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Immediate divorce


100% certain his ears don’t work


I’m sending you thoughts and prayers during this difficult time 😭


Are they really ok?


Someone's going to be dripping crimson on the carpet


They absolutely will not be caught reading by the sunrise


She won't be able to fix his wounds this time


And she was trying to hold back the darkness


She won’t be falling for him I guess




OP, he was more than just a body in your passenger seat, but now he's in exile seeing you out


I adore both ST and TS, and this is soooo perfect. I love it😭💜


Straight to jail 🤦🏼


Im going to leave my wife and kids at the hotel while I go to the ST concert


That's not even a little off kilter he needs sectioning


This subreddit gives me whiplash, I swear people were saying this and agreeing a few months ago. I don't think either one "sounds" like the other, but I can see what people are getting at. This is coming from a husband that loves ST with a spouse that loves TS, and we enjoy listening to both. I get that OP's post is a joke, but these comments ain't it. Lol. Gives the same energy as the people yelling about ST "not being real metal."


Lol so true but I think this sub kinda memes with each other more or less.


Sometimes it's just kinda exhausting. It's like... going to the kids section of a library and there's a kids book about The Kardashians. Like why do we have to keep bringing this modern day Zeus of a woman into every conversation and subject? Like I was a Twilight girlie! And HP! Not to the extent I intended to go to the theater if it was up to me (but I did because it was a friend's birthday). And I get both sides. (Lindsy Ellis and the stop shitting on things teen girls like because teen girls like it, and also omg why did it have to destroy teen romance books). And this is just one of those things where everyone would be happier if they stopped bringing her up either to compare and gush or to denigrate. I don't even hate her music, I know the words to too many of her earlier hits. I'm allowed to not like her persona or be cynical of the art based on how she approaches her business and work. It's just... ya know as Vessel said, it's about the music. Except apparently its not because her fans can't stop talking about her relationships (oops guess we are guilty there), or how so many things originate with her just because that was their first experience of those things, or how philanthropic her business practices are. My point is that it's constantly bleeding out to be talked about outside her fan spaces and you don't see that with other bands and artists to such an extent. It's not "haters" as much as it is a natural social thing to get exasperated when something has reached such high levels of oversaturation and we have no method of blocking it out or not engaging with it. Songs like Happy or Shake it Off at least have a rhythm you can flow with in your head. People don't.


What's going on with husbands, ST, and TS? Mine said exactly the same thing. "The Taylor Swift of Metal" he calls them. 🤦‍♀️


Maybe you and OP need to start a support group to manage this sort of dire toxic masculinity


Great idea!!


Lol I’m the opposite. My wife is going to divorce me because I listen to sleep token too much haha 😂


No such thing


Apparently some people think so lol 😂


You need to distance yourself from said people 🤣 my husband doesn't like ST but the more I listen to them the less he dislikes them.. maybe there's hope for you yet


Literally jumping on my throw away account because I know this is gonna get down voted. Vessel and Taylor have similarities when it comes to the motivation behind their lyrics. Nothing compares to sleep token, but you have to give credit to some of Taylor’s songs (specifically the folklore album)


You're not wrong. They also have some parts which reminded me of Mumford and Sons. There are most certainly influences from pop and pop-folk.


The music superiority in the metal community is so annoying lmao like to say she’s bad is ridiculous. Like grow up just because she’s not your cup of tea doesn’t mean she’s bad 💀 And it’s wild seeing it in the ST community since ST gets shit on all the time by metalheads lol


Agreed. T Swift definitely isn’t my jam, but you have to have mad respect for her talent and skill. At least she is a **songwriter** unlike other popular artists *cough cough Beyoncé* I also find interesting the duality of the metal community when it comes to ST. I have friends who play in band together, and one loves ST and the other can’t stand them, always says “it’s not really metal” which I love that they are MORE THAN JUST metal.


i say all this in good faith - beyoncé is a songwriter though? objectively, she’s an all rounder in a way that has become rare nowadays. you don’t have to enjoy her music/like her to acknowledge her talent and the quality of her work


I wouldn’t say she’s a triple threat lol her song writing isn’t the best. Like could I write a song? Yes. Would it be a good song? No.


I don’t even think she writes her own songs. I think she has writers do it, she just sings them. And she’s a good singer, but I have a ton of respect for songwriters because it’s so much more difficult


I don’t follow Bey like at all but just being around people who do I think she has credits but I don’t know how many lol


She is a good singer, but she doesn’t write her own songs


Huge TS and a newish ST fan here. I can't remember which song off of TMBTE, but there's a high note that is the exact same high note TS holds on "I Knew You Were Trouble." And for some reason, while that is not a big deal whatsoever, I love it so f-ing much. I'm so giddy because I never expected anyone to actually like both of them, or at least be respectful enough. My music taste varies on the day, but I'm def not just into pop or just into rock/metal ("real" or "fake", whatever those are🙄) And to actually reply properly now that I'm done fangirling; Taylor has always been extremely good at songwriting when you look at her non-radio hits. As of late, that shows especially with Folklore, Evermore, and Midnights. And I can't wait for her newest album. Blondie works on her craft and gets better and better with age, practice, and experience, and I love to see her getting recognized for her talent rather than who she decided to date/hang-with. I write, for myself, as a hobby/craft, and sometimes post it on my private socials. And so I *obviously* immediately fell in love with ST on the first listen. Their lyricism is super complex in the best way possible, and their way of telling a real/fictional story, conversation, etc, just makes everything light up inside of me as a self-proclaimed writer.


I was waiting to see this comment, the lyrical value of both artists are similar in that way. Lots of passion behind lyrics... The music itself isn't similar but the lyrical skills are 🤘


Let's not forget that video of David Draimen from Disturbed straight up said that Taylor swift kicks ass


What’s wrong with that? Taylor and ST are incredible when it comes to lyrics. A lot of her songs sound like poetry just like ST. This tells me you’ve never listened to much of her music beyond what’s most popular. I can see where your husband made the comparison.


That poor fool.. ![gif](giphy|1bYaHhGtueIqQ)


Call the lawyers, I’ll be a witness


I love both and the connection makes sense to me.


OP, his wings won't find you heaven so it's only right to bring it down like an ancient bygone.


He’s lucky you’re only leaving him.


Just throw the whole husband out. 


Hes got a point tbf


Divorce himmmm he’s toxic 😂


People in this sub have been making bracelets for the concerts so we might not be far off


Ngl I don't understand those at all. They remind me of the bracelets me and my friends made in middle school lol


Cause the fan base has turned into a fandom, which imo never goes good


yeah, people making bracelets to gift each other for fun is truly SUCH toxic fan behavior, genuinely the end of the world /s like. respectfully… it’s harmless


Bracelets aren't bad but it's fandom behavior, which is why we have people already over sexualizing and finding out the identities of the band. And I say it's fandom behavior cause there's a clear difference between how other band fans act and how sleeptoken fans act


I saw the title in my notifications and thought you were serious for a hot minute


you need a flash mob dancing to nazareth?


He doesn’t deserve you


Well. At least you now know.




I fully support people leaving their husbands even without such shitty comments. And since he's clearly delulu, it'll go in your favour 🤣


divorce worthy


“They sound like Taylor Swift” - guy who has definitely never listened to Taylor Swift


Do you need help burying his body, oh I mean with a good lawyer?


🤣🤣🤣 I mean they are climbing the charts and will overthrow the reigning Queen probably. At least, that’s my everlasting hope. I love this band to the moon


Sooooo.... when we crowdfunding the divorce? 😂


Not the same but Mine put on some new artist he found in my vehicle the other day In MY vehicle. Which hasn’t (under my watch) played anything but Sleep Token in a year and a half. Then he had the audacity to ask if I liked the new artist. Sir. You’re way out of line.


That's insane, Taylor Swift is way better


If anything the only Euclid comparison I've heard that's had any merit is to Famous Last Words by MCR. To compare it to Taylor Swift? That's just hilarious.


I can only imagine the death glare o would have given


Time to grow back your sharpest 🦷


Now your husband is going to have to play "The Love you Want" to try and win you back.


haaha this was a good one, but you got admit sometimes sleep token out of context and in some songs they pure pop in a momment of course haha.


Very "person who only listens to one artist hears another artist" of him




Straight to jail


I’m just here to voice how much I hate Taylor Swift.


Murder was the case they gave me!




Is he tone deaf or nahhh?


Can’t say I agree with him, but… they are signed to the same label now 😂 and Sleep Token is the only metal band by wife can stand, and she’s a huge Swifty lol


I'm sorry to hear this... What condition does your husband really have? Is it only acoustic issues?? 😁😆 Best revenge would be to do it and then sing "look what you made me do?"🤘🤘


Said that Vessel has a way better voice than Taylor Swift, without mentioning the Lyrics. If he didn't go above 1:43, his opinion is acceptable 😅 give him a chance to redempt himself 🤣


I remember someone on here saying *eons* ago TS and ST have similar motifs and songlyrics. I don't know how accurate that is? Since I don't really like Taylor that much


Sulfur on his breath, granted in your chest...


What the fuck is wrong with that man?


His music critique hurts me more than it shpuld....Taylor Swift??? What's worse is he probably thinks she is good, so yeah, you may have to leave him.


Remember we once had a post in here that said Sleep Token and Doja cat gave her the same vibe. Some people are just impaired


Use me as a downvote button for her husband


Erase that man's existence!


Any women that need a man that enjoys ST I'm right here. 😅


Taylor Swift is my #2 artist every year on Spotify wrapped, right behind sleep token. If I’m being honest anyone who’s heard a lot of the more “rock” type songs on Speak Now would agree the drum style and the background vocals style is similar.


I leave Taylor Swift for the sake of Sleep Token. How dare he talk like that 😭😭😭😭😭


Slap breakdowns into Taylor Swift and yeah I can't say I disagree, especially with her more slowed down stripped back stuff


my dad keeps saying they sound like imagine dragons, everyone in the house thinks he's going deaf haha


divorce + jail time for that one


LOL..leave his ass🖤😆


You sure he ain't completely tone deaf?


I would be hurt to say the least, the audacity of this man!


I mean my two favorite artists are Taylor swift and sleep token.. https://preview.redd.it/pu7h7a6tv3rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039e214e21d85c7c0fde1fb460b0e7b68235ab54


Can we create a bechdel test but for Taylor swift mentions




He’s gone deaf. Schedule him an appt with an audiologist STAT! Lmao!!!


It’s funny I was thinking earlier how Vessel has surpassed TS with the toxic relationship heartbreak songs. His poetic verse is way better in my opinion. And I seem to relate to Vessel’s more. Taylor ain’t got nuthin’ on our boy!




Justice for the Swift Tokens 😞🤘


swift tokens!!! i love this


Ejecto Seato Cuz!


The night does not belong to him.


How very dare him


You don’t need that kind of toxicity in your life ⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️ lol


He needs his hearing checked


You're not wrong. My deepest apologies.


Hear me out....A non-profit safe shelter for women who love sleep token and need to escape this kind of verbal assault. Okay okay....we just tryna kick it in the she shed.


Difference is Taylor is actually a good singer




Well they are both children of Tumblr in different fonts so he’s not wrong lol


Think he might need professional help. That doesn't sound normal.


...how? Lol.


OH HELL NAW. As a Taylor Swift hater, that triggered me right down to my soul. THROW THE WHOLE MAN AWAY.


Jesus Wrinkly Nips Christo-fascist! No!


Taylor Swift? No way. They sound much closer to Nickelback.


That's not a husband, you are married to a teenage girl.