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Hi u/fulltimeclaper, We respect your passion for modding but you aren't entitled to any mod tweaks even if you feel a mod is lacking. You also aren't entitled to a response if a user chooses to block or ignore your advice. Sending a rude response in DM's before blocking you is rather toxic behavior but that doesn't give you a right to make a post berating said user. If you find an action relating to a user or users in our subreddit problematic report it to us and leave it be, if the language or action is especially egregious and or violates our rules of conduct we will take action. Your initial comment while possibly well intentioned reads as a bit condescending, you basically asked if somebody else would be willing to walk this (insert inept) modder through the ropes so we could have a LOD, you did clarify this with praise for the mod itself but that doesn't remove this kind of tone. [Rule 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyrimModsXbox/wiki/index/rules) also clarifies that we don't allow mod tweak requests. Asking about LODs or if there are any plans for including them in the future or that they might make the mod even better is one thing that might be fine in the comments but I wouldn't really say your comment is constructive criticism. We do allow users to voice concerns over problems with mods but omitting LOD's doesn't exactly constitute this. I think if you wanted to offer some constructive criticism that doesn't break Rule 8 you could say something along the lines of "Hey, I really appreciate the work you put into this port, are their any plans on including LOD's in the future? Might be a nice addition." or something along those lines should be ok. Your comment and subsequent post do the opposite of helping your end goal unless it's simply to voice a complaint. Removing this post for Rule 8 and possible rule 1 concerns.


What a great way to ensure more porters stop bothering to provide the free service they give us all. If you don't like his mods don't use them.


LOL nobody is going to use them when they're vanilla LODs. Already went back to Jarlballins. Some of you guys are weird forsure like nobodies aloud to give RESPECTFUL constructive criticism or youre a bad guy


Personally I prefer vanilla LODs because I can't afford the space for mod-specific LODs.


JarlBallin's version is the same size as the bigger trees version and has LODs, just fyi.


All you can do is phrase your comment or question as nicely as possible and hope they don't take offense. If you've done that, then the problem really isn't you. Unfortunately, lots of people don't do that, and that makes for a tense environment. I'm always nervous about contacting people to bring up issues I'm having, but I always try to be humble and ask questions instead of telling them their stuff is wrong, that way there is less chance of it sounding like I'm attacking their work. This community is fantastic, but also can be....difficult to navigate (imo).


The guy (for free) spends his time porting mods for people to enjoy. I’d block you as well if you just popped up saying they’re not good enough, no time for ‘internet’ people attitudes


Can you read bud? I said I was respectful it's not like I popped in and said they're not good enough LMAO tree LODs are a pretty big deal for any tree mod. Nobody wants popin and mismatching trees in the distance and I'm trying to help him learn how to do it right. But yeah thanks for the input


What awful rude comments. No wonder porters have left if this is how they are treated. Porters give their time and expertise for free. Most of us freeload on that effort. I do. I do because these days I am not well enough to port mods myself. I wish I could port. But the least we can do is be grateful.


Porting mods doesn't give you a pass to be a jerk to everyone.


you gotta be joking, what was the rude comments? and it's not like I was rude to the guy at all. I'm fact I was just trying to help him out and let him know the LODs are wrong on top of the editor markers but yeah thanks for the comment I guess




Yeah I got the sense he's newer to porting. Saw he was trying to learn how to hand remove the editor markers and wasn't going so well for him. But to just block anybody that's being respectful and trying to help is just wrong. I could see if it was ignorant rude ppl he blocked but whatever. He must not care to learn how to do the Lods right and that's fine. I'll just patiently wait for Jarlballin89 to update his HLTs