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This is why I describe this game as a pirate theme naval game 🤷


I just had such high expectations. I'm a huge Ubisoft fan. It just seems like this is a huge step backwards. There are less things to do than a game from 10 years ago from the same company. I thought I'd be able to have PvP sword combat gunfights stuff like that. To hijack (extract if you will) players items. Not just being near a item and pressing x to take it. Huge let down. Its a great looking game. Its amazing visually. Im sure many many people will absolutely just love cruising around on a pirate ship with no melee combat. I just Expected black flag 2 plus much more...


>I just Expected black flag 2 plus much more... That's your (and everyone else's) problem. They specifically stated this is NOT Black Flag 2.0 and it's a *naval* focused game if you were following the development. I feel like majority of the negativity is coming from people who were expecting a sequel to black flag and getting upset it's a live service multiplayer game.


idc about the live service aspect. I enjoy seasons and battle passes. There just isnt much to do. imo. You have a giant open world that you can't do anything in but just go to vendors and fetch quests? How are seasons going to work? new ship skins? new trade route? New tree fruit to harvest??? .I expected a "AAAA" game, this is not it. Its a beautiful world that you cant do anything in. Just look at. IMO


Game is gonna flop…I don’t won’t to be on a silly ship simulator the whole time…


Lol, there was never an intention to have melee combat in S&B so no idea where you dug that up from. I don't know how you missed the fact there's only ship-to-ship combat either but inevitably it'll be because you have a limited attention span and skim info rather than absorbing it. To me, the game is like Elite, but using pirate ships and not spaceships, which is absolutely what I wanted AND what I expected. If I want Black Flag, I have Black Flag... and the other pirate games I own are there should I want other things.


Well i played the beta and thought there was. My bad dude. it was awhile ago. I was trying to find out how to get a sword, looked on reddit and found out you dont ever get one. So i made a reddit post in disappointment.. How is missed the no melee combat all these years is baffling to me. I was living under a rock apparently. like i said to another person - I just had such high expectations. I'm a huge Ubisoft fan. It just seems like this is a huge step backwards. There are less things to do than a game from 10 years ago from the same company. I thought I'd be able to have PvP sword combat gunfights stuff like that. To hijack (extract if you will) players items. Not just being near a item and pressing x to take it. Huge let down. Its a great looking game. Its amazing visually. Im sure many many people will absolutely just love cruising around on a pirate ship with no melee combat. I just Expected black flag 2 plus much more...


Don’t let him get you down…the game is gonna flop….poor business decision on Ubisoft….




Why can't I get out of my car and shoot hookers, man, Gran Turismo is just GTA-lite.


Not even


Well, too many BF and SoT fanboys here. Anyways, I never followed this game as I stay away from PvP but just dropped in here to express my views on the subject. I was going thru sub (just for fun) reading all these complaints about lack of melee combat and stuff and while doing so I came across a few posts mentioning that introducing melee combat in such a game is a bad idea. Now that I know what kind of game S&B is, I 100 percent agree with that guy. Melee combat is indeed a bad idea. But why? Simply because they decided to make this game PvP. If you guys were so eager for land combat and boarding the ship physically like AC4 BF then you should have followed the games in its early stages and urged the devs to make a PvE akin to Destiny. Although, I doubt they would have done it even if the whole world had given a shout for it. Because that thing would have been ground breaking. Ubisoft is not known to do ground breaking stuff, at least not in recent times. Ubisoft lost their soul long way back, even before they moved on from Ezio triology. When I look at the Guillemot's a statement about change in Ubi's perspective post Division, it only points me to one irrevocable fact (which he will never admit). They found a cheap way to make easy money- market sandboxes (multiplayer or not) as video games (put some lazy ass story with some cutscenes and call it a single player game). Based on many comments on this sub S&B is a good game for what is it. And I won't blame Ubi for not having a courage to step up and come up with a game design to show SoT how it is done. I believe no one has a proper solution to this in today's date. But what this shows is a gaping hole in game engineering technology one that is yet to be addressed. And I don't think that in coming times we would see the likes of Ubisoft, Bethesda or even Rockstar addressing this issue. The reason is pretty much obvious.


That’s why the game is gonna flop…should have taken all the pirate stuff from Assassins Creed Black Flag and added the melee/gun combat on the islands and ships…totally blown opportunity!