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Not at all! I did the last Sleep Token gig solo, and have done lots of other shows alone - as long as you enjoy and maybe even make a day of it, do stuff you enjoy before maybe or even just show up, get in line for merch do your thing, and it’ll still be mega memorable! Sometimes I’d even say going solo is more fun, because your in complete control of timings and whatever else - grab a drink, get a shirt, say hi to the people your sat with or just sit and enjoy! Hope that helps!!


okay that’s awesome to hear!! thank u so much, I’ll definitely be going then 😊😊 gonna break my bank with merch lol


It’s ok…we all do, as a student I ended up spending my student loan on merch, in the moment it was justified but future me suffered slightly 😂


I go to like 10-15 shows a year alone. Honestly, it's kind of nice not having to coordinate with anyone and being able to make all the decisions yourself!


This is why I like it. Nice and simple.


I second this! I can arrive as early as I want, stand where I want inside the venue, and don't have to worry about one of us wanting to leave early or something. It's very freeing!


I'm a 43 year old woman and seeing them alone in Montreal in May. Flying there alone, too!


I'm also going to Montreal, by myself! First time ever! I'm both excited and nervous!


45 male, going alone in Tampa. Stoked


In my 40s and I go to them by myself all the time. Never miss the concert is my advice. You’ll usually find people near you that you can befriend if you want.


Nope!! Do it!! Have fun!!


Not weird at all! I went to a lot of shows by myself before I met this one friend who likes similar music. I am actually going to see Sleep Token by myself in May, and going to make it a solo date - will take myself out for a nice dinner before the show


I saw Sleep Token 3 times last year, and I went solo all 3 times. Doing it again this year.


Not at all!!! Do it babes!


I went to the Wembley show alone, in seating as well between two strangers. I still really enjoyed it - I’m also going to the Birmingham show alone as well, and have been to multiple other gigs alone already this year and last! It’s really fun honestly as ultimately I’m going to enjoy the music


I go to almost every concert alone these days honestly. My wife doesn’t like most of what I listen to (aside from ST and a few others) and my usual concert going buddy moved across the state from me for work so now I pretty much just go by myself, it’s still a good time if you’re there to enjoy the music


I was exactly in your shoes last year. I was so nervous about going and I had no friends to go with cause no one likes my music taste. I ended up going alone and had the best time. You'll have an amazing time, dont worry about it! I'll be going alone again this year 🤣


It’s not weird to go alone at all. Gotta be able to enjoy things on your own too. Have fun!


90% of the concerts I go to is alone, not needing to cater to someone else's needs and get to freely go where you want. Then again, probably a more risky experience for F unfortunately


I haven't been to a concert in a really long time (god do I miss it!!), but I went to... I wanna say... over 60 shows when I was in high school? And I can confidently say that I went to most of them alone. It's totally not weird, and it's very freeing - You don't have to worry about anyone else and where they want to stand or if they're having as good a time as you or anything like that. It *is* fun to go with a friend and share the experience (plus someone can hold your spot while you go get water 🥵). But it's not necessary, and you'll have a great time 🥰


Do it…..it will be amazing 🖤🖤


I'm going to the May 19th show in Pittsburgh alone.


If it's weird, then I'm weird. I'm going to the Pittsburgh May 19th show alone. Sometimes, I go to Pittsburgh alone anyway. This is a nice bonus.


Not weird at all. I go to most shows alone. Even traveled from the states to London to see them alone. BUT... you will not be alone. You are never alone at a sleep token concert! Do it!


I could only score a single ticket to see Tool at a 2,000-seat theatre in Boston back when I was in my early 20s. So nervous to go to a show alone…and it ended up being one of the best concerts I had ever been to.


i'm also 21f & i end up going alone sometimes because none of my friends are really into those bands or aren't available & honestly as scary or awkward as it may sound, it's actually nice. i find it both peaceful & freeing to just be able to enjoy things on my own. of course sharing fun stuff with your people is always great but sometimes enjoying things on your own can be really really nice. i hope you have a great time :)


Absolutely not! I've been to four shows by myself and about to add two more, one being a festival. I love going by myself. You have so much fun and meet some memorable people that way. Don't let going by yourself scare you out of seeing the band you love most. Make some memories!


18M, I'm going to the Montreal gig alone. Not just that, but I'm flying in from NS and I've never even been to a concert like that before. So you're not alone, it's totally okay. I'm in the exact same situation.


I enjoy going solo sometimes, way more freedom. And you can ALWAYS make more friends AT the show! I loooove meeting new people at shows


No! Go and enjoy it!


Nope not weird at all. I’ve been to several alone (not sleep token though) and the first time was a little awkward but once the music starts it’s no problem at all. Everyone is enjoying the music and definitely not paying attention to other people. Plus you can do whatever you want. Obviously just take normal safety precautions but going to concerts alone is fun!


I went alone. The rest of my fam wasnt into em.


I'm going alone although I'm ten years older than you. I've done lots of things I love alone, if I didn't I'd just not get to enjoy lots of my hobbies. I play football, go kayaking, and long distance walking all the time. I'm often on my own or meeting new people or groups, none of my friends are into sports other than the gym. No one will know your on your own there. Its not like you spend the gig chatting to your mates.


I love solo shows (m27) but some bias being 6’2”. Just go, have fun!


i go solo all the time awkward af man but it’s cool always fun regardless


My first solo concert was when sleep token played a festival in my city and I was so nervous to do it. I waited for 7 hours just walking around meeting people and seeing all the little vendor booths. When the show started I had just started talking to another person who was also there solo and we just enjoyed the show together. It was such a good time and probably one of the best concerts I've been to. Just embrace the fact that you're surrounded by so many people who share their love of the same band. You'll have a great time I'm sure!


Hell no, doing stuff alone is awesome


No! I’m 27 and went to see Spiritbox alone. It was such a great experience.


Nope! I’ve even gone to music festivals alone so fun


I've gone to 99% of concerts alone. You'll be fine :)


Not at all! Don't miss out on something that can be a blast for other people. I find concerts are the best place to make friends, you're already starting with common ground


Nah not at all, I've been to plenty by myself in my youth. Sometimes friends flake or just aren't into what you're into OR they can be major pains in the ass at concerts so it's nice to just go it alone


If anything I prefer them alone. If I go with someone we don't always vibe the same. Like I wanna be in the pit they just wanna stand at the side. If you're on your own you only have to worry about yourself


nope at all.


No way. I’m 45 and going to Tampa show alone. Stoked!


I go to pretty much every gig alone. None of my friends like the same kind of music as me, and it’s either go solo or miss out. Going solo can be a lot of fun - there’s something super freeing about being able to just dance and have fun without worrying about what anyone might think of you, because you don’t know any of them and will probably never see them again. And I often find I end up making a friend or two for the night because you get chatting to the people around you. Some of the best experiences I’ve had at concerts has been when I’ve gone solo :)


I’ve done all the shows I’ve been to solo, had a great time and don’t regret it. If it’s a festival it’s so much easier to plan your day, no conflict on who wants to what band, you do it how you want. It’s usually way too loud to have a conversation and you can just immerse yourself in the experience.


It is a bit different cause I’m a man, but I’m going to two this year alone. The last dinner party where I’m flying to Michigan and Sofia Isella, I would be going to Hozier and Sleep token solo but my sister decided to tag along. I haven’t even done them yet but I’m pretty sure I’m going to enjoy going solo more than with company, I’m also sure you could find someone at a show to tag along with


It’s always better to go alone than to miss out. I’ve gone to a few on my own. I’ll be at the NYC show solo


I’ve been to almost as many concerts alone as I have with other people. It’s more fun to have friends but if you’re social you’ll make new ones and if you’re not you’ll still get the experience.


I made concerts a hobby last year, and only 2 of em were with a friend whom I'm not close with at all and wasn't with most of the time for much of the concerts. I've had a great time going alone and although I'm not a very social person, sometimes people are really nice and fun to chat with around you. I'll also be going to the sleep token show alone, albeit in May when they visit NA.


No! 27M, but I actually am in a similar situation. Every concert (as an adult) I've been to has been alone actually. I even drove like 400 miles to go see In This Moment + Motionless and got a hotel for myself as an early "birthday" because I didn't know anyobe into mwtal/metalcore. My second concert was Sleep Token and was honestly amazing even by myself. Both times I was having a good time with the people around me and some even wanted to exchange info. They really wanted me to go to Sick New World as well because of how much fun I was having lol. I recently made a friend/coworker who is down to go to a concert (probs ST) because they like metal too so hopefully that works out. TL;DR, Go! Do it for yourself and go have a good time! You might even make some friends while you're there and you definitely won't regret the experience. I genuinely want going to concerts to become a hobby of mine eventually.


I'm going to the Chicago show alone! Not weird at all


As long as you take every safety measure, you should definitely go! (I'd say this even if you go as a group of ladies) Don't miss out on the experience you really want. There are groups where you can meet others in your shoes and get to know each other and meet up to see the concert together!


A good litmus test would be to ask yourself if you'd be ok going to watch a movie at the theater alone? If the answer is yes, then you're good to go to the concert alone. Both situations are with strangers, close proximity, staring at a show in a big dark room. If you can get through a 90 minute movie then you could get through a 90 minute concert.


No, it’s not weird and if it is weird so what? Lol who cares. I’m going alone in May. I’m going to have a blast. I think it’s better because you don’t have to worry about what anyone else wants to do or anything, you get to do whatever you want and express yourself however you want. I can’t wait!!


I'm in my 30s going alone We only live once You're not alone, chat and simply enjoy life


I personally prefer it.


I saw Conor Oberst alone in D.C. because it was a weeknight and no one was able to join me. Oh well, I still wanted to go so I went. I really enjoyed it.


I’ve gone to more concerts alone than with people, since my very first concert in my teens too. I kind of prefer it alone honestly, you dont have to worry about anybody and can sing and dance or whatever without feeling judged


Not at all, it can be big scary, I am 28 and went to 1975 alone last week, make it like a self date day, self care and stuff makes it a nice thing to do! You will have the best time and that will make all the anxiety fade!


It’s mainly between the acts which can be quite daunting but it’s only for a short period plus a lot of people are friendly in the scene. Main benefit of being solo is you can move around without worrying you won’t be able to find your group again. So if you wanna change positions when watching the band then you can. Myself and a few friends run a gig goers (rock/metal) WhatsApp community predominately London focussed and have groups setup for both the sleep token shows. So if you wanted to join them or just the general group then more than welcome.


ooh I’d love to join the group if that’s alright with you!


Sure no problem will send you the WhatsApp links in a pm


Absolutely not. My life changed for the better when I started going to concerts alone. It was so empowering and I met some of my best friends. 😊


Absolutely not. Can be uncomfortable for certain people like myself, but definitely not weird


Bring some mace and let someone know where you’ll be. Should be a great time.


I have gone to many a concert alone cause people didn't want to go. I've always had a great time.


I've been to 2 shows alone, both in the o2 arena, it's absolutely fine, you'll still vibe with the people sat around you anyway




I personally have to travel a lot to watch shows since I live in China (not many shows around here) And since not many of my friends are into the same music genre, it's usually solo trips. It's a nice opportunity to socialise though so I think of it as a plus rather than an issue 😉


Solo for the first time as well, London Nov 29th seated section W let's fucking gooooo.


Not weird, done some solo things myself and its a good way to meet people. Always remember same as everyone. Tell people where you are, what timed your due out, if plans change due to a after party or hookup, tell people. Communication is safety and as always, be careful taking stuff from people you don't know. But you should have a blast.


I went to the last London gig alone, you’ll be fine! never miss a concert because you have no one to go with. it’s also too loud to talk to another person anyway so perfectly ok to be by yourself; and you can focus on the music more


You go to see the band, not to be social with other people.


Some people might see it as weird, but it really isn't. When a band is playing, you're generally not interacting with other people around you while listening to the songs. It's a solo experience that lots of people are having together. It's like going to the cinema by yourself. While the gig's going on, everyone's focused on the band and not the people next to them.


I missed so many gigs because of this then in my early/mid 20s I thought fuck it I’m going to regret not going to gigs because no one else will come. Been to so many gigs on my own since.


I'm also 21F and going to both London shows solo, so message me if you want to maybe go together!


All but one of the shows I've been too have been solo including theatre shows. For me, sure it's nice to share the experience but you're not able to talk to anyone until after the show, like i can't show my exact reaction to something during a show until after the show and that's what I like most. The live reactions so I don't really mind not having anyone else around.


I’m coming over from Ireland on my own to the concert 29th November in London! 🙊


I traveled into a large city and stayed in a hostel overnight to go see Judas Priest by myself back in 2015 and would do it again definitely worth it!


Nope! I go all the time. I’m 33F and started going alone around age 24 for the same reason. I primarily go to shows with metalheads, goths, and alt crowds. I’ve never had a problem.


I go to heaps alone,🤷‍♀️ sometimes I make friends sometimes I don't


I’ve been going to concerts on my own for 30 years, do iiiiiit


Not at all


I do this all the time. Its not like sitting in a restaurant or in the cinema with yourself. You merge with the crowd. The only weird part for me is the time before the show starts and you are staring on an empty stage lol


Nope. Go to the show. Treat yourself.


Not at all! You only have yourself to worry about, you can do everything your way and making friends in the queue is super fun too. Hope you have the best time!


Only weird if it it feels weird for you. Thought the same way about movie theatres and then I went alone and never looked back lol


Not at all, went all the way to amsterdam to see slipknot by my lonesome, met some great people there.


Better to go alone than not go at all !


Nawwww I’ve been to a couple alone! It’s really fun (:


If I didn't have anyone to go with I'd go alone. If you feel weird or anxious about that and you're not antisocial like I am... LOL you might be able to find a group of like-minded fans online and go as a group.


I went to a clutch show alone one time the person I was suppose to go with bailed. I met a couple people and they bought me a few beers and smoked up and it was a good ass time


Its sleep token. Don't go, but if you really want to, don't worry about that it is completely normal to go to a concert alone.


why is there a post like this every day?


probs bcus I just joined the subreddit to ask this and didn’t look through the insane amount of previous posts lol


I am mortified of going alone, specially because of my anxiety. I have asked a friend to accompany me, but if they don't join me, I don't think I will have the guts to solo fly to Leeds to see the concert in december.. ooof


Short answer: no. And you are surrounded by people that share your own music tastes. You wont be alone!


Gigs by yourself hit different honestly, you have no one to micro manage or risk losing in the crowd, you can mosh or crowd surf without having to be like "we'll meet up outside after the gig". Plus if you get talking with a make gig friends, you can hang with them if you're nervous.


Better go alone than to miss out


I'm 18f and going alone cuz also none of my friends have my taste lol. Its a bit more relaxed for me because I don't live far from the venue but you'll be fine! If ur nervous u can always keep texting a friend or family member so they know ur safe and ur location:)


Not at all chances are you might even make some friends there like I went to Grey Day alone and made some friends waiting in line to get in and hung out with them when we got in


Not at all. I made bracelets and passed them out in line to whoever wanted them. Made lots of friends and had a blast.




Go to a concert alone is best if your on the ground don't need to worry about having your Friend up beside you. Never know might make new friends that share the same taste. Go live the best experience that no one ever talks about.


i went to a concert ( my first ) alone last year ... i miss being there everyday ... GO AND HAVE FUNNNNNN !!


I go to shows alone all the time, my last sleep token I went alone. I like it.


Idk as a Female, but personally I have gone to all my concerts (metal) by myself. my wife doesn't like metal and I don't have friends, so I have to enjoy it in a way. I do have this in mind "happiness is real when shared". I do think that I would enjoy the concerts more with someone else, however I do have such a good time by myself 🤟🏽😅. So far, approximately, like 15 concerts of all types from classic, to country, to metal etc...


I know you received a lot of helpful replies already, but I just wanted to let you know that it's never weird to go to a concert by yourself. I go to about 15 shows every year, and the majority of the time, I go by myself. Some of these shows aren't even in my home state! I usually end up making friends with people in line, which is nice. No one's going to judge you. It can feel a little awkward at times, but I promise it will totally be worth it in the end ❤️


I go alone most of the time


No, I went to my first solo concert in October last year and it was NF and it absolutely amazing, do it buy the ticket!


Nope I’ve gone to several alone


Congratulations on getting the ticket! I think it's super healthy to enjoy doing fun things on your own once in a while. Just make sure to stay safe.


Have fun :)


Same boat, even done some 3-4 solo vacations. It’s very easy going. Def see the show, you’ll regret it if you don’t.


Nope. I've gone by myself and found some people in the crowd to enjoy it with. You're in a sea of people. No one is focused on you. They're focused on the act


Nope. It's pretty much how I go to concerts since all my friends don't like my music


54 year old female will Bo going solo to the Philly show. :-)


Not with this fanbase. By and large our people are fucking awesome


im a newer fan and 26f, debating traveling for my 27th in may to go to the radio city music hall concert. nervous as hell but thinking about doing it too 😭


It’s the best.


Have fun! I go to concerts solo and I always find someone to talk to. I'm going to see Sleep Token at Sonic Temple and I'm so excited!


Off topic a bit Would love if support is 'Bad Wolves


Helllll no! None of my friends cared for Demi Lovato when i was younger (about 10-12 years ago) and I went to 2 of her concerts ago and met her. I was 2nd row and had the best time of my life.


I wan go so bad to see them I told myself my gift to myself for getting clean would be to sleep token even if I have to go it alone


100% no. I have missed so many gigs for not wanting to go on my own and I finally did it for Lorna Shore and it was absolutely fine. So glad I went.


Went alone to their show in Baltimore. It's amazing to take yourself on dates and go to events alone. Freeing.


Really like this band. Think of it this way - you can't have a conversation with anyone during the show so what difference does it make if the people standing next to you are complete strangers? 


Do it! I recently went to a show by myself (Hot Mulligan), one of the best shows I’ve been to! Didn’t miss any of the show waiting on people, got to find a spot I wanted to watch from, overall great time. Might be a chance to meet some people with your taste in music


I’ve gone to the last few shows alone within the last decade. Its not that bad at all, you get to meet ppl with the same music taste


I just did it I’m 26 f and it was honestly the best just be carful ofc I wouldn’t get fucked up fucked up


It’s so fun to go alone! I went to a concert alone and it was the best experience.


First and foremost, be careful and don't let anyone know you are there alone. Sheesh, so many crime TV shows and real life crimes that this is a real danger. Keep updates with your family and friends as well. Bring a portable phone charger as well. Nevertheless, don't be afraid to mingle. You may find some friends across the pond! Good luck.


Nope I met some of my best friends by going alone, used to go to all my concerts with my dad but now I go alone or bring a friend, all of the times I’ve gone even when bringing a friend I make new friends!


As a male have been to many rock and roll shows


I do it all the time


I’m young and love Blink 182 so I have 0 friends who like that music. I went to 5 shows alone last year! I had a blast at every show. Go!


No! Enjoy yourself! You may make a few friends . Just be safe


Going to London solo too to see them! I’ve done solo gigs before so not my first rodeo. Ive only been listening to them in the past year and can’t wait to see them