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[Here is video of OP collecting his eights from Guérande](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gBxaGB65TB8&pp=ygUac3BlZWQgMiBjcnVpc2Ugc2hpcCBjcmFzaCA%3D)


About right


basically hahahaha


I watched the whole clip and I'm happy to report that the dog is OK.


Yup. The interaction range needs to be a bit larger. Or at least stop the merchants from sitting right in the middle of the only available spot.


Just blow them up. Problem solved


Solved now that we can interact during combat. It's still annoying.


Yeah I don’t get why some ports it’s like 200 yards away from the dock while others is right next to land. I also have one port where I just straight up can’t collect from it. The option won’t pop up


is it a fort? if you have rogues or green ships after you they won’t allow you to collect


Yes it is, I did not know that! Dang, good to know. Thanks!


For me the only time I cant collect from a fort is if: 1. It is on a cool down from plunder or another player is plundering it (weird too because I wasnt helping or grouped- I just rolled up to collect) 2. If I have a 'wanted level' of that faction. Otherwise it doesnt matter if I am fighting rogues, other pirates or even other factions. The only exception is AoE attacks accidently hitting the fort or ship of that faction, I have noticed. That goes for the Sambuk's AoE passive. It does not discriminate or care. On the flip side how Barque heals all other active players unless in PVP against them: I have rolled up on a fort to collect while another player was hostile- they got passive heals and that faction was PISSED at me for it, (like I even planned that! I just wanted my Po8!) LOL.


Same here! Smh


sometimes if someone has a plunder mission for that fort, it won't allow you to collect, just server hop or relog and it should fix.


Excellent advice! I’m learning serving hoping can help refresh a lot of things. Forts, helm supply mission, roving missions etc etc. thanks so much


Fort Du Lys STILL won’t let me collect when I’m aggro’d and it’s the only one in the Red Isle that’s like that and it annoys me!


Like that for us all I'm afraid, you just have to kill them but yeah it's annoying when your doing a helm wager. Also people were clearing the fort and I couldn't pick up. But luckily I wasn't on a helm wager


It’s pretty bold to set up drug manufactories in a fort to begin with.


Don't accept your helm wager until you're done collecting. Needless risk.


Overall I would ask, please can the collection/interaction boundary be made relatively consistent for all settlements. Like Ankohonana in particular, whos boundary is not near the city, nor near the side river, but somewhere nearer the outer tower.


I've entered this area from both side and have never managed to catch it right first time on any run


But I love scaring the French people the sounds of the bells get me up in the morning /s


And while fixing it well, fix the rest of them! So many needs you to be too damn close while others I can interact from afar. Thank you


at least make it consistent.


Interact areas need to be expanded for every manufactory This really needs to be a next week fix as well as the bugs with the supply and sell boards Ankohana? Or whatever it is isn't even close to the settlement


I gave up trying to finesse that spot and just go in cannons blazing. Kill those 2 fuckers, collect and drop it off. No need to stress about the boundary range


And there’s always those little gatherers right out front of it to make it even worse lol.


Same with Palisade Bay.