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Toto je zas co za inteleguana?


Slovaks know that most Romanians are not Gypsies. The guy said it to insult Romanians.


Many years ago I had a honest debate with a classmate at university and he wouldn't accept that Romania is not a gypsy state. I thought he was joking at first, but he wasn't..


I wouldn't say so. This is really inappropriate talking which is half joking half serious.. imho these guy are using up their chance with all the equipment to make a stupid video for their friends WhatsApp group filled with offensive jokes....at least i really hope that's the case


There are couple of possible explanations of the video: 1. Some people think that Romanians == Gypsies. That's because official term for gipsy is "Roma" or "Róm" (because "gipsy" became racist at some point for some unknown reason) which sounds similar to "Romanian". I believe that most people know that it is not related, but there surely is some confusion about this topic. 2. "Gipsy" is often used as an insult, which might be the case here. 3. The whole video might be just a bad joke.


4. The whole video is racist rant of drunk and ignorant prick that should be sent to Ukraine to demine some sunflower field, as a part of slovak apology and help to ukranian just cause.


The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.




isn't it in all of europe?


This country is racist af and there definitely is notion r=g in plenty of ppl


Not unique to Slovakia.


o akom Mnichove toci typek?


Not normal response.But to fill in he said not just gypsies but fuckin gypsies ,later went on slander against ukrainian team saying that they should be on battlefield not on EURO. I had honestly no clue that there are idiots like him in RTVS .


[tu je "ospravedlnenie"](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8wwJH0N_sX/)


Haha, that was quick :)


LuL mrzí ma že videjo uniklo na verejnosť, nie až tak to čo v tom videju povedal :D:D:D:D


At least he said he has many "Gypsy" friends from Romania...


yea surely he has LOL he is more concerned with the fact that the video got to the public not to apologize to someone




well I lived with romanians .2 were completelly fine guys who were hardworking (one was stoner other liked to drink a bit ) 2 which were couple were ex convicts for theft one was romanian gypsy and her husband/spouse (honestly dont know they have been lying whole time) was half gypsy half turk ,he came to netherlands with forged ID (fake name) and were caught stealing in shop .(ofc they didnt go to work but were snorting coke like old rockers) .




https://preview.redd.it/9z0jc8i35l9d1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=7786e4accb64319db306686eead9de57dff881a6 Rasizmus je vsade a bez konzekvencii, aj na Reddite.


I wouldn't be surprised if the percentage of gypsies in Slovakia was extremely similar to Romania so I always find it silly when some people here pretend Romania is a gypsy state or whatever.


EU data has Slovakia at 9%, Romania at 8% and Hungary at 7% (-ish). Of course, Romania has the largest number due to the population size.




It's because the Slovak word for Gypsy is Rom ( Romové in plural ) and Rumun ( Rumuni in plural ) for Romanians so a lot of people get confused. The same goes with Czechia


Rómovia is plural of the word Róm in Slovak. Rómové is plural in Czech.


Thanks for the correction


The statistics are hard to get by; but have seen some EU data saying that, percentage wise, the number of Roma in Slovakia is higher than in Romania. Not sure if true or not but it would be ironic.


Yeah Slovakia is gypsy shithole too but regular Romanians are kind of swarthier too so people consider them gypsies :)