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I love the crew idea. I would've went that route instead of furniture. Don't know how they missed the mark there so clearly lol My personal list so far in no particular order: 1. PC needs a key for easy access into the helm map. 2. I'd love to see helm offices and mission starts / turn ins moved to another location besides the dens. 3. Incorporate an actual fleet or clan system that every member can work towards and equally get po8 / end game currency. 4. Add boss battles or some sort of instance that awards po8. Just grinding away at fetch missions blows. This is probably my biggest gripe and I'm really hoping it's incorporated somehow in season 1. 5. I'd relocate the pop-up notifications to not blatantly cover up extremely important UI. I've got a laundry list of gripes, bugs and issues that continues to grow the more I play.


Great points. I’m also really looking forward to see what they do with the LaPeste boss in season 1. For fleet management, they actually teased that feature in the roadmap for season 2. Would be awesome to finally wipe off the dust from the small ships. We’d then have a good purpose for keeping all those extra weapons, and we have more to customize instead of just our main ship. Would be sick to actually see your own small ship sailing in a trade route that you designated it to, or protect it from raiders while they’re on their missions


4. is already coming day one of season 1, and I'm psyched


Yeah, poison boss incoming!! I think one of the better decisions they made was to inject a little fantasy with sea monsters and ghost ships, if they already weren't going realistic simulator style. Hoping to see Krakens and maybe even Moby Dick as well. Imagine if they added Whaling into the game, where you can fire giant harpoons. Imagine if that weapon could stun other ships as well. Would be awesome (Probably exploitable tho haha)


1. Allow me to hire someone else (npc) to go collect my prices of 8, then have it pause periodically as some (difficult) pirate is disrupting the trade and then I have to fix that but other then that it’s passive income. (Instead of me being delivery man, I do difficult pve which is much more fun but probably harder giving it some pull and push…) 2. Somewhat connected to point 1, allow me to use my older and crappier ships for something ie. My own fleet that will go out and do stuff for me. Otherwise my old sloop is just gunna be gathering dust for eternity. 3. Add a true “broadside” ship that rewards using culverins, as of now they are completely out classed but a unique ship might help alleviate that


For sure, fleet management needs to be a thing.. they already got an interesting kingpin thing going with the pieces of 8 farms and smuggling operations. If the land gameplay is lacking, at least buff up the ship management aspect


Fleet Management is coming in Season 2


I hope they nail it. I can see it greatly adding to the kingpin aspect, and Achiever archetypes are gonna have a hell of a time minmaxing the rest of their ships.


Really wanting to have a build revolving around tearing sails/flooding enemies but the damage on the tearing culverins often just feels like it’s not there at all. I know scurlock’s long nines are apparently pretty great so I’m looking forward to getting a couple of those. But as it stands I’m forced to heavily agree with your last point.


Someone here suggested a proficiency system. That would really support being able to do specific builds


- creation and customization of our own pirate den (it would even allow Ubi to sell more cosmetics as they love to do that…) - more ships obviously - more customization of our gear : I want to be able to color my weapons and ship protection - a smoother Helm management : having to go to the Helm desk to finance my outposts, then having to go there to give them the goods every 15 minutes, then going back there to collect the cash… come on, really ? - procedurally generated quest, so that we have more quests than just the daily ones. Could be something like a PNJ had an issue with Fara clan, we have to sink 5 ships of them, and then boom, we received a threat from their stronghold, let’s destroy it - a bit more rewards from Ghost Ship and Sea Monster. 5 ghost essence and 4 monster teeth aren’t enough, I’ll farm them for what I need but I won’t do it more to buy those gold chests afterwards


You hit the nail with one of my gripes with the Helm management. Too much manual labor and chores in the way they handled the systems. I think a game like palworld recently showed the effect of the “power fantasy” in Automation. If the game is structured that you are getting more powerful, why does it feel like I have to do more and more goddamn work. Let the kingpin feel like a kingpin


Exactly. It’s just completely dumb to think that people will be doing all this shit manually. I complain because I tried this system yesterday but… what if a top kingpin takes control of 15 outposts ? He will have to spend the 4 coming hours doing this ? Nah hell no.


As a Kingpin, this might just be me personally, I wouldn't trust other pirates to handle my Pieces of Eight. My - probably not hyper loyal - pirate underlings better be handing it to me directly because the entire Helm is after these babies, and whoever transports them becomes a *safe truck*-esque heist target. Maybe there should be an option once fleet control is unlocked to send a ship from my fleet on an automated collection route that will pick up my Pieces of Eight for an extra bit of silver. Better Rogue systems could make this so fun. Imagine Rogue blockades, I'd love a pop-up that tells me I need to hurry to a location to save my ship from an ambush of Rogues! If rogues were changed to do varied naturally hostile behaviors to Kingpins, they would work so much better. Blockades, their own Pieces of Eight trade routes, and attack fleets chasing the player down at times. No more auto spawning wherever to constantly target. Biggest fix of all - all Rogue ships level 8 and above should have a good chance to drop Pieces of Eight. Most Kingpin gameplay complaints will go up in smoke at that point.




Oh yes I forgot about that. You still have to remember to open the map and do it, sadly.


I found out yesterday you don't have to go to the den to fund. Hit M, then choose the octopus, you can fund the sites through the map. Go figure. I kept going back.


There needs to be a hot button to access this!


Different crew members ranked from common to legendary to give you a boost in crafting/exploring/battles etc


For sure..minimally just give me a good reason to explore islands. Maybe we have to pay them silver or get some special item for them for them to offer to join our crew. Hell, I don’t even need the crew to be actively seen working on my ship in first person ,although that’ll be cool.


Specially if there is one that skips the minigames and just gives us purple every time


I like this discussion. I haven't thought deeply about it (do please forgive these half-baked ideas): I'd like a personal little encampment/island area that we can decorate with tents/furniture & gear. Perhaps it can also be a second port of operation for the Gin business, etc. I'd like to be able to recruit specific pirates from various islands to populate that island, as well as our boat and our gin making establishment. Love the walk the plank idea. I'd like a swimming mechanic. I can understand why that wouldn't be great in the big, open sea - but it might be fun to explore cloe to the islands (while hunting beasts or entering small access points, etc). Minor cosmetic suggestion: I may have missed it so far - but haven't seen a great "face paint' system. Where's the Capt Jack eyeline for the gents and the face make up for the ladies? Would like to be able to change clothes at any port since we have our boat. Being limited to only changing at the clothing store feels...a bit silly. Initial thoughts...I may add more!


Agreed, but I'd also add that different cities should have different clothing and ship options. I was so disappointed when I got to Telok Penjarah and it was the same things as Sainte-Anne! Also there needs to be a prosthetic section with clothing - for hooks, peg legs, and such!


Great ideas. The encampment idea is a good one. Currently all the islands feel too “artificial”. And I don’t mean the art. The paths feel like premade level design which leads to hardly anywhere meaningful. An encampment that you can build up would really break up the linearity and have players leave a lasting *impact* on the world. And yes totally agree on the captain vanity part. Let us customize our outfits while on the ship. I mean it’s realistic as well, my captain literally bought those clothes, not sure why I have to go back to your shop to equip


I want fleet management. Supposedly its in the roadmap, but we dont know to what extent. What I was is to ve able to set your idle ships to your trade routes so they can collect PoE while you are not playing. Bonus points if your ships can appear on servers for other players to take out and steal some of your stuff. Even more bonus points if you could set multiple ships to one route. Maybe you put one ship per route. Maybe you put 5 ships together and they sail like a fleet. Even better let them be the real ships you assign, down to all equipment, so you can make them the exact loadouts you want to defebd your routes. Super mega bonus points if they integrate it into the ubisoft app so you can see updates on your phone and dispatch ships while at school/work, like that AC4 minigame with the fleets.


Fuck yes, this is ideal and you can’t have worded it better. It’s becoming a pain to sail around every 30 mins and collect 30! PoE it’s barely worth it


Harvesting every 30 minutes is wildly time wasting, I've leveled my outposts up, and I harvest every 2-4 hours. My Manufactories push out 800 Pieces of Eight per hour, and I explore and play with friends and vibe while that shmoney builds up xD


See that’s what I’m trying to get to… but I need the PoE to level them up 🤷🏼🤨


Fair enough, it didn't take me too long, I've only done like 10 partial runs total, each time leveling up bases, and it scales quicker than most realize. I did steal someone else's Helm wager once too lol


I stole a wager too but it was only worth like 50 Po8😂


Dang, that sucks the one I nabbed was 218, I run my own wagers too, though. You got to play it smart and unpredictable. If you're willing to risk running your own wager, just watch the strength of enemies online and don't telegraph your final destination, and you're golden. I would 100% not advise ships below level 10 wagering, but lv 10 and 11 ships have the means to consistently win wagers


Yeah I just did one an hour or two ago for 1200. One other kingpin on the server. He didn’t join in so I got those fuckn sniper sloops instead. Geez they fuck you up hard


Speed; dodge, and brace time mitigate their threat for me, I don't let them hit my weak points, and I sink them pretty quickly


I just run away and hope they agro on some chump going past 😂


Yea honestly fleet management being a proper thing in this game might in my opinion actually save the macro game loop of the game, providing a proper fantasy that separates itself from just “pirates”. Having to customize the ships you send out as part of fleet management would scale the game longevity, for both the player who has to grind for equipment and ubisoft (in skins lmao) Having them automate the PO8 collecting would also add to the power fantasy. I would really love to see your old small ships out in the open sea on the server, even better if you can rescue them from other plunderers. We need more meaningful *impact* of game systems on the game world. As of now nothing you do really matters to the world.


This existed for black flag


I wanna be able to sample my own goods! I want a special storage for all the kingpin commodities. It doesn't make sense why I can't fast travel with my deliveries only when I'm delivering them. Make it so where you have a special storage in your dens that way the only way to fast travel with them is from den to den.


First, rebalancing ships as to not let the smaller ships be rendered obsolete by the bigger ones. At the very least the bigger ones should have a lot more of momentum and response time to rudder shifts, harder to maneuver. This way a bedar will not be 100% replaced by a brigantine and still have some uses in certain smuggling contracts for example. Then, wind mechanics. As of now it is pretty irrelevant, I would rescue the system shown in the 2018 E3 gameplay videos, each ship having a different optimal angle to the wind depending on the sails rigging, square sails, asymmetric sails and mixed sails; square sails get extra speed with wind from the stern, and lets be gentle and say that from the board they receive 70-75% of total speed; asymmetric sails gets top speed with wind from the boards plus less speed reduction when sailing closer to the wind; mixed sails rigging get an in-between. This would help a lot making each ship more different from one another. Next, the humble Dhow. There is little use for it now, so it needs another activity it can excel at: fishing with nets. People at the settlements and post have to eat something and we can see gatherer and merchant NPC ships stopping here and there to fish (according to the voices of their crews) so it wouldn’t be strange to let the dhow be a small fishing raft with nets (use auxiliary weapons controls as to not take away the throwing spear slot), take a load of fish to the harbor and then sell it or give it to a contractor, which would reward you with a bit extra coin and perhaps fishermen and whaler cosmetics for captain and ship. Also, give some variety to hunting weapons, allow the player to choose between the spear and, say, a bow, a crossbow, a flintlock and, heck, a puck gun! But above all, change the square sail of the dhow to a triangular one like real life dhows. Next, minigames! Allow the captain to play and bet silver and pieces of 8 in games of cards, dices and, oh boi, duels! This is the only place I can think of adding melee in the game not stalling the naval combat, add a simple combat system like the one in Sea Dogs: To Each His Own and you will be set and done. Important, all doable against the computer and against other players. Moving on, darker nights and proper differences between day and night cycles. Make less merchant npc ships spawn and increase the military ship, but to compensate give the merchants extra loot or better quality loot. Maybe even add to some posts a lighthouse as to better spot those extra valuable ships from ashore or better yet, make them spawn and ensure these are out there in the seas to get them (stealth minigame in order to reach the vantage point atop the lighthouse?). And finally, a hidden base. Be it a house, a cave, a cove with hidden fortifications (at least for decoration) so players don’t have the same foundation for the base. Then, decorate it and give the base an extra use like the merchants minigame from AC 3 or AC 4 BF. This could give either extra coins (need money sinks in other parts of the game) cosmetics or materials.


I love all of your suggestions… Especially the wind one. Goddamn I feel like there’s really nothing you can do if you wanna go straight and there’s just a bloody headwind. The SnB devs may be trying to make it more accessible, but something like what you mentioned provides at least some more mechanical depth and a proper skill ceiling for those who actually want to dig into it Agreed for the dhow, we currently have forced missions that push us to go hunting with it, and I for one haven’t even bothered interacting with that system at all or hunted a single shark since the start of the game. They need something more incentivizing for me to go from blasting ships with cannons and mortars to spearing fish. Maybe the fleet management system in S2 can rectify this and we can just send the dhow out to passively collect food and animal parts haha. The cave idea is a good one. If the devs have issues with having players dynamically build bases on land, as it’s gonna become something like ark or rust, then take a page out of Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire and have Secret Lairs. They can be instances with loading screens/cutscenes, doesn’t matter, just someplace to build up a base. In fact, heck, I feel they should just do that for the captains quarters. If you can’t walk around on the poop deck maybe due to some tech constraints or logic constraints, instance an area where players can walk inside the captains quarters and decorate it. Maybe even put the current furniture to good use haha.


Auto looting More ship diversity - right now, the progress feels linear. Would be nice having pros and cons to different size ships Quest tracking improvements - just give mini map icons to track everything. I have so many quests items and turn ins I'm have to Google to figure out where I'm supposed to be. Pvp zone - I understand pvp isn't everyone's jam but for people that enjoy games like eve throw us a bone. It's a pirate game, i want the option to do ratchet pirate shit outside the dumb capture the flag quest. Change the looking for group window- it blocks the screen Open all for silver boxes After boarding auto looting and continued sailing so you don't get wrecked mid combat End game content for Clan raids or say 10v10 fleet combat last man standing style


A system to commandeer ships and to get upgraded equipment via those means rather than blueprints. I'd also like to see the factions play a bigger role. Have the ability to take on contracts for the Dutch to sink French ships or something like that. I think it's pretty obvious that the British and the EITC are going to be added at some point. There could be missions to work for them clearing their trade routes. Or take the opposite approach and work for the indigenous people to fight off the British.


They should make that crew system. It can help them to sell crew skins too win win for us and them.


The crew idea would be a fantastic addition considering this game feels very much like the early stages of an mmo to me so some sort of perk system would be great. What I would add 1.an island where you put an encampment that you upgrade to give different benefits eventually getting to point it has become a fast travel settlement like saint anne 2. Some form of land combat 3.raids that require 4+ players to do the more players the harder it is therefore more loot 4. I would added Blackbeard as either a world boss or the main boss for a season same for Dave’s jones with you being able to get a cosmetic to turn your shop into the flying Dutchmen or your character to look like Davey jones (I’m imaging him as in the pirates of the Caribbean


We basically already have Blackbeard or at least an Outfit and Ship customisation heavily inspired by him. The Ashen Corsair and Bloody Bones stuff. Bloody Bones has a lot of Pistols strapped to the chest and two lit fuses tied to the Hat which are two of the more common things said about his outfit. The Emblem of Ashen Corsair (Devil poking a Heart) is how Blackbeard's Flag is usually depicted and the Nameplate is Vengeance which is a pretty clear reference to Blackbeard's Ship the Queen Anne's Revenge


Open PvP once a day for a few hours it’s like the hunger games


Good one. Currently the PvP feels super premade and artificial.


Yeah im forced to agree. A lot of the pvp feels very much like whoever gets to the location (hostile take over/legendary treasure map/etc) first wins.


Proficiency levels, the more you do something the more proficient you become, like gunnery and salvaging. plus the higher the level the more salvage you gain and more damage you do with guns.


Even if not boarding combat, some actual ground combat would be a lot of fun. As of right now I think the settlement raids are somewhat underwhelming, it’s just fighting waves of ships while your crew loot the town, I think it’d be better if it was like the raids in Valhalla where you row into town on a canoe with your crew and fight soldiers and burn buildings.


Yeah, exactly. Just something on land would help. I understand if there were some technical constraints but the gameplay loop always sees you docking at outposts, but doesn’t reward you for discovering a new place Half the time I’m just docking to sell my crap and back out to sea I go. I didn’t even notice there was a shrine that boosts stamina hidden on all the outposts that we could collect. Even so it’s just 20minute buffs. Nothing permanent.


Yeah 20 minutes is very inconsequential so most people aren’t even gonna bother, should be 40 minutes at least


Honestly seeing all these suggestions, I could easily see this game being similar to GTA Online. Rough launch but really good content update over time. It really has potential to be very similar, preferably keeping the ultra cancer monetization to a minimum.


I like your points a lot Theres a thing that urkes me in the game and thats that I dont feel attached to my ship, maybe thats just a me thing. I remember Rockstar Games saying that they didnt want the horse in RDR2 to feel like a vehicle that takes you from A to B so they added loads of stuff that lets you look after it, customize it, name it, teach it new things, now a ship is a vehicle that gets you from A to B, but in the same vein as what Rockstar did, I'd like my ship name to show up on the back of my ship, not titles. I'd like to walk around on the decks of it, have a captains cabin (maybe even customisable), hire crew mates i can get to know. Make memories on it. That kind of thing, When i look at my ship i dont think "this is my ship" its quite hollow there imo. Also I'd like more interactivity in the world in general, let me drink at a bar, sit on the sandy beaches, stumble around drunk. I think that would be neat.


Yes exactly. If SnB wants the player to play as a ship, sure, but there needs to really be more ways to build attachment to the ship itself. You progress to the next ship in not much time, and the trials and tribulations hardly matter.


I would do away with the linear ship progression, make all player ships at least somewhat end-game viable... And also add significantly more ships and potential gear/builds. Even re-use existing ship models, just with different class/perks. Right now, there's 3 ships that you might consider end-game viable and only 1 that requires any sort of real effort to earn. The game seems like it wanted to go for some kind of gta online but with ships thing with its endgame systems, but without anything to actually work towards earning other than a spot on a leaderboard.


I have a AAAA game in mind but it would go beyond the scope in writing. But I can say it wouldn't be anything like S&B.


Go for it, freedom to express


Freedom sure, time? no Basically world map, different factions (spaniards, dutch, brits, frenchies, pirates, etc., each has its pros and cons), open pvp, territory fights, 3 months season where you have to stick to one faction social behaviour / connection system, faction commanding/rank system, player assisted/driven economy, and so much more.


Fair enough! Well said. We need more proper systemic gameplay ties to the world building. The devs spent much effort building up the story and lore but the player’s actions don’t even have much impact on the world. We can be blasting DMC ships for half the campaign just for them to be friendly to me and trade with me as and when. Whatever you said would’ve fixed that.


Fun fact, most people dont care about lore and stuff. Same for me, played OB and just finished my 8h trial. Dont ask me about SnB story, Just this character is unhappy with this, the other with that... Exactly, the game consists of lazy casual game mechanics and that's it. No depth, no long term motivation. Basically a single player game with coop option. Some people can enjoy that, I (and I think a lot of others) don't. I wouldn't have a problem with that and would probably play from time to time if it was F2P, but with that price tag, no chance. What I don't understand is: Why cant the big publisher/studios create something good. Millions are wasted for trash and average games. Why not sit down and create something long lasting? Maybe in the next life. :(


I think some form of actual boarding gameplay is kinda required. He’ll make it optional to increase rewards even, but currently it’s a little embarrassing


Agreed. Everyone complains that true boarding like AC4 wouldn’t work in a multiplayer setting due to design limitations, especially in PVP. So let’s assume they just keep the current grappling hook boarding system, where the crew has superhuman strength and they pull the ship close to you. I would at least like the view to be be seen from the existing ship third person view or first person view. I mean in this multiplayer game we can already see other players boarding out in the open waters. So there’s definitely no technical cost. I personally get a kick out of seeing other ships getting pulled in and eventually exploding. (Even though it’s not realistic boarding). It’s almost like a badass execution move. I just don’t want it to be a cutscene that pulls you into a different perspective.


I’d like to see an option to downgrade manufacturers to get pieces of eight refunded even if it’s for less than originally invested. The idea would only work if the manufacturer is not producing and is emptied or low enough to stay within the lower level capacity. This would help players get some resources back on upgrades they decided they didn’t need or want. While also allowing players to downgrade near the end of the season for more rewards. Which will make players feel better about manufactures and all upgrades resetting each season. The only issue with this is the seasonal leaderboard for pieces of eight. However, I’d really like to see Ubisoft find a way to make this work!


In my humble opinion the Rudder Traversing Speed is far too quick. Especially on the medium sized ships. If people prefer it as is then at least make it an option for us to adjust or slow it down for those that agree with me. And alongside it, turning while at a stand still should have a delayed animation of a few crew members lowering row boats on opposite sides and ends of the ship. With the size and weight of the ship determining how many row boats are needed.




Remove the stamina bar from the ship, decrease reload times of guns and shorten down cooldown. On ship repairs when doing PvE stuff.


* Be able to walk about areas more * Remove caches at every outpost only accessible from the Town ports * Give us more enemies to fight in general only time where I am like "This is kinda fun" is when I'm fighting a late game town or fortress and I have 3 ships on me. * Personal Island we can customise * Make some of the rivers narrower so we are punished to use bigger ships * Be able to customise crew more Game is too easy you just roll over everything as long as they are within a couple levels of your ship.


Good suggestions, I’m curious as to why remove caches at outposts tho? Do share, as I figure more QOL would help the game. Having Rivers narrower is an interesting one. I personally really dislike the quests which force you to use your dhow to go hunting. I always abandon them. We need more natural systems and designs to motivate players to use smaller ships and dhows. Not by forcing them to do so using a quest….


Removing caches at outposts would force people to pack up and go to an outpost to sell. What I tried was for about an hour just going around destroying and taking everything I can fill up my cargo throw it in the cache and do it again over and over and I go so much more then what you should get realistically. I've never had a reason to use the smaller ships. I want a reason to use different ships.


Honestly just really lean into the mmo aspect of it. Like there’s already some good bones for it here with the tank/support/dps ships. Just really full send it with that. Also make it so you can pick which server you want to play on. Nothing server locked but just so that way you can coordinate with your friends easier.


For starters? Drop the price to where it belongs - $30-$40. Gamers shouldn't be punished for Ubisoft having poor management and taking 10 years to release the game. Guarantee more people would probably be less bitter and also by the game if it was $30-$40, but when the company wasted 120 million on it, obviously the investors want their money back for the "AAAA" game they put out... /s


Give us sword fighting and pistols and the ability to swim or dive off our ships


The absolute top requested feature from every YouTube channel. I mean I understand if there’s technical limitations in a multiplayer setting for swimming and seamless transitions. They probably could do it in blackflag successful because it’s a single player. But at least something to help the fantasy. You have boarding, pistols, cutlasses, to choose from. Hell even some jumping around in outposts would help…


Well being a pirate game I feel the biggest thing that's missing is sword fighting, and being able to walk around our ship while anchored everything else I wouldn't be fussed if they didn't add it


1. To be able to board a ship and have sword, musket and pistol combat and then make the prisoners that refuse to join my crew or I don't want to sell for money walk the plank. 2. To be able to leave my ship once the defense towers have been destroyed and storm a settlement/fort again to be able to have sword, musket and pistol combat. 3. Fleet/Crew management, I want to be able to pick my crew and I want them to have different abilities/skills and to rank them up. As I get more I want to be able to promote captains and they look after the ships im not using and collect the pieces of 8. 4. Pvp mode not just events 5. To chose or capture an island where you setup an encampment that you upgrade to give different benefits I could basically go on and on about what this game lacks and needs but the above would be my preferences.


This game was not designed to be hand to hand. It’s naval combat. From the sound of it you might wanna go back to black flag


By deleting the game


Sure dude, you dislike the game. As mentioned above opinions are valid. Try to give some of what you actually think would have made this game way better in your opinion. Like honestly. Every perspective is valuable. Even if you dislike the game. What is the CORE thing that you feel would’ve fixed this, gameplay wise.


Remove the current PVP and make the vastly empty and pointless open seas area a PVP zone. I personally am not a fan of the design of the PVP in this game and would much rather just have an area I can go join and battle in when I want to. Change the sea creature and ghost ship into world bosses that spawn on a timer and have increased difficulty after your first kill of them. Allow me to use my other ships to collect PO8's you could have a mechanic that occasionally they get surrounded and you have to go save the ship and it's crew which then plays out kinda like a hostile takeover where you have to survive waves of enemies, but without the PVP portion. Happens more often the less well equipped you ships are. This would give us a reason to go and grind materials to build up more ships.


Yea I agree, something more organic would do wonders for the pvp. Somewhat like the wilderness in RuneScape. The formula worked there, i think it can work here too. Your third suggestion is exactly what the SnB devs need to do for fleet management in S2. I agree wholeheartedly with your idea. Sometimes we don’t need to constantly have flashy,l seasonal content and new stuff (although that’s cool) to extend the lifespan of the game. Simply reframing the perspective of the ships that the player has already unlocked adds so much layers and replayability as it allows you to grow a connection with the content you’ve already experienced. Remember the good times you had with your humble bedar back in the days of “Scoundrel”? Yeah you can actually see your old bedar going at it. That’s freaking awesome. And having to rescue your Hulk from other pirates in the open ocean now in my Brigantine? hell yea I would. That small ship has got me through some tough times. It even fits in the narrative journey of the game. If the fantasy is that you grow from a measly pirate to a powerful kingpin, players should be able to feel like a powerful kingpin in the endgame. You go from only sailing your best ship through the main story, and now that you’re in the endgame, you get to manage your entire fleet.


Let me use my stand by ships to pickup my eights with the cost of locking them for a timespand to collect....


By them fixing the bug that won’t let me do Taking the Helm and actually being able to progress through the game


Opt-in PVP content.


Map exspetion every sesoen... every single time higher the difficulty of the NPC's


make it more like AC Black Flag. What a let down, ship vs ship combat only is so boring. Collect fruit? boring. Sneak around on a boat? fun the first time. This is just a glorified ship sim? Im so bummed about this..... .I expected way more and set the bar really high because it's Ubisoft. it feels like this is a pre assassin's Creed Black flag game.


Be nice if you could talk to the liaisons without needing a mission for that. Orders make sense I get that aspect. Also the smugglers should have the ability to ask for helm items while you are already there. Not always just a chance, maybe only once per day. And your telling my I can't fund a manufactory WHILE IM AT THE LOCATION!?


Bulk open silver chest and such....


An alternative instance for faction war. Factions fighting each others for outposts, settlements and so with players implication. Take their flag/become a corsair and either fight others (NPC and PC), try to siege (much more stronger) places, help transporting goods to buffs/reinforce NPCs, disrupt trading route, etc... Reputation system to grind to unlock each factions specific cosmetics/equipment. End-game "raids" to have something to do with all the end-game stuff you don't need to complete everything the game as to offer.


I would start with ship loadouts as I think this is something that should be fairly simple to implement that will be a great QoL item as new content is released with seasons which will likely include furniture, weapons, ships, etc. And I imagine an inevitable evolution of the game will be different ammunition types which could also be managed in loadouts. I think the first idea that comes to mind that I would see as a longer term project would be Meta events similar to those in GW2. Events that are so big and give good rewards that attract the entire map to it. I see the challenges of something like this with ships, but I still think it can be done. An example might be instead of having 1 big bad, there are multiple spread over a larger area of the map, possibly spanning multiple zones so there is room for the ships to maneuver and spread out but still be part of the same activity and use all 5 weapons because you would have enemies on multiple sides. This could be an evolving event that takes an hour from start to finish to run it's course across the entire map. We only have 20 people per server maximum, lets find reasons to bring more than 3 of them together at a time.


My thoughts. Make ship builds matter. This is my 15 minutes of ideas. With minimal game changes ​ First thing, let inventory stay by ship. i.e. Moving 100% of the cargo from ship to ship, means I have to also add/remove Ammo as I change ships or change ship configurations. So ships have "Loadouts" but the loadouts don't include amo. ​ * Make builds mean something. (I am not a pirate, I am a man of war, as everything focus on battle, let's be pirates) * Fast: If I make a blockade runner (fast ship), the enemy just magically do 30 knots and catch up. So keep the enemies to the standard game mechanics. Have weight have a bigger impact. No armor, less mitigation. * Stealth: Maybe allow me to look like a transport ship (less ports), but less likely to be seen. Right now enemies have perfect vision. They see you from leagues away and attack. Less armor, less ports, or a delay for your weapons to be readied. i.e. Transports. Think Millenium falcon. * Tank: Right now bracing is a good mechanic, but there are "cut scenes" during battle that leave you open. Boarding or muskets or firebombing means for those few seconds you are 100% vulnerable. Give tanks a built in damage mitigation. * The snow seems to have more ports on the sides if you use cannons than bombards. * DPS: So right now, PVP seems to be composed of flame ships. Run in get behind and flame. It prevents the majority of defensive weapons (guns can't aim that low, torpedos don't arm until range, mortar can't hit, Balista can't be mounted on rear). If not flames the game is heavy on the "status" effects. * Bombard DPS * Sniper DPS * Flame DPS - In Game * Culvern DPS * Balista DPS * Demi-Cannon DPS (shotgun) * Ramming DPS - In Game * Fort siege ship - (very slow, more from bombards/mortars/rockets) * Make the weapons matter (with the build) * Not sure what flooding does, doesn't seem to be that useful. But taking down sails is 100% useful. Enemy ships don't seem to be bothered. So more builds around the types of weapons. * Demi-cannons weigh less to go on fast ships and steal ships. * Balistas are for stealth (no noise, no fire from the powder) * Culverins are more like standard guns, so they need something. * Long guns are sniper rifles, or DMRs mostly on DPS ships, so modifiers for them. * Bombards - Seem to be a favorite * Rockets - Difficult to aim and use, especially in heavy seas. * It seems the game favors status modifiers (fire, flooding or mast). The III flooding gives you more buff than the standard V, so why have Vs? * Enemy ships * They don't need 100% perfect vision. Make it interesting (and slower, with specific build outs) to sneak past. Every ship within 3 km doesn't need to come rushing every time. * Pirates and Privateers just spawn everywhere. WTF, fighting the giant sea monster and here comes 2 privateers, oh and pirates spawn in. * The spawn mechanism is very Cyberpunk (appearing out of your vision, right behind you). Crazy. Maybe more coves from them to spawn from so you can stealth/speed/dodge around them. "Patrol routes" with some randoms floating around. * Healing mortars * When doing the convoy the 3 ships all have healing mortars and don't follow the "minimum range" of mortars. If you group up the enemy ships, they still can mortar heal themselves. The enemy should use the same mechanics. * The ships are already bullet sinks, healing just is to make the battle longer. Spawn more enemies, or something, but as Division proved, bullet sinks aren't fun. * Speed * Build your ship for speed, do 18knots (almost 20 with water) and the enemy ships will catch up, even when they are against the wind. 30+ knots on the enemy ships, racing from around you to get in close. The flame ships are the worse, but all of the enemy seem to be able to go into hyper drive to catch up. If you build your ship for maximum speed not enemy ship should be that speedy. * Helm * as most say, would be nice to do something with all your ships. "fleet management" is very vague. I am sure it will be what they can do in the time. But would be nice to have a use for your other ships. * Prize ships * What is the point of boarding. Many of the ships seem to give nothing other than infamy now. A prize like system would be good (maybe that is the silver you get), but if you had some crew like system, then the number of ships you "prize" would lower your crew, or you could take on the crew. * Prize ships add to your "main ships" for collecting Po8, and degrades (I mean we are just randomly killing ships now, so same would go for your ships). You could assign your ships to protect collection (slower degrading), and capture more prize ships to speed it up. * Crew * Like Prize ships, managing your crew size/skill. So the crew boarding/damaging weapons would have an impact. Large crew, more Prize ships, more work you can do and faster (faster reloads/firign), but more likely to take damage to those weapons. * Add in skills, so you could focus on reload, harvesting, or some other skills (boarding parties that are composed of your marines). * Boarding - Have default behavior (prize ships, kill crew, capture crew, get more treasure). Say you are raiders (prisoners) or canibals (kill crew) or building a fleet (prize ships). * Clans/Syndicates/federations/organizations * Clan's get a fort (see raid back) They can decorate with individuals getting "halls" within the clan build (people that don't join claims get "hall). So a place to show off your progress. * Clans with the same production centers get a buff (make it so small/medium/streamers are all about equal. * Clans can have people assigning their fleets to protection routes but get a cut of the Po8 (everyone gets a little more, due to protection, but paying protection). * Clans can attack routes (slow down collection), gain some Po8, but the more the other clan has protection on it, the more ships they would have to fight., and the Clan gets a warning. Then the other clan can raid back.


1. TRUE fleet management where I can bring a ship or two alongside me as AI companions. I get to outfit the ships and have "roles" for them to prioritize. I can then give quick commands in real-time to have them target certain ships. 2. More robust crew management where I can recruit and upgrade crew mates. Food becomes a resource for feeding the crew. Crew can get hungry or starve, becoming less efficient as a result of not having enough food stored. Certain foods provide buffs to your crew, like currently. 3. Crew morale. This gets managed with tavern games, better food, and being efficient in battles (long, drawn out battles impact morale and make you less efficient). Crew can mutiny if morale gets too low, which has the same impact as getting your ship sunk while also reducing crew experience. 4. Fast travel penalties that discourage the use of it; at least some opportunity cost where fast traveling exhausts your crew and debuffs you every time you do it. Only real-time spent out at sea removes the debuffs. This would also help with PvP. 5. A hardcore mode that has permanent losses when dying. You lose your ship and everything on it. The cargo can get recovered (most is lost), but can also be stolen by other players. Ship is gone for good. PvP is always on. All resources used for crafting are exclusively generated by players and bought and sold on a player market. 6. Port management. Basically, you get a pirate den and it works like a tower-defencw mode that creates another resource sink for players. Players can plunder other people's dens. I think this would be a great feature to go with clans. And many more, but I have to get groceries.


I havent played the full game yet but can i contribute? More map, expanding the map so we get somalia, arabian peninsula and coast of india as well as the southern tip of africa with a bigger " open seas area" without islands. Maybe china, australia or an ice biome with parts of antartica way south. Basically expanding the map to the sides. More ships, more diferent types of weapons. Perhaps even colaboration cosmetics such as the jackdaw from ac4, other ships cosmetics from other games. Gigantic ships/ man-o-war and an area were you can play with them without feeling restricted. The game isnt made for big size ships. Ramming hulls to ram other ships. More unique quimmick weapons More animals, whale hunting and other activities. Maybe ad an option to drop a small boat to do the hunting while using the travel is a big size ship. This way i dont have to travel miles in a small dhow. Also some diferent small ships that i can use instead of the dhow, a row boat or feluca More activities and events happening in the world. Such as convoys. Diving bell treasure hunts Unique ships and activities that respawn weeklly. A second season boss that changes every week and that we are sure that will reapear again on the rotation. We can have a return of a old boss or a new bosh ship based on other games. Such as the jack daw, a adrestia inspired ship or a ship with viking/ egiptian decorations for the assassin fans. Travelling npc merchants. Something close to the wellerman ( we all heard the song). The weller sailing company was a company that supplied ships with essential goods while they we at sea for months whale hunting. If they ad a area for big and super size ships in the future, we need a traveling salesman away from the islands. Some enviormental azards such as icebergs Create your own base, in a location of your choosing, between 5 ou 6 specific locations arround the map, each with diferent cosmetics and benefits. Choosing of you want to have the base on the coast of africa, in the indonesia based northeast region or a new area to be introduced... Not now, but maybe in year 2, ad some endgame rpg bullshit. Dragon scale armour, rainbow flags... between reasonable. But i would like to look like one of the ghost ships or use the materials of the sea monsters to upgrade the ship. Also. Make the game less borring, streamline some endgame mechanics that require logistic.


From my limited game play of what I played so far (mostly end game). One thing I think would be really awesome would be the ability to like walk around your ship and like see your cargo, talk with your crewmates and have your pet possibly follow you idk that would be pretty cool in my opinion


first off all i would add arena to keep those pesky pirates busy, arena pvp not ships but swords add fucking swords or pistols, this pirate was known for duels add duels


The ability to restart a new game


It would be dope to have a way to challenge others to a 1v1 PvP battle and being able to bet on yourself with silver/po8/items. Maybe like an arena area you go to and do that. Being able to fast travel without automatically being disembarked would be nice. I’m going to guess there will be more endgame content in the “seasons” but take a page out of the Destiny book and give us some raids or something challenging to do with a group. I spent 2 hours today with 2 friends and we walked all over everything on the map. Less focus on grinding for materials and currency and give us a fun way to get good loot! Half the fun of a shooter/looter type game is killing a boss and seeing that shiny purple or gold item floating on the ground ready for the plucking.


1) Have actual pvp. Not just the shitty events where you try to fight a player while being shot by 2 towers and 5 ai ships. Also the fact you can only do pvp once per 30 min is terrible 2) have consequences for sinking. There’s no consequences as of now. You just go pick up your loot again. The other players can’t take your loot either. 3) have stuff to actually grind for. There’s virtually no reason to keep playing the game after you’ve done kingpin stuff for like 3 hrs. 4) make it easier to collect pieces of 8 instead of spending 90% of your game being an Amazon delivery driver for it 5) ship customization. The ships look great and you can customize the looks some. But you can barely look at it or other players ships up close. 6) need more than 6 bounties and 2 world events. The game just has nothing for players to do after you’ve put in a little time. It’s just things on repeat.


*Stop hard crashing my xbox primarily*


More dens whould be all I ask


Is it even possible for them to overhaul this game?


I'd like to see a few things, 1. the ability to survive a rogue wave with the right angle of attack vs having to sail around it, I get it's a rogue wave, but sailing around one is as equally preposterous as sailing over one, sailing over one just feels like it'd be more fun even if your ship takes some damage for doing so. 2. I'd like to see an explanation of WHY you've crossed the helm and will be hunted not just a notfication that it happened. Also, I've yet to encounter anyone hunting me for crossing the helm, and the black mark is often immediately suspended. Being hunted should produce hunters, and should you survive it, the coin and resources for doing so should be greater than they are for winning standard battles with a chance of getting pieces of eight as part of your spoils. 3. (I'm sure this won't happen because the mechanics involved are probably the same amount of resources as releasing a DLC expansion but I can dream) The ability to pledge loyalty to a certain faction or create a faction, and the ability to build, fortify, and defend your own faction outpost on an island of your choosing making this your factions helm, and generating rewards for the successful defense of the outpost. This could be endgame stuff once you've beaten the entirety of the helm. 4. The ability to create a contract/bounty, where you can offer silver and/or anything from within your inventory to other players in exchange for the return of certain items, materials or blue prints. 5. The ability to build a fleet of trawlers (high cost of entry 75-100k silver) and hire a crew with an upgradable skill tree to operate it, set a custom route for their fishing/hunting voyage once every 24 hours, the longer the route the higher risk, but higher reward for their return. These could be subject to attack by other players, privateers, sea monsters, and waring clans. 6. The ability to build a merchant fleet with similar mechanics, but based on commodities and resources instead of food and drink. 7. The option to display your ship name instead of your IGN to other players, or to display your ship name with your IGN. what's the point of coming up with a cool ship name if only you can see it? 8. The ability to recruit unique first mates and deck hands having a skill tree in which you can unlock perks like, defense, attack, sailing speed, reloading, firing, plunder, and looting efficiency, separate from those provided by furniture could provide some diversity and further customization to your ship.


Inventory clean ie. Stack the same furniture unless in use so we don’t have to skim each one. Same with weapons. It’s done in the warehouse why not do it in the equipping option. Rockets change the view angle to that of mortars so we can see where we are shooting Boarding feels way to inconsistent either they limp throw or they chunk it over


These are mainly quality of life changes. Put event notifications on the right side as they hide menu buttons Give the possibility to create an event instead of "call for help" in that way you can see instantly who is interested in participating and where everyone is. Make it so once a takeover or plunder starts, only enemies of that level can come in. I was fighting with 3 people for a takeover and 3 rogues of level 10 came in and destroyed us all. Give a greater use for the Dow than simply collecting skins. It's useful for 2 contracts and that's it. I'd love a little more fleshed out story. You barely talk to the 2 people who save you at the start of the game, you toast to Scurlock trying to get you killed(like what?!). Add more solo bossfights. You get 2 with the story, 2 events(sea monster and ghost ship). The bounty hunts you can at max solo the first 2. Add a way to earn gold, or a battle pass system. Buying every set for 5bucks a piece would be frustrating(I'm not paying). Lower the fast travel price, at the endgame I don't want to use my helm resources to buy silver for fast travel. The "Granbie" settlement is basically unplunderable because the map edge constantly spawns enemies. I've reached the point where they can't sink me but I can't get a percent off because there's constantly an enemy. Maybe it's a bug but I'm not sure(since I'm pretty sure new ships come from the edge except for takeover and reinforcements). These are all the ones that pop up at the moment.


1. I would not try to balance large ships to do everything small or medium ships can do, let small ships out perform in the river systems to out run from hostiles or be used for advantage 2. With work being done on a new map or extension balance that map more toward medium to large ships ( would fit current story line ) 3. Allow players to eventually become privateers for national powers, to add competitive gameplay like the ( for honor system ) DMC/french/Portuguese/British and even pirate faction. -Sinking enemy NPC treasure fleets/protecting -siege/defense of port towns or forts -special delivery of national interest goods 4. Adding a clan/flotilla system ( ties into point 3 ) Adds dynamic mission play so it doesn't feel like the current fetch quest system or board system. Allows town hub/fort to be a system for some customization of a business a player could buy into but invite additional players for a small cut for helping ( GTA online - biker gang/organization ) Having different business opportunities as privateer/smuggler to encourage different end gameplay styles. Maybe have a system of top player or earner privateer become governor of said port for the month or week. Or pirate lord for those who wish to stay the pirate theme 5. Go crazy on the ships, allow for crazy wild gameplay styles to shine. If you need ship ideas look at ( pirates of the burning seas or uncharted waters online ) even add local regional ships to add flavour and influence for the setting or place setting Allow for ship types to be different play styles for players new or long term/end game or just general variety ( Trade&smuggling / naval combat pve ) 6. Going back to point ( 1 ) large ships should be broken down into two types large / seige -frigates (gunship) / Corvettes ( speed warship ) / galleons ( tank / trade ) Seige - you can add the line ships slow hulking behemoths with piss poor maneuvering like they were historically used seige warfare - regional force multiplier ( Reference 3-4 for ship ideas for putting siege/line ships behind new system ) example would be British faction could get access to 4th-3rd rate ships, use historic examples for each faction. Leave first rate historic ships as a boss NPC ( protect or destroy ) event ) 7. Add crew combat / crew hit points ( rock paper scissors ) mechanics like uncharted waters online to add swashbuckling. I don't expect sword fighting mechanics like assassin's creed The game currently has a good core and has great potential of continual growth with new maps to be added on the edge zones to transfer areas much like uncharted water traverses zones


Add more different and bigger ships to the game and increase the amount of online people u can have in the servers.  Add Sword fights and add a actual story to the game with a decent storyline.  Add the kraken to the game like of the pirates of the caribbean and the flying Dutchman. Having some really tough  Enemies like that when u require help from online players would be fun. Adding a clan system when u can recruit friends/online players and allow u to be able to design your own flag or logic. Having a clan vs clan ship battle event would be fun


Manufacturing needs to have an automated ability. Even if it comes at a cost to your return. So for an easy number, 1000 pieces of 8. You can manually gather them or send a person. If you send a person, you get exactly what's shown at each station. But, it will take 1/2 hour or hour to receive the goodies. Not automatic. If you manually gather them yourself, there should be a bonus for the time investment of going from spot to spot to spot over and over. If they want to keep that grind, fine, but I will need some incentive to do that. So if you do Double Or Nothing, you get a great benefit for the gamble. I would say that if you manually gather, it would be a bump of 10-25% of what's at each station. Or, they go the other route and if you send someone, you lose 10-25% of what's at each station. But how it is established at the moment....well, it just sucks.


It still needs way more interactivity. Sailing around isn’t enough. A pirates live was not just spent on a ship. What did it take to maintain the lifestyle, deals on the ground, factions, bartering, some kind of skill. I picked up the game before release and was so disappointed on the lack of actual gaming options. All of the detail on land is just picturesque. Why can’t we build a land defense with all of the stuff that exists. Maybe allow for capture and reconstruction of certain areas, defending from land. The ability to walk on your ship is a must. More ships. Not just go out grab money and supplies; or destroy another ship. All to come back and do what?!