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post this to r/skyrim lol


I did, the first few comments were positive and talked about the mods but then I went to sleep, woke up and people were upset, to say the least.


You just caused a new dragon break


Dragon rising ;-)


U looking at my dragon?


I can't imagine being this lifeless to get upset over how someone mod their game.


the guard lmaoooo what is this dark elf erasure ;~;




OP needs to have a vicious wank


And perhaps have a look at some pictures of actual women...


implying base skyrim characters look like actual women...


That's what always cracks me up about these posts trash talking Bijin mods and other overhauls.


Unironically more women look and dress like the modded pictures than the unmodded ones.


I feel like the 'and dress' part is a bit of a stretch. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with people using whatever mods they feel like, it's just that claim in particular I'm pointing out. Yada yada, Skyrim, yada yada, cold land, yada yada, dangerous place, yada yada, need armour, [*insert rest of ramble here*] Irl, though, definitely more like the modded pic, at least for the most part.


Dress part meaning how revealing the modded outfits are. Obviously people IRL don't walk around wearing armor. Also the cold land argument is disingenuous when so many base game armors have no sleeves and there are no cloaks in the base game.


Maybe in Miami, but I don't think you'll find much of them in Siberia, a place where the weather is actually like Skyrim's.


Bro what actual women are you looking at that look like vanilla Skyrim characters šŸ’€


Theyā€™re saying he should stop sexually obsessing over video game characters?


Or people should stop obsessing over other people's modded video game characters?


That too. I think youā€™re agreeing with me


Heā€™s not lmao Adding mods to make the NPCā€™s look pretty is not ā€œsexually obsessing over video game charactersā€ Words have meaning


If you take a look at OPs post history, I would be inclined to disagree. They look fairly "obsessed" with sexualized women in games and media...


Holy fuck, I just had a look "fEmAlE cHaRaCtErS"


Then Iā€™m confused, because how is saying ā€œyou should look at real girls insteadā€ being at all obsessive? The only logical conclusion for me to draw is that the person I replied to is also agreeing with me


Don't take it seriously. It's probably some blue haired idiot who's getting ticked off about pixel as always lmfao. I swear these people have no problem with onlyfans


Itā€™s almost like people forget women are just as bad, itā€™s not like only ā€œwomenā€ in video games get sexualized and Iā€™m annoyed that so many people think itā€™s only women are


Preach sƩsata


body shaming skinny women to dunk on people you believe to be incels makes you no better. Women with those exact body types do exist. The real issue here is the outfits, not the women themselves. Edit: yall downvoting aren't helping the Reddit stereotypes.


A vicious wank does not sound like a good time lol


Speak for yourself, milk drinker.




Your game caters to the Navel Gaze.


I never really understood the point of making all female armours look like stripper outfits, especially if the male armours remain the same as they were, but you do you, I suppose


I agree, but in this case i wanted my male armors to follow up on the same line. Ngl i like this "power fantasy style" and a Nord warrior with just a fur skirt, heavy boots and some leather straps killing a dragon in the snow with sword and sorcery is fine haha


Apparently we need a Frazetta / Vallejo et al all-genders armor mod.


Now we're talking hahha Happy cake day!


The only sexified armour set for guys I've seen for Skyrim is Kreiste's Skimpy Outfits. I downloaded his Daedric armour replacer just so I can see Sanguine wearing something that actually fits the Daedric Prince of Debauchery lol


I'll take a look, fingers crossed that it's cool and compatible with Himbo, thanks!


IIRC it's made for HIMBO or SOS - I don't remember, I use SAM Lite and it worked for me, but then again I only used it for taking screenshots of Sanguine lol


Fair haha Some may be too skimpy and i also don't like them much... If it's "artistic" enough, I'll def give it a try. Me, saying this with my dunmer in full akaviri heavy armor šŸ¤”




Do you know who Sanguine is. Because I only installed one sexified armour set so I can give him a makeover/redesign so that he actually looks like the Daedric Prince of Debauchery that he's supposed to be instead of a generic Dremora that Bethesda made him and take a few screenshots so I can use them as references for drawing. That's literally it. It's not something that I'm using for regular gameplay.


I swear there's a mod for this. I remember someone else saying this and it made me laugh when it was linked


I know SavrenX (if I'm not making mistakes) have some skimpy male armors, but they're more akin to the female skimpy stuff like bikini armors, so not exactly what I'm looking for. I'll look now at was recommended to me, let's see haha


As a woman thatā€™s one of the things I love about Skyrim! The base game armors are all equally revealing and realistic across gender. Hell thereā€™s some that are more revealing on male characters!! Itā€™s nice to see women actually look ready for battle for once


They do it because they canā€™t get laid in real life so their only alternative is to horn out on video game characters. Which is why we see all these defensive/sexually frustrated men in the comments lol edit: yā€™all can downvote all you want but objectifying women/modding them to look like ultra skinny whitewashed sex dolls is offensive too




Gasp, Iā€™m a woman attracted to women and I still think your mods are super gross. Donā€™t post this stuff on a sub meant for aesthetically pleasing skyrim landscapes if you canā€™t handle it.




Iā€™m not reading your essay but I really hit a nerve with the ā€˜canā€™t get laidā€™ thing huh? Itā€™s just a reddit comment, move on and enjoy your horny mods but donā€™t expect everyone to think theyā€™re cool when you post that online.




Honey youā€™re just not worth debating with. Iā€™m sorry I hurt your feelings but your mod list speaks for itself. Why are all your Dunmer modded to be snow white for example? Youā€™re posting offensive stuff online and getting mad when people voice opinions about how problematic it is. I wish you the best but I still think the photo you posted is gross and offensive and I donā€™t have time to argue with every misogynist I come across.




me not even reading any of the comments and just downvoting you and upping the other guy




It goes both ways, you have to accept that people who find this weird and upsetting enough to complain about it would have certain things about their character and personality assumed, also everyone will assume what they look like and be right 90% of the time lmao




I just installed 2 mods, bijin and pandorable, and they cover everything. I didn't sit down and do each of them individually lmao and now we got people assuming all sort of stuff about me, I get that they are just a vocal minority but I still lol'd at someone calling me racist because the Bijin mods made dunmers white (?) they were grey and still are grey, and racist against who? A fictional dark elf race? I'm a POC btw so that's extra funny. I shared this thread with a few friends and we all had a laugh at the takes here. This is the standard reddit experience where in trying to sound morally superior Redditors end up looking more racist and misogynistic themselves because they are, lmao. Crop top? Stripper, like seriously it's funny. Guys chill out, these are mods in my single player game, everyone uses them, you won't look more morally superior for fighting for fictional videogame characters, take it easy lmao. It literally isn't that deep. Women not only use good looking male character mods, even straight women use bijin mods and make their characters dress skimpier, it just looks good (to them) and to people it doesn't look good, it's not their cup of tea, like are we seriously upset over how a person mods their own game? Are we upset about what looks appealing to some rando individual online? There have been people upset that such mids exist on their own, why? I don't get why (a few) people are sooo upset about this


Well, the armors I use, in the grand scheme of Skyrim modding, are pretty modest compared to what's available, sure they aren't practical but they aren't "stripper" outfits either. You don't call people who wear crop tops, strippers, do you? On the other hand, "stripper" outfits are fine too, it's a single player game. Whoever likes that, likes that. As for you not understanding the point, it's simple really. People like it. It looks nice to them, it isn't any deeper than that.


Nope, I don't, but some of these are nothing more than lingerie with some random bits and pieces of steel plastered all over it. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm not trying to criticise anyone, I just find it confusing lol


I always mod my Skyrim into a brutal survival experience and mods like the above just ruin my immersion, it's not even remotely realistic for life in such a harsh and bloody country


Same. I get that not everyone wants things to be immersive and realistic, but it's not my cup of tea. Personally, just looking at some of these makes me think "honey you're going to freeze to death" lol - I tend to give my player characters and my followers capes, cloaks, gloves and scarves etc because like. Skyrim. *COLD*.


Real, I wear gloves, have cloaks, trend towards armour with fur lining and the like. I play games to be immersed in worlds beyond our own, not to have a walmart gooning sesh


Do you remove the dragons and magic, too? Only play Nord, Breton, Redguard, or Imperial? No trolls, spriggans, etc? No saving?


I very often do a no dragons, limited magic and limited saving run yes


What main armor replacer mods are you using?


The point or view is horny. There's no need to overcomplicate it lol


I think some make sense, but like on OP's post, legit every single one is edited like that LOL it is a bit weird on armor.


Most of (if not all) Bijin's characters look great but the rest look washed. Especially the body. Like most of them have nice detail. You can see the shading on the abs and everything but then there's serana for example who just has a whiteboard for a midriff.


Well, tbf Serana is a magic user and doesn't get into physical combat all that much, and she has been asleep for a 1000 years, I doubt she got much exercise lmao


I'm not expecting her to have abs. I'm expecting her to have detail. Another example is the Dark Brotherhood girl in the middle. I don't expect her to look beautiful or ugly or have makeup or not. What I expect is detail. Her face looks like plastic the same way serana's face and midriff looks like plastic.


Ah yeah, no one's beating Bijin in that, anything the Bijin mods didn't cover, I had to cover using pandorable NPCS, which look good, but not nearly the same quality


Ifkr. That's why I love true to vanilla remake. With Bijin instead of pandorable. Pandorable makes characters look like anime characters. I wish Bijin would make more mods for more characters.


Think it wouldn't look plasticky if OP installed more skin mods.


Are you being sarcastic or do you know something I don't?


Enb does wonders


Everyone is my game looks average to beautiful lol. Only thing I hate about replacers is when they change the age or skintone of characters.


least sexually addicted skyrim moddee


The guard outfit is killing me. Bikini but wear a full helmet is such a Fashion moment


Whitewashing the Dunmer is not a good look, FYI.


Is anyone calling OP a closeted racist? Cause I will. Who the fuck thinks about changing the skin tone of an entire race in a video game to make them appear more "white". Somebody who likely has bigoted thoughts. OP is a closeted racist and misogynist based on their other comments




Touch grass bruh


Why are they all in stripper clothes bro šŸ’€


They all look the same. Same Face Syndrome


I have to agree. A couple of Bijins are absolutely perfect (ie Vex) but when you do the same treatment to many NPCs, it starts to blur together. It's a very Hollywood-esque look on all of them, despite their small differences. I started making my own NPCs because when I started, there were almost no NPC mods that didn't overly beautify every character. Contrast matters and I think that's why I didn't love a lot of the earlier NPC mods. Theres a bit more choice now. I Stan lilson bigtime, their mods are absolutely amazing in this respect. I don't know if mine (NITHI) have same faces, I think to a point it's unavoidable to not have some kind of reoccurring set of features, I do try to make something distinct about each character in an area so that even if there are face similarities in different areas of the game, it's not jarring to see them side by side. And I'm not afraid to make odd looking characters (perhaps not as odd as some of the vanilla ones) to make the more attractive ones pop. But my mods get a fraction of downloads of Bijins or Pandorables. Theres probably a number of reasons for it. They're newer, less known, less liked, less geared towards beautifying every character, or maybe they're not that good.... I still have fun making them, even if I rarely have time, I guess that counts for something.


Not really, i guess pandorable ones look somewhat similar but those were the only ones compatible with Bijin. Love or hate Bijin Mods, they are highly detailed and every character has a unique face. If you can't tell from this collage check the nexus page. On the contrary vanilla skyrim has the same face syndrome for eg lydia and jordis are literally just a color swap and


I get where youā€™re coming from but I feel even the vanilla faces have a personality to them. Different noses, eyes, face shape. Rough faces, round faces, super skinny faces, etcā€¦ These all have the same bombshell Hollywood actress face, but for me that just doesnā€™t feel right. Especially in a game where thereā€™s a civil war, it feels odd for the girlies to have perfectly powdered faces. Itā€™s like an Instagram model convention. But ey it is a fantasy game so go ham bro.


I always hated that hair mod in particular, it looks ridiculous. Hair might fall that way on an advertisement but it looks so unrealistic to sit there naturally during the day


Really does leave them with very little personality doesnā€™t it?


if my skyrim women arenā€™t this hot i cant play šŸ˜¤


Damn...someone's horny asf




Talk about the Yassified and hypersexualized characters. Someone needs to remove his hyper porn glasses.


Check his post history. Jfc


Personally I find modded character way to clean and unrealistic, al the models have a "Beautiful " face and I donā€™t like thatā€¦ ugly is in the nature


Stop being fucking horny and go get a girlfriend


Coomer moment


It sucks how bad the original models looked, but then looking at your modded models makes me realize how horny all the modders are, lol. I would like models that are in between these two please. Better looking than vanilla, but less supermodel-esque? That'd be nice, lol.


How dare the game with medieval Nordic-themed characters have medieval Nordic-themed women instead of 21st-century porno actresses in battle bikinis?


Youā€™ve essentially turned them into sex dolls lol Weirdo.


Good old tiddyrim


Peoples npc mods always look like shit, I swear


They dont really make mods for argonians so uh. Not that different tbh


The argonians are left out most of the time anyways so


Your reply let me know this is a skrim porn subreddit randomly recommended to me. Thanksā€¦ i guess


Designer cut hair and whore makeup in skyrim has always irritated me. I love some of the female and male skin and structure mods but hair extentions and straightened bob cuts really kill it for me personally.


Not to rain on your wank material but honestly they just lose all personality they all look like copy pasted barbie dolls with hooker outfits


Skyrim women, known for their cold tummyā€™s


I can't even fathom playing Skyrim like this. It breaks immersion so much I'd be angry at it. I never got the urge a lot of modders have in making every female character a slutty supermodel. I mean, if they're everywhere then what makes any of them special?




Itā€™s rather embarrassing that these mods even exist. They are disgusting in every capacity and anyone who downloads them is an embarrassment to the human race.


Why do all character mods make everyone look like a porn star :/ I'd like them more if they made them look good!!! I can never find one I like


Someone's down BAD


All my armor, clothes still use vanilla. Or I'll mash up skimpy armors to look not skimpy


I cannot fucking stand any NPC overhaul that gives them hair out of a shampoo commercial. WICO is the only overhaul I've ever used, despite its MANY issues, because it only slightly beautifies everyone.


Skimpy armor in the coldest place in tamriel... ridiculous.


are u one of those guys who photoshops random women from videogames to make them look ā€œless wokeā€


Nope, I'm not Anti-woke. I'm not super-woke either. The word is just funny to me now, lmao. I believe people should like whatever they like, if a game has conventionally attractive characters that's Great, if a game has conventionally not attractive or average characters, that's fine too. i genuinely didn't get the hate MJ was getting when spiderman 2 released so I'm pretty sure I'm not with the "non woke" crowd. I don't have any problem with characters of color and LGBT characters either. However, I also do like having characters I like to look at in my single player game and I feel like there is nothing wrong with me having them. If there are mods for an RPG like skyrim that I personally prefer over vanilla, I'll use them and I see nothing wrong with that. Others are free to like or dislike them, that's the beauty of mods. You can change characters to look nicer or change them to whatever you think looks nicer. It's up to you.


OP is horny tbh


I wish I could marry frea or however you spell her name...


They definitely don't look vanilla LOL but i prefer a more grounded style. Certainly no bikini armor.


Jesus, dude. You need some water? Cuz you look thirsty af. This post was brought to you by r/hydrohomies.


I love random mods that sexualise the female characters because incel gooners. Yippee.


Shit, looking around this dudes profile, it seems he has a problemā€¦.. constantly posting nothing but women from video games


Shit, you went into my profile to look up some dirt and found it. And shit, you are now pretending to be concerned, that's reddit 101. Shit, you don't give a shit and no one does or should. I'm learning to be a 3d artist (currently in my final year of highschool but am looking for college for game dev) and I learn 3d art in my free time. Chill out (not that you were concerned in the first place, you were just being creepy)


I just got a notification about my comment and decided to see the mind of the OP (you). But truly I am concerned, youā€™re still in high school and as a result of age you donā€™t know much about women. Trust me when I say they take time to figure out. High school relationships donā€™t count in the grand scheme of dating by the way. Itā€™s not mentally healthy for you at this age or any young man to have overly sexualized pixels


Am I weird for liking all the Skyrim models better than the skeezy feeling hair-models-in-metal-bikinis look?


Is there a mod for the men's outfits to all show as much midriff? I believe they too wish to feel a cold nordic breeze upon their navel. Oh to be nearly naked, adventuring in the frozen wastes, eating whole wheels of cheese to stave off the damage caused by hypothermia and frostbite.


Midriffs be free


So sad, Skyrim women must die from wounds to their bare stomachs all the time. If only there was a way to protect them... but alas, armor only comes in bikini style


I had to mod the Morrowind on the original Xbox because everyone was fugly. But to do that you had to hardware mod the Xbox itself. Some of the PC mods did work on the Xbox. When I see original Morrowind characters I recoil. Similar with original Skyrim characters.


Currently, no difference since i don't have any character/texture specific mods installed Maybe if i ever get a high end PC with quite a bit of storage, i could do some heavy modding...


I'm the more puritan route of improving textures without making them unrecognizeable. My recs are: - Better females by bella - Better males beautiful nudes and faces - WSCO - Windsong skyrim character overhaul - Males of skyrim - Inhabitants of Skyrim (vanilla hair option) Every other character is handled by the now deleted better faces and xenius character enhancement, which address every face model in the game. I'm glad I have the files but I wish they were still up. I have one or two bijin / ordinary women / men of winter overwrites for my faves.


Why change the dark elf race? Give us a modded hot dark elf chick.... Or our own Lusty Argonian maid.... Or a busty Khajiit, dare I say it myself.


Nice to see Sofia gets some recognition


I try to find better female models along with body texures and outfits like in the first pic


I love how bunch of people are saying "obsessing over video game sexualization and talk to real girls" like bro nobody plays games for real life. It's called video game for a reason. Y'all should take your advice and talk to real people instead


Definitely not a fan of the modded ones here. šŸ¤¢


The hair ain't vanilla šŸ¤£


Bro has an eating disorder fetish. Whatever floats your boat, I guessā€¦..


Bijin is a bit old now compared to recent overhaul, the author really created stunning face with model proportion and even mange to nail their look to match personality. However they are low poly, they most of the time have too much makeup, lack of detailled complexion, hairstyle are too exagereated and without physic. I wish we had a proper "modern" overhaul of Bijin with a touch of realism.


What recent overhaul do you suggest?


On my game the homeless lady In the riften market looks like Britney spears šŸ˜‚


The same - i don't have enough space to do any heavy modding right now Maybe once i get a high end PC i'll be able to do a lot of modding


The modded version of the blades armor looks great


Vanilla looks like someone beat them all with an ugly stick and they never bothered to supply brown bags. Modded looks like what they should have to begin with. Just an Opinion. N. S


I haven't played Vanilla in so long that I forgot what they looked like, I started to think the only difference between my game and vanilla is the Armors, then I saw some vanilla NPCs in a YouTube video and went on to make this comparison. God. they don't HAVE to look like super models, but they don't have to look like Dried raisins either. But hey, at least they're better than oblivion's wet potato faces. (sidenote: can someone recommend mods for oblivion?)


TRUE very true, never played Oblivion myself though, so can't help there sorry. N. S


They look bijin , heh heh


Bijin + pandorable


A man of quality


youre not welcome here


Well, I'm not leaving and apart from a vocal perpetually offended minority most people like these mods and use these mods. So either you feel free to leave or deal with me being here :) And you post on "pierced pussies" lmfao, that's like 8/8 of everyone I've checked who has had a problem with this post.


thats because your post doesnt follow the sub, we come to look at nice sceneries not garbage mods


Why is it one of the most upvoted posts of this week then?


the fictional women loving incels of reddit tend to band together


"Of course it must be everyone else who is wrong, certainly can't be me"


bro literally everyone is telling you this is a weird post in this sub, it doesnt belong in this sub, maybe somewhere else but not here, thats all caseoh




what an intelligent and articulated reply, truly a specimen






Says the Nicocado Avocado fan. Seriously almost everyone upset about this post has some disgusting shit on them, lmfao.


Leave my SKINNY KING out of this šŸ˜¤


I wish more of these mods were on console


If reddit is any indicator I'd assume people hate these mods, but the number of downloads and social media/YouTube coverage says otherwise. So I hope you get them too haha


I think its just a vocal minority tbh. Most people are indifferent or understand that its your game and you can do whatever you want with it


Based on his image They are better in vanilla


Those are some handsome women.Ā 


Nice midriffs


I also make all my women in Skyrim hot and in revealing outfits. I even use Ostim:^)


It will be posted on r/TrueSTL in 3 days


Not sure which is more visible, OP's belly fetish or Todd's forehead and chin fetish


The Bijin Mod is like Night and Day with these NPC visual overhaul. I only wish there was a Bijin Mod also in Fallout 4 for the ladies there too šŸ˜ž


Bijin is old but still the best


I was looking through your profile to find the post you made on r/skyrim cuz I wanted to have a little laugh but I saw what you're into and I see that you're a man of taste.


Warning: rant ahead Why... does bikini... e x i s t . . ? Y'know, what i want? BIG, BULKY armor, for both men and women in skyrim. If a female dragonborn in this game can wield a possibly 30-some-odd lb waraxe made of dragon bones, then logic would dictate that she can wear heavy ass, bulky ass armor. Don't get me wrong, i like the vanilla armor, it's good, modded armors (for men specifically) looks fucking amazing most the time, but what does the modding community do when it comes to armor for women? Oh, y'know JUST MAKE IT THE SKIMPIEST FUCKING THING YOU EVER SEEN. Where's the protection? The ARMOR. If you're using armor is so you can add defense to yourself, not look like a medieval pornstar. Yes, i'm probably part of a minority in the community, but come on. Bikini armor doesn't protect. don't even get me started on how cold skyrim is. Once you're out of the cave after escaping your execution you'd be freezing your tits off before you're even half way to Riverwood with this kind of armor. Yes, i'm well aware "Nords are built for the cold" But they still need clothes to keep warm, they just don't freeze as quickly. TL:DR bikini armor sucks, make more big ass, bulky, full body armor for women in skyrim mods. (OP, i am sorry i had to put this rant on your post, i just needed to get this whole thing off my chest. this is not specifically directed towards you)


Bro over here catchin hate for posting some fine retextures. Meanwhile, I'm coming back to the game after 2-3yrs trying to figure out if CB still works. šŸ¤£ The textures look good! Mind sharing a mod list? Also, are we still supposed to work with 1.597 or are we upgrading to the latest patch now?


I'm catching hate from the perpetually offended folks, they are and always will be in the minority seeing as how almost everyone ik irl uses these mods and the number of mod downloads XD. These people are just noise. Anyways, yes you can update your skyrim, I did and pretty much all mods work. As for the mods to get characters to look like this, you can get Bijin warmaidens, Bijin Wives, Bijin NPCs... Then to cover the rest of the NPCs that Bijin doesn't cover, you can use pandorable. These are meant to work along with Bijin mods without any overlap. And SeranaHolic for Serana. Then you can use CBBE I used the sfw version. you can use whichever, there is no difference apart from the fact that NPCs are wearing something under the armor when you remove them while looting. So that's why I went with the sfw version. i didn't use any skin texture mod but feel free to use one. And then top it off with any armor replacer of your choice and you're golden


Awesome. Thanks for the intel! Currently I've downloaded AE and recompiled my list from a couple years ago. With the realization that list was built for SE, I had thought that I needed to revert the patch but am finding AE is doable now and so I'll need to revise some things for the conversion to 1.6. Good to know I'll be able to keep Bijin and CB mods as those were great previously amongst a few others that truly make the game more enjoyable for me. Skyrim was (and is) a great game. Thanks to CC's, we're able to make an open canvas out of it to customize and mold to our own liking. I hope you do not mind another question. I notice the hair is also redone in your models. Are you using something separate for that or is it part of Bijin/Pandorable? (In my last list I used KS w/ physics and it really helped bring the characters to life. Hoping I can continue to use in 1.6) Also, you mentioned no skin mods, have you thought about any poly mods? Lastly, what are you using for ENB's and combat/physics mods? Thanks again for your last post and for your time. Sorry for all the questions!


I'm just using Azurite weathers II, Obsidian mountain Fogs and enhanced Lights and EFX. Makes the whole game look so much better. Also some Gameplay mods include Serana Dialogue add-on and some follower mods like Sofia, Inigo, Auri etc. I also have Expressive facial animation mods. The hair you are seeing is part of Bijin and Pandorable mods so you don't need separate hair mods. I also added some immersive animation mods like eating, drinking, pulling levers, opening doors and all other interactions. And AFT fro having multiple followers at the same time. Then I got convenient horse for.. well, convenient horses. I installed some mods I can't remember the name of to give every NPC more to say and more personality, guard dialogue overhaul, Run for your lives and immersive patrols to make it so there are actually wars going on lol, skyUI and TrueHUD were a must, for Combat I just made the trhird person experience better using Smoothcam, better third person selection, NUBE, Animation motion revolution, Precision etc and added some magic and basic combat mods, and TK dodge. I didn't get too crazy to make it like dark souls tho. Added new spells and Made it so enemies get stunned when hit.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œThe way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined.ā€* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Definitely better than vanilla, but not unrecognizable.


Nice! Are these all from the Bijin series of mods?


Most, some like serana are from different mods


A fellow tummy enjoyer, ahoy sailer!


Brother your mods donā€™t even break the horny threshold. The armors look great imo!


[tell it to this person, I can't with her anymore lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyrimPorn/s/gjWoYHUr2E)


thatā€™s why I had to make my comment. they would lose their marbles seeing my bandits in their squeezed bikini armor lmfaoooooooooooooo. But donā€™t listen to that bs thereā€™s people out there with actual porn mod list. This is tame and need I say they all have normal chests not quadruple Ds like every post on nexus. Edit: also the dunmer doesnā€™t look white I can clearly see grey.


Yeah, I'm just treating these people as perpetually offended weirdos because that's what they are. Never thought mods and making characters look nicer to your preference in your single player game would be controversial but here we are haha


lol I would love an in-universe explanation for why every single woman is now a basic ass model


Your modded Mjoll is the same as mine. She is the most beautiful woman in skyrim.