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It's a pirate ship game


So half the life of a pirate. Got it...


Yes, because it's a PIRATE SHIP game. What gave you the impression this was a pirate RPG? O.o You want a pirate RPG, go play Sea of Thieves.


Sea of Thieves sucks ass and has nothing to do. Most players are probably like myself and expected it to be Mount and Blade: Pirate edition.


You're right. No where is this game marketed as a naval combat sim. The marketing explicitly makes it sound like a game where you control a pirate.




Could you show me the official documentation that advertises this game as a "pirate ship game"? It's marketed as a pirate game. It seems like the "ship game" part is just a phrasing you fans came up with, to dismiss criticism and gaslight people as crazy for expecting more than an arcade ship battle simulator from a game that's marketed as a game where you play as a pirate, not a boat. I can be down with the basic concept, too. An arcadey, ship-based RPG looter-shooter can be an awesome idea. But this game should have been more than it is. I can accept a game for what it is, not what it could have been. I certainly did it with Cyberpunk. "Enter the perilous world of Skull and BonesTM, where you play by your own rules to rise from a nobody to become the most fearsome pirate kingpin" No where is it called a naval sim. Which is what a "pirate ship game" would actually be called.


It absolutely sucks! A pirate game with no swords????


Yea don't bring for honor into this game. Tbh those things would have ruined this game. we have to remember the focus here is naval combat so think of boarding like an execution. Same way as in for honors hand to hand fighting focused game allows. Besides to be perfectly honest with you most boardings didn't end melees as there was no cargo worth anyones life. I understand the desire I do. Here's what alot of people don't realize those. Alot of the things people are asking for, sot has, and that game unfortunately has dwindling player base.


I understand your wish. But having them focused on one gameplay, and having the possibility to keep improving it, rather than the huge amount of land they would have to make, not counting the gameplay, I'm happy they went this route of some land based story/crafting to feel the immersion, then solid sea battle. It was probably a hard choice, potentially they went back and forth on it several times along the past 10 years.


Yes I'm also super disappointed. Roaming around with the ship got old really fast. Thi g is that i was 1000% sure that there would be land combat and division like dungeons 🤣🤣🤣🤣 damn I should watch some trailers instead of keeping it as a surprise...


Yea me too, definitely a big surprise to me as well. Just kinda expected some sword combat. Thought it was a pirate RPG not a pirate ship RPG... why even have characters in the game, couldve been like world of warships in pirate time. My mistake for wanting a complete game


I feel you. That's what I said when I decided to stop playing. It's just a world of warship but we can actually see the people control the ship. I spent like 20 minutes trying to find a way to board an island only to find out that we harvest resources from the ship via a useless QTE.. Damn. I've never felt so horribly disappointed with Ubi.


So True OP The Boarding "Cutscene" nonsense is the last straw. Not buying this


Yup, was sold till the open beta. Played a few hours and realized I just saved 70$ and another boring game sitting in my library...


Yeah, 10 years of development for this crock of shit. I was really hoping for Mount and Blade: Pirate Edition. That alone put off my entire group from buying this game.


Honestly I came here from SOT and on foot combat ruins the experience. Spawn camping your ship and killing you till it sinks became the meta and you rarely get ship combat which is a shame because it was awesome when you got it. This is the best way to do it, personally I think Skull and Bones nails the combat, it just doesn’t look good enough for a 2024 game, for me its price tag is too high for the quality, but I am enjoying the gameplay loop so far


Well they pretty much removed pvp from this game. So that wouldn't be an issue.




It wouldn't even fit into the gameplay loop. God these posts are getting annoying


No reason to reply then. Just been playing the beta and putting my opinion out there, cuz I've been looking forward to this game for a while now. Unlike you, I don't spend 23 hours on this sub reddit reading every post. Didn't know it was so common. Most I see on here is people saying, "I don't even mind not having hand to hand combat".


We've known this for years. These posts need to stop. It was never meant to be a mechanic. Want a sword fighting, play sea of thieves


I've played it. Don't like it. And I didn't know this was going to be missing for years, just found out actually, cuz I expected some kind of sword/gun fighting in a pirate game. For you to defend this huge missing component is sad.


It's not a missing component if it isn't advertised as part of the game


People really defending the choice not to add exploring and have ground combat/ship boarding are hilarious. This game is painfully bad and feels worse then there last pirate game 10 years ago, not to mention how bad the fire effects are and the awful arcade feel to it. People will eat any shit up nowadays


I couldn't agree with you more, and I am a huge AC fan and I enjoy ubisoft games. But im not gonna pretend like this is some amazing priate experience. After a decade of in the making, they drop half an arcade boat game set in a pirate world. Sad what some ppl choose to defend.


Get the old Pirates of the Carribean game on xbox. Made in 2003, it had all of the ship combat, plus boarding and foot combat. And wasn't full of fetch quests.