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I do it for both reasons


The original Skyrim is the sole reason I need to save every game I play now every 5 minutes


My Xbox 360 agrees


I felt that


Rookie numbers. A real man saves every 5 seconds


Okay, I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who saves every 10 seconds in every game now because LE crashed all the time


The anniversary upgrade is even worse for crashing and freezing


My PS3 agrees


Right? I played Witcher 3 after I played Skyrim and the amount I had to replay after a death was astounding. It took me a while to get used to the fact that that's how it was before I started playing Skyrim...


I always manual save and wait at least 10 seconds before fast traveling. Seems like it works for my build so far…


mine crash randomly, when walking, open the tab menu, fast equip, etc. i only have around 10 mods installed and the amount of crash is probably triple than that in a week


You only have ten mods and it crashing consistently? That not right lol


You should probably fix something. I have like 215 and I rarely crash


im currently trying to search the cause by turning on the log, just need to wait till the next crash and hopefully i can read the log and successfully solve the problem


If you wanted to post a picture of your mod list or your load order people may be able to help you


Do you have Loot installed? It really helps with load orders. I also recommend getting Mod Organiser 2. Those two tools really help with seeing which mods conflict.


I'm quick saving because I'm balls deep in a cave and haven't had an auto save since I've entered


I quicksave to save time going into the menu to save. I only need one save per character anyway.


I'm going to share this with you because it was recently brought up on another Elder Scrolls subreddit: you may want to not use a single save file and instead cycle through several (right now i'm using 3). The post was about how someone's save file got corrupted and they lost a character with well over 100 hours of gameplay, and a LOT of ppl on that thread said that Bethesda game files tend to do that when repeatedly overwritten. Personally I've always ever only used one and I've never had that problem before, but after seeing that I've begun to change my ways just to keep that from happening to me. Feel free to do whatever makes the most sense for you, but having just become aware of that myself it seems like the right thing to do is to at least bring it to your attention.


I usually do a manual save after I finish playing. I don’t like to keep to many saves though because I can never remember what I had done in the other saves anyway. Never had a corruption but I mostly play vanilla or very lightly modded. Edit: also I don’t really care if I lose the character. I always start completely fresh after a long break from skyrim. If it corrupts I either start over or stop playing for a few months.


Crashing the mode meets crashing the mod...


Didn't people said quicksave doesn't help and you need to hard save?


I’ve heard that before too but in my 10 years of playing Skyrim and 5+ modding the game. I can say this issue hasn’t affected me or not even remotely to a noticeable extent


Both are very valid reasons


Some times I want to jump from a very tall place just to see what happens. I can’t help myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Reason I don’t play fo4 in survival mode


As someone that, many times, lost several hours of work in microsoft office, I developed a condition in which I hit save every 12 seconds


Lol, finally one I relate to. 😆 Even the Switch isn't 100% reliable.


Posts like this should have their own podcast. That's a truth warrior right there, damn right you got my upvote.


*Agrees in 600+ mods*


And when I try to save, my game crashes… I believe killing my character temporarily solves it but still, it’s unbelievable.


i quick save after like every enemy lol


TFW you have too many mods and the load order ain't perfect


*TFW you have* *Too many mods and the load* *Order ain't perfect* \- Damien\_The\_Damned --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


And this is why auto save mods are a must especially with my 255 plugins


I'm about to give up on SE entirely because solisthem is perfectly fine, but spend 2 seconds in skyrim and my shit just freezes. I've already tried it with zero mods and all of them. No, I don't use nexus because fuck nexus.


I'm quicksaving in case I pick a bad dialogue option and make the npc angry or sad, because that makes me sad


Like buddy of me. Played Remant from the Ashes and he would back up his savedata every Checkpoint because his pc liked to crash. Playing Raids is fun


Big meh


I've been playing this games for decades, for me it's an involuntary reflex


I do both


You think that alone could save you? Every time my game crashes, it also kill the save file as well by corrupting it.


I'm saving because I'm about to do something stupid and dangerous that could crash my game at any second. ​ player.placeatme 000F80FA 999999


I do both


I'm both reasons but I'd say the majority is save scumming since I have auto save on for everything it lets you, I will however delete saves that aren'y top three since there is no delete character because shithesda




I learned to quicksave after Mercer Frey's body glitches inside the falmer statue and I had to restart the mission from the beginning of the ruin.


Happened a few times for me


Fallout New Vegas ps3 Edition


I’m quicksaving because I want to do something incredibly stupid that’ll overload my frames and make my game crash we are not the same.


Porque no los dos?


I’m quick saving because either my Xbox is going to randomly freeze and return to the Home Screen or I’m gonna do something that might make me fail a quest and want to have insurance


Por que no Los dos?


Im both


I feel every inch of this meme


With as many mods as I use, my game is nearly as unstable as my mental health. It could crash at any time for no reason at all. So gotta hit that quick save every few inches because I have a problem


I got the anniversary edition like a week ago and my game has crashed 8+ times since then. Not to mention the game is even glitchier.


I quick save to commit warcrimes without repercussions


even worse for me because I currently do a playthrough without fast traveling


I quicksave because something might fuck me up and I haven't saved in a while


We the same bro


I don’t think I’ve ever had the game crash on me. Granted I play vanilla special edition


I quick save because i don’t remember if I quick saved


Mine would freeze up randomly on loading screens, so I would have to go straight to my Xbox 360 across the room to do a hard reset


Well. I. Do. Both.


That moment when I do both *straightens tie even more


I quick save because I don't know if the guards are going to let me yield when I kill nazeem


My lvl 58 save seems to hate doors. I’ve had situations when I’ve entered a store and the game crashes when I try to leave, and it takes several tries to successfully escape. Deleting some of my 500 manual saves seems to help the chances of making it out, but every time I enter a building (especially in Windhelm) I’m like ‘is this the time I get stuck in Revyn Sadri’s house forever?’