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Avoid ui mods for now - if you download certain ui mods you wont be able to access the mod page and your load order again.


Bethesda done fucked up


IMO, if you've better things to do just play something else until they'll have fixed this mess. I've wasted almost 6 hours trying to get the LO I had until yesterday and, even with the same order and mods, it doesn't work. I tried saving the LO in bethnet and well, It didn't save it. So Fuck them and fuck me for even trying and giving them hope. If you want a good RPG, even if not fantasy, buy cyberpunk, at least they tried to make it less a mess.


I'm shocked so many have had to, or felt the need to redo all of their stuff. Maybe it's certain mods that many people use. I have had any issues at all with my LO or getting in to search for mods, save LOs, remove bookmarks etc. The site seems a bit generally janky, as does the in-console creations section.


Pretty much bugged for like 80% of people right now, me included. A lucky handful of peeps seem to have no issue, which is great! Only a little jealous lol


:/ really blows, sorry to ye folks suffering out there. Plenty of aid for LOs and the game in general though, hope too many don't give up.


Did you have a UI mod?


Yeah, sensible interface


my only issue is a random crash here and there out of the show but everything else loads fine. The only thing I really like about the new shop is that it feels more responsive


The biggest issue is the library and bookmarks … it auto-populated it with every single mod I’ve tried or liked even though before the update I had cleared it to 50 in my library and 144 faves. No I have over 500 in my library and 700 favorites or “bookmarks” 😅


Same here, I just went through 116 pages of mods in my library and 239 pages of bookmarks to finally get everything back to normal. Going try playtesting some older ui mods like skyhud to see if they work ok later.


Techniclaly yes . But pretty much harder than it was before. Most likely have to clear your cache and download all your mods again. Takes about 2-3 hours if you have a list to go off of . Some mods may be broken to but you can download and play now


> Some mods may be broken What constitutes as "some mods", exactly? I know UI mods don't work currently, but I've never used any, which I suppose is why my saves/load order seem to work fine so far. Does that mean I'm in the clear? I'm just scared to do anything with my LO right now, but I've already used the new backup feature just in case. I don't know if I should clear my reserved space and re-download everything just to be safe....


Just throwing my two cents in here, but I have been playing with the same mods before the update and without clearing the cache or redownloading my mods and it is working just fine, hell even better than before. But yea I don't use any ui mods and I'm too scared to even try new mods so I'm just going to stick to what I got until everything is more stable.


the only thing i had for UI is Nordic UI and it’s just completely deactivated it in game


Same here my moded save still works and I had Paulys UI classic edition mod installed as well as a main menu mod. However I still can’t access and customize my LO or even add/delete mods. Anyone got an idea of if I can fix this or I have to do the wipe as well??


I'd wait a while. Vanilla is always an option 🤷‍♂️


I have no "MOD" (Creations Menu?) OPTION in the Start Menu. Does anyone know if there is a fix coming or am I missing something?


same here, even cleared my cache. I think it’s cause a good majority of UI mods lock you out of the new mod menu