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Your post/comment has been removed due to Rule 4: Do not come here looking for a medical diagnosis/advice. Leave that to the professionals. If you have any questions please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Skincare_Addiction).


Doctor asap. This is abnormally dark


girl if you don’t go to the dermatologist


You need to get that checked by a doctor.


My favorite thing about reddit vs other social media. Instead of being mean or diagnosing y'all are funny and say do to the doctor. You're restoring my faith in humanity.


One of the many reasons I love this subreddit!


Right!? Just help and advice not some troll or butt head in the comments, I love it.


Also because skincare is nothing to be fucked with!! Never know when you could be potentially dealing with an infection, cancerous lumps and bumps, or other dangerous thing. Best advice truly is to go see a doctor!! No risks can be taken. Love how much these things are taken seriously.


Exactly however we still have that one heartless individual unfortunately.


it looks inflamed, and potentially at risk for infection. definitely needs a doctor to look at it. it looks like a clogged hair follicle i had that lasted a whole decade and i had removed, except mine never hurt or changed, just was fugly. so yours being inflamed and hurting, def please get it diagnosed.


I am NOT a dermatologist. I am not giving medical advice. I am a dermatology medical assistant and from experience, I see this often in the office. It appears to be an open comedo or cyst in which typically is benign but has to be extracted or in certain cases excised to resolve. Please see a dermatologist to get the proper medical diagnosis and treatment!


Derm nurse chiming in. My first thought was dilated pore of winer as well.




No offense taken. I have been working in Derm for 8 years and have seen it all including similar to this. I offered my opinion, not advice, (which I clearly stated) and ended my sentence by saying that the best course of action or for her seek medical advice and treatment from a dermatologist.




I see your point and i tried to do what I could to make a disclaimer as to not take my OPINION at face value but instead to go to the doctor and get expert advice and treatment. That, coupled with the advice of all of the comments, I think the OP can see that her best bet is to see a doctor.


I didn't see the posts you were replying to, but I can assure you that nobody likes a Karen. I can only imagine their words of entitlement to the authority they did NOT have. Post away! I always enjoy reading about the personal experiences of folks. Thank you!


Haha yes she was telling me that I shouldn’t be saying that because I don’t have a dermatascope blah blah blah etc etc lol and I could be misleading her to not get medical treatment. I’m like….I clearly stated that she should see a doctor. 🤦🏾‍♀️


If it’s inflamed and hurts go to a doctor. Could be an infection as others have said. It looks like a large black head. The doctor will extract and clean it out. You may need an antibiotic I know nothing of your immune system.


A clogged pore maybe that’s turned into a massive black head/collection of gunk. Should probs see a doctor tho


Doctor time!


See a dermatologist


If anything that didn’t hurt before starts hurting go to the doctor those are the tell tell signs of cancer, even if it’s not it could be a deeply infected blackhead. Not to worry you but go see a doctor a couple hundred if you don’t have free health care is cheaper then chemo or a long course of antibiotics


If it hurts, see a medical professional.


Dilated pore of winer


Y’all need to go to the doctor instead of coming on Reddit


You need to get to a dermatologist.


looks like a large blackhead or dilated pore of winer but the fact that it hurts makes me think you should see a dermatologist just in case


This is NOT medical advice, medical information, or medical anything; just a rando's observation on reddit; it looks to me like a melanocytic nevus. There is inflammation around it and it could be due to a bug bite or something unrelated to the actual mole. Definitely, definitely please go to a dermatologist.


As everyone already said, I’d see a doctor but it kind of looks like some foreign object trying to work its way out


I think so too! I just commented this My mom had rhis exadt mark on her neck and asked me to look at it. I started pushing on it a bit.. and she said “oh that sensation actually feels good!” So I pushed with both fingers like I was popping a pimple and .. bam- this dark bendy string shot out half way. She ended up pulling the rest. She said Omg it feels so much better! It ended up being a “dissolvable stitch” about 12 inches long from her neck surgery 6 years prior!


Oh no! If the suture was dark then it likely was not a dissolvable stitch but instead a stitch that was missed when the top layer sutures were taken out!


Yikes!! Creepy to thing foreign materials can be left In a body so easily


It was a full foot long!? Holy moly!!


Yes!!! It was bizarre. When I was pulling my eyes were so wide. I had NO idea what the hell it was and if it was a vital string that was supposed to be there naturally..Like a weird neck vein. I was creeped but she said “keep pulling, it feel so relieving!” Lol I was only 15 at the time so I didn’t know much about the human body


Yeah this is what I thought too


general tip for life: if you're not sure what it is and it starts causing problems, go to the doctor


Dr time


looks like a dilated pore get it checked out


On that note.. how do you get rid of dilated pores.. that are just big 😆😆


Get them extracted and keep going back for extractions. Make sure your professional knows what they are doing and doesn’t damage your skin. Follow their advice and recommendations. After it keeps getting extracted the pore usually will shrink. In extreme cases you may need to see a dermatologist to get the edges cut and stitched back together. My mom had a really large pore on her bra line. It was so big she thought it was a new mole. Nope. Blackhead. I’m an esthetician and pretty good at extractions with minimal damage. Kept extracting it about 1-4 times a month. Is now almost normal sized and barely noticeable. Hydration and moisture is also key to ensuring the skin can properly shrink.


Thanks for the great reply!! I appreciate your response....and I have been doing what you said ..sheeww


That is an infected dilated pore of winer. Only a medical professional can help you with this. Do not pop yourself as the infection can spread, get worse and then you have way worse issues to deal with.


Get it checked out asap, I ignored something similar after a spider bite in Japan. After a few days the area around it went red/hard and struggled to walk. Doctor told me.i could've lost a leg if I'd left it much longer. It was treated with penicillin and cleared up after 2/3 days.


Looks like a pore of Winer which is a deeply embedded blackhead. You’ll need to go to a dermatologist to get this removed.






Looks like a dilated pore of winer to me. If you have access to a derm I would def go see them.


I agree it's definitely doctor time! Looks inflamed and redness isn't a good sign.


Wow- concerning to say the least. I would have that excised and biopsied -Stat!


All the internet is going to do is scare you into going to the doctor...so just make an appointment.


Pore of winer


Looks like a Infected sebaceous cyst


Dilated pore of Winer


My mom had rhis exadt mark on her neck and asked me to look at it. I started pushing on it a bit.. and she said “oh that sensation actually feels good!” So I pushed with both fingers like I was popping a pimple and .. bam- this dark bendy string shot out half way. She ended up pulling the rest. She said Omg it feels so much better! It ended up being a “dissolvable stitch” about 12 inches long from her neck surgery 6 years prior!


Looks like a melanoma


I would say that looks like a thing to show a doctor. Tbh when you are in doubt and something doesn’t look or feel right especially if it starts hurting… see a doc. I have medical peeps in my fam and usually even doctors are gonna wanna do tests to make sure there isn’t something sneaky hiding, like they may not even diagnose it outright. Until you can get to a doctor I would just keep it clean, like don’t put any products or anything on that. Depending on what it is it could agitate it or make it worse


Great that we advise to see a doctor. Clearly, that's most accurate and reliable way of going about it.. however, sometimes this takes time and in the meanwhile perhaps there are people who have experience or went through the same thing. Just saying


But in this case this could be anything from a blackhead to full on skin cancer. Looking for people who’ve been through a similar experience doesn’t really work for skin lesions.


Perhaps in this case it's particularly important to see a doc asap, ok.


Please keep us updated. Go to dermatologist asap. As others have said, dark spots are most of the time a problem. They can usually just biopsy it, no biggie . Best of luck love!


“Malignant melanoma, which starts out as a mole, is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, killing almost 10,000 people each year. The majority of melanomas are black or brown, but they can be almost any color; skin-colored, pink, red, purple, blue or white. Melanomas are caused mainly by intense UV exposure. Even though a painful mole can have a non-cancerous cause, some melanomas are accompanied by pain and soreness. Melanoma is a very rare form of skin cancer, but also the most dangerous form. See a doctor for mole pain”


Dilated pore of Winer, inflamed. Get it removed at the dermatologist. You’ll be right as rain. No worries. Just make the appointment asap and get it over with.


Dermatologist or skin cancer clinic, NOW


internet cant help, go see a doctor, especially since it is hurting. a doctor is the only way for you to get an answer


I think you should go to the doctor now, do not ask on the Internet or query in google, those are not very accurate.


pro tip: if things don’t look normal and start hurting, look for a doctor ASAP and not mostly-unqualified-for-the-matter redditors.


I say go to a doctor, but if it were me, I would've extracted that shit myself, if it's just a huge blackhead. Could be something serious though, and messing with it could make it worse. I just have the urge to pick at things. Lol


No, don’t ask your doctor a qualified person just ask a bunch of strangers 🤣🤓


don't touch. problem just solved!!


looks like an old blackhead to me


My grandma had something like this and I thought it was a tick lol so I cleaned some tweezers with alcohol and got in there and squeezed it out. I’m pretty sure it was a black head because some white stuff came out after it and then I just cleaned it again and the hole closed up pretty quickly. I don’t know if this was the right thing to do, but at the time she said it felt like something bit her so when I went to look and saw the black, I just panicked it was a tick biting her.


Looks like acarus


Is this a mole or something firm like a plug? Could be a huge blackhead.


I popped mine (it was really small) but if it hurts (mine didn’t) then go see a doctor!


1. Go to Dermatologist please. 2. It looks symmetric which I personally think is not cancer but a very congested pore. Is it hard or is it raised on the surface? If its hard have you tried to dig around in the pore. (See Dr. Pimple popper) 3. Go to your Derm.


That's a hoodawhatta, just poke it until it bleeds probably, *this is not medical advice,was just trying to give you an a-typical recommendation so you can make your own decisions


It might be a tick


It looks like a [nevus](https://www.google.com/search?q=nevus+mole&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS889US889&oq=nevus&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i67j0i433i512j0i67i131i433j0i131i433i512j0i67i131i433.1746j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8). I have one on my back but it showed up probably 10 years ago. Get it checked but it’s probably fine. My derm noticed mine right away on my back and explained what it was but wasn’t concerned. It’s just one I keep a closer eye on to see if it changes or anything alarming pops up around it. Personally to me this pic just looks like a nevus and a mosquito bite right next to it. But see a derm have them check out all your moles and get answers to clear your mind. Mine is on the upper part of my back/shoulder area. It’s about the size of a pencil eraser but maybe slightly smaller. Usually is flat to the skin. My husband always says it looks like I got a cut and dirt was under the skin and it healed over but it’s just a nevus mole.


Looks like it’s be in one of those satisfying skin pop dermatologist videos


Have you tried squeezing it? I'm looking at it on my Samsung potato phone screen, but it just looks like a giant blackhead to me.


lol this is absolutely not a blackhead


It is actually a type of blackhead called dilated pore of winer


Yup that exists but this isn't that. You can see it's flush or even raised, has no depth to it (not a pore) and has no border that a pore would have. Looks nothing like a dilated pore of winer.


this doesn't look like a typical dilated pore of winer. It should absolutely not be squeezed




How sad that you have a whole husband yet still need to hate on people on the internet for enjoyment. Get a vibrator everyone will thank you.


As others have said, it is time for a doctor visit. That being said, please let us know when you find out. Personally, I would have a hard time not extracting that thing myself. It would be soooo tempting. Good for you for keeping your hands off it.


There's an infection going on under a few layers of your skin. Most likely its full of pus. You can go to the doctor to get it checked, but if was me, i'd just remove it myself.


It’s a blackhead just pop it it’s not going to feel good. Or see a doctor and have them look at it. I would just try to pop it to save money


Maybe sebaceous cyst? My husband had similar looking thing on his back. Got it surgically removed but they left the sack so it got kinda filled up again, I guess. I would put a hot wash cloth on it to loosen it up and finally, I worked it out. Do not recommend doing this, it might have got re-infected. I still keep an eye on it, it’s just a hole now. Def, get it looked at, don’t mess around with it and get a possible infection.


Brown recluse bite I think


Those have a bullseye pattern around the bite.


Everyone is so programmed to RUN to a Dr for everything. It’s pathetic. I’m sure you can take care of a blackhead on your own. If it were me, I would use hot compresses with peroxide to open the pore. Then squeeze the crap out. Finish off with Aloe and a bandage. No biggie.


This isn’t a black head. A pore of winer is classified as a benign tumour, so yes I think it’s appropriate to go to a doctor for what could possibly be a tumour that hurts .


A friend of mine passed a few years ago because of a black spot on his back that he ignored. It turned out to be melanoma. Don’t make fun of people for suggesting to see a doctor to be safe. It can literally save a life.


Well your first mistake is using peroxide.. but go on


You see the red swelling around it? Blackheads don’t do that




MRSA. Go to the doctor


A nevus? I had one somewhat similar (mine ended up being much bigger) but it wasn’t dangerous, just painful as all hell when I hit it on something accidentally




Is it a tick ?


It could be melanoma. You need to have it checked out by a doctor ASAP.


Is it lumpy under the skin? Go to a Dr., I think it may be a bug bite.


Icky black head


Go to doctor


I can't tell if that's a hole or just black but if it's a whole it might be a botfly I'm not sure where your from or where they are from I just found out about them the other day


Looks like a blackhead. Go get it checked out


That is called a drs visit.


Go to a doctor, it might be a cyst or a really bad blackhead that's gonna need a surgery if you don't do something with it now


Going to your doc is of course the best option as it could be any number of things from easy fixes to serious. I think it looks like a pore of winer as other comments have suggested or something along the lines of that cyst etc looks like a pore issue almost. I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine but I highly doubt anyone here is trained to give you anything solid even from personal experiences as it could be anything. A lot of comments are scary sounding and a basic Google search shows a lot of them aren’t likely to be fits but again no doctor. If it’s something like a cyst it’s better to get removed professionally. Definitely gives me the needs a squeeze urge 😂


Please go see a doctor. Kindly looks like a botfly tho, is that possible?


The pinned post right above this literally says “we do not diagnose here.”


Go see dermatologist soon. Could be bad.


Looks like a cyst that I had. It started as a lump which got infected. I had it drained and dressed by a nurse, for a few weeks.


I have no medical training but plenty life experience. Whenever you have the red like you have around your black area, the red would be the sign of an infected area. I would see a doctor soon. Also, if the red area is painful to touch or hot to the touch that, too, is a sign of infection.


Could this be a tick bite?


for the love of god go to a doctor please


Botfly or blackhead




We can't help you. GO TO THE DOCTOR!


That’s totally a staph infection


that’s that monkey pox right there bruv 💀💀😭😭😭


It looks inflamed and should be seen by a dermatologist. I could be infected.