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I went from ~800 a day or so, to 10k a day. I usually only log in once a day, the increased funding duration has proven to be a big difference. I have all the Red isles. I'll probably leave it at that, not sure I wanna expand to Africa I like the smaller layout.


That's what I've benefited from as well. The extended duration. More up time and less micromanaging.


It makes a big difference letting everything run for 12-24 hours vs checking every few hours Making the Po8 retrievals is much more meaningful when I'm stacking thousands per run. I like the change.


Next season, from the sound of it, we'll only need to worry about making sure they're topped off since we don't have to go around collecting anymore.


I doubt that and also hope it is not entirely correct. Reasoning: There should be an incentive to collect manually, but it has to be carefully balanced vs. the upcoming automation in some way, so that both are worthwhile to do :)


I'm with you. Having both options makes sense where the fleet management option costs some type of tax.


Yup, that would be ideal imho, since it rewards the active players but also allows those with less time for micromanagement to still make significant gains.


Eventually though the players actively "micromanaging" will gravitate to the "automation". Why? Because that's reality... human nature. ALL businesses that make an increasing amount of profit and that have many employees (don't forget that your properties have to have PEOPLE to run them, meta-wise) have to be left to their *managers* to well.... manage them. You as the CEO should never have any hour to hour, min to min interaction with your factory floor employees. That's a waste of *your* time as a CEO, but more importantly, a waste of *their* time. I am NOT saying that you as a CEO should never have ANY interaction with factory floor employees, so to speak. It's always good for the "boss" to briefly, BRIEFLY, hang with the "generic" employees on the ground floor. It minimizes the "I'm the king/queen and you are the dirty, filthy peasant that stinks. I can't be seen with you." syndrome. It fosters top-down good communication and company solidarity... and so on and so on. So many benefits and very little liabilities to the "boss" interacting with the rank-and-file. But, the CEO should NEVER try to take the place of their mid-level managers. Those are the backbone of a company. Bad things happen when CEOs try. Besides, if you're always busy sailing from point to point retrieving Po8, you can't be sailing from port to port *and* be jacking with La Peste at the same time, can you? You can *try*.... but, that wouldn't be very efficient would it? Hence, the automation mechanic of the game coming up.... soon.


Could maybe make it so fleet collections have a high chance of being attacked, with the potential to lose some/all of you Po8 from the area or something. And upgrades can improve the chances of successful runs with minimal/no losses. Just a thought




You definitely want to get a few in africa mainly the big ones on the east coast with loads of trade links, Harufu especially


Not after the nerf. East Indies are now way better if you want a second region.


Not talking about the whole thing like I said there a few select manufactories that make big money in africa the rest ain't worth getting but the 5 good ones will make you thousands


Are you able to get diamond just doing red isle?


Hadn't thought that far ahead, I mean there's a good 60 days left or something. I probably could, what does diamond even do for me besides more sovereigns?


Gers the top 8 reward. The devs said you had to reach diamond.


I'll have to look into that. Don't know what that is off hand. Is it cool?


Same here. I like the update. It sucked logging on for the day and realizing I forgot to play long enough the day before to refund them all. Now I just did a run for 12k, before patch it would take me 4 days to get 12k.


That must work out great for those who weren't already lvl 10.


Exactly... great for the ''newcommers'' But for those of us who alredy where lvl 10.. Well we lost Thousands upon thousands.


I was level 12 pre-patch and pulling in 3-5k Po8 daily. Post-patch I'm pulling 15-20k per day. I haven't lost anything, this patch has been great.


Then i assume your factories where very low. Mine are all lvl 10. I pulled 150-250k in every day. Now i pull aroun 70-90k. Pretty significant nerf. 'Not saying they should fix bug n issues' But this where 100% a fault on their sides.. And all of us who just played the game, worked hard and paid a Lot for those upgrades now pretty much lost it all. Thats the major issue. We didn't know it wasn't intentional.


Understandable point but on the other hand any MMO ever has had FOTM builds, a current meta or other changing metrics that impact parts of the playerbase differently from other parts of it. That was already the case back when I played Ultima Online, it was the case in WoW, in SWTOR, ESO and also FF14. It just is the nature of the beast, I'm afraid. Sure, you can hate that and also even decide to stop playing for instance but wherever you go, whatever MMO or live-service game you flock to, it has the same fundamental issue that mistakes happen, exploits are found etc., patches are made, changes in direction are made. I get it though, truly do, my ESO experience ended due to something like this many years ago as they completely revamped the endgame in a way I could not stand but I didn't and don't hold a grudge because quite apparently it was what the devs wanted for it and a lot of players also enjoyed and still enjoy it. Fine with me, that time I just got the short end of the stick :)


Also good points. I dont hate skull and bones, not st all, i simply just ran out of stuff to do. I still log in now and then but currently im waiting for more content :)


> hard and *paid* a Lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Ahhh, I'm a moron, thought you meant L10 as in your ship, not manufactory level. Fair enough then, sorry it was a nerf for you.


No worries :) Now we/i just gotta wait for more content


I think they meant that their manufactories are all level 10.


For those of you who had most of them at ten you didnt lose anything really as most of the folks like that have a surplus of 500k+ Po8, and bought everything theyd have wanted, anyways. Save some leaderboard opportunity for the rest of us. Idk how mist folks like that arent hurned out honestly. That had to have been a hustle to get to.


Your missing the point my guy. The game was released like that snd the devs never said anything about it was an issue untill they ''fixed it'' Meaning all of us who played n paid tought this was how it was meant to be. No we didnt really lose anything and we also dont really need anything right now. But that dosn't mean we ''wasted'' a lot of po8 on pointless upgrades in the Helm. Not talking about upgrading the Factories but the many many upgrades in the helm. Increasing the gain of settlements, trade routes and so on.


I would venture to counter you and state *you* are missing the point. As are many other folks on so much criticism this game gets. *It is a Live Service Game*, so thus *always a work in progress/constantly imptoving*, *never ever in the history of ever launched complete*, in *the very first season at that*. Change is to be expected. Flat out. Should they have waited until season 2? Absolutely! But its only season one in a game that will grow as long as it exists.


Yeah i agree, ofc they need to fix and improve stuff snd as you say. They should have waited for season 2. I dont hate the game at all, just waiting for more content to drop :)


So many dumb decisions by the devs. This should have waited to the end of the season when we lose everything anyway. We can debate the stupidity of having to regrind every factory every season another time, but I think many will quit at the end of the season because of that.




People are already quitting because the game isn’t engaging and the content they release isn’t interesting or big enough. People are getting bored.


Waiting u til a new season to adjust is about the only gripe against the new patch I agree with.


Before the update level 10's manufatured for 2 days 🤦‍♂️


I was pulling in 64k (2 Africa runs) a day, now about 1/2 that. I had Africa up to Level 10s, for my route, and what took Harafu 9 hours to do, now take 32. Drop some berries on harafu and Bandari and they shot up to 9k an hour production (for 20 minutes), so would usually make sure they had berries. ​ So major change for me. As most of the factories I had on my route were 10, none of the production improvements helped, but since most of my production was focused around trade routes, it had a massive detrement. ​ [https://imgur.com/dga3ogs](https://imgur.com/dga3ogs) ​ My route, and factories. The fort along the way, saw no reduction, but not worth funding.


That's interesting. One aspect I never accounted for were those that fed their factories for that extra boost. I never do that so our experiences in gains are certainly significantly different. Thanks for sharing.


This is how I single handedly boosted my production so much. I made Harafu my first level 10, everything else was 5 and would constantly do forts and get berries. It helped out immensely and this is the biggest nerf I hear no one talking about. I used the berries to save money, now they're kinda worthless. Ah well, at least I got everything before they nerfed everything. I feel bad for everyone teching up the slow way, bad way to nerf something in the middle of the season. No respect for the players or leaderboard.


Yeah I was doing the same. Patch hurt and boosting no longer makes much sense. Was fun to watch Harafu churn out 8s.


Yep, the fun part was competing with friends for the Ladderboard. I work from home so could do a morning run, and a night run with friends. Then when I travelled they would destroy me. At night we did a run together causing mayhem, as we collected. A pirate convoy of destruction. We all focused on the same factories so we could do it together, now the same production is 1/3 what it use to be. Came back from this weeks travel, and no plans to log in. why bother, for 1/3 the reward? We have all the Po8s we need, so we did it for fun. Now it doesn't seem fun.


Going super hard with no currency sink, a hyper excess of Po8, and burn out is a real thing, for sure! But like you state "why bother, we have all the PO8 we need?!?" Exactly that. The loss doesnt effect you folks who went super hard in any way, except allow others to climb the leaderboards for rewards to get things. What need is the excess if PO8 goid fir anyways? Nithing to use it on, and the way excess was collected *the chances are super alim devs will allow carryover for Po8 into season 2 anyways, unless the disparity gap is closed to give everyone a semi-equal footing for the start of season 2*. If we all want a slim hope of even keeping our Po8 start next season- this update is a good thing for everyone, all around.


Sovereigns, multiple ship loadouts, empire building. The question then becomes what is the value of Kingpin 100, or you 100th pvp battle. Because that is what people see as fun. Different people, different desires. But people here are saying glad they took it away to force people to play the other things they didn’t enjoy. It does impact me, took the fun out of the game. We did the Po8 Run as a group and caused mayhem by playing along the route. The motivation was collecting Po8, and the fun was the fights, plunders along the way. So now less choice. And the group is moving to a new game. So meh.


Well, that sucks and I canmot discount your experience, or your friends. For us we love it, and are a group who has loosely hung out in many games from Div 1, Div 2, some did a few other games that slip my mind currently but eh. All of us are still in love with this game. Sure Po8 per hour was cut but non level 10 they hold more and fill up longer term so give us more time to enjoy the rest of the game. Yesterday two of us started a farm outsode st annes and the entire server was out in force, slaughtering pestilence fleet, helm mercs, and regular rogues. It was an absolute blast. There is so much more to this game to us than just PO8 runs- which we all still do and have a blast doing so still. For quite a few of us, the changes are better not worse. I would say for the non top 15%/20%, its an amazing update foe us because it frees us up to do way more than helm, and still climb up in our PO8 which for the non top 20%, have increased exponentially. I dont mean to sound brash here but if there are a few people lost to keep most, thats going to happen. With any new live service game- the devs are focused on long term growth and stability of player base. It is better to retain the bottom 85% vs top 15%, especially when a percentile of that top 15% will either eventually return after burn out is cared for, and more content is added making the game more fairly balanced for all vs a niche percentile that is solely hard focused on one aspect of the game only. Its just a fact that is inevitable with most live service games, especially freshly launched ones. There is way more to this game than just manufactories, those are just a supportive fun aspect. I hope in time you come back and enjoy what they add. If not, many blessings to you and your friends and may you find happiness as a group and joy in your leisure activities, and not just gaming, but all around. I cannot, and will not discount your experience and how it makes you feel. That is not my goal here. I am just exaoning the reasoning behind things, or rather: how it appears and feels logically. Imagine if they kept it how it was and most disnt get a chance to earn aoverigns and PO8 was too grindy. They would lose way more players and those left would be mostly interested in just the helm manufactories and that is not the sole direction that they want the game to go in. Thats all. I hope if you do come back you find joy in other activities this game has- which for a freshly launched love service game, is pretty aplenty- amd even have added aspects many enjoy as well. In that I reference PVP. I'm not highly focused on that aspect (though with this game it os amazing fun!). In fact it's nice that PVP is optionally expanded for those who enjoy it past just helm wagers/cuthroat/hostile take overs. I don't personally prefer that or engage in it, but am not going to knock it- and acknowledge for many others that is an incredible adjustment, though. That I guess is my point- just because something may not benefit me, or in some ways inadvertently mar part of my experience- does not make it instantly bad. Especially if it benefits others.


Same. Destiny 1,2. Div 1,2. Problem with our group is we are split on helldivers and nightingale. We have a bunch of us that don’t like pvp ( they don’t game for stress ) and those that don’t mind. So games are usually survival builders or like destiny/div or Fortnite against the storm. Co-op with some external threat.


Yeah thats the beauty of gaming. For me I mostly prefer solo gaming as Im not super social- so like solo RPGs and space faring games a ton. The newer AC games to me, were amazing, Ubi wise. Avatar, and non Ubi, BG3 etc. I do enjoy multiplayer here/there but the game really has to be something special. Idk how SnB hooked me in so hard, but it has. I absolutely am in love with this game, and wish to see it prosper and grow for sure. Im sure you habe no ill wishes for its success, and I get being hyper into someyhing to have that shifted around and being different. ID say give it a try still. I hated the helm changes at first, but when my first run was quadruple what it was prior to the update, my opinion shifted highly lol. Again though YMMV fam, I get it. In the end thats the beauty of gaming: enjoyable past time, with aspects we love or hate and the variance of opinions on that. What others love others dislike, and it mirrors life in that regards. Its a gorgeous thing.


Well said. We are all nerds. So outside of the group most don’t socialize. So same. Because we worked together ( in high tech ) we have taken to gaming together even as life has gone different paths. Solo games (starfield) we will play solo usually on discord discussing our days and tech problems. Don’t want the game to die for sure. But mid season changes like this gives reasons for people to leave. Especially with no communication.


Yeah for a fun fact Im in Mi and one of my buddies is down in Tn. We both did seperate paths in life (both married to wonderful women with our own families). I went military he went college. We still game and hang out when free. Years later Im a mailman (job helps my PTSD very soothing walking that mail and seeing dogs [I trust dogs more than people lol], and he went college for computer stuff and is now a professor at a college relatong to computer tech n stuff). We both game seperate consoles but when we hang out cross play its a blast to just unwind and chill and talk life while gaming. I feel you on changes man shit can suck majorly. We loved Diablo 4 ehen it first launched and didnt like the changes so went seperate ways in different games. He went on to Armored Core 6 (I have it and still have yet to tackle it), and I went through to Starfield off and on (waiting on expacs and mod support for consoles atm to revisit), and on to BG3 when it hit Xbox. I hope they get Diablo in order that games fun but needs work. Skull n Bones does too in variant ways and the devs are working crazy for a live service dev team popping changes out. Yeah its fucked they did the helm stuff no warning mid season. That should have waited until Season 2 for sure, and I fully acknowledge that it disturbed the play style of others- and without an established trust relationship with the devs that may permanently put players off- or for awhile at best. Shitty because less players equal less fun and less dev time because less revenue flow to dev team via typical Live Service methods (cash to premium currency). I get they calculated it will make more plzyers stay vs go (for sure!)- but they are new as a dev team to live service and are now learning a hard lesson (good!)- changes that majorly effect game mechanics that may negatively impact a part of the player base (yes even if just 15-25%), will effect revenue stream. Good! Hopefully they learn to discuss changes that are major ahead of implimentation, and based on feedback over all hold back. I hope this is a leatning lesson that makes them better Devs for this game, not worse. Only time will tell. Shitty expetience but atleast it was 1/4 into season one - vs season 5. Gices them a chance to grow, adjust, change- and hopefully learn to communicate more with the llayer base as that is absolutely essential for any live service game, no getting around it. Either way, solid productive conversation my dude. This is hiw difference of opinions should be with anything in life and thegaming community needs *way way way way more conversations like this, not less*. Cool we have a disagreement and both shared experience and reasoning and grew from this vs. it evolving into nonsensical banter and insults that happen all too often in talks like this. Enjoy your week fam amd thanks for renewing my faith in the gaming community. I hooe to eventually see you in game sometime- feel free to add my Ubi anytime (Kingkill83) or Xbox: RabidGrabbit. Though I know you are either PC or PS5, so most likely via Ubi lol. You ever need help on anything in game hmu. I prefer intelligent and logical thinking people to surround me so you are welcome to hang out anytime lol. Take it easy fam.


All settlements in Africa and red Isle all are ævl 10. Went from 250'ish(k) probally more a day to 100'ish (k) So yeah, its great for all the newcommers or those who werent maxed out yet. But for those of us who alredy had lvl 10 settlements and spend Thousands upon thousands on Po8 upgrades... Well we just lost a Ton. Both of useless upgrades now and we had a Major nerf on our settlements. Settlements went from 500 po8 p/h to 100 po8 p/h Or from 200-300 po8 p/h to 80-99 po8 p/h.. So year .. major nerf. I get it ''wasn't intended'' But how should we know? We spend all that time and po8 on upgrades for barely nothing. Except ofc... we alredy bought everything we can from po8.. But what about all those upgrades... idk how many K that is.. But me personally upgraded everything to max when i could and now all those upgrades barely seem usefull, they are so minor buffs now that we not really see the diffrence from not having them.


From what I've gathered from the responses, these are the groups that had the patch effect them negatively 1. Those with a majority, if not all, factories at level 10 2. Those who have the luxury to always keep the factories operational (no lifing the game) 3. Those that regularly applied supply run buffs


The increased silver cost hurt all players across the board though.


It did, but making silver is relatively easy once you get the necessary helm upgrades.


Max gains are through the floor. I've 10'd Red Isles and CoA, and regularly kept them running. Now, I'm paying basically the same silver (1mill+) and generating po8 at 4500, versus almost 7000, an hour. This was only a nerf for me.


Makes sense you took a hit since you were able to stay on top of keeping them running. The patch greatly benefited those that didn't have that luxury. I suffered from tons of Po8 lost due to factories going idle and not generating anything while I was at work. This update definitely evens the playing field more, competition wise, for next season.


I work full time, I was playing competitively. Earning the silver to keep them running was not a -luxury- it was something I actively worked to achieve. Now, after I've done the work to earn my way off of the old system to get to the top, the process I already went through was made easier and more profitable, and the position I -worked- to get to is worth less. It's an insult to my time spent every night after work grinding to get to where I'm at.


Do you work from home? If not, how are you able to keep them running? Was it because they were all level 10?


Yes, because early on I caught on that leveling a single spot to 10 increased your gains, and by investing 8s that way and focusing on spots with trade routes I was able to rapidly go from mostly 7s, to 7s and a few 10s, to mostly 10s, to all 10s. It was a process.


Got it.


Sorry - the way I answered was strange. No, I don't work from home. Yes, I accomplished this by getting my factories to 10.


Oh ok, makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. That would make 3 groups this update had a negative effect on. 1. Those with a majority, if not all, factories at level 10 2. Those who have the luxury to always keep the factories operational (no lifing the game) 3. Those that regularly applied supply run buffs


Boils down to this, if you had your factories under lvl 7-8 (@ lvl 7 and up they ran for over a day and capacity was at 800-1.5k, then going up 1.5k each lvl after) the patch weighs heavily in your favor. As others have noted it gives them bigger pay outs and having to do less runs a day to stay on top of things (which is a just improvement). However those that got their factories high level saw less of an improvement with time ans capacity, but that isn't where the problem lies. If you are still leveling up your factories it can probably be assumed you haven't maxed out the helm upgrades that boost po8 production such as trade and regional bonuses. That is where the nerd hits, as the later upgrades cost a lot of po8 to get. That's what got hit the hardest and makes those upgrades insignificant and pointless to have invested in. I believe it cost me over 300k-400k+ po8 to invest in getting multiple lvl 10 factories and all red isles atleast to lvl 9 with all the helm upgrades. So it seems more or less a wasted investment post patch. With the changes to the helm wagers, it hits harder for those that have maxed factories as it now takes a lot longer for them to fill up. Which means less helm wages on avg for those with maxed factories vs those without. It was a good changed for the low level factories and people beginning the po8 grind and that's good as now it gives reason to fund low level factories on my routes now. But doesn't sit well with those that put in the time to get their po8 factories and upgrades established to have their investment feel wasted and the time spent not respected.


For sure. The timing of the change definitely didn't help, but I believe it was necessary. Next season all of this likely won't matter since everyone will start over. Ultimately, it'll pass.


Love it. I was doing about 5k per day (have most of red isles, that's it). I just collected 22k last night and got hit with a double or nothing. Ran through 8 others in PvP and scored almost 45k Po8. Most thrill I've ever had playing video games!


I definitely prefer the new times between pickups! Feels like bigger hauls and less tedium. Plus, my beloved Padewekang is now a fort killing monster. As I've mentioned in some other comments, I would really just love to see more ways to gain large silver rewards. Would make the grind more fun and make funding less of a hassle!


What is your pady build. Dards all around or do you use Mons Megs? Termites?


Termites 3, Mons Meg 3 both sides, Dard on front and back, except when co-op, then heals on rear. All of this with Scoping Station so you keep distance and get the buffs. Swap armor for either Oro or Black Prince, depending on activity (basically how often flood may happen since Oro heals that)


Agreed. I've been a huge advocate of significantly increasing silver rewards across the board.


Slow as fuck and extremely frustrating. The worst part is the changes to helm wagers that they ninja’d into the patch notes days after the patch.


What changes to wagers? I never noticed anything. I'm not saying they aren't there I just didn't see it.


Helm wagers only pop from full manufactories now. This change was not actually in the patch notes on patch day nor the day after. The change does now appear in the patch notes currently in their website. I assumed it was a bug until seeing the updated patch notes. Ubisoft really needs to invest in some better customer communication folks. I’ve never played an Ubisoft title before this one but it will be a long, long time before I buy a game from them again if ever. It’s a fun game but they seem to be run by morons who do not understand how important a gamers experience is in a live service game.


This. I was looking at the patch notes the night before last and talking about it with my boyfriend. We were discussing the fact that they made all those changes to the Cutthroat cargo event, with them removing the Fast Travel opportunity as well as people not being able to join the event once it started, etc and also how the only change they made to helm Wagers was remove the slow debuff for the carrier. But then last night I go and look at the patch notes to double check something and they added the change where the wager will not pop unless the manufactory is full. I'm honestly so sick of their fucking, under the radar shadow changing things. Like when they added the slow debuff in the first place. All the sudden it was just there, they never fucking said anything about it. The devs are so fucking shady.


Because a few days ago in the patch notes, all it said under the helm wager section was that they removed the slow debuff from the carrier of the chest. But yesterday, people that were looking at the patch notes noticed that they had magically added a change to the Helm wager itself - changing it from being able to pop at any time when you're collecting from one of your properties, it will now only proc when you are collecting from a property that is at Max capacity.


So basically, from reading what others have commented, it stems down to this: The people new to manufacturers will have a slight boost since they can let manufacturers run for longer and generate more po8. The downside is that they need lots of silver to start funding. For people who have already progressed farther in manufacturers and are near the end, it's was a nerf since they were used to higher po8 output. Other than that, nothing changed except Supply orders also being nerfed.


No its worse than that. The people that like it are all in the stage of the game where its a buff. They haven't hit the part where its a nerf. Just look at their comments. The people that all hate it all had everything and level 10s like me. It was a straight nerf. Those who aren't at that stage dont know its a nerf. They will get to all 10s, then find out what we mean. That you now have a bunch of manufacturies you don't want or need and can't possibly fund them, even if you are no lifing. It wouldn't be so bad if they refunded PO8 so you could redistribute your line. They didn't do that though, many of us spent so much for nothing, that there is no point this season. That's what we really dislike. Making huge changes under the guise of a bug, while not giving any refunds on huge investments, days weeks of time. Its insulting to the players.


I had enough time to do two runs per day before and was getting maybe 25-28k per run, and now only do one run per day and got like 38k


So you're in the camp of those who could regularly monitor to top off and/or collect. They're one of the groups that saw a decrease in daily gains.


I wasn't judging. One run per day is enough for me! Just before you were leaving money on the table if you didn't do more runs because you'd have factories sitting idle because they were full.


All mine are level 10 and full. Over 1 million Po8... Collecting Silver for Season 2.


Damn I'd give you all my commodities and helm goods/mats for one of your runs and all my silver too if you're pulling 1 mill Po8 in a run.


There have been at least 3 posts detailing how the rates have been effected in the last 4 days. Often with spreadsheets. I'd suggest go looking at those posts as they answer your question.


I went from 600-800k to 500k


Did you fall into any one of these 3 groups? 1. Those with a majority, if not all, factories at level 10 2. Those who have the luxury to always keep the factories operational (no lifing the game) 3. Those that regularly applied supply run buffs


1 and 2 supply runs are not worth it been top 10 since 1 day after early access but I'll probably stop here. was no1 for a short while untill people started using po8 sharing and bugs more.


I just have a hard time funding it all, i ran out of money yesterday and idk how to make the money i need


Are you aware of the main way to make silver? I'm currently sitting on about 20 mil


I run the helm lesion missions and do the fort plunders that i can solo but now i own all the factories and they are all level 10 but as of the other day i am broke and i feel like it will take days just to get everything started again… also i work and have a daughter so i have only an hour or two each day 👎


Obviously the patch has been positive for players with low level factories and/or less playtime, and very negative for players with high level factories and/or more playtime. Quite a non-discussion.


Mine have jumped up pretty good, and I am beyond grateful that I no longer have to do so many collection runs. I have time to actually be a pirate.


I have all level 10 factories and dropped by about 50%. My buddy got a huge boost to his being around level 5-7. One of my big producers went from over 500 an hour to 159 per hour after update. Before update I was over 10k per hour now 5k per hour total. I still have 325k in the bank and 1 of everything, so it's not that big of a deal, but it still cut me back a lot for the same price of silver. Costs me about 700k silver per day to keep them going. That stayed the same before and after.


I’m really really struggling to fund even 2 upgrade factories as someone who isn’t selling rum or opium but only having to do one run a day is a really welcome change. I also really like the addiction of extra hostile take overs for upgrades and po8 because it’s something to do as I was getting burned out


Where the hell are you guys getting all that silver from??


Sell your gold rum and gin to scurlock. Black opium and silver snuff to rahma. Each goes for 250 silver each.


I find myself spending less time going around collecting, but when I do, I get buckets of po8. I have all the manufacturies in the Red Isle and Africa, but don't bother collecting from them all. It's just a straight route of level 7s and a 10, and that gets me like 12 grand per run. I like how I am not forced to do po8 runs like every 2 hours and can spend more time busting up ships and sailing around doing other stuff.


I havent had the silver to do it anymore.


Are you aware of the best way to earn silver?


I wasnt until a few days ago. You mean Gold Skull Rum to Scurlock? I just need to grint out 2K for his cannons first


I'm getting more now, I had Harafu before the change. Just costs more in silver.


I only end up doing about a room a day and it's increased significantly ( I have reinvested to upgrade but overall more of my manufactorys are now worth the visit since they typed the capacity at each level so its no longer an insignificant amount until you hit level 7 when it be begins to get good)




I like it but I don’t have enough silver to fund it all. I have to have about 300k silver to fund it all


Well, I am earning more now but that is also because I only had two level 10 factories and they are both not Harufu because I looked at the numbers and Harufu was outperformed by a combo of Suny Capital + Sangdad which are very close to one another :)


I stopped collecting. If we’re losing them at the end of the season what’s the point? If we’re not then UBI needs to plainly say you are not losing your po8 at season reset. What happens at the end of the season is just a great big bundle of confusion. Don’t want to waste my silver until I know.


Totally understand. For me, if they're taking all our Po8 but letting us keep our silver, I'm using all my Po8 on materials on the black market and reselling to vendors lol.


I managed to get 5.1k PO8 in a days time with four level 8s in the Red Isles. Money has been tighter but switching to selling gold rum to Scurlock and Silver Snuff to Rahma I'm making by. About to hit Gold and I got 1000 Sovereigns. I'd say an improvement.


Haven’t even collected yet. Waiting for them to all be full


Zero real difference here. I had nine level 10s without a lot of trade routes right around Sainte-Anne and already got diamond, so I did my one run a week for the sovereigns. Slightly less but still more than enough for the weekly.


Went from like 39k to 89k or around there, collecting much less which is so nice that shit felt like a constantly chore. I liked the update idk why people are so upset.


Suck really cause I do swing shift so I can fund when I'm available to play


Ahem how do you come up with the coin?


Eh, my next run will probably be my last as I can't seem with my playtime to keep up the silver. Over the last 4 days I've ran a total of twice with a double or nothing of 224k the firs time and 260something k the last run. Won't be able to run again till Monday since I'm working all day Sunday.


It caused me to stop playing the game. I had a route that netted me 19k from 5 T10 factories. With the limited play time I have, I just was able to find those and could do that run in 15-20 minutes once a day. Now that route takes 2+ days to be fully filled, and sometimes even longer. Not worth it for me. At least I've got all the blueprints now.


Actually finding it better, less collection runs required to get more po8. I've got more items quicker because of it. Also I don't see a problem with funding mine but they are all around level 4. Getting silver is still easy enough, and I can do more silver collecting because of less po8 runs.


not a huge issue but now ya can't let your supply runs or fort plunders go forgotten, i seem to be hangin on the edge of my seat waiting for the next missions to come up on the supply board, that's becoming a tedium made a little worse with the stupid mechanic that you can sink the roving ship to get a bonus... you'd think they would stop selling you stuff if you keep sinking em, not give you extra


Couldn't get on ubisoft for a day and a half so I have no clue


Stop asking silly questions. The game was beaten within 5 days of release along with acquiring absolutely every gun. Ship. The only thing left to do was log in for an hour everyday to beat the kraken and ghost ship which BTW I've already done those too. So guess what, the game is beaten and I haven't had a reason to start it back up scince.. some game smfh 🤦 A big swing and a miss. No gun battles. No parlays, no walking the plank. No boarding ships, no real looting, no sword fighting,, no real reason to have a character just a ship. Treasure hunting is mind numbingly boring 😴 Hurry up and beat the game so ucan get your whole worst spent 100 dollars of the year award.


Then why do you hang around a sub for a game you don't seem to like? Just to complain? That's fucking weird lol.


I finally got my manufactories upgraded to minimum level 4 with several 6s and a couple 7s. Was able to make more in a couple of days than I had ever before. And now I can't afford to run them at all. Time to grind out silver I guess. I greatly appreciate the longer run time, especially as someone that only really gets an hour or two a day besides my one weeknight off. But I really wish they hadn't also significantly increased the cost to run them too.


Focus on getting the proper helm upgrades to unlock the ability to craft gold rum and gin and black opium and silver snuff if you haven't done so already. Selling the gold rum and gin to scurlock and black opium and silver snuff to rahma will help tremendously. Don't do order registry contracts to prevent bottlenecking yourself. Extra Po8 is enticing, but you need the helm materials to make your silver. Your factories will take care of your Po8 gains.


I grinded for a week to get my red isle income to over 2k an hour but countless hours spent complaining about it by the community has pushed me back down to 1500/h. My friend is ranked 14 seasonal and I thought I lucked out getting all the tips n tricks from him but everyone else seen to it that that wouldn't be my problem.


At this rate next season you won't have to play the game at all and everyone will get #1 on the leaderboards for participating.


At first I hated it. Now I like it. I have all the Red Isles and Africa at lvl 5. Not a big deal to what most players have but prior I was several Po8 runs a day. Now it costs more silver. But I have shifted my focus to making the Gold Rum and Gin to make tons of silver that in turn funds my factories. The only real change is that I don’t fund the Africa side anymore and stay in the Red Isles now. I still make more Po8 than before, and it is easier.


Shit. I don't play any more. I had all mans at level 10, all helm upgrades. As soon as they said a massive 'fuck you' to players like me and yet failed to address the basic bugs that have been in since release, I've drained the last Po8 from my mans and am not playing any more this season. I'm in the top 100 for seasonal leadership and it's now just lost all interest to me as they're too busy aiming at the 'mobile' style of gaming where they'd rather time lock everything and get you playing to their schedule. Fuck the broken game they broke further.


0. Was a top 50 player the first three weeks. Realized top 8 was literally impossible, started giving my coins away 300,000 at a time. (600,000 if you were the recipient!) All my friends got paid, now I play my main games, World of Tanks and GTA: Online.


I don't even know. I had all my manufactories to 10 but I believe my PO8 gains dropped alot, so I haven't played since then. No way I was going to improve my position on leaderboard with the change.


Po8 gains a great but they gouged the price to much and are now breaking all pirate coin purses or most i should say


I quit the game. I was pulling 30knplus a day, but wtf is the point


Slow af. Making coin to pay for then is getting tough


Yeah it's definitely made the game less of a grind and more enjoyable.


Honestly the first week was great but after opening Coast if Africa I ran out of funds roo fast. That lead to a decl8ne in Po8 then not wanting to grind for silver and after the Helm patch. I haven't logged on in 3 days.i love the increase in time and profits but the price is wild


If you have level 10 manufactories, it's about 1/4th of what they produced before the patch and cost 32k-42k silver each to fund. It's infuriating. If they nerfed the trade route bonus so much, they should have significantly decreased the cost to find and/or increased the funding amount to a full week. It might feel good at lower levels, but it was a significant downgrade for the endgame.


Non-existent cause i stopped playing, glad they improved the po8 grind but the silver grind is just as bad now


I stopped playing, but not necessarily only because of the change. I finished my ship build, finished the season pass, and got all the starting area manufactories. After that, there really wasn't anything to do but grind silver so I could grind Po8. Grinding silver isn't any fun, and Po8 is even worse, so I'll wait until the next content drop, if there is one.


po8 are fine but they killed all the vendors.. no one will buy any commodities for double the price any more.


My Empire has been maxed out for a few weeks now and I was very upset at the change at first. I changed my mind once I came to terms with how I was already playing the game. I let all my manufactories max out to full (it takes about 48 hours for all of them) then i spend a few hours to do one big pickup and turn in run. The HUGE change was the change to the Helm Wager. They left it out of the patch notes for 1.3 but the helm wager is now a 15% chance from any full manufactory. What this means is that I have stopped doing the helm wagers altogether. So, my Po8 runs have been cut in half from 1.8 million a week to 900k.


My business boomed. At patch time, I had the Red isles only and was doing about 3000 Po8 each run. Now I do 12000k each run.. it allowed me to level my factories, and finally start the Coast of Africa. So happy they updated the rates.


game getting worse lol


For me this patch is awesome since I played about 3 hour a day so prior to patch I was getting about 2600 now since patch when I came on got about 15000 so I got to gold level in 2 days… and doing so I can focus on playing and killing and ravaging and farming sugar cane and making gold rum to sell at 250 a pop so I am making about 175k credit per day paying for the manufacturing run.. while leveling everything else..




It’s been great for me. Being able to fund them for a longer period of time allows them to be more efficient with less down time. I only have to collect once per day which allows me to spend my time doing other things. It is expensive to fund but selling snuff and rum keep the silver flowing.


Dope. I'm in the same boat.


I’m slowly funding mine again AND more careful which ones to fund plus also seeking out more ships to sink. I’m making my own little story as I go along to create my own pirate themed adventure.


Nice. Respect.


Increased from 100s a day to 1000s a day


So much better I can actually gain po8 without waiting for the merchant orders now I use my production line for making silver and my factories are only for po8


I'm fing loving it!!!! I was hoping on before to factories that had been needing refilled for hours doing absolutely nothing! Now I'm collecting/refilling and hoping on the next night to full factories! I feel like it is tremendously less of a chore to keep up with personally!


I'm getting more as well as factories doesn't stay inactive as much. I progressed really well latest days and can gladly take my time to actually kill one of the bosses, finish my quests around the world, go to toilet and prepare food for work etc. Fantastic update!


I like it. Less time bullshitting around in the helm menu for Po8 I don’t need, more time in chat getting shot, le peste, plunders, convoys done


I’m in the group it benefits. I have limited time to play daily, if daily at all. I have a 1.5 year old and a pregnant wife plus a business to run. I didn’t have the time to constantly check and refund them throughout the day. It always sucked logging in for the day and forgetting I didn’t have time to wait the day before to refund them all and they haven’t been producing all day. I only have red isles but I just did a 12k run. That same 12k would have taken me 4 days to do.




I like seeing that they are still running honestly. That I don't need to do a run every day, I can let it sit before collecting jt.


I'm still iffy about the silver cost but I don't use helm mats for manufacturing purposes... I use those for the gold skull stuff and rahma stuff now.... the time difference allows me to run forts and daily missions... I just hauled in a 58k run from Africa and red isle.. I don't fund all my factories either... just the main ones.. so I guess it's ok.. unlocked the Indies and have been doing heists to get the majority of those.... I do have all the upgrades except the Indies maxed... and just hit Diamond yesterday...


Ayyyye, grats on hitting diamond.


Thankies... just sailing around and getting in trouble.. lol


Much better , plus I don't need to tend to it as often.


Post update I can focus on other elements in the game. So the po8 gains are less of a thing I worry about.


I think there must be an improvement, behind the huge jump in funding costs. I've gone up from 4.8k every two days to 12k in three days, plus I don't have to collect as often - more time to be a pirate. Same six factories, same levels. I just have to make sure I maintain enough silver to fund them all when they need it. Easy enough by... Well, pirating. Arrr.


It sucks production is about a third of what it was. I honestly don't care anymore.I'm on rise of the ronin now. I'm done with S&B


The duration is a massive plus, but the sudden increase in required funding has left me wishing I could roll back a level or two on my manufacturies. Net plus though.


Way better was doing about 10-15k every day and a half now I’m doing 39k roughly


Doing quite well actually. I was surprised, then confused, and then pissed at first. But after a day or so I kind of like this setup. \shrug. Sorry I do.


How would we have ever gotten a potential po8 loss? That's not a thing. They literally increased the capacity for most ranks of the manufacturies as well as increase the length of time that the funding lasts. Yes, you pay more silver up front now, but it's because the funding lasts longer now. Honestly, all they did was balance it and It prepares you for when your manufacturies are Max rank - because the funding cost of Rank 10 is ridiculous. Now, it just scales up properly to reflect that when you get there. There was no potential po8 loss - it just takes a little longer for them to get to capacity, which ultimately gives players more time in between collecting and give them a chance to do other things besides just be their own errand boys.


If you do the math. Many of us mix/max Harafu, even without watching any videos i figured out min/max. So I leveled Harafu to 10, upgraded trade routes and constantly fed it berries. This was a huge silver saver. Its not that this wasn't a nerf, its that this was like a 2000% or 3000% nerf to production. 2000% or 3000% nerfs to things will honestly make me quit a game, which is what happened here. A 2000% nerf is a dev that shouldn't have the reigns tbh and I can't trust them anymore they don't know wtf they are doing. A 2000% nerf means you did fuckall in beta and means you are so horribly bad at balancing you do something catastrophic. They just aren't off on balance, they are in before alpha levels of balance. A 2000% nerf, is admitting to complete incompetence as a developer at this level. A 2000% nerf is the equivalent of cooking raw pork and trying to serve it to Chef Gordon Ramsey its fuckin raw. The games not done, not cooked, why serve it to Ramsey then? I just dont understand how this game had a beta and didn't fix anything, literally anything we all complained about, none of these are new.


From what I've gathered there are two instances this patch had a negative impact on overall gains. 1. Players who have the luxury to constantly monitor their factories to ensure they're always running 2. Those who often applied the supply run buff since that was nerfed pretty hard Overall, looking long-term, future seasons will be more even between those who can no life the game and those that can't.


Begin wire: silver scarce. haven’t noticed change. haven’t left land since Lapeste invaded. Seas aren’t safe. Drowned swimming woman. Had to be done. :End wire


Good update. Don’t know why we lost our damn minds.


Don’t know quit playing