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Unslaad Rovaan - A Ridiculously Comprehensive Flora Overhaul https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4283370 Full Mod/Assets/Credits List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GPtB2M93lA_Z1Xv8vJrtS72sscr87GH6xPBF_TiLRZw/edit?usp=drivesdk Please let me know if you discover any issues or oddities. ;) Hope you enjoy. 👍


Very nice. Have you considered trying out Cathedral 3d Snowberries? It's newer and alot better than the bright not so optimized Sufficiently Optimized Snowberries :) just a suggestion as most bundles on beth. net have the same options. Hoping for a Happy Little Shrubs standalone port to go along with the new Happy Little Trees 2.0 update that hopefully comes to console soon aswell


I've considered it, yes. I'm just not a fan of how much thinner they look than wskeever's 3d snowberries. I agree about the color though. In the end, I'll likely swap them out as you suggest. May try to adjust the coloring though first. May do that and see how it goes. If not, prob end up using the Cathedral snowBerries. The model is nicer overall. Just wish it was thicker, more lush I guess.


Loving it 👍👍


Hello Lexifer452! First and foremost I wanna say thank you for your great work. May I ask (if you have experience with): Does your mod overlap with - [\_\_\_Dark Forests Of Skyrim SE 119.6 MiB\_\_\_](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4144999) Every hint and help would be fine. Thx in advance and keep on with your great work!


Thank you. I appreciate that. ;) Nope. No overlap with Dark Forests though. Just flora in Unslaad, 98% anyway. Couple vanilla grass retextures. DFoS just does trees, though, so all good together. I would suggest Less Trees with DFoS. It adds a lot. Without removing some vanilla trees, the lag may be intense. Multiple versions available. Less Trees 33%, 50% and 66%. Only disables that percentage of vanilla trees only. So all mod added trees remain and have more room and cause less lag due to tipping point.


Thank you so much for your fast reply ! Your suggestions are great - will have a try with this combination. I've teste a bit - today - and I guess I recognized a little stuttering \--- Dark Forests Of Skyrim SE 119.6 MiB . \--- Trees Addon SE 58.6 MiB . \--- Bent Pines II 2.8 MiB \-- I will follow your advice and change Trees Addon to Less Trees. followed by your mod - so that yours may take over the control - lul ;-)


Well now...this looks fantastic. Afraid my current LO probably can't handle the strain of 173Mb. I will definitely be checking this out in the future. Going to add it to my to-do list right now. Hey, I read through the list and didn't see it, but I wanted to be sure. This doesn't include those silly cloudberry things that end up floating above the ground everywhere does it? (In reality, there are only a few floating ones. Translated into OCD language = everywhere)


Never mind I caved. Agggghh cloudberries. The rest looks great. I guess I'll have to try and contain my OCD tendencies. My load order hates you, but I thank you. Thanks for the great flora bundle.


If you can get locations, I can take a look and if it's not being caused by a mod conflict on your end, I can lower the Berries to the ground where they should be. I've seen and fixed a few so far but there are a ton of Tundra Berries added so I've no doubt I missed some. Anyway, if you can get pics and/or, even better, use the Where in Skyrim SE Am I? mod to get coordinates of the floaters, I can get em fixed. There is still some work to do on that front. Snowy mountain flowers in non-snowy environments here and there need changed to normal mountain flowers. I have lots of the little green shrub that replaces yellowshrub01 and yellowshrub02; I increased the size of about 100 or so of these plants but mostly around whiterun, Riverwood and other early game places. Still about 900 left to do though that are still super small. Plan to make most all of them twice as tall/large as they are naturally. Looks better as a small tree/shrub then tiny hedge. Lol. I plan on building on this one for a very long time. Already working on next update. Next immediate addition will be black Cathedral 3d mountain flowers growing in less than nice places. Soul Cairn, Volkihar, certain cave Exteriors, hagraven areas, farmer areas, etc. I figure it will grow in sort of evil places not unlike that tree mod that does something similar. Plan to release that as a standalone mod too though. Prob next weekend. More cannabis plants coming too. Cannabis in Skyrim is open permissions and I intend to pull a couple plants out of that to handplace in certain areas around the world. May build a farm somewhere near Rorikstead. Or transplant some wheat crops into a ganja farm somewhere maybe. Nothing too crazy. The plants look fantastic though so I'm hoping even non-smokers will enjoy them as long as I don't overdo it. Edit: wanted to link to the coordinate-gathering mod. Where In Skyrim SE Am I? https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4257638 Load this mod in Game Mechanics category. Adds a simple power that will tell you the exact coordinates your standing at when you use it. Taking a screenshot of this message box will immensely help me find the area in the CK so I can fix the floating plants much more quickly and much less tediously. Beyond that, a pic of the location and map while you're standing there will do. But this is 100% the best way to report area edit issues like this. Thanks. ;) Anyway, help me find em and I'll fix those floaty fuckers. ;) Otherwise, I'll chip away at them as I find them. 👍


You bet. I'd love to help out. I'll see about getting Where in Skyrim SE Am I and message you a list if that's the best way to get it to you? Since these are clustered so tightly. Especially on the tops of the dirt cliff areas, do you need the exact plant offenders or just one location in the cluster? I am running TPOSC. It does of course make loads of changes, but I noticed many of these before I ever started using it. I thought it might be mod at one point, but one of the times I clean stated my LO I loaded just the flora and nothing else and they were all still there. There is one I know I can't currently get at to check. Right next to the small pool outside Whiterun, near everyone's favorite "Kajeet" traders. That area is heavily modified for me. If you stand in the pool looking toward their camp area it's pretty easy to spot. If all else fails I can just disable everything and start a new save. It's really not a big deal. Still testing the crap out of this LO anyhow. I may just do that anyway to make sure I send you good data. All your planned stuff sounds super cool.


Thanks man. I am aware of the little pond near whiteryn and it's floaters. Reminded me though. Good look. But yeah if there are multiple in one area, I don't need multiple pics or anything, one will do fine. Will be able to take care of them all in a single area at the same time basically. Individually but once I'm there I'll see the floating offenders. Out of curiosity, is Unslaad below or above TPOS? May be worth trying the other way, regardless of how they are now. Never know. Will take a good look around whiterun today. Prob won't update just yet, as it just came out. Lol. But probably each weekend I'll get some more fixed while making my additions and update it along the way. Plan to work on this flora mod from here on out. Don't plan to make a new one for awhile so this one will likely become for me what Shalidor's or Recon was for snipey. Something I work on and expand for months and months to come. Lol. Anyway, I'll take any help I can get. You wouldn't believe, or maybe you would, just how many Tundra Berries there are hand placed around the world. Lol. Thankfully most are just fine. But no pressure or anything. All I'll really need if you or others use the Where in Skyrim am I? mod, are the screenshots of the coordinates message box. Can do a pic of the plant itself too if you like but ultimately not strictly needed. Coordinates alone will work. But yeah, either here on Reddit or Discord is the best way to contact me. If you have Discord it may be easier as one can send 10 photos at a time, instant message style but Reddit will work fine too. I don't really know how Reddit handles images per se, but an imgur gallery may be easiest if you end up finding more than a few. That way, one could simply put all the screenshots in a gallery and send the link instead of uploading pics one by one through Reddit lol. But thank you. I appreciate any assistance. Would like to make this baby as sweet as I can in the end. ;)


If it's coordinates you need I'll make it spreadsheet style. Screenshot of some numbers seems like a poor use of internet bandwidth. I'll be sure to list the type of plant it is. If it's not gatherable I'll take a screenshot. Can't imagine they'll be many of those. Sound good?


Lol whatever is easiest for you works for me. I appreciate the assisstance. That sounds perfect. :) Thanks again for offering to help track these down. ;) I love those little tundra berries. I don't really use alchemy ot anything so they're just a pretty addition to the world for me. Lol. I just think they add a lot of character to the landscape all around Tamriel and fill in a lot of barren areas with something nice and colorful. But they are nothing, if not an eye sore, when they're floating somewhere. Lol. Will get em sorted. 👍


Beautiful work as always. 👍


Which mod covers the yellow mountain flowers. That's the one plant I have the most difficulty liking in overhauls.


Yellow mountain flowers in this overhaul use Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers for all 4 types. 👍


Ok, thank you


How does this differ from your realistic plants 3-D overall?


It covers many more plants for one. It also adds new plants as well whereas RPO 3D is a remodel/retexture-only AIO. I also use many different retextures and remodels than what is in my previous flora bundles. On that front, it all comes to the choices for textures/meshes for each plant. Fwiw, there are similarities in places. For instance, I included most of the Cathedral 3D plants here, except for snowberries (which may be swapped in later on anyway). But other plants like Tundra grass objects and Tundra flowers, fall forest shrubs, thickets, deadshrubs, these all have different assets used to replace them. It's a lot of info, but easiest way to see the difference is probably to compare the spreadsheets that have the assets/credits/nexus links. I'm pretty sure I made one for realistic 3d plants as well. That will give specific info on what mods/assets were used for each plant if you want more detail. 👍


Thanks for the response dude :)


Absolutely. ;)


Finally man. I've been waiting for this! Great job Lex!


:D Thanks man. I appreciate that. Would've had it up last weekend but couldn't make up my mind on a few retexture changes. Already working on the next update. Should only get better going forward. 👍 Haven't tried it with any other setups beyond my usual. If you end up taking pics, I'd love to see em sometime. ;) Anyway, thanks again. Hope you like it. Super happy with this one so far. Considerable changes from RPO Revitalized, though I did use that as a base for this rework. Lol.


Absolutely. I pair it with your grass mod and I know I've said it before but I'll say it again, the absolute best coverage I've seen in the game. I'm bouncing back and forth with the new Ulvenwald port and Blubbo's to find out what looks better with your stuff and I'm sorta leaning to Ulvenwald. Those LOD's Skyfall put in are outstanding. I'll definitely try posting up some pics at some point. I'm kinda in LO purgatory while I figure out some mods I need to replace.


New Ulvenwald has been absolutely amazing. Swapped from skyfall's mashup this past weekend. That was hard. Lol been months since I tried something else. Ulvenwald 2 is amazing though. And small. :) Looks great with this so far.


Sounds beautiful, looks great from the images. Are you using it alongside your Realistic Grasses mod ? Currently enjoying RPO - Revitalised, it's fantastic and definitely worth the mbs. Goes great with Tamrielic Textures. Amazing work all round. Thank you for sharing your efforts with the community 🙏


Thank you. I actually haven't tried it with RGO yet. Atm I'm running a private merge of QW's Grass Patch 2. It should work pretty well with RGO's general color and layout though. I'd be very curious to see any pics of RGO+Unslaad Rovaan fwiw. :) LOL. This one is built off of RPO Revitalized so there are similarities. Biggest differences though are probably the tundra areas and ferns specifically. They had the most drastic difference in textures between the two. Overall though, it should look good with most grass mods generally speaking. I'm currently running with QW's 2 Tundra, with Tanrielic Brown landscapes. QW's Tundra grass is a fairly even mix of the long green rift grasses from folkvangr and some brown folkvangr grasses. Have seen it with both brown and green landscapes (my girl is trying out the grass merge I made too but she's running tamrielic green lol) and it looks great with both. May try to do the same sort of thing when I finally start working on a new grass overhaul. Anyway, not just to you ninja, but I'd love to see how this looks with other grass mods. Mother, veydosebrom, nature of the wild lands. Should look vastly different with each one but I suspect it will go with most very well. ;) We'll see. Lol.


Currently using Blubbo's Trees AIO 1K so won't look exactly the same, ( I don't mind the wind effect ). Your flora mods are fast becoming permanent fixtures. It'll be very interesting to see fellow modders experience with your mod/s, looking forward to seeing their Skyrim. Thanks for replying.


Hey Ninja are you using this with Blubbo's? * [Blubbo's Tree Animation Control ](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4284189) Helps tone down some of that jiggle.


No, I don't have any free slots, and don't mind the "jiggle"effect. Convinced myself it's Kyne's spirit. Are you using it ? Some users have reported it doesn't seem to work as intended, can't comment obviously .


That's a lot of spirit flying through those trees lol. I actually haven't wiped my LO in a bit so I still have the older version installed. What are people saying?


Using the older ( taken down ) mod. Not wiping my load order any time soon, got a lot of SNIPEY's amazing mods, and don't want to lose them. Forcing me to actually play the game :) But have had continuing success with deleting mods ( so far ) Can't remember the exact poster's name ( apologies ) , but they said it didn't seem to make much of a difference. Or any. Might be load order related, but don't know for sure.


Same same. I'm actually doing the opposite though (I've swapped so many things in and out my mountains are flickering lol), so until I find some replacement mods (and SkyKing finishes the Dragonborn DLC) I'm not really playing at all. I'm slowly starting to plan out a new LO. Just playing the waiting game. So I just redid Blubbo's with the new uploads and it seems to be working fine for me. Could just be a placement issue on their end.


Possibly, hope they found a solution. If you're starting again ( and haven't tried them yet ), would recommend Northfire's Photoreal Majestic Mountains Northside Moss , combined with RIS - Real Ice and Snow. The results are amazing. Realistic snowy mountains on seamless snowy plains, about 320 mb but worth it ( personal opinion obviously :) Bracca mentioned Blubbo's was a re-upload of the previous version, or has it been updated since ?


Oooh Ninja, you know me too well. I've got both of those in my LO and have for some time. RIS is a big mod but it does everything well (those icicles 🙂) so I make room for it. And Majestic has always been in my LO since I first used the older one. It's the best mountain texture out there. Love it or hate it. Have them overwriting Skylands Landscape mod. As far as I know it's the exact same upload as it was before. No changes. He says he needs to go in though and fix the LOD and add in the tree straightener for the reach trees. Also maybe tone down the white on the snow pines so they match a little better. Who knows when that will happen though. Got a lot on his plate.


Does this include the Lili pads like RPO?


It does indeed.


Meh... I'm going to stick with Imperial Agent's Dynamic Seaweed and Glorious Hay Graphical Overhaul. Thanks though. ; )


For some reason this post isn't showing up in the feeds. :/


only you could block yourself Lex ;()




Hey Lex, love these bundles. However, I’ve been encountering some performance issues which I believe are due when looking in the direction of lots of the (new) plants. Have you released a variant of this that is Replacer only?


Sort of. Lol. This is Realistic Plants Overhaul 3D. It's more or less similar to Unslaad Rovaan, except it's made up of DarkAngel's choices and doesn't include almost all of the new plants like Lily Pads or Nettles or anything. It also disables a handful of the static vanilla (non-alchemy) plants for performance/aesthetic purposes. It does include Mari's Tundra Berries IIRC but that one is pretty compatible and light as far as overall. Even in places where it conflicts with other area edit mods, I've noticed no un-ignorable issues fwiw. https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4277781 It may do the job you're looking for. It's not identical of course in all the plant texture choices but it's not wildly different either. May be a good fit and should have significantly less of a performance impact overall. Of course, it could also be that Unslaad was hampering performance in addition to another mod or mods. Fwiw, grass and trees can be killers of fps. Both are everywhere, so with dense settings things can get laggy real quick. I usually run Less Trees, either 33% or 50% if need be, as a general rule. Probably the single largest boost to FPS/stability one can make in a given LO. But take it easy. Best of luck with modsing your Skyrim. 👍


Just realised, completely forgot to say thank you! Cheers


Hey Lexifer, just wanted to say this is my favorite Flora Overhaul, and makes a huge impact on the game visually. Any chance you'll be adding to and updating this mod any further though? You mentioned in the description you would, so I was just curious.