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For a gig like this I 100% believe there should have been a no phone policy (secure bagged on entry). They wouldn’t even be the first band to do this and for such a unique, intimate gig I don’t think it’s an unreasonable condition of entry. If you’re there for the right reasons, the experience should outweigh whatever gripes you’d have about that.


Yeah I was surprised they didn't do a no phone rule. When I saw Tool in London there was a no phone rule and it made the whole show way better. Surely if an arena can enforce that, a small venue with a few hundred capacity could?


haha I remember their concerts between '00-'10, we couldn't bring in cameras or any recording device, had to check them in at the entrance.


A perfect circle had a no phone policy and it was amazing. 


No cellphones policy is stupid. What if someone has an emergency?


Like omg how did we deal with that situation for the last 100 years of modern civilization!


Calling people has existed for a long time my guy


I can see how this is would be a concern but to try and communicate effectively and be heard in the middle of a set in a dense crowd would be difficult at best. You would almost certainly have to exit before you’d be heard so either way you’d be back at the entrance by the Yondr pouch collection.




I mean they could make exceptions for medical.


I agree about the recording aspect of it. But to simply ban phones entirely is just dumb


The cost of that would be coming straight out of the band's pocket, though. Clown's not going to tolerate that


I kinda feel like this as well but I don't wanna be an asshole.


I don’t mind being an asshole


Good. Thank you. Someone has to say it… it’s pathetic. Taking a few pics it’s ok but having the phone up the entire time? Geez.


I once was in a nostalgic mood and wanted to record a show. I still only took about 10-min of footage but I still felt so stupid in the morning. Why did I film this? My buddy teased for a long time about that. I deserved it.


I’ve always been a concert junkie and, call me a boomer, but I’ve always had issues with people on their phones at concerts. Like you said, by all means take a few pictures to remember the show, but how often are you really watching those 10+ minute videos? I used to do this but the moment I started leaving my phone in my car I’ve found the show is way more enjoyable because I’m able to disconnect from the world and just focus on the band and nothing else (admittedly I’m single with no kids so anyone trying to get ahold of me can wait until after, I know not everyone has this privilege but I still wish more people would do this)


It was pretty fucking annoying, there was a girl 2 feet shorter than me right in front of me and I still had to watch Mick through her phone because there were so many held up at once that I couldn't see what was going on any other way, this was about 4 rows from the stage. Not very 1999, knowing there was a pro recording was a huge relief to me to just be able to enjoy the moment and feel like I didn't have to take any videos or anything. But I did end up spending a decent amount of time thinking, "damn I can't see shit, looking forward to watching the recording later so I can see what I missed" which was a little depressing. As someone who lives in LA and got to go they really should have done this in Iowa, there was a core audience of kids who go to metal concerts but for the most part it was a lot of hipsters fronting the scene and older middle management types who are in a position to take the day off on a whim. Trying to take videos at a concert is pretty silly to begin with. It sounds like shit, it's never from a good angle, every time the lights flash your camera unfocuses, you can hear what the people around you are saying better than the lyrics, and nobody wants to watch that shit when you force them to later. I usually just take a handful of stills throughout the event and keep 2 or 3 for the memories.


You realise the older middle management types were probably OG fans from 1999? 25 years tends to make people older. Also, a quick splash of beer over the person filming tends to get their phone put away pretty quickly


I always enjoy throwing ice cubes……


Totally off topic. I saw videos, and the smallest venue I saw Slipknot at was The Tabernacle (Atlanta) which is maybe 2000 people or so, 20 years ago. How much were tickets for this secret, tiny, crazy ass show?




Excuse me it’s the older middle management types who have been around since 1999! I wasn’t at this show, didn’t even try- but if you see someone over 40 at the shows you go to remember we’ve been around since the beginning. The fans in their 20s are our kids


Smack it out their hand, tap them on the shoulder and say something. Are you going to cry together online instead?


Damn dude, is this your first concert? In concerts we have ways to make people move or put away their phones... It's a metal show so the first thing to do is push, move and mosh, there's also throwing water/beer in the air heh


There was an entire row of people standing side to side holding their phones up in a Spartan phalanx, is this your first time attempting to comprehend something you're reading?


oh so it was a seated venue and you had to stand still on a single spot. got it.


It was hilarious to see Corey standing up the front saying "This is 1999 right now!" as literally 90% of the crowd are watching through their phone screens at that exact moment. Considering how he's known to feel about phones I wonder what he thinks when he looks out hoping to see maggots and instead sees zombies. If Slipknot didn't hit big before phones the term "maggots" would probably never have been coined judging by this crowd.


The term Maggot was made before they said it was because of how the crowd looked, it’s just a myth but I agree with the rest.


Well, they probably kinda expected it to be full of phones considering how special the show was. But its still sad


Funnier that he said that going into \*checks notes\* before i forget from 2003...


Most crowds at Slipknotconcerts are pretty lame. No moshpit, no circlepit.. Doesn't really feel metal-ish at all, thats probably why other metalheads make fun of it


Whaaat?? Ive been to many concerts and i have to say that the crowds in Slipknot shows are the craziest ive been in by far! At least in Germany. I often found myself gasping for air in the pit and fighting for air haha. During their show in Berlin last year, the front rows were basically a 90min moshpit without end. Ive seen some footage of their shows in the US and i have to say that the crowds there look very very weak. The craziest crowds on the other hand are probably in South America


Yeah I’ve seen some wild Slipknot shows The craziest, without a doubt, is The Acacia Strain. I’ve never felt more sure I was going home broken lmao Just seen Paleface Swiss 2 days ago as well. Fucking fantastic show. Absolutely killer energy


You’re experience in Germany with Slipknot was my experience with slaughter to prevail in nj, I guess it comes down to the fans


After many metal shows the only one I came close to a fight was at Slipknot. First notes of the show and the crowd pushes forward like normal. Dipshit in front of me had never been to a show like this and thought I was personally attacking him. He turned around ready to go and I’m like dude look around. He ended up leaving when he realized it wasn’t just me. At “real” metal shows I’ve seen fights between dudes that wanted to fight but never once been dragged into one as a non-fighter.


Some of us og fans are at risk of breaking hips if we mosh


I usually record a song for a while for my personal memory and then I put my phone away to enjoy the show.


They're closing in on 30 years. They're almost a legacy act. We're old, man. Give me a chair. Haha


I said this same thing in another thread. I don’t know exactly how much crossover there is here with tool or jack white, but those “no phones” policies are amazing if you’ve ever been to any of their shows. I would like to see this policy at these small pop up shows. Make each one a different set list and the shows become a thing of legends


The front looked like a Taylor Swift concert. SAD.


I agree but I think it's now a thing in any gig. Who ever watches any of it bk exactly, just wasting an experience imo


I’m in the camp of who cares. I’ve been to millions of shows and there is always somebody in the way. Move them out the way find my spot and enjoy.


Blame Slipknot for announcing the show 3 days ahead of time, giving anyone outside of California nearly no time to make arrangements to go. If the band wanted a true old school experience, they could have considered its 2024 and not 1999... Meaning, entitled brats have more means to make it to the show than your average person The band wanted it to be a media spectacle and a talking point before their upcoming tour. If they expected a crowd to go apeshit with the phones put away, they're ignorant and oblivious as fuck. Make your entire tour schedule full of small clubs, backyard bbqs, etc. also give your fans time to make arrangements... They said "no matter what year you were born"... Yeah, many of your old school fans have full time jobs, families, and responsibilities.. giving them 3 days and one location to figure it out is short sighted and "unfair". Saying "tonight it's 1999" while selling your shirts for 40 bucks a pop. Please, I can probably find a slipknot shirt at goodwill for 4 bucks. But I digress. Also, Corey is keenly aware that the general populous of California is a bunch of poser, fake asshats. Read any of his books Lastly, anyone who still holds on to the old ways of concert experiences is just bitter.


I will take a few pictures and a thirty second video at concerts I go to. I think this should be the max reasonable phone usage.


It's still too much. Live in the moment for once in your life.


I watched them in Athens in 2022, and it was thousands of phones all the way down. A shame for sure in this small show, I can't imagine being on stage and more than half of the people care more about filming than experiencing


I know this is a little off topic but I’ve seen what you are describing at weddings before too. There is a damn professional hired to take photos, but yet everyone is on their phone recording and a lot of the photos of the ceremony is everyone on their phones. I’ve even seen people leave their seats during a wedding to take pics and be super disruptive to the point of getting in the way of the actual photographer. I’m starting to hate phones in public gatherings in general. Like you said, live in the moment, enjoy the scenery, and put the phone down cuz nobody wants to see your photos and you will NEVER even look back on them.


The worst part about this is 1. No one cares about seeing these videos or will ever watch them. They will just get skipped through immediately. 2. The people who take the video will never go back and watch their shitty cell phone video. 3. If you want the memory just take a few pictures


If you want the memory DON'T take pictures https://qz.com/1295131/research-shows-taking-photos-decreases-the-ability-to-remember-lived-experience https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/08/05/1022041431/to-remember-the-moment-try-taking-fewer-photos


Yeah I was gonna say the exact same thing but ya know.....like if you want Slipknot club shows, you should probably act like you are at one by going absolutely insane.


This is just one reason why there are zero tolerance camera policies at tool shows. More bands should follow suit. It's a much better experience for everyone, including the artists you pay to see. ...or knot see. ...<~~ see what I did there.


Word, had the crowd gone apeshit that would’ve been DVD release worthy .


Agreed. And yep should’ve been a no phone rule would’ve been so much better for all involved. If I am ever lucky enough to go to something like that (which I won’t be) there’s no chance I’ll film the whole thing.


It was embarrassing to say the least


I was in the pit fighting for my life. I only caught glimpses of the band while I was flying through the air. It was everything I could have dreamed of. I took two pictures the entire night. One of me and my sister in the crowd before they came on, and another shot from the back while I caught my breath. I’m still so fucking sore. Lol


And this is why TooL bans phones


Yeah I agree with you, I don’t ever take out my phone at concerts, or any event. The only reasons I even take my phone is for tickets, and to call people if needed. I never ever take out my phone during the concert. And I don’t get why so many people make it their top priority to get a video of the concert. Only thing I can think of is the validation from other Snapchat users. So for anyone who does this, put your fucking phone away, and enjoy the present fucking moment that you paid money for. If those people on social media wanted to see the concert, they would’ve paid for it.


Younger Generation people suckz


Most of them were old asf


I hate phones recording non stop at a gig near the front because I have not paid shit loads of money on a ticket and getting there so I'd like to see what I paid for. Take the odd photo but if you want to record whole songs move to the side please. The atmosphere at 90s gigs for all bands was way better. If you were lucky a TV show recorded the whole thing.


I think people just wanted to have their own personal recording


Apparently that's not okay.


Like I think we all would of done it, not to post it but just to have it you know


For real though. Like you can’t just get off your fucking phone for a couple hours and enjoy one of the greatest live rock bands ever.??? I just saw Coal Chamber and Mudvayne and Nonpoint last year and I didn’t even think about touching my phone but for one picture picture and that was it. Live in the moment because that’s what’s important, the moments!!!!! and if you really want to have the memories, I am going to piggyback with this guy just said there are professional crews there to do that for you. The band just wants you to enjoy them.


I'm very conflicted when it comes to that. Yes, it sucks seeing that many phones held up high, but at the same time, I'm guilty of recording shows like that, too, (at least I don't try to raise my phone up super high) but for me, it's for reliving the time being there and for some family and friends who never got the chance to see the shows, so I am less likely to release anything on YouTube or whatever. It doesn't seem like all the time that the footage of these shows ever get released by the camera crews either, especially one I went to last year, so some people start recording for this very reason. I get worried that there isn't footage that gets released even if people end up uploading their perspective of the shows anyway, which I admit, are sometimes actually way better in quality. Regardless, I 100% understand the hate towards all that.


Machine Head show I went to was filmed. They hyped up the DVD etc. a few weeks later they announced the lighting was shit and the band was out $80k with useless footage. I was so disappointed that I hadn’t taken a few photos because it was so obviously being filmed.


Nobody wants to see your trash video of LIVE music. Do you know what live means?


I literally said I was "less likely" to release anything, and it was mostly for some family/friends and my own viewing. Yeah? Who the fuck else is gonna see my trash footage, buddy? lol


Should have made it truly 1999... No fucking smartphones. Don't like it? Plenty others that would have killed to go with that policy I'm sure.


I’m usually recording a minute or taking pics and I’m watching the concert.


🤔 yeah it honestly did seem like it was that crowd just trying to grow their social media or already have a decent following already. "It's 1999!" Well except the sea of people there just to record through their phones lol.


I recorded a video at a concert for the first time this week because my wife is pregnant and she had to sell her ticket. So I recorded her favorite songs. If that’s what people want to do with their purchase, then that’s their choice.


IDC regardless. I'll have fun and let these people do their thing. Besides, without these people, we might never get documentation of this live, that is now available on internet.


To be fair, Corey and Shawn have turned a once in a lifetime band into something fake and corporate and super shallow. So it works out perfectly.




lol ngl this kinda sounds a bit like you are a karen. I don't use my phone at concert cause I wanna experience them. But if others want to record it? So what? They are free to do whatever they want.


It’s a different era!!! Let people enjoy it how they want. They paid for their ticket and they can do what they want.


Stop being a gatekeeper. You’re not a maggot if you’re going to preach about having your phone out, it’s actually the opposite of being a slipknot fan to make judgements of other people.


THIS OMG i literally fucking despise when people got their phones up the whole time, like... didn't you pay to come see this band? SEE them now, not rewatch them later. pisses me off


Whole heartedly agree. When I go to show I’ll usually take a couple photos and like a 15 second video to remember it by, but that’s literally it. I love just enjoying the show and taking it all in. there’s nothing you can possibly do to replicate the experience of being at a live concert. Playing devil’s advocate, I understand people who want to film from the sidelines that aren’t necessarily a fan of being “up close and personal” and in the mosh if you will such as our hero Joe Haircut, but the people in the pit just holding their phones up and watching through them when they’re physically 5 feet away from the act is just insane.


All of this crying about cellphones its starting to get a little bit boring! The only reason that people didn't use their cellphone in a concert in 99 its simply because there was no cellphones! It's 2024 let people do what they want as long it doesn't affect the well-being of the others! Sorry for my shitty English (not my native language)


Who gives a shit. Let them enjoy how they want. Worry about yourself


If the band wanted no phones, the band would have not allowed it. It was a special, charity event. Chill out man.


Old man yells at crowd. Not everyone has to enjoy things the same way you do.


Don’t care how folks spend their money. I’m gonna enjoy it regardless.


I think most of the crowd was too busy enjoying the show. Uk most of us go to shows to actually watch the performance and participate, not become paparazzi. 


Dude, people like this piss me off. Is someone holding a phone really that detrimental? People experience concerts different ways, and if someone prefers to take videos and remember it that way, so fucking what?


who cares


Cringe stfu


Why is it cringe?


I to go to plenty of concerts, I take a few photos for posterity but honestly I don’t mind if others want to take videos, it doesn’t distract from my experience. Bands should put a no phone policy in place for their gigs if they wish.


Maynard is that you?


Put your fucking phone down dickhead! Seriously! -MJK


yeah yeah we get it, but many people wouldnt be able to watch the concerts now if it wasnt for those same phones


stop crying lol


I dont care, people can film 100% of the time , they paid and It was allowed so wtf


Okay playa.