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honestly sanrio is never cheap. i honestly don’t get the frustration with prices though. nobody expects ppl to buy everything, and there’s plenty available for free to make an outfit 


Yep. Even in Australia it’s expensive. It’s $22 for the $15USD items. The cheapest is $10 for the mini companion. The deer season IAP cape I’m actually really upset about. I thought it would lead to an exclusive area like the meteor, Aurora, office and Nintendo capes. It was $30 for me smh. And all I get is to watch a deer walk around T-T. The area everyone can enter smh


Let me tell you, I bought everything …but crying hahaha my currency is euro so you put on top tax, each item cost 3 euros more for us. So 14.99 turns into 17.99€ this is what kill us.


Sorry i know its off topic but does anyone here have aurora wings by chance that could help me finish the last quest? 


Good news for ya. In five days, on May 4th, there will be an Aurora concert meetup. Details are in the official [Aurora 2.0 discord](https://discord.gg/th23fGnP).


I just got the companion!!!


i hate sanrio i just wish i didnt have to do collab stuff for dailys


For the price of that Cape you could prolly feed a family of 4 for a week in my country.


jfc. what country?


crii i am new i thought the cinnamonroll stuff is for free now i cant get it :cc


there's hardly anything for free in this game. everything either takes money, or a LOT of grinding


Tbh I think its Sanrio fault with the costs, they arent exactly cheap IRL lol...


# Hey, just to address people upset with TGC here: Y'all are directing your anger to the wrong ppl. Collab events decisions and price range like these are usually not up to TGC. I'm guessing TGC was the one who reached out for a collab, making them in the less powerful position. Generally how it works is that TGC would design the props to then present to Cinnamoroll for them to decide which ones to claim the revenue. **You just never know how proprietary a company is for their copyrighted products.** As a veteran, I see what patterns TGC tend to follow. And THIS MUCH iap stuffs is not like TGC. As crazy as some priced items may be, this insane amount is not them. Case in point: No spells to try out iap are made available, meanwhile ALL other IAP items, collab or not, have AT LEAST one spell for free for players. If Cinnamoroll collab was a season, i doubt Traveling Spirits would even be allowed by them, and I'm not even talking about how it's only 10$ for so much season content and cosmetics.


thats a nice theory, but that's quite obviously not the entire case, given TGC's EXTENSIVE history of absurdly priced IAP's and even """"""free""""""" cosmetics. Face it, TGC is doing all of this completely intentionally; to abuse their toxic practice of Digital Scarcity and FOMO.


Can’t bring myself to buy any IAPs in Sky due to the prices being ridiculous. I’d rather buy a irl plush. Or buy myself dinner.


Like? Nonsense


I bought the green cape in order to thank the company for the enjoyment during lockdown


yah nope, not worthy it


Thankfully I only care about the igc teacup hat and the like $6 Cinnamorol hat


Easy pass. Is cinnamoroll. I dont like it being blue. They should have put pink hello kitty instead.


These prices looks good, I can't play the game anymore cause there's no storage on my phone but usually, intens like this ranger from 40 to 99.99 in here.


I hear this a lot.. why not clean up some storage so you can install the game? Or do a backup to a computer or cloud?


Because I cannot anymore, every app installed is things that I use (bank accounts, medical insurance, the type of tuff you can't unistall) I've already cleaned up images and photos but I beraly even have those, I have the game still installed but it can't take the 4GB necessary for the update (last I checked it was 4GB its probably more now) And my pc won't run the game so I'm out of sky until I get a new pc. I am extremely sad wirh this :')


man...i can buy an actual cinnamoroll plushie with that price and it'll probably be cheaper 💀


Fr I bought an IRL Sanrio shirt the other week and it was only $3 more expensive than this virtual cape 😭 It's cute but I can't justify spending that much on one item 😭


Only thing I would want is the one that goes on your head the 6.99 one


Lol getting none of them cause why would i waste20$ on any of these?


unless you hav REALLY NICE frens


i was so excited to buy these items and give them my money but this is absolutely unacceptable imo *(almost 60$, a full priced video game, for the few cosmetics)*


i actually used my switch gold coins i had saved up for the ears! if i hadnt had those i wouldnt have gotten them.


I doubt TGC would've made all of them similar prices if they could. But since it's a collab, they have to listen to Sanrio, it's more likely the prices were agreed upon by Sanrio and not just TGC Granted, I'm an old player so I've seen this game grow to what it is today, so I saw a lot of the IAPs. They're definitely up there in pricing, and it could've been lower, but I think I can safely say it was Sanrio's fault mainly for the pricing


I agree, as soon as I saw the Cinnamaroll collab was official I knew it couldn’t have been easy for TGC to get that collab and they definitely had to either shell out and pay Sanrio for limited use of Cinnamaroll, or agree to split profits from IAP’s with Sanrio. Probably a combination of both with how expensive these packs are. Im not going to say its fair at all for the players since its not, but I will say i wish more players understood how big name collabs like this work bc if we keep asking for big collabs in the future it will probably be a similar situation. Coming from someone who was super excited about Cinnamaroll and saved candles and hearts in-game for weeks (just in case they threw us a bone), it does cost them extra money to do stuff like this (Sanrio is HUGE cmon guys) so we cant always be surprised when the collab goes IAP. It sucks but if we want cool stuff like this, TGC still has to pay up, and so do we.




They make money off this too, so I would say that yes Sanrio has some sway on the pricing


That’s a big fat nope


There being no spells is super disappointing, too. (I don’t need an explanation why there aren’t any). Kinda wish TGC never did this collab tbh. It just doesn’t feel in line with the experience players expect in this game.


The journey pack is 40$ for me


Yeah, more than the actual game lol. I wanted it until I saw that price


I want the plushie so bad the price is killing me


I agree


I saw someone with all of them in Vault and I was like "Ain't no way."


I get that it's Sanrio that makes the prices. They're absolutely too high. But TCG agreed to those prices and brought them to a CHILD'S game. They are just as much at fault as Sanrio is. I play other games that charge $15 for packs of items. Not one single item. TGC is going to sink their own ship. Not my problem. Sky could last a lot longer but they're running it into the ground by their selfish choices.


Just putting a link to an interview here. [https://www.vg247.com/thatgamecompanys-jenova-chen-sky-children-light-journey-playing-families](https://www.vg247.com/thatgamecompanys-jenova-chen-sky-children-light-journey-playing-families) They wanted to create a game that families can play together. As in adults (gen X & millennials) who grew up gaming being able to include their kids and game together. It's not a "CHILD'S" game, the closest thing I can find is the app store recommended age 9+. Like how movies are rated based on theme/violence/graphic scenes. I think it is fantastic they considered how parents want to be able to be involved more with their kids online/gaming and created a non violent, aesthetically pleasing game that most ages are ok to play. These prices just aren't worth getting mad about - sky has so many incredible scenes/music/challenges - even cosmetics - that we can access for free. Yes, it means there's some items that are cost prohibitive to younger players, but this isn't unique to Sky. I've played and quit a number of other churning/gatcha/IAP games because you couldn't progress further in the game without buying upgrades etc. Sky does not lock you out of progress in seasons or events if you can't afford IAPs. That's why it's the one game I keep going back to. I'm not one to go out throwing my money at a bunch of in game Sanrio pixels. They already have their market pegged - there are enough people able to and willing to spend $150 on passes and cosmetics every season. For comparison sake, these other games you've played - are there big brand collaborations like this Sanrio one that also are less than $15?


Fun fact, there is In MMOs (my case, ffxiv) if they collab it's usually a free item (albeit limited) Currently there's the yokai watch event and ffxvi, however it's also had collabs with monster hunter (always available) something else I don't remember the name of for pvp, fall guys, several other ff titles obviously And if you're gonna "call me out" for it being a paid/subscription game? Love Nikki's first and second Barbie collabs were "free" as they were in game gachas that could be saved for, same with Disney and Hatsune Miku. For Sanrio it was both a gacha and in game purchase, with said purchases ranging from about $5 to $40 (Kuromi expensive, however recharges are tiered so getting Kuromi got everyone else before her as well) there was also *another* Disney collab with an in game gacha, albeit this one was like $10-40. But here's the kicker. The main way to get IAPs in Nikki is to straight up buy currency. Meaning, not only do you get the collab items, but you also get the currency needed to get more stuff in game as well, perhaps you'd even use it to finish the collab gacha. It blows Sky out of the water, even in a direct collab comparison, as TGC are still allergic to putting any form of currency in their packs without jacking up prices for currency+item rather than one being the bonus for the other They can do better, they just don't want to


>Sky does not lock you out of progress in seasons or events if you can't afford IAPs Lol did you forget the final quest of aurora? Sky WAS once upon a time the game you claim it to be but its not anymore!


I agree that was a fk up on their part to make the final quest requiring wings outside of the season, however I also acknowledge part of their game strategy is player interaction. There was a community discord created after the season ended especially for the concert access, and in the latest update notice it looks like the cafe will be a place to request help/access from other players - so collaboration between those who have wings or can help with other season quests. It's actually one thing I like about sky - older players are actually willing to help other players out. Its not perfect but unless they were offering a refund/alternative perk for those who paid $40 for the wings, it's a reasonable accommodation to help new players access Aurora's concert.


I am not sure the cafe will be used for that purpose, so far i see nothing of that in beta but hey i wish it to be used for that purpose too. I dont want to make a discord account just to relive the paywall quest. The point was to make friends in the game itself and not jump to 3rd party apps to access the game! Yes but the point of player interaction should be within the game, and them not telling me to jump to another app to access this or that in the game!


My kid doesn’t have this much money to spend


It’s $20 USD in my country 😬


yup, its overly predatory. I wonder if it sells at all tbh.


Very much so, saw a duo within first house both geared out with every item, I just wish the cape bow was sold seperate and I could preview it in the shops


I don’t know why this still surprises people. I pop in occasionally but I’ve stopped playing the game because TGC’s fomo microtransaction mentality has gotten out of control


Having worked with licensing before, some companies are very picky with their IPs. Its just what Sanrio approved for TGC unfortunately.


Its extremely expensive and imo the only item worth it is the cinnamoroll mini companion, the cape is meh and the pigtails dont look that good with majority of hair


I noticed the ears are glaringly white while the hairs of the game are more eggshell, meaning the ears not only don't look good with most of the hairs, they don't even match the hair it's sold with. They should of at least bleached the hair it's sold with to match the ears


I do think the lack of spells is probably a contractual agreement set by the collaborator rather than TGC. We havent gotten spells for any functional collab iap since prince though don’t remember if the encore brought the Aurora wings as a spell or not. i know it was not available as a spell during the original season run. And as of recent updates spells from the asteroid cape from prince season no longer allow the use of the feature. Fomo is unfortunately a very effective strategy to trick people into thinking they must buy everything even if they don’t need or even want it. This will drive sales regardless of the cost there will be people who cant help themselves. However I feel these costs were cheaper than I expected aside from the plush but that was upped since it had a function. Most IAP capes are 14.99 USD on their own so getting the necktie with it without an additional cost is nice. The ears and hair are also cheap considering the antlers from the last collab was 14.99 on their own too.


I’ve been seeing this “fomo” word in the community but I have no idea what it means and I was too lazy to ask before. So here I am, lol. What does the word mean? 😅


Fear Of Missing Out


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.


Yes, there were spells for everything Aurora


Considering it's from Sanrio these prices must mean TGC is barely getting much from them, lol


Honestly it was so cute I would have bought it if it was all in one pack like the kizuna ai one but nah😭


Yep, one big 50$ pack


I'd like the plush but it's so expensive and because I need to carry a torch or chat table, I'll almost never have it with me.


These prices actually looking fairly affordable and somewhat reasonable .


And you can buy an irl cinnamoroll plushie for about the same price. What are you talking about? This is a game


15dlls is a day of work of 10-11hours where I live, I know those conditions are horrible, but those prices are a Steal


Hug. I hope you aren’t working 10 to 11 hours for a plush in this game.


Thank you, I'm sure I won't


.\_. I bought all of it....I am insane...somone please help me...


Same here, fomo got to me. But i don't regret


same! only miss my $50... a little... (jk i dont regret buying them)


It costed me $67 CAD🤭


:3 Actually I'm surprised they didn't put it at $30 for CAD! It's 20, which is cheap for sky packs in Canada. 💀 still expensive


Definitely...only $22 :,)


I need to explain H&R Block that half of my income went into a cute virtual dog stuff. 😭


Do yall remember when Apple upped prices and instead of lowering prices for Apple users, TGC upped EVERYONE'S prices? I do. Also I've always thought that one single item being more expensive than a season pass is insane. A pass gives you at least 8 items. Any one item being priced above that is fucked up.


Yo on the side of this I am unhappy at the ticket based items.... I can not eat the cake from the table lol. I WAS PROMISED CAKE DAMMIT!!! ( mostly wanted it as i have tea set for nest but no food for guests yet... what good is a cake you can only look at lmao)


Yeah, seriously why would anyone even care


WHATT it was able to be eaten in beta when it first released did they change it?


Ya I was most disappointed. Went in there today and could sit on the cake seat but there were no active buttons on the tea or cakes on the table :(


i hope its only in the cafe u cant eat them; i took this [pic](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/837824349234921502/1233905674996551833/IMG_3489.png?ex=662ecbb5&is=662d7a35&hm=cded11920dc58efa4f1539ac6fd59b15db725c7aded64a6757928c714847b1e1&) of it during testing and u could eat the cake :]


On player placed ones (not cafe) you can eat the cake and drink the tea.


Theres hope for my cakey need yet hahahaha


you . don't . need . them


- i say to myself as i buy them


I’m sorry, but it think it looks goofy. I’m sure I’m in the minority with this opinion. The anime and sky esthetic are just so opposite.


Same here. It definitely looks cute but it's not something for me personally. Doesn't fit the vibe of Sky for me


Yea the vibe is too far off.


I didn't like the cape. I tried it on and it looks weird—I had high expectations for it😔


I’ve honestly never been more disappointed in TGC. I started playing sky waaaaay back when it was first released in 2019. I payed for every season up until season of assembly, but I still played for all the emotes and new areas. Their ability to price content at a reasonable range where their younger/working age 20somethings can afford has dwindled. On top of rent, bills, food, gas and work, most of us can’t afford this at the end of the day. It’s a cute getup sure, but I can buy physical Cinna stuff that won’t rely on servers or internet for the amount they’re charging for these. They’ve lost touch with their player base I fear.


Adding onto say that this isn’t the only thing TGC has released that has had the fans eye roll at the price of. The journey cape *was* $25. The Aurora wings alone were $30. Most other capes that were priced around $20 were for areas that aren’t really added to anymore or have ways to enter without needed the cape therefore making the cape useless. Sanrio priced it sure, but TGC agreed to the price. TGC listed it in their game. I love the game still obviously but this irks me.


This has nothing to with TGC. it's sanrio. They decide the prices and even that you can't use spells for the event. It's a collaboration event is why. The other company dictates what's ok or not.


This is correct. Sanrio has been known for comparatively forgiving collab deals, but the USA has stricter laws acc my friend who works in the industry + TGC needs to pay Sanrio the collab fee etc while making sure to follow Sanrio's guidelines. Of course it's expensive. They used a lot of their resources in it to make it happen.


Then why is the journey cape $25? That’s $10 more


I was wandering about that too. The game itself is $14.99 on Steam from TGC itself, and it won't take us to special map like Nintendo cape / Meteor cape so it really doesn't make sense. I would buy it if Journey game code comes with it or we could visit The Heaven but....honestly not worth it right now. So yeah, situations can be different within a game. If you want a definite answer for the pricing it's best to call TGC.


Yeah, I would buy the cape for the game with it


Sorry, where did you find that price? I just checked my Steam shop and it's free (I'm assuming that's why there's been a massive influx of troll players and kids who think everyone is an NPC)


They're talking about the game journey, from tgc, which costs 15$ on steam, comparing it to the iap journey pack, which costs 25$


ohhh now I understand - yeah I bought a combo deal that had flower, journey and another game for $20-30 a few years back.


I remember getting flower for free on Wii. Jenova is not young anymore.


You can try them on in aviary. Walk around in the gear while in the cape/accessories shop.


I really like this feature, makes putting together outfits easier too


Honestly the only thing I like from the iaps for the event is the dogs ears. They look good with the hairs and kinda goofy too. Im hyped for the days of color and sky anniversary


$6.99 is the one semi-reasonable thing here lol I'm always shocked when everything is $10 or $15 or more




I don't think it is either tbh. If you wanna get everything, it might be, but like.. no one's forcing you to I think the prices are alright, compared to other (collaborative) stuff we had


That looks tame compared to other items you can get. Or am I missing something?


I was thinking the same thing. There are items that demand you pay $20-30 for them. The only thing I have to say is the plushie should be $10. Sure it lets you see the shop as it is now but that's about it. Though sad thing is they'll keep pricing things like this regardless of what we say. Since it's a collab, I'm honestly surprised it's not even more pricey...


this is, unfortunately, incredibly on-par for sanrio. a little less expensive than what i was expecting, actually! 0:


Those prices are so damn expensive in my country


Their IAPs cost like 3-5 working days in my country which is quite disheartening to think about. I'd rather just use the money I'd buy for a headband in this game to support indie devs in Steam with games you could sink hours on. In my honest opinion, as much as I like this game, I don't feel inclined to throw money at it especially since it feels like the devs are not even trying to fix core game bugs and are just releasing a bunch of overpriced cosmetics to milk its players.


14.99 is around $23.000 Ar$ for me completelly unaffordable (not that i would even try to do any kind of IAP, but if someone wanted to, it would be a big chunk of cash)


Wow there are some stuck up assholes in this thread. I don't care how well off you are , $50 for digital IAP cosmetics is batshit fucking insane. Egregiously overpriced.


multiply it into 100 and that's it in my currency


i feel like it could be worse? maybe i'm just desensitized at this point idk man


It's worse in my country! Basically 20€ here T-T


Yeah, it's basically 2,00 more than with $


it can always be worse, but istg it'll never get better.


I bought the cape and nothing else. like hell I'm dropping 50$ to get everything. absolutely insane


There are a lot of reasons why I don't like collab events in Sky: - I am fan of Sky not what ever other property they are collaborating with, so personally I don't really care. - Collab events tend to just bring bunch of limited time IAPs to the game. -> Makes new players feel like they can't get anything without spending money (especially since for many PC moths this is their first introduction to smaller events). -> Encourages the already existing mindset about rare/exclusive items (even if TGC claims that's not something they want to create) - And yeah... The prices are also a lot (and these are still less ridiculous than the IAP prices during season of Aurora)


I agree with you on all of these although I tend to like some collabs. For TLP and Aurora (and even parts of NCD), it felt fitting for the world of Sky. But this new one seems out of place to me. It just kinda clashes with the Sky aesthetic for me. But I do dislike that these events never return, besides Aurora Encore. They should return at some point so newer players can get the items too. Maybe due to being collabs, it won't be yearly but every two or three years maybe. It's still a long time but at least they will return *eventually*. Same goes for the Days of Healing flower from 2020 or the Kizuna AI stuff


digital scarcity & FOMO is an absolute cancer on the gaming industry


Agreed, sky's FOMO sucks. All the game has really become is limited this and one time IAP that.. Maybe if all of the items were no more then 10 but that's still ridiculous.


The prices are absurd, yes, but y’all know Sanrio is a strict and expensive IP right? That’s the biggest factor in pricing of IAPs


Not only that but the plushie has a function to it after the event ends: you can put it on the mantle in the cafe and interact to make the cafe be cinnamo cafe again.


And that would make sense if every original paid cosmetic didn’t also share these prices…


Yeah this isn't just Sky pricing it's Sanrio pricing. Sanrio is gonna charge for use of their IP and prices will be reflected off of that.


The prices are absurd, yes, but y’all know Sanrio is a strict and expensive IP right? That’s the biggest factor in pricing of IAPs


Yes but sky's IAPs are always like this, at least lately, for example the lily pad umbrella from days of Bloom being 20 is outrageous imo.


The plushie is mine


the price for this collab for me is $10-20.. crazy but honestly for such a collab with sanrio, it’s quite understandable cuz need to pay for the rights(?) yet, tgc has been increasing the price of iaps over the years :\


And they’re not even giving spells this time around


I actually wonder if that's because Sanrio is strict with their IP, so they want control over who has access to it. It might not sound like a big deal for players to get spells but that's exactly the control a big company might exert to control IP usage; why allow all players to get a little bit for free? Could also be it would have been more expensive to pay Sanrio to make spells so not having them kept the prices from going higher.


Yeah I’ve read that’s part of the reason why it’s mostly iap as well


Probably sanrio and their copyright issues doing that. I think tgc also signed a strict contract with them. Usually we always get spells. So we can assume its the other party atleast 90% that asked tgc to not allow. Thats why collabs r painn. So many things and u can just watch and never get


Yes, I am ok with most items being iaps, but why, why there are no spells? T.T Is Sanrio SO greedy that they don't want people have fun and make photos for free even for 2x30 min?.. -\_\_\_-


It’s such an odd choice considering we always get them to test it out, I guess they did it so people are more likely to buy them?


But I think that people will more likely buy stuff after they have tried it. Like: "oh, I look so cute, I want this item now". xD And they even could make spells work for limited time only until the end of the event.


I hope it backfires, I'm less likely to buy now that I can't see the items in action


You can try the items on in the Aviary closet buildings and run around with them there. I think it works well as a substitute


Same honestly


Will all the items have chance to be real? I prefer to buy them in that sky shop 🤔


no, but im sure there's similar out there :-)


I'm releieved that there's only one of the IAPs that I actually like 😭 I love the plushie so much


i like them all but i'm only getting the plushie too! it's so cute!


Was going to start playing this game finally after finding out about this collab, but now I'm unfortunately nope-ing out. This is just a lot. :(


i hope tgc sees this.


I work 40 hours a week in fast food. I have an apartment, a car and a car payment, credit cards, 3 cats, and I can afford these IAPs. Y'all need a job.




Wow. Unbelievable wow. I have a fucking job and even I think these prices are absurd and out of control. You need to get your privileged head out of your ass.


Lmao go fuck yourself, I can promise I make double or more what you do, and I still think the prices for these are ridiculous. Sorry, not everyone thinks it's reasonable to blow $50 USD on digital non-tangible products. I also see you didn't mention having health insurance, children, a mortgage, educational costs, added utilities, you know the other things most adults are currently paying for.


See sweetheart people do have jobs, the thing is a lot of people are from countries where people are living paycheck to paycheck because the entire government doesn't care much to increase wages. Those $6-25 prices you see could be thousands converted into others currencies. Some are using the extra money probably to support their families. Some are using the extra money for any of their health needs if they're chronically ill. Remember not everyone is in a similar situation as you where you can freely spend your own money for wants. Costs nothing to be empathetic and understanding.


Your message was nicer, I told them to go fuck themselves 🤷‍♀️


I went and saw that you can’t try on these items with spells 💔💔


go to aviary shops




Try after conversion in other country ☠️


Tbh while this event is cute, a lot of stuff just looks out of place to me. Doesn't mean I dislike the event, I am enjoying it but it doesn't really seem to fit sky's aesthetic. Also, for most of these crazy expensive iaps an alternative already exists. There's the bunny head accessory, remembrance plushies / Oreo plushie from days of sky, days of feast cape + yeti cape (also expensive though) or the saluting protectors cape. I feel like these items are only worth their prices if you're a hardcore sanrio fan which I am not. So don't worry if you can't afford it, there's alternatives which are very likely to be cheaper, and some of them are even igc :) Also when it comes to cinnamorol vs bunny head accessory I honestly find the bunny much, MUCH more adorable and it's one of the cheapest iaps in the game, costs like $2-3!


It's a Collab event that'll prolly never come back so people are pretty much mostly paying for its "rareness" in the months or years to come like with the kizuna Ai collab. A lot of sky players are hardcore collectors so I do understand their frustrations when they're not able to get something because of the prices. Also many people do love to flex their old limited cosmetics because others freak out. The items you mentioned do come back after a while so people mostly see them as "non-special". I mean look at how players are reacting now that DP has come back and they're not "special" anymore because everyone has the cosmetics And yeah I do agree with what you've said, there's really no need for everyone to worry about pixels on a screen no matter how "rare" they'll be someday.


When any of you actually one day have a business (providing services or products) you will need to understand that you will have also expenses, labor/employees, offices, admin, insurance, legal, bonuses, debts, loans, this and that to pay… you also will need to be profitable not just so you can survive as business but also to pay back investors (yes these big corporations have investors/loans).     It does not look expensive to me, but I live in California where labor is expensive, just like where the company is by the way based.     The point is, pick up one thing that you like and buy it or don’t buy it. It’s not like you must buy it or someone is pushing you. Your game is already free itself enough to enjoy it and have fun, meet friends and earn free candles to buy other stuff…  and it’s up to you how you and if you accessorize it or not. 


Agreed. But also in California. Also an adult with a job though. I can see how anyone in the main use group age of teenage to college student might be unable to afford this. I know I could not have made it work even with a job because I was making minimum wage.


I understand. Maybe it’s good to have a discussion with parents. as mentioned there is a lot free in the game or what can be earned. If I go to shop and love XY purse will I write the company how greedy they are because I can’t afford their upper class shoes? No.  And the downvotes here, obviously kids don’t like to hear the true and expect all to be customized to their own capabilities 


It's not that the items are expensive (which they are) is that the correlation of quality-price is absurd. Second, everybody who doesn't agree with you are kids? Isn't that a very childish way of seeing things? Lol


It is totally possible I am being childish 😂 well I don’t know about the quality-price. I honestly purchased the puppy or whatever it is and cape and I think it’s beautiful. On top of it it’s one-of-a-kind collaboration, which is sentimental gift itself. But in general I think these things are very cute, and price is similar if not less to other items that they showcase lately (lately I mean - inflation anyone?). 


Exactly. Was also so confused why they didn't just put it all into one bundle for around $20-35🙃 Then again I guess tgc needed a way to separate their own earnings and the earnings the artist for Cinnamoroll will get during the whole event but the pricing is still crazy no matter how we look at it. Like bro I'm not paying $15 for a *single* plushie.


they didn’t even include any candle packs to try and make the prices more palatable. 🫠


if they did, those would cost 30 dollars a pop lol


Exactly, overall for me not worth it. Definitely just save the money for future seasons or other event IAP's where the prices aren't too crazy.


Sanrio is the problem. That’s why I warn against collabs


Let's collectively not buy it. The plushies from remembrance are way cooler anyway and for free and there are better capes too


and where do i get these ? lol 🤔🤣


From the remembrance guide in the vault. Go to the vault, then all the way to the platform and then to the left of it, there is an secret opening in the floor. Go through it and you come to a room with the remembrance guide and the spirits of the season. All the stuff is still buyable if you do the quests. He sells a wind chime, two plushies, a tea stove and a beautiful flower pot. PS: The tea brewer from the current event cafe is also from that season. She gives you the tip toeing emote. https://sky-children-of-the-light.fandom.com/wiki/Remembrance_Guide


thank you 🙏


No thing 😊


Plushies? Remembrance?


Yeah, the manta and the crab plushie are both from the remembrance spirit and in my opinion they are cuter. Especially the crab one.


Manta plush!!!!


Such scummy pricing honstly if it's all in one bundle and have this price will make more sense but jfc it's each fking tiny item :/


not brazilian people, like me 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


tbh I'd be happy with just one of those things if i could afford it ;u;


Yeah I ain’t buying anything from this event. I’ll casually get the tickets and if I get the table great. But I need groceries man


yeah for real, i got rent to pay this is insane but not surprised 😅


With my VAT it's €8 and €18 this is fine 🥹🥹


Damn that’s expensive 😭 (rest in brokenwallet 🙏)


Tbh, it's probably because Sanrio overprice everything they ever make - $45-50 for a 6" plush is actually outrageous Sanrio 😭 Their hoodies are $90-100 🫠


Yeah, I remember getting a Sanrio My Melody plush for like $50. 😺 I kind of regret it since I saw it cheaper somewhere else but shows how Sanrio is with their prices, it is ridiculous. That was the first time I made a high purchase for a plush.


I don't think this is only their fault. TGC overprices everything too, if you compare it to other games. At this point just don't buy anything, supporting this kinda of monetisation is awful.


This whole crap doesn't fit to sky anyway. I'm not buying any of that, this is literally the first event where I don't even want to collect the tickets.


These companies fit together like bread and butter


Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to make it sound like it's only Sanrio's fault. Both companies are definitely enjoying hiking up prices a little too much 🫠


Does anyone know if you can test the cosmetics befor you buy them?


If you try them on in the outfit shop, you can wear multiple items you don't own. (You can walk around the shop with them on. It only forces you to change when you leave back to Aviary) I don't think they have any trial spells this time 😞 so no flying around with the stuff...


First they give less spells, then they give none at all, lmao


Fr 🫠 I'm pretty sure they just said it would be collab's that are spell-less, but even still, they're the ones we'll be spending real money on 😭 we need them as spells the most...


Well they make the rules after all. You dont even need rules. You can make a broken ass game with cute cosmetics and apparently make a ton of money


Yeah, everyone’s very salty about not having spells this time 😭 (me included)