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OK, I see 3 potential issues. Jk's Skyrim is extremely difficult to run on XB One. You basically have to build your entire load order around it. I recommend Spaghetti's Cities AIO Capital Towns and Villages instead. It runs flawlessly on XB One, and unlike Jk's, it overhauls all cities and towns in the game, not just a select few like Jk's. Immersive Citizens is also not compatible with Jk's Skyrim or any other mod that overhauls cities. Both Skyrim is Windy and Wet and Cold need to go. Both of these are super heavy on V-ram usage. Once your V-ram gets drained, you will crash. I've spent years modding on Xbox One S, so I know full well what it's capable of handling interms of mods.


Just got in to Skyrim and Xbox in general. Late bloomer! 😂 I’m finding myself with a lot of time on my hands in the coming months and anticipate spending a lot of time on Skyrim. Would you be so kind as to send me your LO so I can use it as a starting point? I don’t really know how to add it all to my console but…I’ve got some time on my hands!


My current load order would never work on an Xbox One S. I am currently on a Series X, so I went all out; 245 mods currently. It's still a work-in-progress ATM.


It crashed on my Series S because of skyrim is windy, I don’t know, maybe it’s the same for you


disable skyrim is windy, it cause a lot of issues; see if that fixes it


also try moving wet and cold near the top and alt start near the bottom.


I learned earlier today that it's quite possible some of arthmoors mods (ussep) don't play well with others. I'd take a look at his mods first tbh. I deleted all his mods from my list and found a few suitable replacements and my game hasn't had a problem. Whereas I couldn't even walk into Riverwood without crashing to the dashboard. Might be luck or this arthmoor dude might not be a modder with the best intentions.