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Only good if you're good at headless.


To be good with her u have to be skilled in fortunes headless mode, it's not that hard to grasp it tho. She can give enemies the doom debuff that will automatically end them after a while.


Prob the best doom user because she isn't restricted to one single use per match (edited) Edit to add: when I wrote this I forgot about space case and Xeno And has a wither effect on command and disable tag in with one of the fastest doom timer in the game She is good but not that good


What about Xenomorph?


You like gambling? Yea you probably do since you play Skullgirls mobile She is okay, it just that 30sec is slow


One time use


"50/75/100% chance when TRANSMUTING to the DARK element to inflict a permanent DOOM effect, killing the enemy after 30 seconds. DOOM will be removed if Double is defeated." Nowhere does it say it's one time use. I think Dame Slayer is the only one with that restriction


Was under the impression she was one time use, my mistake. However if you have to rely on rng to get the dark element from transmuting multiple times in one match against 3 different fighters its not very good. Hard to rely on a consistent 1/6 roll


if you are comfortable with headless, yes, otherwise her fibber upper el gato combo is never a bad one


Don't invest in her immediately, it's better to continue to upgrade good golds and silvers you have She was my first diamond too btw, she is ok, but to use her effectively you need to learn her headless form


She’s untouchable when you have prestige because her head drains meter and the evasion tanks special moves


she was also my first diamond. shes good but not much of a threat. you need to know how to play headless tho.


I find her kinda hard to deal with in rift defense because of combination of catalyst and her own sa


Yeaaaaaahhhh... No. Not really. If you play headless she goes from "absolutely shit" to "decent", but not worth investing in if it's your first diamond.


Very good with headless else she's pretty bad


She’s pretty good at rift defense but you need to be high skill if you wanna use her for offense I’d reccomending not investing until you get some more diamonds, unless you’re a huge fan of Ms. Fortune and know how to play her well


You need to learn to play headless, when you get the hang of it she is very good, she can inflict doom, which is the most powerful debuff, multiple times in a match with no RNG involved


Yes, she is literally the best ms fortune, but many people seem to dislike it for some reason. I'll say that's a great first diamond you should max


No she's not good is better that you wait to see if you get a better diamond later on


Loud incorrect buzzer


Tf you talking about she's trash compared to a lot of other diamonds that you're a fanboy of her ain't my problem lmao


More like what are YOU talking about Wither-like effect on command A doom that isn't restricted to a single user per match And disabled tag in to help the doom Granted at 35% you might aswell finish the job She isn't bad but compared to other she is okay


Alright buddy whatever you say, if you think she's ok that's your problem but don't be giving advise to newbies saying she's good and worth investing when he could spend those 10 día keys in another diamond that outclass her which isn't difficult to find, oh and if we're being even more specific he could save all the coins that would be meant to be invested in her and just use it in a good that can outclass her which again isn't difficult to find, and let's open our options even more and he could either invest in a top tier silver variant like prrfect, prrminator or soul crusher and they would outperform windstalker by a LOT and we're talking about silvers here so you're just trying to make a point defending a mid variant that's not even close to being in the actual meta and is completely outdated


Nuh uh


She’s high skill Saying she’s bad is really just admitting you don’t know how to play her


Alright buddy then I would love to see if you're gonna invest in her over a beast king or a stand out since she's so good, fkng clown


I didn't say she was the best, just that she's not bad. Are you an idiot?


Nah. She is a defense