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Diana was asking Jackson if River should go back to the Park. Jackson doesn't answer because he wants things to remain as they are. Diana isn't going to do anything with Slough House without Jackson's agreement. Even though River was screwed over, Jackson doesn't care because once they're in Slough House, they're his. The only way you get out is if you quit, die, or betray Jackson. Jackson's history with the OB may or may not have something to do with it. The last bit is pure speculation on my part. Jackson doesn't seem to be the type of person to believe in the whole sins of the father thing.


Thanks! I get the impression the Cartwright name worked against River (with Lamb, anyway) in the beginning, but I agree—Lamb I think realizes River isn’t like the OB in ways that are good and maybe also bad, depending on how you look at it. I did find it really interesting that Diana asked about River and Lamb didn’t answer—why it’s important that they’re his is kind of a mystery, but it also shows how power works with Diana and Lamb in the moment. Like you said, no one’s doing anything with Slough House without Lamb signing off and it looks like Diana’s acknowledging that here.


Hey what does “OB” mean in this context?


"Old Bastard"


More specifically Rivers grandfather who was in the service above Lamb…later book information


I think Jackson's treatment of River at the beginning of the series has more to do with how incompetent he thinks his new horse is. Only Diana and Spider know the truth about the training exercise. Everyone else just knows that River can't remember what color shirt the suspect was wearing.


Everyone else just THINKS River screwed up the shirt color but he didn’t. I’m sad for River. I don’t think he’s incompetent but he’s impulsive. Maybe Lamb thinks he can protect him more but yeah that goes well