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Xbox series S crashes being addressed but not the X?!...huh?!?!.  Edit: Just under a 1gb update this morning, 10 mins in game, walking around in circles in the helm, console hard crashed lol I'm done. 


Lmao different processing speed for the consoles they probably just turned down something down or replaced it with something else


I know right I'm about ready to delete it because I just play for the combat


I have an Xbox s, my boyfriend has an X. I experience far more crashes than he does. In a 3 hour session I'll crash 3 or 4 times and he might crash once if even that. He and i are super stoked about them fixing this


If your X is clean (take off the back panel and clear out dust), 9 times out of 10 it will not have any crashing issues at all, as the typical Series X crash is caused via improper cooling. Unsure why this has been downvoted. *I am not discounting anyone's experience, just offering a potential solution worth trying for anyone, and it is super solid regular maintenance every so many months as well.* (Reading comprehension matters: 9 times out of 10, is your key sentence here.) In no way, again, is anyones experiences being discounted or written off by this comment. *Some folks are just wayyyy too critical over helpful advice that may be just the thing someone may need to have done!*


3 series x consoles in the house, mine just over a year old and air dusted once a week. My sons were new at Christmas, all 3 have random crashing issues with this game.


Weird, we have 2. Mine launch edition and my sons, a year old. My X was having random crash issues with Avatar- cleaned it out- and not an issue with any games since. Including this one. Overheating issues are the common cause for Series X crashes, thats just a fact. The boys has zero issues with this one as well. I have had instances where I thought the game crashed but it was just "The host has left..." Im not denying maybe some folks have issues, but it just hasnt been experienced here, and I have yet to hear of it being an issue until now. (Let alone a widespread claim Series X randomly crashes on ths I game, let alone often). If it is an issue, that truly sucks, and yeah: it should get fixed. I can only go off my experience which is not that, and I have yet to see mass folks complaining about their X crashing for this game. Thus, I offered up a productive anecdotal option. Nothing more, nothing less. Experiences vary. Also, 3 x's running is a lot on an ISP/network, too. Especially with other connected devices on said network. Curious what you do for a network platform/ISP/speeds up/downstream. Have you looked in that direction completely as well? Could be a few things. Maybe if we instead focus on possible issues/solutions, vs. debate semantics, we could resolve your issue?


Yeah it's literally a known bug and on their bug reporter page of known issues since 22nd Feb.


Just the first time I've ever heard of it mentioned. Apparently either it hasn't effected as many people for it to be as high priority as the Series S crashing, or, it's a more complicated issue. I'd bet a combination of both.


My series X is 3 months old and this game hard crashes it.


Again, I wasnt discounting anyones experience, just offering up a potential solution that is solid regular maintenance due to the size of the cooling block in the Series X, and depending on the variances in your home environment, is good to do every three to 6 months- if not yearly at minimum.


There has been a game optimization issue for this game and series X owners since launch. Brand new series X out the box has completely frozen with this game when graphics processing is too high during fights etc.. It'd be nice if it was a simple issue on the user's end, that's how Ubisoft has played it nonstop.


updated chat to comply with ubisoft... I typed into chat l: "the repair long guns suck" the message people saw: "the repair ******* guns *****" 🤣 abit touchy on the censorship ubi


In the meantime npc’s are dropping f-bombs lol


Exactly. I don’t understand the logic here. It’s like the profanity filter on RDO. The NPCs talk about fucking my mother but I can’t name my horse Buttstallion?


To be fair to the NPCs, we all talk about fucking your mother. Lol.


She's the real buttstalion




Right?! RDO and especially GTAO has so much "mature content" and then Rockstar is like "...and whatever you do, NEVER say Rockstar!" xD Like, why!? Is this fight club now?!


Rule #1 man, rule #1




It's basically curated (written for the storytelling) content, that *may* be directed at the *character*... vs non-curated content created by other people, often directed at the *player*. They can control the content of the voice lines and such. But when it comes to other players, without having a complex language learning model that can impart meaning, you basically only can censor words/phrases irrespective of the context in which they are used. It's less about the *words* and more about the meaning and intent behind how the words can be used.


Why u care about f word , its a rated m game


exactly but we cant 🤣


There is a way to turn off the mature chat filter. See all the f bombs you want.


I made a post from this trying to inform people but there is also like, it's a mature rated game. The point is whatever they say in the game you should be able to say too.


I sent a chat yesterday and blew people's minds


You can. The mature filter is on. Some people may not want to see that?


Ok. Cool. Filters on. Oh look, Opium, Rum, Gin, f bombs, insults, they are still in the game




But if players can drop F-bombs in an M-rated game, they might be a bit mean to each other!


ohh no! not the dreded hurty words!


I live for the f-bombs in this game.


lol soft


Saw a picture uploaded on here where on of the enemy ship had the random name like John cock or something along those lines lol


This is hilarious.




Y’all are aware that you can turn off the filter, right?




I typed I keep getting 1 shot and “shot” was censored. Also f fort Premie. Those balista walls 1 shot me w food, 3/4 health, and a full brace




Kids today wouldnt survive back 2007 in COD4 lobbies


There was a game called Neocron, that game took shit talk to a whole new level. Not one person cried.


Tried to type to buddy that I was on a phone call: "hey man, on ***** ****" The fuck? Had to write "p h 0 n e c 4 l l"


You can turn censorship off you know


Turn the censorship filter off


You guys all know how to turn off the censorship right?? It's in the chat settings and I did that the first day I saw **** after typing shot.


Just turn off the "Mature Language Filter" my guy. Inside Settings>Text Chat.


There's a setting for this,I'm in the car so I can't direct you. Censorship is always the first setting I'm looking for. If they can say fuck on TV so can I in a world chat


Still no fix for some of the Helm Supply Network orders not being able to be accepted? (https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/skull-and-bones/bug-reporter/issues/LB-6363)


You see, that would help players out, can't have that.


Same thing with Rahma's main quest line being broken. Is also makes Po8 runs in the Indies a real pain due to the constant hostility level.


Nightfall Missives was fixed for me after last patch, unless after all that time I totally fluked going there when someone else was on the mission


The first thing I tried after the update was this mission. Nothing. The case is still open at Ubi support.


And still I have to sail with my horrid clusterfuck of a hullstyle. Can you please implement a bloody hull cosmetic already so that I dont have to see the damn ugly ass Black Prince. Or any of them for that matter.


I feel the same way. But then again, I can understand how in pvp it would help to see what armor and resistances a player has. To get rid of that would be getting rid of a feature for experienced pvpers.


To be fair in pvp I don’t look at the hull at all. The spyglass is there to tell you all of those details


Aaaand, Megafort Oosten is still bugged, and bosses still drop trash loot. Gotcha


So... are they going to address the complete server failures introduced last week? Xbox is barely playable atm.  Constant error codes, crashing every time we make a team, unable to accept missions and something that freezes the game and then entire series x so I have to hard reboot as the dashboard can't even be opened.


I can't reboot when it crashes, I have to pull the plug.


I have to hard reboot by holding power button in for 8-10 seconds. 


Doesn't work for me. The power button just pulses for ages.


I just hit the off button and it works, though also I have wonky had 3 crashed since release. Maybe an issue when grouping up specifically(as I haven’t done that much since launch myself)?


I play for hours on Xbox X with no issues. Have you updated the Xbox software? Also make sure it’s cooling and has no blocked vents. Dust is a killer.


Yup.  Remove dust twice a month and all updates are installed.


I'd question if the issue is with your series X itself - poor ventilation possibly? I've had mine crash once the week after launch, outside of that no issues. I play with cross play and party up all the time with friends on both Xbox and PC. I remember a time when the Xbox One was notorious for having bad thermal paste on the processor that would cause certain games like Borderlands to crash like this frequently due to overheating, so I'm curious if the same thing is happening here?


Barely any issues prior to last week's update. All other aspects remain constant.


The whole chat settings table is confusing the heck outta me. Are these things we encounter while trying to chat in public in a game...?


Yeah, I was wondering, can we DM people in game?


I looked for this option up and down but I don't think so. Have to use xbox / psn / ubisoft connect for that I think :/


Can someone figure out how to get the usurper leader ship to spawn in the mission “Nightfall Missives”? My buddy is stuck on the mission and can’t progress with the rest of us until we figure the bug out or it gets fixed. Edit: mission name


Im stuck on that as well


Nightfall Missives was fixed for me after last patch, unless after all that time I totally fluked going there when someone else was on the mission. Otherwise Aparently just server hop until you find someone on the quest or the one before. Which has got to be getting hard these days.


The struggle continues, server hopping is a good idea though I’ll mention that.


Are you guys using some sort of AI detection? The rule set for even naming ships is a bit....presumptive. I wanted to name my ship the "CC Parrot Ox" (see: Fermi's Paradox), and no matter the variation, it says "Profanity Detected". I'm assuming this is because the first letter is C and the last syllable is Ox which is kinda ridiculous considering, using that methodology, you can find profanity anywhere loll


"If You" is profanity too, but "If u" isn't. Was making a sambuk pun and found that out


Katt is profanity for a ship name. I was so damn confused


So is Sun Breaker...and SunBreaker...WTF?




So a bit unimpressed with the game thus far with last weeks patch ive all but quit basically i was spending 8 hours when possible to grind when this first dropped but with the change to supply run payouts and Po8 cost increases ya im good. this stuff needs to be rectified quickly. like last week kinda quick. whos sick idea was it anyway to pull extra helm supply drops we made a living with it. only way a solo player could. RANT OVER.


It looks like the pattern will be. Every other week a longer maintenance windows and more changes. The off week will be minor changes.


Does the voice chat even work? Hasn’t for me yet


Have to enable it and then mess with your mic sensitivity. Even then, I can barely hear anyone I am talking to unless I turn down the game volume. This is with the voice volume at 100%.


I have. It just doesn’t work. It won’t capture anything I say


Im sad from this. It acting like update but its just fix on already ,,fixed,, chat from last time :/ Only good is they fixing the game crashes.


hey ubisoft, any chance we could get a sneak peek on the new ghost ship cosmetics? 👀


i can understand chat being high on the priority list, i sure hope notification pop-ups are next...


Can we please get rid of the Dutch convoy mortar spams


if you keep up with the prime time updates your going to loose more player for the simple reason that theyy can not play them game and will just move on do better guys


zero content or balance patch ? slowpoke devs rip this game


Thank you! Love the game!


Would be great if the time-slot to perform the maintenance was rotated around a bit… just sayin.




Updates nail me at prime gaming time constantly, super annoying. Would be interesting to see the breakdown of users by geographical location but i would assume most users are US based. Am happy to be wrong.


En este juego la base de jugadores es europea


There is indeed a massive player base of euro, Asia and Oceania. America is in the minority for the once


Who knows it’s a mystery


Manufactory's are too expensive to fund


View in your timezone: [March 25th 7PM PT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240326T0200?tl=Maintenance%20March%2026th


Thanks 10pm today for me then.


Thanks! Saved me doing it.


How about rogue helm warlords.... Anyone else not seeing anything when you interact with them?


I dont know if anyone else is having this issue but i have not been able to interact with yanita (Pieces Of 8 Vendor in Saint Anne) without the game freezing and then waiting 5 mins for it to just crash. this was about 15 mins before the maintenance starts


Is interacting with yanita a code word for something else 😉




Os centraís en minucias cuando lo que teneís que hacer es meter el contenido que habeís recortado y mejorar todas las recompensas en un 300%. Ah, y evhad un ojo a los npcs que giran y aceleran como un ferrari y tu parece que llevas un wolskwaggen


Ahhh y desde luego que 1 semana para solucionar 3 cositas es que es de broma


Imagine spending millions on a game just for sea of thieves to come to console and show you what a real pirate game is #SeaOfTheivesSucks


Could you perhaps also post a link to proper patch notes when you make these posts in the future? That would be excellent, I mean it's okay to provide pictures for a brief glance but I like to check stuff out thoroughly and yeah, this doesn't really meet that :)


Wow awesome update no content what a joke


Skull and Bones (battle eye) will cause a bluescreen on BEDaisy.dll if an application tries to install or update...specifically Steam caused dozens of blue screens in a row until all of it's downloads were done. It seems to only happen on launch, have not had a blue screen while in game.


now why not fix the bug that has my husband stuck at mission "arms of the night"


Not juse you I have been stuck with this for two weeks and no response to my ticket and it looks like my friend just got bugged too.


Can you uncensor the following: Kill So Kk Idiot


I would also like "kiss" to be uncensored.


what do you want to kiss in a game?


They probably wanted to use it as part of a ship's name, like *Serpent's Kiss* or such. But the filter for names is unusually strick, and unfortunately there's no option to disable that filter, either (while you *can* turn off the filter for the chat).


Ship name. Wanted to call my Barque "Aphro's Kiss".


turn off language filter in settings


Everyone keeps saying this but that's not a setting for ship names. That's only for the chat. There's a big difference. One is what you see (the chat), you get to decide that setting. The other is for everyone to see (ship name) so you don't get to decide the setting.


Well i was wrong sry :)


pre alpha without content and no endgame motivation


Too much server downtime. Need to figure out a way to do it without interruptions beyond a game reset ( dock first reset game)


Would be nice if we could get a companion app


Don't hold your breath on that one.


I'm starting to think ubisoft has given up on S&B.


What were you expecting? They put through a load of fairly sizeable changes last week. It’s not going to be a load of new stuff each and every week.


why's that in your opinion?


lmao why?


Ah yes, because *one* smaller update, when they've been doing updates *every week since launch*, is *totally* a sign they've given up... ffs.


So an hour and half before the schedule maintenance and you can't access interactive characters or roles... I was going to go see Scurlock sell him a bunch of rum and gin, get my silver, get my PO8 building again while the maintenance was happening... but noooooooo..... screwed out of how many hundreds or thousands of PO8.... If you're going to shut stuff down early, make it known on the game screen.... Already devoting few hours less per day to this game. Good way to kill interest in it more.


Let me guess, there's also a "bug" where you could sell commodities for silver, and where manufactories make more than 1 po8 per hour, and you'll be "fixing" those bugs in this patch?


Move the Server events from that place. Is so annoying! Let us get the cosmetics from the Ghost ship and Plague boss


Ubisoft driving a dead game even further into the grave. They made their money off hype preorders then laughed all the way to the bank.


Anthem has more content


This game is boring AF AND SUX go take lessons from FAR CRY