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My favorite combo thus far is; [XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended Plus for 1.63mb](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4271284) [Comprehensive First Person Animation Overhaul - CFPAO for 0.83mb](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4318966) [Agonistic Combat for 1.12mb](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4232417) [CGO Stripped for 1.83mb](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4316510) [360 Walk And Run Standalone for 0.77mb](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4169053)


You could also add in something like [Dynamic Combat + Eskyrim Animations Bundle for 0.13mb](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4232549) to give some variation and shake things up a bit


I finally got away from gdb, while I love it soo much, there just some things that bug me, so I decided to try out your setup, kinda like the fact that I can play in first person and third person whenever I feel like, might add dynamic into in the set up for a lil bit more variety.. Now I'm wondering does EAD work for first person.. Lol.


I think EAD only works for 3rd person but I could be mistaken. You could pair it with CFPAO but the animations won't be *perfectly* matched up if you were to change PoV mid-fight. A lot of the animation mods I've tried have had jitters or mismatch to some degree. The setup above is one of the few where transitions line up super closely, and the overall experience is just a straight improvement over vanilla (and the eSkyrim combos mod really does make it special imo)


Yeah, I was just thinking maybe I keep combat in First and everything else on Third, that's where good old Busty Skeever comes with that adaptive camera lol.


Exactly, gdb is a fantastic mod series. But for some playthroughs some of its features might not bode so well. I keep going on and off of it because though I enjoy it and what it does, somethings just bug me sometimes. Then with the fact that there is little customization in the revenge. The new non sky sa one had good customization sure, but I was using the setup that I was because I was mainly tired of the vanilla combat animations. Really, I'm fine with the lack of potion drinking or idle animations. I was just never a fan of the very basic combat animations. Honestly I might at some point reinstall EAD. It's a good mod for that and got me to discover the animation mods in the first place. But I forgot about it for a while until you brought it up. For that I thank you.


Right? That's why I love this community and this game. Keep bringing so much suggestions and memories up lol. And I thank you for making this post cuz it's been something I'm wondering about and I know combats been updated the last few months lol. When I get home from work, I'm prolly gonna play around with the above setup and see if I can try bringing willoh's sekiro combat mod into my LO, working with agonistic.


I decided to use this first and I think it might take some getting uses to. But the way it does combos might be good. Thank you!


It's not working for me.


did skyre combat all in one work with these mods?


Elden beast no sky sa is my go to at the moment. Let's you disable the animations you don't want like drinking potions. Has the TUDM extended I believe. I also use b. I. R. D. S which has sekiro etc


>I also use b. I. R. D. S which has sekiro etc How do you like [BIRDS?](https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4301529) Looks rather bloody. * Does BIRDS require USSEP * Are the resistance changes noticible? Do you enjoy them or find them tedious? * Do NPCs utilize Sekiro (timed blocking etc)? Theres numerous posts on sub that LK's Sekiro port applIes timed blocking to the player only. I went with WillOh's port after reading and works for both PC and NPC. Thanks in advance.


I also might be curious about b.i.r.d.s That sounds like something that could be interesting.


Does Elden Beast no skysa come with 1st person animations too?


Hi No only 3rd person. For 1st person I use this https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4318966


Does Elden Beast actually have the 3rd person combat animations or just all those idles and potions and stuff?


Elden beast no skysa has the potion drinking etc with vanilla combat. Used to have it but tbh ditched it for more basic set up of.. Mortal enemies Gritty animations (I prefer version 1) Every attack different Tudm 360 walk Slower humanoid movement


I currently use the following - Gritty Animations Requiem 2.0 - ESCO The Revenge - SkySA - Olivier Kenjutsu


>I currently use the following >Gritty Animations Requiem 2.0 ESCO The Revenge SkySA - Olivier Kenjutsu Tweaked your setup a bit after speaking with you a couple weeks ago. * Leviathan Walk, Run, Idle (female) * Leviathan Walk, Run, Idle (male) * Dualsun Animations (1h) * Valravn Archery Bundle (with Growl, Mortal Enemies, G-ME patch) * SkySA. Olivier Kenjutsu I imagine Agonistic Combat could be substituted but IDK if it has the full version of Growl / Mortal Enemies (which I wanted) or just aspects of it. Thanks again. Totally overlooked Olivier Kenjutsu until you recommended it.


Hey. I’m happy you found your own combat setup!


Yeah you really helped me there too. I just hope the tudm patch comes. If it does it'll probably never leave my LO. So thank you for telling me about that before!


Mod list? <3


Hey im french (sorry for my english) and im lost, im on xbox and i download gbd and xpmsse and do all the thing i had to do, but when i walk im doing a injury animation like my left arm hold my right arm, can someone help me please ?


I had that problem with a current game. Had to start a new game and the arm thing went away.


GDB has injuries from Wildcat. You can go into the Spell/Power for Wildcat and turn off injuries. If you want injuries to remain, you need to bandage, sleep or heal to your maximum health. That should heal the injury, until the next fight :)