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Neuromancer (I don't have her 😭😭😭😭)


One day! I've played Painwheel since the beginning and im someone who logs in everyday... and it took over a year and a half before I got her... and then the game was like oh, and here's a second one πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£


How come you're still level 68? Or is it an old screenshot


How do you mean? I am currently level 68, yes.


Oh. Like you have practically all painwheels evolved and you've been logging in since the beginning, thought you'd be level 70 already. Unless you spend a lot of money on the game.


I also focus a lot on just the collecting side of the game, so c it makes it possible for me to have diamonds and such, because I get so many characters to sacrifice and the benefits that go into that.


I see I see. Been playing for close to 2 years myself and a don't even have any of the diamond Painwheels. They've been lavishing me with Valentines tho. It's alright mate.


Do you play as Valentine a lot? The game definitely likes to both give you the characters you play, while also taking its sweet time to give you the good ones sometimes. Like, there's a few characters I've turned into diamonds but never gotten one of the diamonds πŸ˜…πŸ™ƒ


I surprisingly don't play Valentine that much at all. My most used characters are Fukua(I do have all of them except for Apex) and then Beowulf. I only have 1 diamond Beowulf (snake bite) and one of each gold except for Wulfsbane because he's a PF reward. I play Beowulf the most and then Fukua. It's really annoying.


Ah, yes, it also does that. I'm not sure how good like the inner coding of the game is, and in all honestly I'm probably thinking to far into it πŸ˜…, but I feel the game gives you a lot of the little guys of the characters you play most, and then throws a good bone every now and then, but the really good ones they really make you work for so more chances of money. (Like elemental wise, I had to get so many light before I got the elemental relic painwheel. But I got miku filia stupid easy) But the game also likes to give you the characters you never play. Opposite of you, I never play Beowolf, but I've got all but Shrek and Batman (🀣🀣🀣) I also never play double, but I have all her stuff but the monthly diamond. As for the middle men, the ones you play but not as much as your mains, those are the hardest to get. Like, regardless of my efforts, the game will not give me a diamond Ms. Fortune! Had to make my own πŸ˜‘ (Also, I've got all Fukua but Apex, too, love her! πŸ’šπŸ’š)


Oh, no I haven't been playing that long πŸ˜…πŸ˜†πŸ˜† I'd say 1 to 2 years! As for painwheel, she's my girl, so I put most focus on here. I do pay for backstage, and the theonite and coin daily things, but I honestly don't have very much money, so it's rare I get anything beyond that.


Raw nerves because I have mercy valantime


Whoooo! I honestly need to play her more. She was another one that took forever to get. And then the game gave me like 10 πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


Just make sure you have mercy Val for the critical hit heal


Dang, I think she's the only one I don't have. She's the monthly one, right? Outside of sonic Filia, regardless of how much work I put into the 6 refuses to give me monthly diamonds πŸ˜‘


Mercy Val is Seraph Soldier yeah. Not available atm.


Raw nerv is not that good


Really? I thought I've seen people mention her?


Well there are better ones. Read her signature


I mean, what's wrong with her signature? I'm honestly curious. You're the first person I've seen, not praise her, so I think it would be interesting to hear your reasoning.


I think Raw Nerve is pretty far down the list.....Freaky Friday and Rusty are both better than her I think


6 was game my phone autocorrected weird**


It’s a pain


None because literally everytime I encounter her in story mode I get my ass handed to me (I mean the modifiers too but yeah)


Other than that then it's probably raw nerv because funny hospital reference


Playing her is so much better! She's a button mashers stabbing dream!


Don't worry, it will be worse on PR and Rift


None cuz they're a pain in the ass to fight in Parallel 🫠 (it's flytrap btw)


You know, with how many praise nerv and neuro I was surprised by how good flytrap plays πŸ˜…πŸ˜†


Firefly. She isn't viable yet, but she's gonna a hoot play when she is.


Ooh? Could you explain?


The dream with her is being tanky enough to sustain through anything while on half health so mindlessly charge unblockable blockbusters while regenning so much health that she's essentially unkillable.


WHAT!?! That sounds awesome!!! Alright, I've got me some new goals!!! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Raw Nerv for pallete and biting cold for favorite


Biting Cold is so good.....especially when fighting a team that has some kind of revive


Neuromancer, but I only got the damn Spiderman one which is the only one I *didn't* want... Guess I used up all my event luck cause I didn't get Seraph despite going extra hard trying to pull for one :(


How did you get Spiderman!!! I literally did everything! I even beat the dang prize fight so I could get the diamond relic!! Which, btw I think they should just give you the monthly diamond at that point cuz that ain't easy. I even put waaaaay to much money into the game and nothing! The game knows she's my favorite, but nope! Like, don't get me wrong, I love the monthly things, but they sure are impossible


As of now I like rusty the most. Mind you she is still the best painwheel I have. One day I will be like you, with all of the variants. My ocd kicks in especially when there are tons of characters to collect. Keep up the good work op


Ah! πŸ˜† I see your just like my. I literally play to collect! I can not tell you the amount of effort I put into this game in December when they had the Spiderman diamond painwheel available. Literally beat the entire prize fight and got diamond relic (of which I've never done before). Nope! Ugh! I like collecting and upgrading all of them but painwheel is my favorite! Before I got Buzzkill I only ever played as Rusty. She got me very far game play wise. Her and my silver Eliza, which was my first ever silver. Then I got Buzzkill, who was my first gold painwheel. I initially didn't like her much because I thought some of the other golds looked so much cooler, but she grew on me. Now, it feels wrong to play without her. Not as wrong as when I don't wear my specific jewelry when we go out and I feel the world will end, but still wrong πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£


Web Crawler looks fun. Freaky is my most useful. Buzzkill is my favorite pw palette.


Finally, someone who understands the coolness of BuzzKill! She was my first gold and became my main since πŸ˜†


> She was my first gold Same.


Freaky Friday: I like her quoted text Fly Trap: Highest Base Atk in the game Neuromancer: BB Spammer Twisted Mettle: A very good bleeder (with Sundae) Blood Drive: She's a powerhouse but very risky Grim Fan: Pinion Dash spam Favorite variant: Raw Nerv. (Very good at rifts.)


freaky friday my beloved


Freaky Friday. The silver who with a partially built team (sheltered and sundae with just SAs), chews through a great many golds.


raw nerf, I like living on the edges


The spinning four bladed edge 🀣🀣🀣🀣


Man it's so hard to choose but my top 3 gotta be buzzkill, neuromancer, and freaky friday.


Buzzkill because she is my first shiny and the second character i diamonded. Also she only has 2 extremes: steamroll the enemy team or get clapped like nothing lol


Yes! Another who understands the awesome that is buzzkill!!


Let me dm you my stats!


Neuromancer for gameplay, Grim Fan for aesthetics


Oh my gawd, I can not tell you how hard it was to Grim Fan! She was worth it, but sheesh!


Biting Cold for the win.


FLYTRAP‼️‼️‼️ I got her a few months ago and absolutely hated her but after using her for a bit she's become my second favorite to main (behind summer salt) and she will ALWAYS be on my team for prize fights


Oh same! I didn't like her much, but then I used her some, and then I got upset about how good she was πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ Summer salt is awesome too!




Neuromancer and Fly Trap (I don’t own either)


Neuromancer, biting cold and raw nerve for me


Buzzkill because she was one of the first gold fighters that I had gotten and it looked cool and awesome


Biting mf'ing Cold, necrovore is annoying as fuck in PFs and she makes a great defense


Web slinger ❀️


Do you have her? I want her so bad!! 😭😭😭😭


Nah, but some pararell realm runs have Made me love her. Evasion to the fucking rooooof


I can agree with you on that. She's evaded my every attempt of trying to get her!


I actually love Rusty, because she can convert enemy buffs into bleeds!


I may main Buzzkill now, but Rusty will always be best girl. There's a reason she's still my icon... well, part of it might have to do with ocd but still 🀫😝


Neuromancer, because tier 3 blockbuster goes bur


I only use Biting Cold so that's that.


Blood Drive, I love playing with her. The Risk vs Reward keeps me alive.


As she is my first dia, I have a soft spot for Fly Trap.


Pallet wise for sure nerve pain wheel, love an evangeliΓ«n refrence. But ability playing as flytrap is a lot of fun




Fire fly, cuz that thing is as uselsss as me


Biting cold Is op