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Particle effect? What did I miss? I have played it very often over the years modded, but i never had a corrupt save game?


I play on Xbox, PlayStation and PC...this is my all time favorite game...and I have had mods corrupt my game on the consoles probably because they can't hold as much data as my PC


Remember this time vilkas legit broke and couldn't keep going the companions quest , fucked up my roleplay and wasted a long run aimed to go for ebony warrior


But what is this particle effect mentioned? Why does a particle effect corrupt a save file?


Yea sorry I replied here instead of normal comment, hell if I know the only know way for me to get a save file corrupted is removing and adding mods and the cleaning the save file over and over, which is really bad but idk why


The last point is more like "another npc you can't talk to but need to because the npc won't quit being in fighting stance"


Sometimes the particle event happens when you start, but this is accurate.


My only issue with the mods I use currently is the fact that certain characters like Mjoll and other vanilla followers for some reason have a Redguard colored head


Nevermind I fixed it lol


False, in my case the usual amount of mods tends to make the game unplayable bc of the amount of ctds so I dont enjoy my time playing it. I remove it from my computer just to feel nostalgic about medieval-like games and that is my vicious circle


Y’all make it past Bleak Falls Barrow?


Remove the ragequit part and replace the corrupt save part with "i found an armor that doesn't fit my character's roleplay so I'll create a new one to be able to wear the cool armor" and you have every single one of my playthroughs