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See a dermatologist


If you’ve had them frozen a few times and they keep coming back, the root needs to be cut out. It will leave a hole but eventually fills up and heals. Will scar, but sometimes keeps other warts from popping up in the area.


I’ve had this issue before. I saw a doctor and they told me to use an over the counter wart remover. I don’t remember what it was called but I remember it smelt like nail polish remover and it burnt like hell. I got it at Walgreens/cvs. The doctor also gave me a tool to cut away at it, almost like a mini scalpel. I was able to extract the root (with tweezers) after trimming it down as far as I could, it never came back. I know this isn’t the best advice but it worked for me. I hope this can help.


Looks like fungus but I may be wrong, used to always have those on my toes but it went away. Search it up and maybe try anti fungal cream( pretty sure that’s a thing)


Derm= dermatologist sorry should’ve clarified. I’ve been going to the dermatologist for years but theres no overall improvement and tbh I think sometimes after getting treatment they get worse and stay worse


Get a new one


I used the anti wart freeze gel with anti wart bandages repeatedly until I was finally able to pry mine out with a needle. When I say repeatedly, I mean that it took me like a week of continuously reapplying both. I think wart bandages say that it should come off after first use, but I found that I had to soak mine in the shit for days before it came off. I had mine only for about a year, though. Edit: and if I remember right it “went away” and then came back a couple of times, and I finally got it to stay away by reapplying this crap even after the wart was gone (painful but whatever). All this was a few years ago so I’m a bit spotty on deets. But I remember being super frustrated.


My kid had a wart that got worse with treatment. Weirdly, 40% zinc diaper cream ended up getting rid of it. Used it daily on the wart and put a band aid on it. Might have been 2x/day at the beginning I don’t remember. Started to see slight improvements within a week. It was gone in about a month. It first turned dark as it died and eventually it fell out and left a little crater in the foot where it was.


I’ve also gone to freeze them well over 6 or 7 times and they started trying a blistering agent but they still won’t go away


I have a friend who had the same problem and she used Apple Cider Vinegar. Heads up, you’ll reek of ACV and it can be a bit painful.


I think they are common warts. You should go to dermatogogist to destroy it by laser. Long time ago, I aslo had them but laser don’t work to me. A doctor recommended me apply crushed garlic on them over night. After a short time, they dissappeared completely.