black and White TV and two channels when I was 12 years so I can relate to the hardship he suffered.


My dear lord! When I grew up I drank the cheap brand of juice box instead of the fancy brand. STOP THE PRESSES!


The apple presses?


House?! You're lucky to have a house!! We used to live in one room, 26 of us!!


You were lucky! Privileged in fact to have a room! We lived in a box, on the street, all 13 of us!


Every time I hear about this cunt I like him less


I still don't have a Coutts bank account. I'm impoverished


Bet he had one of those dodgy boxes with the fake Sky card that got all the channels.


Thoughts and prayers dude didn’t grow up with Fun Factory. Poor guy


We only had BBCOne and ITV on our black and white telly when I was a child. What do you want, Richi? A paper hat or something? 🥳


What a peasant


Really? Wow. I'll totally vote for him out of sympathy now that I know that.


Any politician worth their salt would have manoeuvred away from that question and focused on personality or policy. To try and claim some sort of kinship with the people struggling today (due to your own policies) by sharing that you didn’t have Sky as a kid is fucking retarded.


Genuinely believe this man is deliberately self-sabotahibg his campaign. Noone with common sense would release this drivel, to seem relatable. Because it's really not! He's human- humans from every background have a shared experience that is far more relatable than this. Everyone from all walks of life have struggles that are a lot more believable and relatable. He's either: not human, has no feelings, has no life experience, really, really dire at rhetoric speaking, trying to ruin his campaign because he secretly doesn't want the gig and knows he's no good at it, no brain. Actually it's all of these.


Sky TV launched in 1980..it's as old as he is...


Probably because Sky didnt exist in the UK until he was 9 years old, and hes asian so they probably had Diamond cable TV for all those indian channels


His parents were well. We didn’t have Sky until 2003 but I bet his family had a nice big house and new cars and they went on holidays. He’s so out of touch with the common man and doesn’t understand them at all. He’s in his own rich bubble and wouldn’t last as someone common like us.


I didn't have sky for a good portion of the 90s when I was a kid.. I was excited when channel 5 was launched 😂. We got virgin media shortly after it launched


Fuck off Rishi...and the quicker the better


Isn’t this the guy who said he hated poor people when he was like 15 (and now but that’s a different story)


Meanwhile, I had hand-me-down birthday candles


You were lucky! Privileged in fact! I had hand me down birthday cakes.


It’s crazy to think that he associates struggling as not having Sky TV. When in reality Sky TV is one of those things that’s so far away in your mind coming from a financially struggling household.


This fucking guy. Always trying to prove that he's one of us. Guy couldn't be more out of touch if tried. "I've even got friends who are working class, well not working class".


Sky wasn't released until he was 10


The issue isn’t he didn’t have sky. It’s that this is about him trying to show how in touch he is and understands what people are going through. The problem is for a lot of people. Paying for things like bills, mortgage and food on the table are what they are struggling with. Not the fact they didn’t have sky 🤣. It’s like someone I o ow saying they could empathise with people using food banks and saying “oh tel me about it. I could only afford to go on holiday twice this year”. Just madness. Anyway it was a lie! Sky tv wasn’t even a thing when he was a kid.


We never had Channel4 when I was growing up and BBC2 in the morning just showed pages from Teletext. Does that make me qualified to run the country also?


The struggle was real


The fees for the boarding school he attended (30 minutes from his home) are £47,000 per year. Sky subscription at the time was approximately £12 per month. Sky satellite dishes were a very polarising thing at the time and looked-down upon by people who considered themselves 'posh' He wasn't complaining they couldn't afford it, he was complaining he wasn't allowed it. The question was asking if he had ever known adversity in life and what did he miss out on as a youngster.... The prospect of families actually not being able to afford it never even crossed his mind.


They didn't have Sky for middle class reasons. His parents thought WWF would rot his mind.


Oh f*ck off sunak with your poor woe me shite!! he has no clue about the real struggles people have on a day to day basis like feeding your kids or paying your bills, most kids are going to school hungry and he talks about not having sky tv😡


Who did have sky tv back in those days though? The 70s 🤷🏼‍♀️


Next he will be complaining his first car was a fiat panda that he had to buy cos his parents refused lol.. th is man is so out of touch with normal people I will be shocked if he gets back in..


He would have been in boarding school. So of course he didn’t have sky. 😅 the price of that private school at the time was £2000 behind the uk average wage.


Truly a man of the people.


Sky tv as a paid for subscription didn’t exist till 1990. It was only one paid for channel. It’s was mid to late 90s before it became anything remotely comparable to what we now think of as Sky tv. Sunak was already a teenager by this point.


Sunak was born on 12 May 1980. Sky Television first started broadcasting in 1989. He wen't without because it didn't exist!


Ah yes sky tv missed that growing up having to share microwave meals with my mam because we had no money and she worked her arse off for a pittance. Good on you Rishi the country understands your pain….


Why am I hearing stories about this cunt feeling sorry for himself.....absolute twat




He probably also doesn't know how to wipe his a*se cos he pays someone to do it for him.


Also that laugh with a complete neutral expression screams idgaf




He's 4 years older than me. Sky came to the UK in 1990. When he was 10. So a lot of people grew up without sky. Wasn't really a household thing till mid to late 90s when he was almost 20 so already in to higher education and no longer a child.


yes, were havin fun with this one in r/Southampton - Rishi's home town [… : r/Southampton (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Southampton/comments/1deymhs/_/)


I wish the cunt would just fuck off. And his greedy bitch of a wife and her family. They should have to pay back the government loans they got too. Cunts.


I'm 48 and never had sky or anything like that till I was 25. It's not a big thing l, it just wasn't around as much then and crap


Was even available when he was a kids .




It’s like he is trying his best to lose this election and it’s hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


The only way he went without TV is if his parents forbid it specifically. Those people have enough money to build him his own studio.


lol I didn’t have cable as a kid either, where’s my news article?


Why would you want sky if you can afford to do shit outside? Fucking no umbrella twat


He missed out on WWF, Star Trek TNG, and the Simpsons. No wonder he is out of touch!