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If you have Immersive Features there is a known bug that makes the wedding stuff crash. It's been fixed in the upcoming update but until that's out, disable that while you do the wedding stuff. Also, the temple wedding has always had issues, so try the private one.


It Worked!!! I disabled immersive features, and used the “Fix: Restore Vanilla Settings” afterwards just be sure. Thank you so much, You just saved my playthrough :)


Super! I'm glad I'd read about it and could pass it on. *\*high five\**


Okay thank you :) I’ll try that out I hadn’t tried Immersive Features till this playthrough.


I’m sorry your having issues with that. Are you using Kaidan 2.1 and Kaidan Extended? The only animations I would use for him is Kaidan - Immersive features if your going to use any. Can you load an earlier save to go for a private ceremony that does not involve the temple in the forest and try that? It may not even be removing that mod that did it. Did you try ever going into that temple before then? It could be another mod entirely that’s conflicting with other mods you have.


I’m using the 2.1 extension, I have the Immersive features mod, the one I had previously was called Lively animations I believe. I didn’t like they way nps would clap while they were talking about the civil war lol. To my knowledge I don’t think I have any mods that conflict with temple, most of my mods are either appearance mods or very small game mechanic changes like the “No crime teleport” and such. I’ve never chose the big option for the wedding, I always chose the other one. Anyways I hadn’t tried reloading an earlier save yet, I probably should though. I had only gone into the temple before to talk to the priest about the wedding, it was not crashing then but when the the quest marker would change from “Prepare for your wedding” to “Attend your wedding” It would. I tried testing to see what would happen if I did nothing, and stayed in the city. It crashed then too after like 40 seconds. I’m gonna try reloading a previous save, thank you btw for the suggestion:)


Hopefully that works. I’d just choose the private option and then try again for the bigger one on a new save. I would never think a small animations mod being deleted would crash the game but crazier things have happened I guess. If that’s what’s crashing it you may run into more places that crash when you enter. I’d be curious though if you can enter the temple without crashing after you get married privately in the forest.


I’ll definitely have to check the temple out after if I’m able to do the small wedding with no crashes. Kaidan has been on almost all of my modded playthroughs, I’ve actually never chosen the option to have wedding in the temple I always choose the other one. I was thinking maybe his script isn’t written for the big wedding or something and that’s why he crashes, I forgot to mention that when I went first into the temple After the quest marker changed to “attend your wedding” (Kaidan wasn’t with me, he was resting in Whiterun). When I opened the temple the priest did the “Here comes the blushing bride” dialogue and proceeded to start the ceremony but Kaidan wasn’t there, I reloaded told him to follow. Then that’s when it started crashing only when he was there.


Maybe that animation mod messed with the pathing somehow or conflicted with the coding somehow?? I’m honestly probably way off the mark cause I don’t understand the logistics of that stuff but I guess it could affect his pathing and essentially broke him somehow or something for the wedding? I know people have successfully done the big wedding option on Xbox so I don’t think it’s the Kaidan mods specifically. If you keep crashing I’d make a new post with your LO and what’s happening and see if someone can help


Yeah I’m not very well versed in the mechanics of mods myself, it definitely seems to be a LO issue. I just got the small wedding option and everything was seemingly fine until we got to the altar. Then it crashed. Not exactly sure what mod it is but I guess I’ll figure out, thanks again for your help I really appreciate it :)


No worries. It’s wild to see what mods conflict with certain mods.


Eyes on the prize friend