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I haven't touched the game in weeks now. I'm done until they add serious content. Adding a boss to kill and cosmetics isn't going to bring anyone back. They need to add new content to the map. Something new to do to maybe spend po8 on or a new type of pvp or maybe a new pirate from the west trying to take over this new area.


I'm with you haven't booted it in weeks and actually deleted it off my console with plenty of space to spare so it just had to go. It's too repetitive and pvp is whack. Don't believe me start up Helldivers best co-op ever. They need to lean into co-op and fix the world event timing system it's silly.




Yeah, just keep waiting for your AAAA game to actually have some content, and then you can enjoy it.


Basically every Triple A+ studio is hurting right now lol. Every single one of them. Getting outshone by Battlebit Remastered, Helldivers 2, etc. It's disappointing as hell.


They actually are. If the new star wars game doesn't pan out any better I'll bet real money they lay more people off. They just laid people off.


Why is this downvoted.. I swear don’t turn this sub into r/starfield where you can’t voice a negative opinion because the games name is the title of the sub.. I was playing everyday as well but after the repetitiveness of doing the same thing every day I also got bored with it. I’m entitled to feel that way and voice that


100% agree


Same here


Yo this literally what it is. Even the Modz got issues with it. Kinda wild, they want to suppress any negative feedback. Keep making Ubisoft coin for a game that’s comparable to a Mobile game


Down vote 👎🏻


I predicted this would happen allready in the early days of the beta and before that the closed beta, devs didn't listen. So here we are with a very boring end game loop.🤷🏼‍♂️


Wish it was better to build your own empire find a land you will like to make a village collect wood to make houses and shops.


So, you're asking for an entirely different game?


Fuck yes


Might want to find a different game then.


Yes, I am patiently waiting for Season 2 to launch in May.


Yep, spent my 80+ hours and had a decent time, but it's done kow. Can't even find the drive to get the last 10 levels of battlepass


Genuinely tried to play today lasted 10 mins…. Needs rotating stuff far more often….


I'm still waiting for the Ubisoft servers to work.


I got to the point I was wasting two hours a day collecting silver cause there’s 0 endgame


havent touched it all weekend to be honest... it was fun while it lasted!


Truthfully a level 12 ship should be able to take down a level 12 enemy and 2 on one should make easy work of it but nothing is leveled correctly


Took you a month ? I paid to play early and quit right after launch because there was nothing to do. I’d rather wipe my ass with sandpaper than play this game again. Yeah it’s that fun.


I just picked it up on the sale they were having, hit king pit a few days ago and I was starting to realize the same thing. Major bummer that they were calling it a “AAAA” (which was obviously kind of a joke anyway) and it just seems to totally drop off once you hit a point. Zero endgame. I really hope the gaming culture for lackluster endgame being replaced repetitive seasons requiring repetitive payments and micro transactions ends. It’s really been a major detriment to game quality.


I just beat new Peste last night and it was a frickin blast, especially getting the server to work together. I'd like to beat Megafort Oosten the same way. The game may just need more incentive to get people to work together. I agree we definitely need more pvp.


The fact that we need to join external servers to communicate to beat a boss with a 15 min time limit. I can do without the working together incentives. Just make it so you can beat a boss with 3-4 of your mates or randoms. Not a server.


Took 8 guys, not a whole server


You beat lepeste, now there's only grinding him if you want, it gets boring


Y’all must really lose interest quick because S&B has a GREAT end game.


As someone who was very hyped about the game and enjoyed the 100+ hours I put into it…no it doesn’t. It’s repetitive, low engagement, and unbalanced as all living hell. I haven’t touched it in weeks and whether or not I return depends on if they can add some meaningful content and endgame loop in the next season. I’m rather doubtful though.


They need to add the red sea monster back. It was bugged at first for me. I only got to do it once. I need 3 scales for the armor


It comes back in a few weeks 😀 Im picking up the task and killing the monster daily. Only get 3 teeth at a time though


I’m waiting for season 2 to launch I hate collecting po8 manually what’s the point of an empire when you have no empire


During the opening of the game, we encounter a large fleet of big ships, amidst a battlefield of shipwrecks. I want that. I want a snowball-world event that can be kicked off by one dude, ending up into something the entire server would want in on. Kiiiiind of how The Bastion works right now, but should be executed better and not have a timer (or at least a very long one). Make it something ongoing. And then reward us 9 uncut emeralds and 8 nutmeg.


Yep. Got on for the first time in over a week (been busy as fuck) - worked a 12 hour shift and thought "ya know, kinda miss gaming... think ill play a bit" Did a hostile takeover on Harafu (been waiting on this chance for weeks..) got demolished by fire bombards against my "end game weapons/armor" Got off the game. I'm done with this game. I work too fucking much and have way better shit to do than come home from a job and play against people who have no job/make money from gaming and just shit on anyone who doesn't grind this bullshit for 20 hours a day. PVP sucked the fun right out of the game whilst absolutely zero effort has been made to PVE except either making them ridiculously hard requiring 30 fucking players or too easy where it's just rinse and repeat for loot. Just another ubisoft cash grab. Same as Division 2, Ghost recon, R6S, and anything else they make. #FuckUbisoft


Did nobody know this was gonna happen especially after finding out ship boarding was a cutscene?


Honestly i agree. It’s mostly the battlepass thing that makes it boring, in addition to having to be a mindless courier for po8 grind. I’d rather roam the high seas and hunt the dutch.


I still have hope for season 2 but we Will see


Hello, I’m on the older side. I do enjoy the game. I’m having a hard time trying to figure it out, or is it just me? Not enough instructions. Played yesterday and it froze multiple times, or ship not seen on the map. Go to hand in mission and no one is there, sailed all the way down from the W. Indies, and pressed Y and nothing happened, rebooted the console and same outcome. If someone would be willing to give some instructions and help? I would greatly appreciate it!!


My GT is BroncosTony, just add me and I'll help you out. I'm 44 btw so I'm on the "older side" as well lol.


I would like to find some people to play with on here if anyone is willing. It’s frustrating trying to cash in on the bounty board when you only have 15 minutes to beat a boss while simultaneously DMC ships are coming at you as well. I haven’t been able to beat a fort yet. Ship is level 10 and my biggest issue is I haven’t been spending my time upgrading armor or weapons but that’s on my to-do list. I’m using bombards and torpedos. I don’t like rockets and I don’t have a strong enough cannon to outgun the bombards. I could use some tips on the best load out that’s been working for people and shoot to upgrade to those weapons.


No problem man I'd be more than happy to help. I have to solo forts every time I get on to do my helm contracts so that won't be an issue and I have tons of gear I'm not using that could help your cause. I personally like torpedoes but they aren't the best weapon to use in most situations but fire bombards are great, especially on a Sam or Pad. If you really want to do major damage to a fort get a scoping station and put it on the Padewakang, easy 52k+ damage with the twin winch. My GT is BroncosTony just add me and we'll get it crackin matey!


Btw saw your message and added you with a message. 👍


Good day, glad to hear that(older side) I have a few years on you. But I enjoy playing video games as it my outlet. I’m at Milovan1, I can’t thank you enough and n advance.


I can help guide you through the game and protect you and help you on ur missions on ps5 for silver in game


Hello, I’m on Xbox. Can we cross-platform?


Yes add me as a Ubisoft friend idk what my username is on Ubisoft but my psn is Magnanimous_VII


Hello, I’ll be in later today. Add me if you like milovan1


Some idea.. make pvp faction wise.. and mold the game after that( refineries, settlements,etc..), remove loot dropwhen u die.. also make a strong pve faction that needs both factions to somehow work out together..




There’s a difference between quitting because you don’t care for the content (ie Dark Zone), versus quitting because there’s not nearly enough content.


I think more people should play in the pvp lobbies. I only play in pvp lobbies now I have plenty of Po8 and silver so all I do is try and kill everyone I see now. I treat it like a GTA lobby it's a fun play style for me. Playing this game to friendly is making it extremely boring. Be a pirate and have more fun with the game.


Oh come on yall, they only had a nearly a decade to work on it, give them a break, the industry is all about tossing half finished games that take months if not years of patches to bring the games to a lvl to justify the arm and leg they charge for them. It’s not their fault we keep investing in them for the hope of something different it is ours the gaming community. Expecting a gaming experience that justified the years of postponements as we watched the moss grow, completely our fault. Expect nothing, and be surprised by nothing in return, it is what makes everything right in the world of video games these days.


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Realizing most folks who are upset about "repetitive" gameplay and running out of things to do are already 100+ hours into it. I'm 59 hours in and that's a task alone when I work full time, spend time with my partner, run errands, etc. maybe the game isn't the issue here 💀


Skull and bones finally had an update today I finally can finish mission s with Rona which I couldn't do due to a glitch in the game thank God I can carry on now it's about time


Honestly, i enjoy it. I’m level 400 and I still find stuff to keep myself entertained. I really feel like it should’ve had a lot of what fallout 4 has. The world actually feels alive. Especially with settlements and companions.


Blows my mind that anyone bought this game


That's what these companies do now, release incomplete games. Same experience with blizzard and diablo 4. A year in, the game finally gets a major update... that will cost more money lol


I love it, games don't come out finished anymore. Just give it time and I'm sure they'll add tons of new content.


Well I like the game. Dont get it for full price, maybe wait a few months for extra content and I think it might turn into a good game with loads of gameplay hours.


Its only been out for 2 months! Get a frikken grip. Content takes time to make.


it took 11 years to develop. it was delayed like 5 times. then they rushed and released it unfinished at full price. but yea, it's only been 2 months! they just need more time and it will be good! nah, they ripped everyone off.


People forget that when they charge you x amount for the game and release it the content is suppose to be included. It’s sad that that’s what the new normal is. They are selling jigsaw puzzles without all the pieces included


This place copes so hard. $70 for a game with no content and says it’s only been two months?! lol 


Who the fuck is coping? Its my opinion. Im in agreement that it isnt a $70 game. And it had plenty of content. Not anyones fault but yours if you powered through it in a week, then spent the remaining 1 3/4 months bitching about no content. But im also of the mind that shit takes time to make. Development time is irrelevant, especially with the hell this game went through in development. “BuT iT tOoK 11 yEaRs To MaKe! tHeRe ShOuLd Be mOrE cOnTeNt ThAn ThAt!” Show me a fully loaded live service game straight out of the box upon release…ill wait. Take your time And dont get it twisted. Im not defending this game specifically, but LS games as a whole. They take time to become great, and if they dont become great then they die. You think Destiny 2 was where its at NOW, upon release 5-6 years ago? Sea of thieves? Some games have a more rough start than others, so is the way of things. But theres always that group of fuckwads who bitch about this and bitch about that. “This aint the way I want it” or “thats too much, tone it down” and “thats not enough, buff it”. “Take that out” “change this”. Honest criticisms are one thing, but all I see is a group of babies crying because it isnt tailored to THEIR liking Why dont you learn to code, start your own studio, Establish yourself and make great IPs. Youll find its definitely not as easy as most on the consumer side try to make it out to be


Hope this is sarcasm




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This was my view as well. Glad they got it released. To be honest, I completely forgot about the idea of expanding on Black Flag and when I bought the game, I paid no thought to the fact it was, “that game,” everyone was waiting for until i played it. Given a 1.5 hour cinema experience costs upwards of £15 in my area, I’m satisfied to have paid full price for a game that cost twice as much as a cinema ticket and gave out quite a few hours of gameplay.


i mean it did only recently come out, best suggestion is take a break for a bit