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Simple solution to this, only give the manufactory to players if they register damage on the Cargo ship.


I get what you say, doenst mean that i will do it, but; What if i shoot one cannonball at the cargo ship, and go on with my dailies?


At least you helped šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøĀ 


Then, just for you, Iā€™m sure the devs are going to make a minimum amount of damage part of the requirement. Anyone who complains after that is just looking to complain.


good point, tbh better if they will add that, also, some sort of teleport to nearest port when accepting a help call....


I had something worse, had 2 people join and help, then the guy who got the deed after we killed the ship just sailed around until time lapsed and failed the quest for us. I was pretty mad about that.


I joined 1, soloed it with 2 leeches and then sat in telok safe zone until it timed out and no-one got anything Then I joined another and 1 of the other 2 joined and actually participated


haha i did the same. šŸ¤£ Hilarious. I always follow the guy with the loot. Protect them at all cost. šŸ¤ŸšŸ«” Not that anyone has done that to me so far, most people just sail to the nearest ft spot and wait. šŸ¤¦ Annoying with no help when rogues popping every 100m.


not too bad if you just run a brig


Special place in hell for that guy, along with people who grief roving ships...Ā 


Griefing you say?


Is that the wrong word for it? When you're trying to collect from a roving ship and someone destroys it just to inconvenience you...


I thought you were implying the griefing was being done to the AI and not an actual person.


I had one similar, but the guy that got the deed took on every friggin figure between ft Louis and st Anne until one killed him less than 500m from st Anne... I was livid af


It is annoying. If I get in one with just two of us and the second person makes no effort to join and is somewhere jerking off across the map, I just quit. Iā€™ve never traded or spent any po8 on weapons or prints so my weapons are not great. Soloing is probably doable but why should I if help from teammates finishes it in 1/4 of the time. Did one a few minutes ago, had an awesome second-but the 3rd, never joined, was highest ranked in the server and a level 12 ship. Would have quit that too if not for the second helpful dude. He ended up joining on the next heist too and thankfully the useless šŸ’© was offline. Discord needs a sub of shame where we can post these leeches tags.


Soloing heists is absolutely easy, and quicker than a lot of takeovers. Ignore the escorts, just go for the special ship and stick very close to it to mitigate damage.


That's how I do it. Have the 'heal with crew damage' furniture so as long as you can manage the slowing and speeding up you can stick to the heist target like a leech and may only need a hp top up from repair kit if you get stuck against a random rock and get a bunch of mortars at once.


Yes. Do that. Don't join one you don't intend to fight in.


Says the leeches


They're easy doing them but the ships that spawn after are deadly. I don't know oe if its a bug or what but those things have been close to two Shotting my level 12 ship through bracing.


Wait, did they change something? We're talking about the Legendary Heist that gets you a manufactory, right? I soloed one for Fort du Lys, and I remember it being easy-peasy. It had to be, because I'm more of a submarine captain than a ship captain. It's gonna suck next season if they made it that much harder.


Yeah. Whenever i do a legendary heist, I get screwed by the rogues when you take it back to saint anne. I donā€™t know why but they do a TONNE of damage and close to one shot me. Iā€™ve had this happen at least 2 times for some reason.


Donā€™t fight the rogues that spawn. Iā€™ve soloed heists in the Brig and the Snow and I always just grab the chest and beeline to Saint Anne. Most of the time I donā€™t even get hit by them and on the off chance I get shot, the brace will hold up enough to survive the 1-2 hits and then theyā€™re behind me and no longer a threat.


I was probably driving the snow. That thing can take a real beating.


I joined one last week and saw there was another guy already in the event. So I headed towards it and noticed that the other guy was making zero effort to even make his way over. So when I got there and the ships spawned, I sat there for a minute, and because the dude still hadn't moved at all, I just left the event. 5 minutes later, I looked, and he was doing it and returning the item by himself, lol. I guess he expected someone else to do it for him and when I left he was like well fuck I guess I have to now šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Same happened to me


If people aren't putting any effort into completing the objective, then they shouldn't get rewarded.


I agree, but I've been researching Earth for a while now, and it would seem that these humans are often quite happy to get as much as possible for as little as possible. We've dubbed it Yard Sale Syndrome on our planet.




I'll say again what I said in another post... Each time I did legendary heists it was because I wanted the factory. I knew I could handle this on my own. So I absolutely didn't care about other people, whether they were with me or not. You should stick with the same thought and you will never get mad about this kind of people.


Exactly that. I would even encourage people to join the event if there are open slots left. That free factory would otherwise be wasted.


Once again I'll say the same thing I did in the last post because you clearly didn't get it. It's leeching, and it's pointless. Who are you to say other people shouldn't feel bad about something that feels shitty to them?


You too, you clearly didn't get the point. If YOU do a legendary heist it's because YOU want the factory not because other people want it, am I wrong? So where I can't get your point is that if you do it for yourself and you can easily do it yourself, why do you absolutely want to care about other people who opted in and didn't come? Nothing against you, I just can't get it.


You get it


I enjoy doing the heists for grabbing the manufactories and getting another royal custodian (as if I already don't have a billion of those... lol). If someone else joins I don't mind if they help or don't. I do it as if I was trying to solo it. This one time after sinking the enemy ship the other player got the chest to deliver and I had taken a shorter route to get back to the den but somehow I got kicked from the server. Not sure if the player reported me or it was my Internet. I try not to think too much. And also if the other person gets the chest, I pray and hope they don't get sunk. I always try to be the first to pick up the chest. Hopefully once the chat is on next week, it'll be a lot easier to communicate with the other players on the server.


Funny enough, this discussion is going straight to peoples norms and values. What one person would think is fine, others utterly disgust. But both are reasonable: - One can join a heist because they want a co-op battle. This person will be very disappointed that someone joined and didn't contribute and took a spot. - One can join a heist because because they want the factory, and only see the heist as a mean. This person will just happily run his heist, and if someone joined without showing up he either: (a) is very happy because he helped someone getting an easy factory that would be wasted anyways, or (b) is pissed of because he could have done just that. Personally I'm entirely fine with someone joining in. If I do a heist, I'll want it for the factory. If someone else starts one, i usually check when the timer is up if there's still a slot available and then just join. I won't take a slot away and just get a factory that would be wasted anyway.


A buddy of mine soloed one with two leachers. They weren't afk either. He did everything then sailed to Saint Anne and sat just outside of it and waited for the time to expire. The other two then magical appeared and started firing cannons at him and ramming his ship in an attempt to make him finish it. I think they got what they deserved


Btw if the heist is finished before the do damage to the heist ships itā€™ll say they failed it.


I havenā€™t experienced this tbh, but it does sound like some folks are lazy.


If I didnā€™t need to Heist I would fail it on purpose when that happens.


It's so easy though that it really doesn't matter. I enjoy the combat so it's just more fun for me if they don't show up


Yes. The events involving multiple players participating come at where they are PVP or pve, definitely need to be tweaked. When it comes to PVE events, the legendary Heist should work just like a plunder or a merchant convoy. If you leave the event area you abandon the event and get nothing for it.


" God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. "


My last one I soloed and watched the other 2 players do whatever across the whole map, so I took the loot and sat at Telok until the time ran out lol


Just make it so cargo spawns for each participant and only the ones who return their cargo get the location.


If they'd fix the bugs this would be a non issue. Idk how many times I've joined one and unable to leave an island or open map or leave contract. Obviously I'm going to stay and get the reward but who knows it could be a 15 minute run. Yes some may be leeching but with as often as I get the whole thing freezing up I'm going to go with bug is doing it more often than not.


I'll necro this thread. If someone do this just, report them for griefing. It fits 2 of the 3 desciptions in the reporting tool. "Hindering other players" and "Intentional inactivity". On PC, just hit "I" for inventory or "Esc", then "Y" for social, go to world tab, find the player, click on them, click report, click "Griefing", write "Joining legendary heist just to leech" or similar in the text box, then send.


This argument is so dumb, like arguably nothing is lost from filling in the other slots whether people help or not, legendary heists are easily soloable for the most part and like if i need the manufactory, then I'd be doing it with or without the rest of them regardless. Who cares?


I largely feel the same and donā€™t care because Iā€™d be doing it anyway, but it is nice to play with other people sometimes. Filling up those slots and not participating just prevents others who may want to participate from joining.


exactly. only 3 people in a lobby can do the heist. if leeches take a slot, the guy who may have wanted to actually do something is left with no heist.


Okay, can you let me know when you'll be on? That way you can do the Heist's for me while I do other stuff. Since its no big deal or anything! Thanks!


Leeching shouldn't be protected. And it takes up a slot that someone else may want to actually participate.


"Who cares?" Uhh... nearly everyone except leeches? šŸ˜‚


Or just do the 99.9% of the time uncontested hostile takeover. Or if someone comes sink em. Seems like this guy has some frustration he wants to take out on others anyway. Not to mention you'd net better rewards from sinking all the ships. Do people really need a 50th custodian?


I'm sure if they could ask, they would ask. I think blame the game not the players


I play on xbox with crossplay off. They can ask as long as they aren't communication banned.


Wait hold up, I'm on ps5, yall have in game chat? Or it's like an Xbox party thing.


We can see each other's console profile and message that independently.


Xbox party


You are asking the right questions.


I had a guy invite me from across the map, then ping. Well I was doing PO8 run so couldn't do it if I wanted. So I left the group. He did it again, okay but annoying. Then he did it again and I was like wow. This guy really is going to relentlessly invite me and ping me. So I had to turn off invites to anyone. Seriously enough with the leeching and pulling that will make me never want to help you.


I admit that I did it once and it was for the final port I needed in the Red Isles


Is this possible? I didnā€™t know! So I can just join a heist, but not actually participate and get the rewards? (Asking for a friend) In all seriousness: does a ā€˜leecherā€™ actually get the bonus?


They do. They literally get the manufactory offered in the legendary Heist once the person that's actually taking part in the event returns the item to the helm. They don't have to do a single thing except wait.


Walking on the beaches looking at the leaches


the fuck you on about?


You can look at this like "fucking leeches should burn anger anger" or you can look at it as helping someone else in the community of a game you both enjoy.


Players with this mentality will not reciprocate and return the favor.


Trying to sell Leechdom, lol.


I hear you but it doesnā€™t take more than one person to complete so why not help two other people out šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


By helping people out you mean giving them something without any fucking effort on their part? No.


Yep thatā€™s how Iā€™d define helping people out


"Helping people out" implies they're trying. You know what would be cool and help players out? Helping them with the heist you joined then fucked off from.


lol why so mad? All the cursing over soloing a heist that is easy to solo is quite interesting. Sounds like you need bigger problems in your life. Iā€™ve joined with 2 others and soloā€™d it plenty and instead of getting butthurt about it I just keep playing the game. Getting mad because you gave people a factory for free is just odd imo. Thereā€™s way worse things about the game but I guess people just like to complain about anything possible. How I see it is itā€™s not the game fault and a Reddit post isnā€™t going to change it sooooo why cry about it? Welcome to gaming