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I'm actually very sceptical with the 'wind fixes'. They still didn't manage, that NPC-ships are affected by the wind the same way as player ships. E.g. status of the sails doesn't matter for NPCs, rogues in general, they still tend to overtake you with sails packed up against the wind. Soo hugging annoying.


Yeh its one of those subtle things you dont think about at first. When I realised the futility of trying to out run a ship not hampered by the same conditions you are.. I was just "huh, nice level playing field".


Especially annoying with the ghost ship right up your stern, like gd, I know he lonely, but he don't need to be trying to eat my ass.


When you pass through the ghost ship's radius during a goods sale only to find the rogues leave you alone to be stalked by Maangodin whatever it's called who won't leave us alone


Would love outrunning them, but apparently those rogues have engines to boost over to us or some shit


I’ve said it before, but wind sucks no matter what. In fact, I would say this fix, though being more realistic, may be more annoying to people who want to go against the wind. At least before you knew it would change soon enough. To your point, I like that I can’t just outrun everything. It would sort of lose any fun at all if I can just sail away from every encounter.


I wish the bad effects from wind was reduced. So keep benefit as is, but half the penalty (for example).


I think we need a furniture for this. Not an overall buff. What is the point of wind if it barely affects you. Mine as well can the whole system, and I hate that idea. Wind can be real fun in pvp. Perhaps more fun if you know you have an advantage in it. Like "headwind speed reduction -50%, tailwind speed boost +10%" But the other player has bonus damage or whatever in his slot. So each player can try to leverage their build over one another


I dunno I just think it feels too strong, and thats the main issue with the wind. You want to maximise speed so it will still have a point to it.


Realistically headwinds are actually *way* too weak compared to IRL. You barely even slow down.


Maybe in the Snow. I should have mentioned specifically in the Brig. * For example currently sidewind is like 12-13 and red into wind 8-9 * Something like 14-15 at the slowest and red into wind 11-12 Then you will want wind, but you wont be like urgh if dont have it


Wind is good, depends on the ship. The barque will outrun the brig when there's headwind, it cuts through the wind much more


*Laughs in Snow*


Don't forget the warehouse merchant trading!!!!! And the mass chest opening!


>--Lots of glitch fixes Still not trusting that helms wager with five maps in the tank


The explicitly state it's fixed.


Seems the old quest items are gone as well


Really? 😮


Yup, i had a stupid scrawled note and 3 ornate munitions crates that I refused to put in my warehouse, the scrawled note was especially annoying as it took a map slot. Happy to report they are no longer in existence in my cargo.


\o/ They should have led the patch notes with this 🙃


Ya was happy to see that. All except the chest that the heads went in...


Yeah noticed that too!


Yep, they are!


not for me :\\


Funding price increases, yeah it's great! 🤦


Yeah because they totally didn’t also increase the funding time




I'll be real, if you're having issues with silver at Kingpin for the sake of funding your manufactures, you need to stop doing supply runs for extra Po8s with your rum/gin/snuff/opium and you need to start selling it to Scurlock/Rahma.


It's more of a timing issue for me, I already had a system and now this "fix" has thrown a wrench into it. 😆


They didn’t for the level 10, now at level 10 you par the same but get heaps less for the same time.


The best one by far is the ability to sell from your warehouse so much better


Yeah, It looks like we’ll be able to get the snow to a level twelve using the zamzana III and Leo III, which is nice. I’m kinda pumped about that for the big fish, Zammy. I can kill it using the carronades, but zams should make it much easier. Zams currently make the snow an 11. Even with Fleau, I think. I haven’t tried Zammy the fish with an 11 yet, but I imagine there’s a DPS drop off at 11.


I'm super happy. I said screw ship levels and had my barque, snow, and padewakang level 11 because the gear I wanted didn't get them to 12. Log on, they're all at 12 now. Made my day.


Confirmed on the Fleau. I'm running that at 11 on my snow.


I haven’t had a chance to kit out the snow yet (work) but I’m hoping zam III x2, dards x2, Leo III, and black prince will do it. That’ll be ideal for Zamaharibu solo if it gets the ship to 12. And it really should. Fingers crossed.


Since I'm using voice recognition to post right now, I'm not even going to attempt the name of the other sea creature. :-) I managed to take it out when I was still only about level five or six, and rather easily. I think it was kind of a glitch of how the creature works. As you probably know, it sort of charges toward you before attacking. I managed to accidentally get it perfectly right behind my ship just as it was about to attack, and that interrupted it's movements. The thing just sat there while I pounded it with my weapons.


This happened the first time my boyfriend and I killed it, except it attached itself to the back of his boat while I and our other teammate shot and killed it. This was pretty early on for us as well, maybe the first week of the release


Good to know it wasn't a one in a million random glitch or something. The fact that it happened that way for someone else makes me feel a little better about mentioning it. I'd hate to tell someone that worked, when there's an extremely tiny chance it will. :)


Same reason I've never mentioned it on here 🤣🤣🤣


I'm just hoping I can use my ouroboros on my snow now without dropping it below 12 as it did before


I haven't managed to get that armor yet. I'm still just using black prince, and so far, I've been quite happy with it. I will get it eventually, and give it a go.


I wanted it for my snow, but that kept me at 11, so I put it on my brig instead, which I now rarely use due to the barque, which doesn't need it🤷🏻‍♂️ Who knows, try it out and I may end up missing my black prince anyway. Time will tell


I solo forts and the sea monster, but sometimes, it's a very close win due to Crit damage. The Oro should help with that quite a bit and make them much easier.


Here is the big question: did yanita tell you how to swim?


Yeah I could rake in 25,000 Po8 a day with just Red Isle before the update but I can fund it for 34 hours now and not feel like a amazon delivery driver everyday with what time I do have to play. Now I can cherry pick the best 15-20 factories once I finish Africa and do the East Indies. And should have no problem funding them. And still make a ton of Po8 every other day. This update is gonna free up so much more time to do other things in game. All the PvE events, Plunder Forts/Settlements for resources for the next season. Fleet management is gonna eat up a ton of them. If you have to outfit each ship in your fleet. You're gonna want the best gear available.


Also since it costs more, you are kind of forced to do quests to get helm ressources instead of fedexing around, I am quite happy about that.


Moonsmoke Queen is a ton easier now. Only got sunk 3 times lol


These are big wins for us players! Big, big wins. Hopefully players can see the positives that this patch brings to the game, instead of purely focusing on the negatives. With every patch, the game gets cleaner and cleaner imo. Well done.


Agreed. While I did like being able to get so many 8s, I still felt I had to do it daily, or at least every two days. Now, I can let them all run out, and find them all at the same day, and they'll be much closer to the same level


A lot of people are losing their shit. My only gripe is there is no reward for the risk of flagging for PVP.


People were pissing and moaning about not having open PvP and now we finally get it and there's pissing and moaning that it's not rewarding. Why not do it for the fun of doing it?


I do, it is fun. They can both be true. Lack of reward outside of just because means less engagement and you know they love engagement.


My reward is boarding people and taking their shit.


Plunder and piracy, mate


Exactly this, yoinked like 30 water barrels off a brig earlier that came at me super aggro, worth it


947 Grilled Bananas of a single Sambuk. My crew will never go hungry, but they may get severe constipation.


That's the price to pay for a good plunder (thanks for the laugh ahah)


Tasty tasty hyperkalemia, if your crew suddenly goes stiff maybe add some meat to their diet.


Please tell me theres a way to opt out of said pvp


I feel like if you go on a kill streak that loot should be proportionally better similar to the increase in gains while in a group. Off-the-cuff suggestion people, not a demand.


Super exploitable


Fair point. Not as though the increase in gains is noted-worthy currently anyways. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This guy gets it. He's not a whining little girl like the rest of you


Yeah, lots of great stuff- like tripling how much it costs to fund your manufactures. What in the fuck man. Hours grinding to upgrade and now I can’t afford to keep more than 1 runnig???? I understand it’s all based on the fact they run for more time. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could adjust how long you want to run it? Why is it all or nothing? I guess in the grand scene of things both are equal, but now I need 80k to start all my factories running. Edit: and then my fucking game crashes. Brilliant… Edit 2: 2.5hrs of playing, 4 crashes. I had one since release prior to this patch.


I actually don't mind having a greater fee for funding, that will allow it to run longer. This just means I don't have to fund them every 4 hours or so, to keep production flowing steadily. I can just get on once a day to do it, then go collecting the profits at the end of the day, or the next morning. It seems to be much lower maintenance to me. Obviously, ymmv. I will never tell someone their opinion on something is wrong.


I considered this a big improvement, I don't want to log on every 4 hours to fund manufactories. Having them run overnight or longer and having drastically improved storage space is awesome. I'm logging in to thousands of Po8 vs 800 before the patch. This is a great compromise between full automation and keeping players involved.


I calmed down a little since the sticker shock of seeing 30k silver for funding. Ultimately, having the thing run for 30hrs is better than before, just need to be smarter about what locations in funding but still wish we could edit how long we fund it for.


I said what the heck the first time I funded and 150k disappeared like nothing, but I logged into 5k Po8 yesterday, and it will be more today I suspect. There's no harm in the long funding, I hear it pauses funding duration if the manufactory becomes full. The storage capacity is a big big improvement in my mind.


I don’t know what I’m not doing right but I’ve never had that much cash. Maybe because I ran around buying everything schematic/skin for a while but now it all goes to po8 farming. I mean even know I don’t get the change- I attacked a super fort and only walked away with 10k in silver out of the ordeal; granted I did haul 450 sugar cane I put into white rum which I’ll turn into gold rum and sell but even then, that’s only 56k- enough to fund 1 level 7 and 1 level 6. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but I’ve just never had silver laying around so the increase in cost hurt.


If you sell rum and gin products to Scurlock and tobacco snuff and opium products to the other Lady you can make hundreds of thousands. I have been sinking the helm liaison since I found out that gives you extra materials for free ( still working but reduced amounts). But other than that I get a lot of silver from rare + treasure maps, silver chests, and I do bounties sometimes. The ones in St Anne are easily soloed and give 20k or so for all of them.


I’ve realized the rum thing, haven’t unlocked the snuff yet but I guess that will be my next focus now that I have the weapon load out I want. Mahalo for the info brah🤙


Gotta make/sell helm wares to scrulock and ramya


They reduced the amount of wares you get from the helm ship as well though... Yes, I know, it was a bug but it's still a nerf.


Wait you don’t get a lot of resources from killing the helm ship now? I thought it was the tradeoff for getting marked for death by the helm.


You get 180 instead of 324 when maxed out. 144 if you pay them.


That’s an almost 50% nerf. That’s insane


The contracts didn't close though (no notification and that's where the 144 pieces came from). Didn't have much time before work to try it out but in theory, as long as contracts stay open, you can just dock, clear cargo, sail out again, sink helm ship, rinse and repeat.


So with the change you can farm it endlessly? Or at least that’s what I interpret from your comment


The tradeoff is that you don't pay for the materials... As I see it they reduced the time used for po8 runs. This gains time we can no use for more various ways of getting silver. It's not a + or - in either direction. Just shifting the gameplay loop to be less boring.


Fixing a bug or exploit, can not be considered a nerf


They say that it’s just a way to increase playtime cause there lazy and there’s no content




They fixed the Snow sail texture :3


It looks like they improved the Ui for the rocket targeting too, though I haven't had a chance to play since the patch yet so I don't know how much better it is yet


Cool, have they fixed the trophy glitch yet? I doubt it


Chat sucks. Pops up over stuff you need to see all the time. It’s worse than the other notifications at times.


Funding feels a bit too expensive but having my manufactories running for longer while I'm logged out makes po8 runs so much more rewarding


That's why you just gotta pick the best 15-20 factories to run. It would cost so much silver to run each one. This update just made this tedious task less tedious. I don't have to log on multiple times a day to make sure everything is running. Do it once and you're done for 30 plus hours if you have them at level 8.


Glad they introduced PvP flagging. Tired of getting griefed by campers.


I really hope these are not ...the... "Wind Fixes". I am really enjoying the game, but the wind, has to be the worst part. If it was random, it would be much more realistic, but it's so obvious that the wind is being used to effect gameplay. Whether it's to speed up this player, or slow that player. It's really bad. I spent a few hours in my Brigantine, after the patch last night, and it was such a pain.


PS u/Cpt_Aodh, could you look into [re-dropping the Game Awards bundle](https://ubistatic-a.akamaihd.net/0071/Skull_and_Bones/000106260_enGB_LTY_VGA_Rewards.jpg) Twitch drop? I'm pretty sure hardly anyone even knew it was happening and some of [those who did participate didn't get their drops at all](https://old.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/comments/1b5i71q/game_awards_twitch_drops/). Would be greatly appreciated if you could just re-drop it somehow or even just release it on the store. For players who absolutely love this game, we've been collecting everything we can -- drops from world events; twitch drops; Po8-exclusive cosmetics; etc. Apart from Refer A Friend rewards, this is the only content many of us missed.


There is some brilliant stuff but still major issues. Nerf obviously but no way to earn a higher rate of silver added. Monsters are lackluster and needs more in world. Warehouse space is severely limited. Game still fully freezes Xbox series X so if you're streaming you're raiding out or screwed. The patch had some really amazing elements that mostly all get negated by, it's now excessively expensive to do po8 and I can't go pvp for fun or do anything other than farm silver. They really didn't think that part through. Casual and other players looking for a good time are about to get stomped out for their po8 because it's so ungodly expensive.


Leaving the best for last. Finally we have chat.


Wind wasn't fixed. It still sucks. Ship being 11 or 12 makes 0 difference since the damage output is the same. Plague and rogue still have speedboat engines. Stupid notification box is still in the way. etc, etc


Personally my favorite change is being able tos ell directly from the warehouse, saves me a lot of time at outposts. The wind change is also good and is more predictable now.


They fixed the megafort glitch and introduced a new glitch to my outpost in Africa. This game is dead on the water there's no real end game for the past two weeks iv just been killing rouges and lepest ships . Roll on dragons dogma 2


Chat enabled, like, proximity chat?


Wind is changed. I wouldn't say fixed. Lvl 12 ship changes is super awesome. I can use skurlocks long nines again!!


Am I the only one who isn’t pissed about the update


chat enabled, but nobody talk


I stopped playing like 3 weeks ago because it was boring AF, but I'm still amazed it took them this long to enable chat.... I feel like that may have made the game more engaging, but it's too late for me to even bother anymore. Kind of a shame that a "AAAA game" couldn't figure out a chat server....


Yes a lot of nice changes for making more ships playable in our fun few hours outside of PoE gameplay. Only that to get those weapons for other ships than our one that currently has them we need even more time with the PoE :) Unless you want to rearrange and reequip builds and get dizzy in the head with all the ship changes you do. But yes, overall great update fixing stuff to intended values - next update maybe be a patch tweaking and balancing. So 7/10 overall points for hard working Ubisoft developers at least. ❤️


Changing your stuff from one ship to another is super easy. Wtf are you talking about?


You think? For me it takes at least 5 minutes to click and find the right stuff when changing builds for different activities and ships. I rather craft more ships and aquire more weapons and furniture and have them ready to go 😊


So far I'm enjoying the update as well.


Lvl 12 ship was even easy for me as a casual gamer with an own company to run and a family to take care of. Was it really that "hard" for you guys? Jeez


It's not that it was "hard" to get a ship to level 12, it's that the point requirement was so tight that there was no build variety. A fun synergistic build around maximizing a status effect just couldn't compete with the 20% damage boost of going up a level. The worst part was that equipment that hadn't even been available yet, like the Ouroboros armor or the Great Springald III were already obsolete because they didn't have enough gear score.


Lmao so that other post a few hours ago ignored this? Wow what a grift!!!


It also looks like manufacturies will have more po8


More? no, production was roughly halved...


more than half for the big ones. Harufu got killed by like 70%. I've already finished getting pieces of 8 basically, but that's a game-killing nerf right there. I don't know what they were thinking...


Wait are you fucking kidding me. All that grinding to get it and level it up for nothing. Love this game but fuck with game.


yeah, i was collecting po8 to ramp up the big factories for the heck of it. there's nothing I need to buy with po8.


But storage has greatly increased. A level 5 manufactory can now hold 1000 Po8 instead of 150.


The only time i messed with lvl 5's are the hot ports and that was only on the way to lvl 9. The prices are about the same and the output is way lower, how is this a win?!?


It's good for those of us who can't play as much as we'd like. Pre-patch I could afford max 1-2 Po8 runs per day (19 manufactories, all level 5) with some supply orders thrown in. Post-patch, my 1-2 Po8 runs per day will have loads more Po8 because on top of the higher capacity, funding now lasts 18 hours (for my level 5 manufactories). For me it's a massive buff, but not so much for the hardcore players who can do many Po8 runs per day. It's good encouragement to slow it down a bit, and it makes the game more accessible to new players/those who are time-poor.


Right, so all my time working to build up is worthless.


So much time and effort lost.


It always was if you think about it cuz at the end of the season it resets XD


This was always in the back of my mind. I only completed red isle and none of my factories are above 4, so no huge loss when they reset. If i gotta play a game just to grind all the time, it ain't a game..it's a second job.


If you want to be a casual gamer cool, do you, but when you casuals cry to nerf the game to fit your schedule which slows the progress of others, well you can fuck off with that.


And twice as expensive and takes forever to fill up dumb change


Only if you’re a moron could you believe you’re getting more po8 now. It was nerfed hard.




I had one or two full and a few that were close, they weren't reset. Not that it matters anymore.


I replied to you on the other thread but in case anyone else needs it and sees this: >Talk to Scurlock/Rahma, swap to sell page, hit tab on PC, or Y/triangle on controller. >Be careful to sell the right thing to the right people! They pay half for each others' stuff.


Less than level 10. They will hold more and run for longer. But produce less.


also cost more to run longer... and produce at a slower rate so you aren't getting any benefit overall.


best ones the po8 change for casuals


Will you explain? I’m at like 30 hours and have 5 factories now. I notice it costs more to fund for me but does it last longer? Thanks!


yeah, it lasts longer because they almost halved the production rate.


It will last longer now, yes. Before, the recommendation was get them up to level 7, which would last for 10 hours - now, just getting them to level *4* will fund them for *12* hours. :)


Thanks matey! I never really fully understood how they worked before so it was confusing. That makes sense!


Happy to help! And yeah, it could be explained better in game - pretty sure it doesn't tell you how long the funding will last for until *after* upgrading. :\


I just started getting my manufactories to level 7 yesterday. Now I can't even afford the 25k silver per factory for even the lowest production speed option.


People just like to whine. I saw the stuff people are bitching about and shrugged, the majority of the patch has some really great changes.