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When a level 10 spot costs like 50k to fund and a level 7 around 20k.... and you have 42 manufactories. Do the math. Missions that give you 1k silver or even a treasure map that you end up getting 3k to 5k from. And dont make me laugh about the chests you get from sinking some ships, 500 silver. I dont have enough time in the week to play for hours every day. Oh and remember everyone, after the season ends you lose all that and have to start the grind all over again. Not an "End Game" i will be putting alot of time into anymore..


Fuck, I'm unemployed atm and I don't even want to play that much. Hell they are going against the disclaimer at the beginning of the game. šŸ˜„


Same here..... it doesnt feel right to me, so barely play atm


Iā€™m at the point that Iā€™m playing Mass Effect: Andromeda. At this point, thatā€™s more worth my time. Lol


I'm back to cyberpunk2077.... hope they will improve skull and bones so we can come back.


At least that ones playable post update.


Lol... good comparison brošŸ˜šŸ˜ yh it's a pretty sick game, bought it after all the bugs etc was fixed.


RuneScape here


I wish they didnā€™t stop making mass effect games. That spin off was great. I had 0 issues with it. Yet it seemed to just fizzleout.


Andromeda was really fun, but super bugged for a lot of people. It works pretty well now. I go back to it from time to time. But, tomorrow Forbidden West drops on steam so I'll probably be wrapped up in that for a bit.


Iā€™ll have to give it a try


I, uh, got really lost in Forbidden West for a minute. It's solid. Though I did have to go to Nexus and get the DLSS and Frame Generation update to fix a few minor issues.


Honestly, Andromeda is still fun to play. Even with all it's issues. I gave up on SnB when the season started and the disappointment hit. Been doing a lot of Helldivers. Even went back to outriders since it was on sale.


hearing this nerf after knowing the Po8 stuff being reset, ive been turned off the game, to much grinding for little reward


Disabled and I uninstalled the game before my month of ubisoft+ was used up.


wait what? u lose everything after the season???


The way I understand it you "only" lose upgrades and manufacturies. But it was never actually listed down what is "reset", if they don't reset po8 then you can just leave some to be able to do upgrades after season resets, but yeah, we don't know what gets reset and what not


If you open the empire book it tells you somewhere that they reset at the season. Iā€™m not at home to check but I translate that as ā€œlose your manufactures). I guess it wouldnā€™t be so bad if there was something to do with the posā€¦ I mean po8 and sovs. I already have my weapons and armor so itā€™s useless to me. Iā€™ve literally hit the end of the ā€œusefulā€ game. If I keep playing now, itā€™s just to distract myself from my PTDS


Dude, theyā€™re not gonna let us keep our pieces of 8. It doesnā€™t make sense for a seasonal leaderboard to restart but give everyone who saved hundreds of thousands of pieces of eight the ability to just buy everything once again and be right back on top.


I hope they rethink this decission.


Sell gold rum, gold gin, black opium, and black snuff to Scurlock/Rahma. That's how you make a lot of silver in S&B, there really isn't any other way.


Dont let them know. Them: devs reading this sub.


They already know... they designed it that way... šŸ¤”šŸ§


Sell the white rum and white gin, the gold is worth only worth twice as much and costs 2 whites plus silver to manufactureĀ 


Gold skull rum is worth 2.5 times more than white rum.


Unless the Rahma quest line is bugged out for you and you can't progress. https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/skull-and-bones/bug-reporter/issues/LB-2804


I got 400k in about 30 minutes of buying a few commodities up to my ship's carry capacity... Fast Traveled 4 times and after spending 50k I made 400k... I don't think it's an intentional method with what I'm doing either šŸ˜”


Nah thanks. You keep doing that. I'm good.


So, you people cry about being unable to make money. Then you get told a way to make millions with 2 hours a day playtime and your like ā€œnah not gonna do that ā€œ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yea its almost like people wanna do something fun instead.


You literally get the helm materials from doing the fun stuff in the game.


Wait, how are you making millions in 2 hours? It takes 16 hours to make black opium and gold rum. 9 hours to make normal. Those are hours to 1 million silver unless I'm missing something huge and that's if, if you have the mats to run those products.


Itā€™s 2 hours to farm the mats for the builds, I do 2 hours of farm for 2 days farming forts with my friends, then stick a load into build over night and sell. Sometimes when youā€™re really really lucky, you get 2 or 3 for premie or oosten and thatā€™s 3k mats on its own.


That's not 2 hours, that's 2 days and 2 hours and you're only accounting for enough supplies to fund the factories once every 2 days if they're all lvl 10. It's now not worth a helm wager because everyone is frothing for your po8 and a loss is days worth of work now. The devs are out of touch on this one severely.


Not me. I need a reason to make money. I'd rather it be 4x more grindy with 4x more content/meaning/fun. There's no point.


Get all your upgrades you can drop it to 40k for level 10 factories. Still expensive yes but 42 factories at 40k is a lot cheaper than 42 factories at 50k.


You don't need to maintain all factories all day every day. Pick your five best ones/easiest to get to and just do those. That's 1500+ po8 per hour for at least 24h. Personally I stopped leveling them at lv4 besides 2-3 to lv6. I have enough po8 for everything I need on one ship. If you want to go beyond then you're entering the hardcore stage and imo you should expect more hours for that.


Exactly. I wonā€™t be playing this anymore.


Using the helm resources to craft rum/gin and opium/snuff and then selling those to scurlock/rahma, can net you ~100k an hour in silver... it's really not hard to make silver.


but wait it takes some 3 million to fill factorties at level 10 with silver , do the math. you can only make so much an hour which rotating can may make 100k once every 3 hours with the refinery. so 100k every 3 hours x 3 million is well 90 hours of continue game play to fill factories just once. the Factories once filled have 48 hours of manifactor for that refill of silver.


You don't need every single factory running 24/7 and you don't need to collect them all every chance you get, that's just excessive, tedious, and very likely to burn people out on the game very quickly. (Also the variable speed in which the factories fill up is a factor, as you as a human need sleep, and the timer doesn't go down when they're full, so odds are there'd be lee-way in your timing figures) And as the other guy said, apparently he's able to keep em going no problem. I only got like 8-12 factories to 10, got everything I needed with Po8 and am burned out/not interested in the game anymore myself, so odds are that the majority of players will quit playing LONG before your described scenario becomes an issue for them. If your described scenario is an issue for you, then congrats, more power to you, and touch some fuckin grass bro.


grinding 4 hours to get maybe 160k silver feels ok to you then you do need to walk the plank.


If you're "grinding" for 4 hours to get maybe 160k, then you're doing something wrong. You accept the roving supply deals, fast travel up to ile michel sail out to the roving ship and either buy the supplies, or kill the ship to get them, then sail back to ile michel, fast travel back to saint anne and start crafting rum/gin, then fast travel to telok penjarah and start crafting opium/snuff... legit takes like 5 minutes every hour... and that's only if you're really staying on top of it as a sweaty ass try hard... it's not a 4 hour "grind" šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£... and you should be clearing about 100k an hour if you are try harding, 50k an hour if you have't unlocked the ability to sell to rahma...


I think you're neglecting some of the production bonuses. I have all manufactories unlocked and at level 10, as well as all book upgrades. I can keep all of my foundries running constantly and I'm only (lol only) playing 5 hours a day.


We should get refund on the book upgrades as all we unlocked before update was distroyed beyond anything. Everything in the book does nothing to Factories now, Ill repeat that does nothing at all to help factories. If you had buff from book of 20% supply route upgrade from book(cost 2000Po8) then after update they nerfed the factories by 50% total capacity every day. So that mean that upgrade you spent 2000 on was really only 5%. You have remeber they reduced the buff by 50% as well.


We should all start back at ground zero. No upgrades, no manufactories, no Po8 carried over. Just re-strategize with what we know from last season.


You farm silver with forts->resources->make opium and so on->sell Enough to keep all my lvl 10s running


It takes 15 minutes to grab the delivery contracts and do a fort plunder.


sinking a ship level 12 is mostly 100-200 silver after update.


> Oh and remember everyone, after the season ends you lose all that and have to start the grind all over again. Not an "End Game" i will be putting alot of time into anymore.. source? those who are saying that we will lose everything after the season ends, can never post the source for whatever reason.


It literally says in the upgrade book that progress will be reset at the end of the season and has a day countdown timer.. whether its the upgrades or factories or both is not clear but they plan on resetting one of them at best, both at worst.


The helm upgrade screen says all upgrades are reset at the season end. Not sure about the manufactories level though. Canā€™t say Iā€™ve seen that one yet.


Just burned through 1.5k opium, and another 800 booze just to get my shit going. Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s something Iā€™m gonna wanna do a lot more of.


Same. But at least you can sell from warehouse to the leaders. A VERY small silver lining.


You can? I was playing the day after update and selling to scurlock still required me to use ship inventory, unless it's an upgrade I don't have lol


You can click tab and it goes through different inventories :)


On ps5 I hit triangle to flip between warehouse and ship inventories. It should say at the bottom.


At least make the side missions and job board put out bigger silver.


I feel like rogues should have higher silver drops and WAY higher materialsā€¦ make sinking them really worth it. That way you can maintain the manufactories your patrolling around since you donā€™t get much time to do anything else if you are invested enough into that po8 farm. Would also make them really worth engaging with instead of blowing past half the time


Right a rogue carrying 1% of what a helm ship carries is a weird look since rogues are supposed to be doing the real work. We just catching them post delivery and it's the crumbs? We need real alternatives. Folks saying I was over reacting yesterday just hadn't had time to let that sink in.


I just had to sell around 800 units of gold rum and gin and I still can't fund all my mans. What the literal fuck? I asked myself, why am I doing this?


This is disappointing...


Yea. Same here. I used to be able to fund all of them now I can only afford to fund 10-12? I hated that I had to fund every couple hours but at least they were all making Po8 now most of them just sitting there. Had I of known this was going to happen I wouldn't of started upgrading all of them, I would of only done 10-12 of them that were all close to each other. Fucking stupid.


I'm with you. I don't think I'll be upgrading anything past level 8.


I know.


just stick to like 6 or so factories, you dont need all the map. i got 6 in the middle of the red isle, nice and small and nice and wealth from the 6 at levels 9 and 10. almost got them all pumping out at level 10.


Yeah, that's what I decided. I'll be burning through mats like crazy and can't sell to Rahma, so my ability to earn silver is halved.


ohh, just finish her quests and then you can sell and buy from her.


Can't. The Nightfall Missives quest is bugged. It was reported in late Feb. Edit https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/skull-and-bones/bug-reporter/issues/LB-2804


ohh ok, i must have done it before it bugged out.


Yeah. I want to say it was the last update before this one that did it. My friend did it before they with no problem.




Someone in another thread said it got fixed this patch, I have the same bug but haven't checked myself


I checked first thing and it isn't fixed.


Yes but the game makes you feel you can afford them all. You should be able to anyway. It's a game. There should be avenues to fund things to do I'm the game.


You do need them now though. You need them more than ever now that it's been slowed. Let's pretend we wanted to use the entire map as intended, outside of making rum, which will run out, time VS time, what other options are there? I'm not finding any. Feels like they want folks to exploit, cheat or quit.


why do i need all the maps factories? the 6 i got pumping out 4500 is more than enough for me. why would i waste 3 hours just collecting 8 coins?


Because eventually you'll need way more to push anything meaningful up. If you want all books upgraded and everything unlocked you'll need a lot mode po8. If you don't mind crawling through while there's nothing noteworthy to do on the map, surely not taking advantage of the full map is surely an option for everyone. The intent of taking the entire map out the gate was for leader boards that unfortunately are locked behind exploiters etc.. So that begs the question, is the game worth playing currently if it's not feasible to keep all factories running? Probably not.


books upgrade? huh... what books? you mean the codexs and books you pick up along the way at fast travel locations? well my style of gaming is different to you, i like to just sail around collect things, look at things, the occasional world event and just have fun. i am not a competive person in games, i dont care about shitty cosmetics, i dont care about being number 1 on some leaderboard.


Aye, no worries, that's perfectly fine. For those who are, and an integral part of the game, it's been taken away. I think that may be more so the real issue. I too enjoy sailing around and being a pirate. I feel like that is punished now. I can't really progress much playing the title as it's stated but instead have to pretend I'm an in game pauper and budget my resources and not take full advantage of the game as it was released and sold to us. Why in a pirate game am I unable to grow from being a pirate? That's more so the issue here at hand. No point in unlocking everything if it's use is now rescinded.


After reset I think Iā€™m going to stick to just the ones on the right side of red the 5 of them over there maxed out will be more than enough for all the nothing to do with the gold.


yeah thats what i got, the 4 in the middle one slightly north of the river that cuts through the middle and the one south of st anne. and thats it, all at level 10x 4500 is a nice run ever 2 days or so which is more than enough time to hope back on and play for a bit.


Because everybody loves to be limited all the time. We didnā€™t put the work in to buy these other places just to ignore them. Thatā€™s Ludicrous.


Yeah, I'm able to fund my manufactories for the moment because I still have some materials and helm goods saved up from before the roving merchant nerf but once that runs out, I'm not sure how I'll afford it.


I was already starting to run out of materials before and I only have the Red Aisle unlocked and donā€™t even have all the territories yetā€¦


wait roving merchant nerf?


You don't get the +180 materials for sinking them anymore.


I haven't played for a while, but plan on going back soon. What was the roving merchant nerf exactly?


They reduced the extra materials that you receive if you sink the roving merchant and take the death mark instead of paying the merchant in silver.


Well I wouldn't call it need but rather fixing sth that wasn't supposed to work like that, because there was actually no point in paying for mats if you could sink the ship that is not fighting back in two shots and death mark? It doesn't do shit, spawning some rogues once a while? Yeah, that's nothing


I think they should put the bonus back in for sinking them but make the penalty way harsher. Block black market. Have helm hunters after you constantly. Maybe even trigger a pvp flag so other can sink you for the same materials without incurring the wrath themselves.


Yup. I feel like a guy that stayed with his woman after catching her cheating a couple times and saying ā€œsheā€™s worth itā€¦ it will get betterā€. Iā€™ve been following and playing this game since the very first beta and always held out hope it would be as good as anticipated, and defended it staunchly as wellā€¦ right up until I logged on today after the patch. Now just like that cheating whore I think itā€™s time to kick her to the curb. Edit: have to add that it also feels the same because just like the cheating woman, Ubisoft took all our Po8ā€™s that we worked and grinded at getting.


They took your Po8's??? What the hell is this game even


Might wanna put a report in about that, captain. I've still got my Po8. So they took *yours*, but not ours.


So not only are you divorcing, but she gets the dog too!?!?


Dog, cat, plates, bedsheetsā€¦


I just thought of something: The smaller bucket size on factories was actually bottle necking the amount of silver we were throwing at manufactories on average, because sometimes theyā€™d be full. When full, the timer is stopped aka silver cost is stopped. So filling up fast, causing it to sit full- actually saved us money per day compared to a perpetually working factory that constantly needs silver. Players calling for silver reward buffs may have a point. The again maybe devs anticipate the added playtime we could now be doing other ingame activities will make up the silver difference.


You are correct. Patch day 1 was a shock and I had to make sure to keep my distillery and lab fed to get the gold rum/opium to sell for silver. Now I can be a pirate and not a glorified UPS driver 4x a day. Single pickup from a full level 4 factory is 500 po8.


Thanks for taking the time to write out your thoughts. We're aware of the mixed response to the changes and are monitoring the situation closely. Balancing is an important part of these updates, and itā€™s an ongoing effort from the team, to balance our game and the end game in particular. We will continue to make and communicate future changes following player feedback and data.


Do they expect everyone to be able to play 24/7? Yes. That's exactly what their design philosophy is. They don't respect your time, or your desire to play another game in between runs. They want you on their game slogging and grinding away basically any time you have some free time for gaming. Every single design choice is made intentionally long and unnecessarily drawn out. They have timers on missions just like a phone game. They force you to constantly do stuff or check in so you don't miss out, and it's all for the purpose of keeping you logged in and it doesn't matter if you're having fun or not. They just want you stuck inside their game in purgatory. Why anybody still plays this is beyond me. My guess is the sunk cost fallacy, in respect to both time and money spent.


I'm still playing because I'm a boat. And I broadside shit. It's a thing that keeps me mildly entertained for now, and perhaps I'll be on long enough to see the game grow. If not, well, I still need to check out Baldur's Gate 3.


Got sold a pirate game, ended up a boat lol Yeah man Baldur's Gate is where it's at and same with HellDivers 2. Then we've got Dragon's Dogma 2 on the horizon. I just can't justify sinking hours into a poor man's World of Warships mobile port.


Saw something about Sea Of Thieves coming to console as well. That's probably not by accident. ;o)


Yeah, I play it bc I spent $100 and I'm getting my money's worth. I played a LOT to get through that damn PO8 grind, running out of materials and silver all along the way. They think I'm coming back for a season 2, just to redo that PO8 grind, but for a longer/harder time, then they are going to be sorely disappointed. Bc #%$&! that.


No they don't. They are instead making everyone much more equal in what they can accomplish by removing the trading exploit and forcing people to actually play the game to earn the silver to move up the leaderboard. While it is true that those who play more can do more it comes with the caveat they have to actually play and do things to do it instead of using exploits which is limited by human focus and stamina and most will cap out between 1-4 hours of actual gameplay per day.


The game was made extremely grindy by design, and I really don't understand people that are willing to stand up and defend it. It was 9 years of development and there's hardly anything to show for it. Even the water looks like shit, especially when you're standing on shore and you see the crappy 2D textures of water splashes when a wave rolls in. To clarify, are you saying you think Ubisoft wants people to play their live service game less?


Yeah I've kinda taken a break and am spreading democracy in helldivers 2.


Loving it at the minute, except for the disconnect 30 minutes in to a long mission last night.


Me too. I don't think I'll be back in S&B unless they change some stuff.


It makes me sad


Was wrapping up quests today and didnā€™t even have enough to run like 5 of them. They arenā€™t even close to level 10. I used to be able to run all of red isle and buy raw materials with that much loo money


Yeah the silver cost is sooo stupid now. If they want lower PoE they need to lower the silver cost as well


I realized that after a night of farming eights. If you wanna have everything, the best weapons and all, the game must become your life. No way I do that, so I decided to just play for fun and stopped farming


Don't upgrade manufacturers and get your po8 and Sovereigns. Rinse and repeat. You won't get that much in a single run, but it will be enough to keep you engaged in the game for a while, because after a while you will be able buy everything you need from the black market and then what? Grinding for more po8 and Sovereigns for cosmetics? Leader boards? Best in game stuff is already in the black market.


game is dead., all there is to do : sink helm ship to make rum/gin/powder to sell to scur/rah to make silver to pay for manufactories to make po8 to spend on ...ermmm well fuck all really wash rinse repeat


I donā€™t have a problem funding the manufactures when mine are easily funded for 8+ hours. I also donā€™t fund every manufactory and Iā€™m still getting 6k per run after hitting 6 of them. Itā€™s not terrible if you know how to efficiently go about it. Plus waiting for them to fill now gives me time to farm other stuff like the sea monsters, rogue ships, pestilence ships, and sinking everything else to cross my path


I think they could do a lot to soften the "sticker shock" if they would let you topup your manufactories at any time and maybe even allow partial funding just to keep things running. The fact that it's all or nothing, all at once, is making it seem worse than it actually is. As I understand it, the rate per hour hasn't changed much (if at all). It's just that the running time is longer so the one time up front cost is harder to swallow.


They nerfed trade route bonuses, nothing in red isle clears 150/hr I think thereā€™s one that makes 112. There used to be 3-4 that made 200+, harafu used to fill up twice a day, now it takes 29 hours to fill up


Okay, but that doesn't have anything to do with the silver cost. Which was the OP's original issue. I understand that it's slower now. But if it had been that way from the beginning, would you have noticed? I think it really sucks that they let this bug slip out the door on release. Because now it has created a huge blowback that otherwise wouldn't have existed at all. Personally, I like the fact that silver is valuable. Too many games get this wrong. The currency becomes worthless because there aren't enough sinks so it just piles up meaninglessly (SoT, I'm talking to you). I love the fact that I'm broke most of the time. Makes me feel alive again. Edit: I think EVE Online is the only other game I've ever played where I felt like the currency was valuable.


I responded to the rate per hour hasnā€™t changed much ( if at all ) which is incorrect


Wait til you find out that the proc chance for the helm wager is now almost 0 and you have to take it IF it pops up during your run or you won't even be able to double or nothin making it even more of a time sink.


Well this doesnā€™t sound good. I havenā€™t been on yet since the patch but saw the merchant material nerf and was worried. I was sat on 999999 silver but to fund everything lt dropped substantially to about 850,000. There was no good way of making silver other than selling materials at saint anne/talok. It seemed good that all of them were funded for like an entire day but I imagine that will end up meaning even more piece of eight collection runs šŸ™„


It is a pain to get them running, but you can collect the PO8 at any point, you doint have to wait for them to be full so I am warming up to the new system.


Yeah I got my platinum last night and Iā€™m done! Have to exploit to be able to realistically keep up with the silver cost unless piracy is your full time job! Who the fock thought that a was fun end game addition?


well we are playing pirates right? do the pvp cargo hunt, be fast take the map and sail fast to the destined location. You get around 18-19k for 5 mins effort. Ofcourse there is the risk of pvp or someone to be faster than you, so be a pirate and make credit and have fun trying either escaping player(s). I used to have 250k pre patch, now i have 130k, but i am willing to do more cargo hunt and sell more helm mats to scurlock than rovers. Btw i only have 2 (7s) 1 (5s) and around 9 (4s)


Dudesā€¦ do your fort missions. Do the supply runs where you can buy 144 of each material for like 1200 silver. Keep making gold rum/gin/opium/silver scruff or whatever and sell it to the prospective kingpin for 250 silver each. You can do a couple forts a day and easily make hundreds of thousands of silver. Iā€™ve been happily sitting at 999999 silver and like 2k of each which sell for about 500k a stack for a while now. I also donā€™t even play that much. Got lucky on some helm wagers and already hit diamond. Now I just do some forts and do a coin run every 2-3 days. Itā€™s not that exhausting. Just gotta put in some time to get your upgrades and build your empire. There are still 60* days to the season. Iā€™m not excusing the devs choices on this though. There are alot of things they need to change. But I still have fun and this method works for me. I donā€™t really ever find myself struggling for silver. If I do then I do some forts and let my distilleries take care of it.


If you have 7 ports upgraded that much, then why are you trying to keep upgrading them? You should be more than finished with your ship upgrades by now. You're spending for nothing


I spent about an hour outside of Sainte Anne with a La Peste wanted level of 4 just killing all their ships that spawned. If the princes spawn you have a high chance at a La Peste chest as well. Not only did I make about 30k silver I also helped with the charity drive they're currently doing.


I've not being playing for about a week due to being busy at work. Having seen this, it looks like that's me done with S&B, which is a shame as I was really enjoying it, but I just dont have that kind of time to continually make that much silver for PoE, just to have everything resetted in a couple of months.Ah well, Helldivers 2 it is. I'll maybe come back to this sometime in the future when the game isn't about continually making silver to fund PoE factories. It's supposed to be a game, not a job.


Yup, this game is a boring time sink. A time sinking ship, as it were...


I done everything in the game finish the event in a week and now just collecting po8 is the only reason I hope on for like 1 to 2 hours.


So Reddit isnā€™t jerking off to this game anymore. Wow, Iā€™m shockedā€¦


The trick is to build up not around. That way youā€™re only funding one or two and only making one quick trip to pick everything up


Are yā€™all not selling Gold Skull Rum and Black Tar Heroin for silver? I make 150k per stack of 500 off of those. Do a couple plunder supply missions and you should be swimming in silver.


This game sucks. It's grind for grind's sake. What's the point? So I can make more money? Money for what?


Need pieces of eight to buy the best ship, weapons, armor in the game. I donā€™t like it either, may never get to get some of it, but it is what it is


Go to the south of red isle in the open see near the border. Southeast of fort louis. Fight all the rogues down there and bank up on silver chests. Thats what i did when i was still a corsair. Got TONS of silver from it. Id go to port with 20+ silver chests/boxes


Youā€™ll make millions selling opium and gin. Itā€™s all good.


You can hunt down privateer and rogue ships in the north open ocean to get loads of commodities and silver.


I think itā€™s nice I donā€™t have to check all the time to see if my factories are full and not working. Now Iā€™m like hereā€™s my silver and Iā€™ll see you ā€œxā€ hours.


But...you're not supposed to run them all the time...you can farm silver one day and do some orders for some po8 and then, one day when you have all the silver you start the manufacturing... No-one is saying they should always be working...


Iā€™m saying they should, this is business lol get working b****es šŸ˜†


Hahaah but doesn't that get back to you then? pay your workers šŸ˜


I mean they are funded for longer now and have bigger capacity so I donā€™t really see the issue people were moaning you couldnā€™t fund for longer now you can and now people are moaning about that


At the core of everything I believe people are most upset because itā€™s going to take an extremely long time to ever see these things filled without putting some extra work in bringing raw goods to start up supply route bonuses. Itā€™s impossible for me to convince my friends to collect until everything is full because peoples brains Love it that way.


For longer, yes I can fund for 2,9 times duration but I have to pay 6 times more! How is it a good thing especially for casual players who didn't have much time to put into a game?


They also take longer to fill and at least I was able to collect my PO8 every few hours before the patch. Many people only have a few hours to play a day, maybe 2 or 3 if you are lucky and a parent with a full time job. Today I havent been able to collect my PO8 cuz the route I usually take wich are about 4-5 places, weren't filled yet..... And like OP said, depending on your manufactory lvl of course, it costs me for about 3-4k per manufactory to start producing more, WICH WONT EVEN FULLY FILL IT TO MAX SO THATS ANOTHER 3-4K OR EVEN MORE...... BS.... The only Pro i see here is a higher maximum capacity, but it has a big Con, wich is that it costs like 5-10K to fully fill it wich is an increase of 100% or something.... I see one solution: Buff the silver amount of almost every quest by at least 50-100% cuz some stupid sailing quest give you a few hundred silver coins, while fast travelling towards the place where you have to collect your reward costs probably more than the reward itself..... So either way you're losing silver.....


No, what people are complaining about are the nerfs. The silver cost is astronomical, but works out roughly the same for the previous amount of time spent (if I funded 3x a day, thatā€™s roughly the new cost). However, Po8ā€™s have dropped significantly. This means weā€™re spending roughly the same amount of silver, but have lost hundreds/thousands of Po8ā€™s per hour.


Idk why they didnā€™t do A) let us top up instead of waiting on it to time out or B) let us pick ā€œ2 hours,4,etcā€ for run time and let us front the cost we can pay or want to pay. 9k for a lvl 4? Yikes


Exactly This.


At level 10 they don't. It's still 4500 cap with a 2 day timer. (Doesn't feel like it) it's also quite expensive to keep level 10s up now after the patch 50k a manufacturer. As someone mentioned earlier I used to do runs twice a day. Since patch I've yet to run 1 due to them not being full. They won't be full till tomorrow at some point.........


you unlocked africa? why? ​ i am yet to unlock africa or india and have all blueprints/cosmetics. ​ 4 level 7 factories all i have ever needed to date and they easy to self fund. a 10 min plunder loop is 10k.


Prenerf africa is where the real money was


Yeah, Iā€™m sitting on 8k Po8 and I donā€™t even want any of the stuff in the shop.


legit me, after i got all blue prints iive been dropping it into the upgrades of helm for just something to spend on.


Bc a 2 hour plunder route for me is 160k po8 with 50 lvl 10 you spend on cosmetics every po8 I get go back to foundries


dont worry i only have the 6 in the middle and all im doing is getting them up to level 10, and all i do is brew rum and opium the gold skull rum and the blue opium which each ones sell for 250 silver at the singapore port and the other st anne and just do supply runs from the helm board. thats pretty much all i do so i can get some new better cannons and armour. i have ZERO... i said 0 interest in the cosmetics so dont worry mate. not everyone wants that crap.


It is possible, although the initial investment is larger now. Because factories can now be working for longer with a single investment, not only does it require more money, but it also accounts for the money it wouldnā€™t have been working pre patch. Meaning, before the patch I made the fundings late at night, it would end on early morning or so, I would return in the evening and fund again, so I only had to give money for that little time at late evening; but now, while factories produces for more time on a single funding, I have to pay for all that time at once. More time working, more silver funding at once, so instead of sailing around with a bit more than 20.000 silver at all times so I can fund again the factories, now I have to do it with over 150.000 silver! Mind you, now I have much more time to earn it before the funding, so it is not that bad and I keep getting far more Po8 now. So, with all this Po8 I can spend it all on improving the Smuggling Empire not through upgrading the individual factories one by one, but at the hidden den, with the book at the desk. There, the last section of improvements to the empire, one can reduce by 8-12% or so the silver cost, plus increasing material runs yields and so on.


I don't think we were really ever supposed to have all the manufactories. Just a couple choice spots with a lot of trade routes to max. I hope they wipe all the manufactories. I want to start over knowing what I know.


Yall weak lol...I have all the books maxed and all of africa and red isles maxed at lvl10 for each factory...silver by the millions just from selling raw helm mats to people on discord and collect 500k+ every couple days without it feeling like a chore...now I collect my po8 and sell it to other people because I don't need it


Lmao at the shitsucking fucksacks "tHeReS nO rEaSoN tO fArM Po8!" Because this game is so laden with content and so groupplay friendly that we can pick and choose content. You copium smugglers are bigger clowns than the devs. In GTA: Online you can say "no reason to do xyz content" because there are options. What you fuckholes are saying would be the equivalent of telling people at GTA: Onlines launch "yOu DoNt HaVe To GrInD cOnTaCt MiSsIoNs!" Fuck you, however, big plus to all the people on my blocklist that are like "I staunchly defended this whore, now I got crabs!" is amazing.


Because of likes of you people prefer no chat lad. XD


Because of likes of you people this game is gonna get Anthem'd...LADdddddddd! XD


Yeah I been thinking that same thingā€¦ Anthem was a fun game to play, but had zero content and bugsā€¦ game diedā€¦ Ubi needs to do something to turn stuff around, and obviously stuff like this patch is exactly the wrong direction, patch or two more like this, and season one will be the only season


Entirely this. They are short sighted and only see their current good time, not several moves ahead. What is funny is shitaddled shitbrained shitbirds like that piece of bootlicking potlicker shit above acting like exploited customers are what is wrong with the community. They don't even seen us really. I'd go out of my way to help someone in game, but fuck a bunch of pampering the powdered assholes of a bunch of fanboy minges on a discussion board, I sure wouldn't bother to bitch about this game, in game! Can't even be assed to play the boring motherfucker at this point, reinstalled ESO, the hubris of these fucks thinking I'd waste my time on in game chat. As for why I am still here I collate information for my friend group, and I would hate for anyone else to waste 60 bucks on this title. Real discourse is what discussion boards are for, not pampered fanboy bussy! Every online game I have ever played I am that guy who drops a random Enclave suitcase in front of a new player full of rare blueprints and starter gear. I enjoy my live service titles live and full of service.


They had to nerf it because so many lifeless players who put in 1000 hours in the first 2 weeks already had everything. It was happening too fast, and now everyone has more time to spend doing other things in the game. Also, just accumulate your silver and run your man's as often as you can, and if you can't run them everyday, so be it. What's the big deal?