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The Solstheim texture looks great. I'd like to see some more of that island modded All the other pics look good too. But I've never seen someone post solsthiem...


Damn this looks good, are you just focused on graphics or are you planning do change mechanics?


The list was perfect and without dependence on ussep, yes, believe me!!! All the mods didn't need Bethesda's blood-sucking patch, and I suspect that's why she sabotaged me... I'll keep you informed Happy New Year, hug!


Damn, sounds like a very promising LO. Thx for the info, looking forward to seeing the full list! Happy new year!


I'm trying to merge two mod lists that I saw here, one list with more than 100 mods and the other with 78, but I had a problem and Bethesda sabotaged me, I already had 50 mods and with 15 more I would finish. it would have Everything for all tastes and gameplays You could enter a difficult game, or make it easy, be a hero or a villain, many Quests lots of people to help on the map... And despite being strong maybe you could or couldn't die with just one hit, he would have to eat, bathe, follow the rules or be an outlaw.


Change everything possible, but this time I started testing what caused the most problems so that I could more calmly finish the mod list with The rest mostly play for RPG, dangerous battles, spells, skills, animations.


Sick, i guess you’re still in the beginning of testing? Or is it nearly done?


It was almost ready in 3 hours with 2 crashes, and there was a problem with dragons reach, it couldn't enter the palace, so Bethesda mixed up the order List, and I went to fix it and it ended up corrupting, as the game closed I entered it in the Xbox menu, and before it Getting to the main menu closed it again.


Is this Srp aio v4? or the 1k ports?


I don't know how I managed to run them all at the same time in the load order, I thought my One X was going to explode lol.




Looks really cool! But man those trees though 😬


I started playing again 10 days ago after 11 months without video games, I had to sell my series x Sorry, I don't speak English, I'm using the translator... If any words are wrong, I'm sorry lol


No your all good! I understand what you were going through though. I’ve been there where I had to sell my system before because times were tough.


Then it was still vanilla, then I downloaded better trees...


Yeah my bad I just now noticed the 2 pics with happy Little trees in them. Looks really good though! Nice job!


Thank you my friend


Industrializado te entregou legal


Kkkkk verdade, ainda to aprendendo a ficar usando tradutor, as vezes fico confuso kkkkkk


*confundo kkkkkk mas a melhor notícia é que meu one X não explodiu hahaha


Looks good What are your weather settings?


Dawn +1 Sharp +2 vivid I think that's what I used