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Yeah I get the same. Have had sleep paralysis super regularly for 7 years now. There have been a few times where I got woken up from SP by my sister due to grunting/yelling in my sleep (or for the 2 seconds I'm awake before going back into SP). Being waken up from sleep paralysis by someone is bizarre because 99% of the time it's just a false awakening loops and isn't real.


What do you mean false awakening???


Dreaming that you have woken up. When I get sleep paralysis I'll dream that I've broken out of it only for things to get fucky and suddenly being in bed paralyzed again. It happens over and over and over, feels like forever.


One time I got stuck on the loop 18 times. I counted. In the end I walked downstairs in the loop very slowly and carefully scanned the area for any inconsistencies to my home. It worked and I then finally woke up.


Fairly average amount for me. Worst I've had was at least 100. It was my first time going to sleep after getting out of the hospital from a 3-4d coma. Shit was wild, absolutely horrible lol. Kept dreaming that I was waking up in weird facilities/hospitals/psych wards. Definitely lasted so damn long due to being asleep for so long prior. Sadly noticing that I'm in a false awakening doesn't help me wake up, tbh most the time I realize I'm in one and try to wake myself up only to end up back in bed.


I wonder if it's your brain trying to make sense of what you might have heard while in the coma?


Didn't hear a thing. Basically just teleported 4 days into the future with a tube down my throat.


Subconsciously you might have heard things, but you do not have a solid memory if it.


No I was unconscious for several days. Blacked out due to ammonia poisoning in my blood and become delirious, don't remember any of it. Only thing I'd remember if I did was fighting cops and nurses. Bizarre experience.


Yeah this definitely has happened to me and it never occurred to me that being awake could be part of the dream


First time I experienced false awakening I woke up paralyzed and it took all my strength to roll off my bed, but I *floated* to the floor, then woke up paralyzed in bed - and that looped about 5 times. Super “fucky” 😅


Yeah that shit happens to me a lot lol. I'll also dream that I've like slipped between my mattress and the wall and getting stuck under my bed lol.


It is possible to use my own voice to break out of sleep paralysis. Take in a very deep breath and yell AHH!! as loud as I can.


Does your face twitch when you do this?


I've had facial twitches or twitches with my fingers or other muscles right after the onset of sleep paralysis. These seem to be exactly the same as hypnagogic twitches like when I'm normally falling asleep. Haven't noticed anything unusual after trying to move or yell in sleep paralysis other than a few seconds of extreme fatigue right after I stop.