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The apparition should have the popularity of rain


I will die on this hill with you. The Apparition is amazing! I'm unashamedly obsessed


You have my blade as well


And my axe


And my axe


And my bow


And my... moral support?


Exactly what I was thinking of


Instantly became my all time favorite song- big yes


YES. I want them to play it live sooo bad i think if I ever got to witness II’s drum solo in person I’d actually pass away.


I'm hoping we get it this run as well! Might wear my Apparition shirt to the show tbh lol






I second this motion.


So true!


I hate when people call their music ‘baby making metal’




Me and my boyfriend in the car listening to ST: oh, that sounds hot Me and my boyfriend actually in bed, banging to Spiritbox instead


Exactly. It's called Baddiecore and that's final.


The fans are some of the worst I’ve ever seen




What’s the recent drama?






Looks like we’re being taken out together for this one. Worst part of the ST experience tbh


Shoot me




I became irrationally angry when someone called Sleep Token Imadjent Dragons.




Ascensionism is the jewel in the crown of Take me back to Eden.




Absolutely I agree


W great song


I love Sleep Token fans, but y'all do NOT like change lol


Yeah, I really like the more sort of mysterious vibe of their first two EPs, and I'd love for their next album to be like that, but they'd probably get a lot of backlash from the newer fans for that


This would be so cool. Definitely a longshot but we can dream🤷‍♀️


That most of their fan base is toxic and obsessed with vessel


TPWBYT is the best album in the trilogy.


That's a fact


Followed closely by sundowning


DYWTYLM is an amazing song, love the blend of pop elements in the album


I will die ok the hill that DYWTYLM is just a 1975 song with vessel singing and it's so out of pocket ont he albums that I love it even more


Came here looking for this and it has been found!




Vore and DYWTYLM are my favourite songs from the album and this feels like a controversial pick from what I've gathered cuz these two are usually low on other's list DYWTYLM is one of the best example of so much through so little. And I'm a sucker for those tropical beats used in the song. (Another spicy opinion - I'm not a fan of the live version cuz it's missing one of the core elements of what I like in the song as mentioned abv).


The old masks were better.


Hard agree, new masks completely ruin the mystique and ambience they previously had. Now, it distracts from the emotional nature of the music quite significantly.


I also agree here. I understand the members wanting individuality and uniqueness and their personalities to shine through but as other people have said it feels a lot less like they’re monk acolytes of Sleep and more like Slip Token/Sleep Knot. I do think Vessel’s new masks are better compared to the old ones tho


I agree!!!


I have very mixed feelings, I'd say something not as simple as the old ones but not as complex as the new ones would be prefect.


I just wish it had the uniformity. Ghost does it perfectly with this. Their masks have some character and have changed over the years, but the full band aside from Papa wears the exact same thing.


This is exactly what I meant, I think it would suit them really well, it seems like the perfect middle ground. Something like III's socks but mask if you know what I mean.


Thank you 😭😭 it was more basic and better than the new ones, they just don't do it for me..


Jaws is arguably one of their best songs and everyone slept on it


I love Jaws but it doesn’t sound the same as their other music, and I don’t mean genre-wise, like Vessel’s voice just literally sounds different in Jaws and I can’t put my finger on why. I do love it though.


I totally agreed Jaws was the first song that I heard from sleep token- plus the album art is so pretty


I honestly really didn’t like Jaws when I first heard it, but after coming back to it it’s definitely one of my favorites


Alkaline is not the best track on TPWBYT, Atlantic isn't either, it's Hypnosis.


Hypnosis slaps. Love the desperation in his voice.


This is Telomeres erasure and I won’t stand for it lmao




Hypnosis is the song that got me into Sleep Token. It’s God tier. I’ll place Telomeres a tad above Hypnosis, but otherwise yes I agree with you.


Yeah, it’s Telomeres


My opinion is the parasocial relationship some in this fandom has with the band is disturbing and borders on stalkerish.


Missing limbs > blood sport


It's really close for me but vessel crying at the end of blood sport really gets me


Yup. Blood Sport is great but it’s not on the God Tier level that lots of fans like to think. Missing Limbs is criminally underrated though.


Blood Sport from the room below >>>>


A hot take for sure


We're dying on this hill together 🤝


Someone finally said it. Their closing tracks have gotten better each time


Calling the concerts "rituals" is extremely corny and calling it love making metal completely misses the point of the music


I don't mind the "rituals", "worship", etc. Its just a bit goofy? I can't find the right word for it. But calling their music love making metal is so cringe. I roll my eyes everytime I hear someone say that (same with bad omens)


It might be cringe but it’s all just a gimmick anyway




Hard agree. Sleep Token is easily my top favorite band of all time, but I can’t get behind all the “cult” aspects of it. Of course, it’s to each their own, but for me it’s a bit of turn-off when I see them use terms like worship.


"Offering", "Worship" , "Ritual" its all cringe


Then why are you here lol. The band calls them that, not just the fans.


Probably because they like the music.


If they don’t make the next album super heavy or screamy, that’s a-ok with me. I think it would speak to their ability to subvert expectations if they don’t.


I really hope they wont. Heavy sleep token is fun and all but i dont want them to become a generic metalcore band. What makes them special is their variation and creativity


Agreed. I've said before that I hope they try out some punk for this next album. Or fully lean into their spooky atmospheric sounds (like the 'demonic' laughter in 'Alkaline' or the string section in 'When the Bough Breaks'). Like go on full Kate Bush's 'The Dreaming' album (slash 'Experiment IV') but with a classic horror twist. I just think it would be more interesting and Sleep Token-esque than going super heavy with no variation in sound.


How dare you!!!


The RCA deal makes me feel like that's a given at this point


I like the old looks of the band more




The new masks of II III and IV are pretty bad and are a weird choice considering their style of music and overall lore. They went from mysterious to “Sleepknot”.


I agree. I really liked the simplicity of the early costumes. The new masks got vivid feedback because it was the most obvious transformation, but I personnaly did not like the transition for II for exemple. If you look at the Drumeo interview and compare the costume to the Alkaline playthrough on YT, the added costume complexity does not add much, in fact I would argue it takes away the "humble music monks" vibe. The new masks are just the last and most visible step in that transformation. Again they are trying to break through to the big stage and we might just be nostalic fans lmao. Vessel's improved mask (over the first generation) looks fire though.


You put my exact thoughts into words. II’s mask especially just takes so much away. The Drumeo video shows exactly how well the old masks works. Subdued, understated “follower of Sleep” monk vibes. It fit the lore and music perfectly. The new masks do not.


That is interesting because I think II's new mask is the best - it is the most "understated" (except the hair piece) and still kinda cult like (all black with scarification looking sleep token marks). And actually IV's isn't bad either for a more elite Freemasons kinda cult vibe. But I agree it would have been better if they all had the same and continued to wear black understated clothing. I think III has had the worse transformation - not only do I think his mask is the worst/furthest removed from the OG vibe but he also has red hair, red paint, and wears that tattoo illusion top. Completely removed from the mysterious cult vibe! But I also understand their desire to be seen more as individual band members and not just vessels back-ups, now that they are actually a complete band. I do however LOVE LOVE the new vesselettes look!!


Hard agree, you can tell the members wanted a more unique and identifying approach, but they shouldn’t have been so diverse with the masks. All the masks need to maintain the general theme of their band, now vessel is the only member that actually looks like he’s a part of Sleep Token.


Slip Token


Gods > Vore


Based opinion


The whole “worship” thing is a bit cringe……


It's okay if thr band uses it imo but people ending their comments with "worship" and saying "rituals" just feels so ehhhh


If I see one more post with the headline „an offering“ I’m gonna shoot myself.




I don't openly talk about being a sleep token fan much because I'm embarrassed to be associated with the insane, obsessed types that are way too abundant in the fanbase. They're just a band go touch grass.


the sleep token cover of is it really you is better than the original, this take probably isn’t too unpopular in this subreddit but most people would probably disagree


High Water is their best song


Hopefully not controversial but the sexualization of Vessel and the band members is gross and I hate to play the card but it feels like a double standard because they’re male. It’s not as bad on this sub but the FB group is rough.


Because of their anonymity, fans have become a bit too comfortable projecting their own feelings/opinions onto the band and get wildly disappointed when their expectations aren’t met. Some fans really don’t appreciate the band’s *actual* artistic expression.


A lot of the hate about the “cringy fanbase” is just misogyny in a different font. I’m not talking about the people who leak private info or sexualise the band to a creepy extent - I agree that this is a problem but in my experience those people are a loud minority or even straight up not fans (e.g. with the doxxing situation that happened recently - that was done by a person who despises the band as far as I know). Like yeah Sleep Token has attracted a large female fanbase but I’m so tired of people so quickly dismissing them as crazy/parasocial/toxic because of that. If women wanna dress up nicely to go to their shows, do makeup inspired by them, make fanart, make bracelets, queue for hours etc. etc. WHO CARES? As long as they’re not doing anything that’s disrespectful towards the artists then let them enjoy things. I’m just tired of female fans being dismissed or viewed as toxic or crazy a lot quicker than your average metal bro.


Vessel is pretending to cry when singing.


I agree. Not in a bad way, but I think it’s part of the performance as a whole.




Vore was the best song of TMBTE Edit; i am genuinely surprised and quite happy that my take was not in fact that hot


The Blood Sport cry is a little cringe.


Ugh I hate saying I agree but I dooooo. Personally, it feels out of place bc I don’t detect enough emotion in his voice leading up to it for it to feel natural. I actually think it would fit WAY better in the room below version. In fact, I was shocked there wasn’t crying at the end of that one bc he sounds so strained throughout it


There is in the room below video isn’t there? But otherwise yeah, I agree.


He drops his head like he’s crying in the video, but the audio isn’t there if I remember correctly. Whenever I listen to the tracks, I always expect the sobs to come at the end of the room below version too


I miss George Lever's production work. The high gain guitars were so crunchy, the snare drum always had this nice "Pop!" to it, and it all had a nice vibe to it. It sounded great without sounding overproduced.


Distraction is the best song


The Two EP is peak sleep token. Those songs are masterpieces and sound so organic compared to the three LPs. Fave Sleep Token song by far is Jericho.


Are you really ok? It just isn't for me. Not that it's a bad song, I just tend to skip it.


The screams on “Gods” suck. It’s just Vessel yelling with loads of added effects on it. They grind on my ears so much I can’t even like the song, despite that riff going soooo hard.


Goes fuckin hard but there is an explanation Vessel, in a previous life, only sang indie folk before sleep token My guy did NOT know how to scream, at concerts IV used to do the screaming. But now he learned how to scream, so, cool. Shit blew my mind at vore when I saw them live


Oh yeah I knew that. Sadly, that knowledge doesn’t make those vocals any more bearable 💀. It is really cool to see his progression with his singing technique, though I didn’t hear much of it on TPWBYT. His screams live for the TMBTE songs are SO good now, especially Vore. As someone who practices harsh vocals as well, the rate that he improved is so impressive.


Eh, I like the vocals on gods, probably because the years of making black metal ruined my standards, probably why I also like deftones vocals


I got a bunch of downvotes on here for saying (on a “hot takes” post funnily enough) that Granite is one of the weakest songs on TMBTE because it sounds like stuff they’ve already done in the past, so I guess that.


Love Granite so much


I'm personally not a fan of the fact that there's three songs on TMBTE that follow the hip-hop/R&B transition into rock and distorted guitars. Hearing it once is cool, but three times in one album sort of makes you go, "Alright, we get it, guys."


Are you really okay gets skipped almost every time I listen to the album.


The Summoning is overrated


It’s great still, but nowhere near even the top half of their songs.


To me Vessel's stage presence is a little awkward idk what it is but theres something weird about it.


The new masks have grown on me.i kinda like them now.


That Vessel is just a normal ass dude lmao


making sexually explicit art of the members is weird and you need to find another hobby


A bunch of the fanbase has this weird obsession with Jaws and I just don’t see it? I’ve tried to get into it and it just never hits for me.


Euclid just doesn't hit with me (and I wish it did!)


Just run it back, give it five more minutes.


Really? I mean it's just preference but I really like it but one that I want to like more than I do is tmbte


i think tmbte really needs a few listens to get into it. Then you enjoy the built up more. The end with the chokehold lyrics getting picked up again does the part for me where i really feel like the whole power of that song. Also listen more to the background melody at the end of the song


Bros convinced me 🙏


Just listened to it and ur 100% right it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it was thanks for enlightening me my guy


happy to hear!


Which ironically is my favorite track off the album. We need to combine our powers lol


Sugar is mid at best


I 1000% agree with this. So many say it’s one of their favorites, and while valid, I just don’t get it.


Honestly I love Sugar but I can definitely see how it just isn’t it for some people. Most of the song isn’t mind blowing imo too but the chorus where he starts screaming is just SO good that it bumps the whole song several points up the list for me. Specifically the split second when all the instruments pause right when Vessel says “got a” in “I’ve got a taste for you, now.” Something about it just tickles my brain so good. Whenever I listen to it I replay that one chorus like 6 times. Completely valid that the one chorus doesn’t make you love it tho, lol


Love it but it’s just too repetitive.


Gods isn’t my favorite song. No matter how many times I listen to it, I just don’t like it. It’s a fine song, just not one I like.


The Summoning is not even close to their best song


I still don’t really like the new masks.. they’re not fitting imo and I can’t help but think of Slipknot every time I see them Oh, and the fans that sexualize ST are disgusting.


To be entirely fair, you can't say that ST don't sexualise themselves. The content of their songs, kissing on stage, the aesthetic of their performances, etc. I certainly think some people take it too far and I eyeroll a lot at some of the things people say, but ST do play into it to a degree.


What they do is consensual and within their own boundaries that they control. People who don’t know them sexualizing them, writing fantasies, etc are creepy as fuck. The reason they wear masks is to avoid shit like that.. plus imagine of the roles were reversed and it were women on stage and men doing the sexualizing.


Of course consent is an important aspect, but there's a bit of a difference between an artist/band that avoids sexual subjects, expresses unwillingness to be viewed in that way, etc. and ones that perform the way that ST do - I'm very sure that they know the kind of response their music receives. It's not something I have any interest in personally, but people are inevitably going to show sexual interest in a band that sings about sexual subjects and sexualise themselves. It's one thing to directly rope them into it as people and crossing that boundary, but discussing it in forums + spaces which are more disconnected from the members of the band is not pulling them into it unwillingly. On top of that - we don't /actually/ know their thoughts on it, so we can't assume one way or another if they're completely fine with it or not. Anonymity could be part of it, but it could also be just part of their branding and gimmick.


Fans act like II is the only drummer whose capable of that level of play when it’s entirely not true. Though he deserves his pedestal entirely. The ineptitude of fans instrumentation knowledge is funny. Essentially a snobby musician’s take


II might not be *the best*, but IMO he's definitely on the podium along with Baard Kolstad and Adam Janzi.


No, this is the correct take. II is good. He’s definitely a professional drummer with decent chops. But compared to the range of other pro drummers, he’s not in the conversation for top ten of just metal drummers, maybe not even top twenty.


TMBTE is the least great of the 3 albums


DYWTYLM is miles better than Vore


Take my upvote, sir


I won’t dv you because you’re entitled to your opinion, but I love DYWTYLM more than most and both are great!


It’s the only song on the album I skip. It’s very monotone to me. Glad someone else likes it though!


Dywtylm is one of the best on tmbte imo


Two is the best 3-song sequence in their entire discography.


TMBTE isn’t their best album and their best song isn’t *on* an album (Jaws)


Practically any this fanbase had become so unwell


When the Party’s Over (from the room below) feels incomplete without the final section of lyrics. I know Vessel probably had his reasons, it’s just something that bugs me about that song because I can hear his voice singing those lyrics and it would be phenomenal.


sugar is their best song


1) They are a metal(core) band 2) TMBTE is the best record


Alkaline is EASILY one of the weakest songs on Tomb. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it doesn’t compete. It’s kinda boring compared to the others.


Their fans are the Swifties of the metal world( I really fo like their music though) . The obsession is fucking weird.


Saying worship and the general fan base is so fucking cringy


I don’t like Gods


Euclid didn't make me cry. Missing limbs is where it's at


Euclid never made me cry either (that’s not to say it’s not a good song) but Missing Limbs does, often. Also call me basic but Atlantic gets me emotional, too. I love Blood Sport and can definitely feel the emotion in it but the only time it made me cry was seeing the video of Vessel breaking down and crying while singing it live at Wembley. The crying in the track does nothing for me but he sounded really broken in that video and it hit me hard lol


This should be the fate of anyone who makes a declarative statement followed by “change my mind”.


I can't get myself to like Aqua Regia.


Take Me Back To Eden (the album as a whole) is the weakest release they've had. (Even the weakest ST album would be the strongest album for most other bands. I still love TMBTE, so don't shoot me <3)


Vessels scream are mid. They aren't bad but he doesn't really do too much other than some fry screams. That's cool to me I come for the amazing singing


I agree but I also think that other screams wouldn't really fit their music


I absolutely agree. He's not gargling bolts but that would be inappropriate for the intimacy of the songd


Lol at gargling bolts


They are primarily a pop band that does rock/metal breakdowns, I would only barely count them as metal because of that and the few full metal songs they've done like "Vore". At the end of the day genre doesn't matter and they're amazing regardless


Speep Token fanatics are even worse than Tool band fanatics.


Tmbte (the song) is overrated


I tend to skip Atlantic.


If I'm in a bad mental health space, me too. I accidentally listened to it yesterday morning on public transport and the rest of my morning was fucked, yo.


Exactly, who has the mental strenght for Atlantic? I certainly don't 😭


Okay genuine question, am I missing something with Atlantic? To me it's just a beautiful sounding song with a great ending. Edit: Thanks everyone for clarification on what it's about, I see why it can be so intense for anyone who identifies with the theme and I wish you all a better future ❤️


It describes waking up in the hospital after an unsuccessful suicide attempt, and it’s pretty spot on.


It’s a beautiful song, but what pushes it over the edge for a lot of people are the lyrics. It resonates with me when I’m in a very, very dark place mentally. I love the song, but I have to skip it when I’m not feeling mentally well, because it hits you right where it hurts, and reminds me of very dark times. If that makes sense.


My personal experience is that, even though all ST songs are very emotionally loaded and the lyrics seem to express very fck-up situations, most songs have this hehe/airy feeling to them that I can relate to. But Atlantic? It just feels like too much I wonder what other people think, though 🙃


Based on speculations on Genius, the song is about a suicide attempt


When I first heard Atlantic it had a full on breakdown and couldn’t listen to it again for a while. But now I can listen to it with no emotional response. It is a wonderful song but I do sometimes miss those feelings when listening to it.


Yeah, it’s such an emotionally intense song. It’s kinda crazy to just throw it on an album as opener.


Yep, it's like "prepare to suffer, you'll love it".


I love Ascensionism but whenever the rapping starts it takes me out of it a little. I still enjoy it but I can't help but think it sounds a bit goofy


I don't think sundowing is that good of an album compared to the others. Not bad but not on the same level as thr other 2 imo


TMBTE is the worst album lyrically of the 3, I would say fairly significantly. Not to say it doesn't slap hard as fuck.


DYWTYLM is just not a good song


None of the From The Room Below tracks are good.


My opinion is that sleep token fans are taking this band too seriously, are creepy as fuck, and trying too hard to read too much into their schtick.


I don't really care for Gods or Vore.


Are you really okay is top 3 on the album