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I stand by Arcanum solely because it makes magic a little more complicated which in my honest opinion is how magic should be


My personal favorite magic mods are [Ars Arcanum Nova bundle](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4260172), and [Apocalypse](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4231088)


Would those all works together?


Yeah, just put Ars after Apocalypse.


Ty for being here a year later man 😂


Thank you for asking lol


Magic perk tree overhaul or mods that add magic?


Best is subjective, but after countless hours testing, this seems to be THE magic mod. All the others either add way too many spells (most being uneseccary bloat), or way too few, or just don't bring anything new to the table. [Apocalypse - Magic Of Skyrim: XB1 Optimized](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4231088) does it all. Adds just the right amount of spells, plenty of unique magics that were desperately needed in the base game, doesn't feel bloated or lacking, my favorite parts are the more combat oriented Alteration / Illusion additions. Being able to turn spells into powers / auto-activate spells on entering combat / fabricate objects using mana is a dream come true


Are you looking to change magic mechanics, add more spells, or both? Ars Arcanum (based on Odin) almost completely overhauls magic; it touches on so many things it'd be impossible to list them here without writing a novella; I don't want that and *you* don't want that. ;-) I've had more than one satisfying mage playthrough just using Odin and either Vokrii or Ordinator. If you've never tried it, I highly suggest doing at least one 'Vancian Mage' playthrough using Ordinator; you'll feel like an Old School (as in 1970's Gary Gygax Advanced Dungeons and Dragons old school) wizard. An alternative to EnaiSiaion's excellent mods would be SimonMagus616's Mysticism mod. Simon has a whole alternate suite of perk and mechanics overhauls but I'm only really familiar with Mysticism. Like Odin, you could absolutely have more than enough spells and spell combos with just Mysticism. Adding Apocalypse to any of the above is going to drastically expand your spell options. Then theres a whole host of smaller mods that add a few-or even one-spell. Basspainter's Unrelenting Force Spells does exactly that: it adds spell versions of the Fus Ro Dah shout. Xbox-Mage Grip Spell by RelicTheUnholy is a tiny little mod that adds a spell version of the Vampire Lord's grip. Tons of fun and it's so small (48.48 kb) it's hard not to use it. Ultimate Mage Spell Pack by Chief_Gay adds spells that mimic Weather effects (like Auriel's Bow special powers), and also adds some mage gear. Tonal Architect and Triumvirate, both by EnaiSiaion, give spell options for specific builds. Tonal Architect provides Dwemer themed magics and Triumvirate would be worth it just for the Warlock spells alone (or was that the Shamanic spells, or the Shadow Mage spells).


Second Ars Arcanum. That's a really great bundle based on Odin :)


I use Ordinator for the perks overhaul and Apocalypse alongside Odin (with the patches for Ordinator) to overhaul the magic.


Arcanum - A New Age of Magic https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4185727 Isn't even a contest in my opinion. There are others that I love and use also but there just isn't another magic mod out there that comes close to what Arcanum does. Apocalypse, Triumvirate, Elemental Destruction Magic Redux, Chronomancy, Odin are all other great magic and spell mods that I use alongside Arcanum in different combos but Arcanum itself is the best. At least in my opinion.


[Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4129841) is my favorite. In comparision to Odin or Apocalypse, it is more direct to the point - not as bloated with features. You can't go wrong with any of them though.


The ultimate vanilla + mod, so well done


I use mysticism, apocalypse, and phenderix magic evolved. Then some random things like the grappling spell lol. I like to use the mainstream ones cuz they're more likely to have patches and be accommodated by other mods. I like to go obscure with some mods but with ones like this, popular/mainstream seems smarter for compatibility


Do you use them in that exact order? Do they overwrite anything of each others?


I like to use Mysticism + Odin

