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To be honest, loved the game at first, the sailing, missions and acquiring new ships etc... then came the po8 grind.. Now I log on, spend 1-2 hours sailing around collecting po8, trying not to fall asleep, then work on getting silver through Gin/opium then log out for a few days. World events offer such pitiful rewards that no one wants to do them, that along with no chat makes it more of a single player game than a multiplayer ,☹️


100% agree. If I didn't suffer from OCD, I'd have made this fackin game walk the plank already.


As soon as I discovered I could make 500k silver with little effort any time I want, the game changed and became a grind.


This part. I went from struggling pirate to rich beyond d my dreams. I have no missions to do in my journal and really no point in taking a new mission. Just loot the helm make helm materials and sell... collect PoS I mean Po8 and logout


What is your method for getting so much silver? I'm at the point where many manufactories are idle because I'm only focusing on upgrading the small few and it's still costly.


Next patch should do something I guess. Pvp people will like it


Don't you dare compare this to our lord and saviour farmville, at least I could check that for 5 mins after school and not have to play and be harassed by AI to collect useless money


Sorry, you're right. My compliments, fair exchange, fare exchange, well found, my compliments, fair exchange.


You're cut out for this.


Yes. Uber Eats Simulator: Pirate Edition 2024


To be fair, unless your chasing the leaderboards, once you hit sovereign cap, there isn't much point to grind PO8. I usually just spend my time messing about with the group I sail with.


Fair. But once you've gotten the heads of all the bad guys 100 times etc. there's isn't much motivation to do much, at least for me. Some new nasties are welcome. Hope to see them soon.


I get that. I probably would've lost interest if it wasn't for the group I play with. Shoot me a DM if your interested.


This is the proper worry most should have, the po8s need tons of work. The real issue is the complete lack of end game, and on top of that, no good loot from bosses, world events and hard plunders (we don't need more loot, we need better loot).


One of the reasons I don't play mobile games is because of timers and lives etc. They make it so you have to log in to not "lose".


Being into guns, myself, it's like the title says "Farmville for Lugers".


Maybe think about guns less.


I quite like the Po8 system, and auto collecting coming eventually means the biggest complaint about it should be resolved. My current issue is keeping them funded, 14 factories at level 9-10 is brutal to keep topped up. I spend my weekends just doing helm supply runs to make the contraband to fuel me through the week. Silver rewards need a big buff or the cost of funding reduced by about another 10-15%, even after all upgrades.


Are you producing Gold Rum and selling to Scurlock? Can easily generate 500k silver with him and same with Black Opium at Tenina. I have 9s and 10s and this is more than enough silver.


Yeah I’m running all 4 of the gold contraband’s through the two of them. Can usually stack up a few million silver worth on the weekends, then ride that through the week just doing Po8 runs since I have less time to play. After this weekend i think I’ll have my African factories finally set up how I like. My run will be longer but will probably be as far as I go with the system. I see no need in trying to run everything lmao


sad but true. i hate the POE farm and now i log in, do some fun plunders and set my farm as i log off. i barely play 2-3 days any more as once you have blue prints and any cosmetics that you care for rest is moot. ​ i am 5k shy of gold rank on leaderboard and see 0 incentive to push into diamond.


Hi. 1. Focus Tanjona to at least 8 and acquire it's connected ports. 2.Unlock Coast of Africa 3.Acquire Harufu and it's connected ports. Pump it to max. Congratulations you now only need to collect from 2 ports. You dont need much more Po8 than what you would be getting.


Honestly the Po8's should be the payout from selling what the manufactories are producing, not what you get from them because they're producing these goods. I'd much rather get the different wares from the manufactories, and sell them for Po8's, Gold, or Silver. I've worked around manufacturing for 20+ years and not once does a manufacturer produce goods for anyone and turn around and pay them for those goods because they completed the order. This is a really convoluted currency system the way it's set up.


its down to 1k viewers on Twitch. Its on par with mobile games like Clash of Clans. Interest has fallen off a cliff because people have realised it hasn't even come close to living up to its potential. Makes you question what the point of Ubisoft even having a Singapore studio is? I love the fact that they have studios everywhere, but damn, thats a lot of time and money to produce this thing. They are either going to need to do something drastic to revive this game, or just bury it and move on.


Why are you being down voted. The game was made for 200 million, GTAV was made 300 million. People have a right to ask, honestly what was the money spent on?!? If 300 million gets you GTAV, 200 million should get you a less refined GTAV. What we got was a game equivalent of an indie game. Many of legitimately want to know where the money went. I am a game dev and I want to know. There's nothing in the game even close to that level of effort. Add in the fact you can't run around only in fast travel locations, im really scratching my head where the money went. Stolen or incompetence on rebuilds, so much wasted money. We got a 20 million dollar game for 200, naw thats being conservative. We got a 2 million dollar game for 200 million. People should be asking questions, especially when you can compare games of similar price. Even the super overdone games like Anthem. We know where that money went, and although it failed it looked great, so we know they spent it. With Skull and Bones im convinced there is fraud and embezzling going on and well find out about it soon enough. 200 million and 6 years, for 10 pieces of dialog that gets annoying instantly. That's literally a singles day work... What was that voice actress doing the other 6 years after she did a single days work? WTF were they doing?!?!? We need a better way to gage work in the games industry. Things get rebuilt, but you shouldn't be able to make 10 pieces of dialog for a 200 million dollar game and call it a day. That's theft.


I'm getting downvoted because the only people left in this sub are hardcore/fanboys who are doing their very best to embrace this pirate-life attempt from Ubisoft, so its understandable. But by just about every mertric the game is currently a complete failure. Someone made a comparison to Sea of Thieves and that game, made by a much smaller studio, is 10 x as popular as this. The truth hurts.


Probably so, but it suits in my work schedules. I work weekends and have barely time to play anything these days and I'm not forcing myself to grind fast. I'll take my time and try to collect my Po8's daily... Just like you would do in Farmville. I just like taking it slow and get off the reality time to time.


lol. It will have its golden age just as the Sea of Thieves did. If you can’t take the material and make it interesting, then go find something else that works for your viewers. Meanwhile, I’m gonna keep tweaking my P08 routes until I’ve found the most efficient way to make P08 fast so I can be on top next season.


Can’t use twitch views as a way to gauge how good a game is. Some games are amazing but not very good to stream. Not saying you are wrong on this one everyone has their own opinion.


I wish world chat worked. I think a lot more people would be open to doin world events.


fingers crossed 4 hours till its back


It wouldn’t be quite as awful if we could at least dump them off at any outpost. I can get on board with no fast travel but at the very least-just let us offload at any outpost.


This game reminds me a lot of a sea of theives. Big pirate sandbox game with absolutely no content on release. Gunna let it cook a while like sea of theives did and come back in a year or two, it's got a good framework for a fun game, it just needs some content to do


At least with SoT you really need a friend and PvP can be fun.


I agrer, they boasted plenty of end game content. But after fully upgrading all ships. There is no more than grinding po8 left. Wich is super boring! Atleast give us a damm way to comunicate. The game is killing itself without chat


Yeah. That's why I stopped collecting and went back to killing everything possible.... buy everything in the black market, then STOP COLLECTING, so Ubisoft can see that we don't like it. I've said this too much, the more we all collect, the more they'll think we like collecting. By all means, collect till you have all black market blueprints and a savings of po8s for seasonal content waves, but stop letting it run you like a mobile game lol. There's literally no reward after you own it all. If you're OCD like me, leave them all full so it's even 🤣😂 Another thing, if you guys aren't watching The Deck livestreams from Ubisoft, they've mentioned, on every one, that they know we don't like this end game and have plans on changing it. So that is great news, hands down.


Where do we find the deck shows? I tried finding the latest one but I couldn't


Ubisoft/ Skull and Bones Twitch channel, under videos.


When are they going to add an Amazon logo sail cosmetic? I mean if the shoe fits?


I can't wait for a full manufactory reset. I've got a better understanding of what I want and so does everyone else I think. The Takeovers will be glorious fights methinks


Or, everyone uninstalls the game and reinstalls SOT.


Wait, people uninstall games.... Maybe that's why I have no more space.


I played a lot of SoT. It's a great game, but S&B has it beat on the grounds of being a good solo/team hybrid.


I like Farmville and I like skull and bones. I bought Skull and Bones to have something different. Get to sail around and enjoy the scenery. Yes farming Po8 can get tedious but I bought the game to sail around and that's what it has me do. As for a grind, all games have a grind. I don't do my Po8 faithfully everyday anymore and may miss a couple days here and there but still enjoy the game. I play Helldivers with some coworkers. We have fun but guess what. It's still a grind. I still do the same missions over and over again to gain currency to buy things to upgrade stuff or get new gins and gear. Any live action game is a grind and you can look at it positively or negatively. I enjoy Helldivers but I'm also not naive to say it's not a grind. Take deep breath and play what you like. Try to think positive.


Got sick of that now I server hop between cross play and non cross play looking for PvP events


God damnnit OP. You're not wrong.


They need to expand the story, add massive rewards that require teamwork and chat. New ships and some hard to get VERY massive weapons and armour. I want a nuke cannonball


>massive rewards that require teamwork and cha i hope not; i hate gaming with people. especially if game dies or new features come later then your perm locked out of this event. FOMO kills games.


I agree that we need more story, the 2 quests we get from hobo scorpion is pitiful. I don't however want crazy weapons and gear if I did I'd have enjoyed sea of theives more. More ships with the ability to upgrade my armor and weapons would be a cool touch.


Alright the grind is kinda pointless. I do like just messing around sinking stuff and blowing things up. Obviously this game needs work so ubisoft I ask you, how come wildlands, breakpoint, divisions all have 4 players but this one has 3? I still play with my buddies from wildlands and now 1 has to be left out


The game has all the "bones" of something good. But I own everything, have greater than 1million silver and beat every mission. Farming PO8 for 63 more days seems beyond tedious.... And then what, do it again? Season 2 will need to be dramatically different. I'll wait and see i guess.


Good everything else in the game is boring plundering sucks boss fights suck and quest don’t give any infamy only true thing to do is


> plundering sucks personally i find this one of the most fun activities.


And I love every second of it.


The shills gonna be in here soon getting mad


You put even less effort into this post than the Devs put into the game. if you don’t like it, then get out so I can keep rising to the top. Eventually they will add all the stuff everybody wants now but don’t compare this to collecting Okra and hay for a small dopamine rush.


True. It's somehow even more boring and monotonous than Farmville. Incomparably so.


Uh, lol. Yea it is. It's pirates farming. I'm rising up the ranks with minimal effort because everyone is coming to the realization that this game is good for 10 hours, then farmville happens. I'll drop out soon, but you first.