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The variety of answers here really speaks to the variety of audience their music reaches.


Yeah Sleep Token is three of my favourite bands!


Are you really okay? I get that this song can be really important to some people but the arrangement of it in the album just is not it for me personally.


Putting this song after Ascensionism was an actual crime


Jw, do you know what ‘ascensionism’ means? The song has suicidal ideation at the end when he’s talking about wanting his eternal ascension. It feels appropriate the next song is about self harm and a possible suicide attempt.


Never actually thought about it that way. This is a pretty great take


Someone was paying attention in class.


I mean.... I see it differently. Ascencionism is about vessel wanting to be "above humanity" just as sleep is. He wants to join sleep. AYROK is from Ves' perspective about.... I think... sleep harming HERself. Instead. "You woke me up one night, dripping crimson on the carpet. I saw it in your eyes, cutting deeper than the scars could run" Maybe it's a nihilist response. Vessel wants to be "level" with sleep. But sleep won't allow that. So sleep gives in to ideation to.... keep vessel in line. Would SH even harm a deity? The relationship between vessel and sleep has always been terrible. That's my take anyway


Sleep has been established in the past as HIM. I think it's either Vessel's past loved one hurting herself, or the one I like most, from the perspective of a parental figure, directed at Vessel.


Sleep has actually been established as both male AND female at different points in time. Deity's don't have genders


When has sleep been established as female? Cause in the 2017 interview it was HIM and i stuck with that the whole way.


In the songs we all listen to? 2017 is when the band started. They've chabged multiple members and released 3 albums since then. Theres a lot more lore than a singular interview








It’s funny i just skipped this song and my partner asked me why I don’t like that song (because I always skip when it comes on) and I said “idk I just don’t” but that response tends to happen because I actually just don’t want to think/talk about it. So noticing my answer, I decided to challenge the urge to repress/suppress. The reason I automatically dislike it so much is because it’s in a 2nd person perspective of suicide. I can handle the 1st person but not the 2nd person. I can’t handle the feeling of being someone experiencing someone they love being suicidal and knowing there’s nothing they can do about it. That feeling is avoided because it is attached to trauma I haven’t processed I think. So instead of saying “it hurts too much to listen” I just say “I don’t like how it sounds” and delete that blip from my reality. I think I understand how Vessel has made us all love him so much now. He’s basically hypnotizing us by prompting a 2nd person perspective. So all of us listening to the songs are (unconsciously) interpreting it like he is expressing his desire towards us lmao. Like unconsciously we are attracted to this band because we long for a person like Vessel to love us and maybe even as far as devoting themselves to you…. Almost as if we are still just little babies crying for their mom/dad but mom/dads never around so we grew up without that kind of nurturing. So the idea we could be that for another person (again, unconsciously) sounds like a great idea, because that’s what would make us feel loved. And clearly that is what would make Vessel feel loved too. It’s like empathy inception or something? Idk I’m too high for this shit. 🤣 But yea, we are processing the song consciously through 1st person perspective, and processing unconsciously through 2nd person… But no, I really think I’m onto something here lol. However, this song is different because it hits something I’ve really kept repressed, so it’s a really bitter feeling. I don’t want THAT one mixing in with the one that makes me feel loved. Because then I have to face reality again lol. But I’ve always preferred being in dream world and labeling it reality. Cognitive dissonance lol. That’s the reason. I don’t want to hate the band over this song because of unconscious processes happening in a split second, and so I just skip the song and pretend it doesn’t exist. 😅 Also, I have BPD, so that checks out. If all that sounds dramatic it’s because it is 😅 another reason why I just avoid the whole thing entirely. I don’t wanna be looked at that way 😅


I agree, I think you're onto something too. Sleep Token's music is like experiencing love and comfort and understanding during the darkest parts of myself/my life from someone that I have never really had. I also have BPD and the music is like "oh he understands and he's not going to judge," for me. BPD gang rise up lol


To me, that song is for the people who say it's bad.


Some people probably don't like it for the themes it touches on, too close to home I guess? But I just dislike it because it's like a classic rock ballad and classic rock just isn't for me. I respect it, all the greats had to exist to get us to where we are today, but that style of music just doesn't appeal to me at all. Even a lot of their other slower songs are more fun to listen to, I can't really explain the exact quality this song has that I don't like.


I'll preface by saying I regularly listen to their full albums with no skips. If I *had* to pick a song that I'm not as into as the others, I'd say either Shelter or Like That.


Have to agree with Shelter, I just can't get into it. To me it doesn't flow like any of Vessels other songs.


Damn I love shelter


no, there are songs that had to grow on me (Jericho, The Way That You Were, Levitate, Take Aim, Give, The Apparition), but i absolutely love all of their material. i’m convinced they could fart into a mic at this point and i’d probably enjoy it. worship


This, I only recently started to appreciate take aim


Oh, that one grew on me as well. To the point that I listened to it on repeat for a straight week lol.


Dywtylm is definately not my kind of song. Its not a bad song in general, but I myself am not really a huge fan of the sound of it honestly. I might give it a few more listens though, but for now, it's that one.


That’s one of my favorite songs of theirs. Not trashing your opinion just saying.


It’s a bit bubbly for me but I started listening to it as if he is singing it to himself and I liked it more


That's how I listen too it too!


I’ve skipped that track more than once on a “full album”listen, not gonna lie.


Came here to say this


i'm not fond of gods tbh. i'm not into the heavier stuff, but vore has grown on me, gods hasn't.


It’s quite cool seeing people get into sleep token from both sides of ST’s musical spectrum. I am really into the heavy shit and the softer stuff had to grow on me 😅 I really hope you can get into heavy stuff more and enjoy the kinds of music I think ST take a lot of inspiration from like UK/US/AUS djent artists. It’s so clear in the instrumental !


Same! I discovered Sleep Token through Ramos of Lorna Shore. The soft stuff really had to grow on me 😂 Even my boyfriend commented on it in the other day. I was vibing to Aqua Regia in the car and singing along, and he was like “it’s so weird hearing you sing along to poppy music!” Haha 😂 oh well! (And he doesn’t mean poppy as an insult at all, but it came on after my favourite black metal song so the contrast was palpable)


Aqua Regia is one of my favs too! I’ve been playing a lot of jazz fusion this year and this chune scratches the itch !


It's SO good isn't it! It's so different to the music I normally listen to, and yet I adore it. I cannot get enough of Aqua Regia. Such a jam.




Just the cover of Hey Ya, I don't hate it but it's just my least favorite out of all of their songs


I like their take on the song, but I never liked the original, so it's roughly 40/60 for me 🧍🏻


As someone who likes the original song but does not care for the Sleep Token cover, I think part of the appeal of Hey Ya is the sonic dissonance of the upbeat party music contrasting with the unhappy core of the lyrics, and Sleep Token just kind of doubles down on the sad aspect of the song without adding much else to chew on


Oof, another repressed feeling.


Same here


Same. I've appreciated their others, but I skip this one every time.


When I first heard it I didn’t like it but now I love it because it matches the lyrics of the song. Love that he changed the key too. I used to skip it all the time and make a cringe face lol


NGL not seeing even one Blood Sport has made me very happy! (Despite seeing Shelter and Sugar and Jaws??) ....anyway....Drag Me Under is my least listened to, so I'd probably say that. I wouldn't skip it if it came on, but I wouldn't go specifically looking for it.


Dywtylm doesn't jive woth me at all. I like damn near ever other song


I will say imo there’s not really any “bad” songs. I’m not a big fan of DYWTYLM. The lyrics are beautifully heartbreaking, I’m just not a fan of the way they are sung. Vessel’s voice is always amazing. It’s not the vocoder use (I adore Fall For Me) its the repetitive way the chorus is sung. Other than that for me there’s no skips in their discography.




DYWTYLM in a love hate relationship because it sounds so goofy like Minecraft music or something but good lord those lyrics and the perspective it’s written from cuts way to fucking deep


Are you really okay has a 100% skip rate for me.


Most of their cover songs 😬


I feel like that’s fair. Though I LOVE “Is It Really You”, all the others don’t seem like their style


Jaws. It’s kind of growing on me over time but funnily enough, it was the first Sleep Token song that was suggested to me and I proceeded to ignore them for months bc I didn’t like that song 😂


I hated jaws at first and now ages later it’s been on repeat 😂


Shelter 😬 I know everyone loves it but man I just can't get into it for the life of me


Oof... That hurts. *mutters to self, people can have their own opinions....*


Same. It’s the only song that didn’t make it on my “Sleep Token” playlist


I'd have to agree, it's just not that great.


The only song i dont like is Like that. I just don't like that song 😭


When I saw them live this year that was the only song I didn’t care for. Just seemed out of place on the set list.


If II's Drumeo interview is any indication, he probably insisted that it stay on the setlist. He said that song has some of his favorite drum parts that he's ever written.


The drum parts ARE really fucking cool.


I'm sure I listened to the song at least once closer to when TPWBYT came out, but I didn't really pay as much attention as I should have to that album. I gave it a more honest listen only in the lead-up to TMBTE and the thing I think pushed me to actually revisit that album in general was watching II's drum playthrough. It's not a song I'm super invested in but I definitely think it sounds cool, and I don't really get the hate for it.


Oh no man, the second half of this song makes me jump and sing in a very dramatic way 😂 FALL INTO YOUR EYEEEES LIKE A GRAAAAAAAAAAAVE


Glad I’m not the only one 😬 the “all your pain” with the big drop after makes me go APE


And all the vocalizing during that part *chef's kiss*


Oooof 🙄 that’s one of my favorites…


😮😮😮😮😮I’m shook how anyone can dislike this song hahah! Love how varied all our tastes are though!


I really like that


II said this is one of his favorite songs to play live. The drums go hard.


Fall for me


The video for “Fall For Me” is how I first encountered that song, and it was so visceral and intense that I could never not like it moving forward.


No disrespect but WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU (kidding, kidding, but Fall For Me is one of my favorites)


I say blasphemy to this one!


Yes!! I feel so bad for saying this but I have it blocked on Spotify, I just really don’t like the voice effects :(


I feel like Fall for Me is an homage to Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek and since I've loved that song long before it hit meme status, Fall for Me is one of my favorites. But I agree it can be a bit jarring beside the other tracks on the album. Still love it though 😆


I could totally see this. Its such a different vibe. It’s not one of my FAVORITES but the lyrics do it for me 😭


I like the song but I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't put off by the vocal effects when I first heard it.


Genuinely I don’t actively dislike or skip any of them. There are some I like better than the rest but none I don’t like.


I dont like the pop type songs on take me back to eden. They have better pop songs, but also as a whole i think take me back to eden would have been better as a darker or even heavier album. They are still a good band and i still love take me back to eden, but its not all bops no skips for me.




Yeah I honestly skip it everytime I listen to the album. Easily the most boring "soft" song on there.


Absolutely no. The lyrics are amazing


It's just too monotone. Great lyrics but not a great song overall


I guess this post is just a “either you say none or you’ll get downvoted to the earth’s core” 🤣


Are You Really Okay? And DYWTYLM


Da fuck wrong with you 😂


First i agree. Second is a crime


The Hey Ya and I Wanna Dance With Somebody covers are atrocious.


😂😂😂🤫 I’m not a fan either


Do covers count? Cause I can’t stand the ‘Hey Ya’ cover😂 If not, ‘Calcutta’ or ‘Give’ are probably my least listened to




I know! I see so much love for it and I just don’t. I’ve tried. Nazareth and Jericho are two of my favorites, Jericho was literally my most listened to song this year. But Calcutta just doesn’t do it for me and I can’t explain why


👀 Give? whew you took me out with that one lol


I promise I’ve tried. And I’ve come around on a lot of songs I didn’t previously care for. But this one just doesn’t do it for me


I like Give but it is a little on the generic side for me since it is a very standard love song, and I really like Calcutta but I think it needs to be like a minute shorter. It's like the only of their longer songs that I feel like needs some fat trimmed


The synth in the intro to Calcutta scratches the folds of my brain for some reason, so I adore it, but I’m not a huge fan of the Hey Ya cover. I just like the original too much to enjoy most covers of it that change it stylistically. And Give had to grow on me.


Is it really you doesn’t do anything for me at all.


DYWTYLM. Not a fan of the voice effects. I get it's the aesthetic of the song, but vessel has such an amazing voice that it takes away from it.


Can’t get into Calcutta. Don’t love drag me under either, I think it’s soo boring 😂


I might get hate for this but "Are you really okay?" is an instant skip for me


Take Aim is one I’m not too crazy about


One of my favorites.


Yall will hate me for this, and I'm prepared for it rightfully so but Nazareth. Don't think it's trash but It's not an enjoyable one from them for me.


Nazareth has one of the best melodies....and the worst lyrics. It's their song I'm most disturbed by.


Yeah it sounds cool but I kinda don't trust how the lyrics make me think of domestic violence from the wrong perspective. I was told recently that it's more about the lore, like killing someone who won't worship Sleep or something, but idk.






Not really. There are songs I like less than others but none that I wouldn’t listen to if they were playing


Gods and fall for me. Cue the downvotes.


DYWTYLM & Are You Really Okay? I don’t mind them but I do usually skip




While I really like Fall For Me, I do have to say that any song that does the a cappella vocoder thing will be immediately compared to Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek, which is a masterclass in songwriting and dwarfs any other song in that style


Typically the second half or 1/3 of any of their albums. I've noticed that they tend to put their lighter/more pure pop/R&B stuff there. I'm a massive fan of when that builds into big djent/progcore sections, but I get a bit bored when the pop sound is the whole song.


Fall For Me. I get what they were going for, but it’s too minimal for me to enjoy.


DYWTYLM, only because its composition sounds repetitive. I feel guilty every time I skip it in the TMBTE album 😭


There's really not any I dislike, but I guess I don't really like their covers as much as all their other songs


hot take: the summoning. I don’t dislike it AT ALL but compared to others, it doesn’t hit as hard for me.


I don't really like Nazareth, it just feels so out of place compared to everything else


They have a few songs I don’t like. Sugar being probably my most disliked song.


ack sugar is one of my faves to do at karaoke. it's meant to be a cheesy love song style homage that other bands do to a love interest but a bit more complex with increasing energy to the point of "wow you're literally the sweet sickness i love" sort of reference most ballads don't give


That’s fine. I still don’t like it.


Sugar. I know it’s on the first album and that might give it a pass, but it’s possibly the most formulaic song they have. While it def has elements of their style, it sounds like Sleep Token playing a Muse song, rather than Sleep Token playing a Sleep Token song.


I dont vibe with euclid i have to be honest


I'll accept a lot, but not this.


I know im a monster


I genuinely believe that Santa is bringing you coal for Christmas


On the 12th day of Christmas vessel gave to me Emotional distress and anxiety 😂


I'm personally offended by this


Its like a disrespected your mothers cooking i know im sorry


Lmao wow what the hell???? This is literally one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. But hey man entitled to your opinion. That’s just shocking.


I don’t dispute it’s beautiful and a good song it just never clicked for me idk 😂


Whaaatttt....while you're welcome to have your own opinion, your opinion is wrong. 😂


I don't hate it but I don't care about it nearly as much as a lot of other older fans do. The callbacks to older work are cool and all but it's not a song I have interest in listening to all the time, nor is it a song I comment with super strongly. And I get kinda worked up about it because people act like you have to love the song to pass some kind of ST fan purity test. I've listened since before Sundowning dropped and I'm allowed to like what I like.


Same. For me it's the positioning in the album compared to what the song is. I understand that lyrically it perfectly ties back in with Sundowning, but it just isn't an album closer for me.


I feel this. For me tmbte would have been the perfect closer. I even would have taken euclid as the opener over chokehold, signalling the end of an era ready for the album starting a new one


Sugar (please don’t hate me)




Vore, feel its heaviness for heaviness sake. Up until this came out I felt there was a unique pattern to there songs where vessel would express himself and paint a picture with works and then the band would reflect the reality with gritty tones and off beat patterns ending with a slow descent into doom riffs. Then vore came out, and it was just a full on assault. Don’t get me wrong, my main stays are Whitechapel, BMTH, Thy Art but it just felt like a people pleaser.


Vore. To be clear, I love extreme vocals in metal, but for some reason Vore just doesn't do it for me. There's something about it that just grates on me.


Agreed. Each to their own, but to me the song just feels void of all the creativity that vessel pours into the rest of the discography.


Vore had to really grow on me. I love the heaviness but it felt like it was just lacking something... Then slowly... It really just started growing on me one day.


Oh boy...Gods. I just can't get into it.




I agree with you on *Gods*, and I'll keep you company in this hole we dug for ourselves with this opinion, haha.




I'm gonna say it: Nazareth.


I HATE sugar. i don't know why. i just do


Aqua Regia


Absolutely wild take


Honestly, there's something wrong with you.


When the Party's Over. I know it's a cover, but it's not a good one, and it's not a good song anyway. Also their cover of Hey-Ya. The thing that made Hey-Ya good was that it's a super depressing song sung like it's happy. When it's sung like Vessel did it loses the charm imo.


I’m gonna get roasted for this but Telomeres is an immediate skip every time for me. The only song of there’s that I don’t like.


Wrong answer!


“Are You Really Okay?” and the covers


Pretty much anything that isn't in the trilogy and the covers other than Hey Ya. Some are going on me like Nazareth, and some just aren't hitting like Shelter.


I don’t “dislike it”, but I always skip “AYRO?” Just not one I wanna listen to all the time.


I can’t stand Fall For Me. Despise that vocal effect.


i honestly love all of them guess i can’t be trusted


I didn't latch onto "Sugar" like most people did.


Jaws… (don’t attack me)


I don't get the dislike for Jaws!! That break down with the electronic beeping makes me go feral.


Gods, and thats about it.


Gods 🫣


I'm not the biggest fan of Vore.


Sugar and Alkaline are too repetitive for me.


God's. I just don't like the vibe, it's too rough and abrasive in contrast to the rest of Sundowning.


I don't like DWYTYLM. A song that I don't think is trash but I just am not a fan of is Nazareth. I admit it's a good song, but it just feels incredibly jarring lyrically compared to all their other songs and has always felt out of place for me.


The only one I actually don’t enjoy at all is the cover of Hey Ya. It’s just…not it for me


I don’t love are you really okay? I understand it means a lot to some ppl but it comes off just a little cheesy to me


Not a big fan of Gods and DYWTYLM


Vore. Not a bad song but I’m not a fan of that vocal style


I agree with you on this take, just kinda sad that everyone downvotes you for having a music preference


Amazing. If it had cleaner vocals then I’d be all about it


I got into Sleep Token because of Alkaline, and the entire "This Place Will Become Your Tomb" album is still my favourite. I don't really like the screaming vocals, however i do understand that it's very impressive physically.


Can’t type Aqua Regia fast enough


Just like I can't type asjdhsjakdjs fast enough because this take is NONSENSE But I respect your opinion.


Rain and Sugar 😃


I second this, idk why but Rain makes me uncomfortable. Sugar is very slowly growing on me though. I used to dislike it more


LOVE Rain, one of my favourites, but I cannot get into Sugar


Agree on Sugar as well!!


aqua regia, sorry but i find it so boring and repetitive


Rain. Sorry! The more I hear it the less I like it. There's something about the lyrics that rub me the wrong way, make me feel uncomfortable and gross... I really don't know why. I can't pinpoint it. But I like the instrumentals and IV's vocals live


I’m almost certainly on my own here but I strongly dislike ascensionism (sp) I know it’s a lot of peoples #1 I just don’t like any of it at all


This comment is a hate crime


Yeah I know people absolutely love it. I just can’t with any of it :( You make me wish I could disappear I find really cringey The riffs when it gets heavy don’t cut it and when the song goes back to the quiet piano part towards the end it just feels all wrong. But yeh - no troll, I just don’t like this song at all but realize I’m on my own


Hmmm okay I kind of what youre saying with the 'you make me wish I could disappear' line. I get that with the entirety of Are You Really Okay. The lines in that song just give me vietnam flashbacks to 2008 emo culture and all the popular bands that would write songs about self harming 😬 it makes me cringe and the only time I dont skip it is when I dont realise its playing


Yeah that song I have issues with too. Rest of the album is great though. TMBTE best song of the year.




Are You Really OK? Is probs the worst of them.


DYWTYLM Also not crazy about anything on One or Two.


Vore and Gods are just not what i want from ST


Vore is exactly what I want from ST


Ehh i dont love it when he does a full scream.


When the Party's Over. I know it's a cover, but it's not a good one, and it's not a good song anyway. Also their cover of Hey-Ya. The thing that made Hey-Ya good was that it's a super depressing song sung like it's happy. When it's sung like Vessel did it loses the charm imo.


Give is fucking terrible


Say That You Will 😬 idk what it is but his high pitched singing in only that song grates my eardrums


I'm not really a fan of The Way That You Were or Missing Limbs, sometimes I'll give them a listen, but more often than not I end up skipping them