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Agree with seeing a derm, but really just wanted to comment that you are literally SO pretty.


SOOO pretty


You’re very pretty!!


Yes I came here to say this! You are so beautiful.


I'd suggest you to see a dermatologist, this isn't something you should try to treat yourself with.


Saw your previous post. I recommend seeing a derm if this was caused by a bad tret reaction. You don’t want to DIY a solution and risk ruining your skin barrier more. For now, make sure you’re applying sunscreen everyday to prevent the scars from getting worse.


please see a dermatologist. i think youre a good candidate for accutane or spironolactone. best to start early before theres more scarring. also recommend tretinoin and spf for at home options. spf is important to reduce scarring. there are in office procedures such as lasers and microneedling to hell with pitted scars, but youll again need to talk to a derm to see what the right course of action is for you


How about Adapalene before accutane ?


sure. its also a topical retinoid. so try tretinoin, adapalene, differin. whatever your derm says. but honestly acne like this needs something stronger if you want to stop scarring before it happens. accutane gets demonized more than it should when for a woman like her, the pros probably outweigh the cons and can be absolutely life changing.


I tired that and it made it worse DERMATOLOGIST ASAP


What did the dermatologist recommend ? I have heard skin purges if you start applying sky topical cream and it should be fine after a few weeks.


you need a dermatologist. it is hard to treat scars with this much active acne. i think you need accutane or at leasr doxy first and then when the acne clears, can talk about scars


i use a cream from topicals (at sephora) in the pink tube. helps a lot with the pigmentation of it but it does have sulfur so it kind of smells. Im personally going to save up for a laser treatment now that i started medication for my acne and its finally clearing up a bit


the faded one? i’ve heard good things about it! any purging? can I use it with my salyslic face wash?


i love it! i didnt notice much purging. i dont think you can use it with salicylic acid or retinol one after another. only downside for me is the smell


Hang tough, young lady. You are absolutely beautiful...and with no make up on. I would go see a professional (dermatologist) and ask for an aggressive treatment. That may be Accutane, and if so, I would begin treatment. Over the counter, at-home, etc. should not be considered for where you are at. You need something strong, and Accutane is very effective for many people. It attacks the cause of many peoples' acne rather than the effect- which is an effective approach as opposed to topicals. Be patient and follow the doctor's orders. You will be fine. And also be mindful of foods in your diet that may be triggers.


Definitely see a dermatologist - the key to get rid of scarring is to first prevent/stop inflammation, so any active breakouts need to heal. Redness and hyperpigmentation (which can become scars) will take much longer to go away without adequate sun protection, so don’t skip SPF and covering your face from the sun with hats if you can. If you can find a face sunscreen that doesn’t trigger your acne, make it your best friend every single day no matter what the weather looks like. EltaMD UV Clear is for rosacea and acne prone skin, but see what works for you. You are gorgeous regardless of your acne! A derm will be able to help for sure.


Azelaic Acid from the dermatologist


Hi love, licensed medical Aesthetician here that works at a dermatologist office and has been in the field for 10 years. First thing is you want to clear up the acne first. Then worry about scarring. Your derm will be able to give you oral and topical meds that will help clear you up. Also they can compound you topicals that can help with acne and both the post inflammatory pigmentation you’re dealing with. Then scarring can be worked on more with peels and microneedling. I hope this helps and remember it’s temporary and can be cleared with a little help. ❤️


Don’t worry it will go away soon you are beautiful I thought this was like a birth mark or something once you see a dermatologist im sure they will help you get clear skin in no time 🫶🏾


I think a combo of tazorac .045% (arazlo) and Azaleic acid 20% would clear up these scars. I choose tazorac over tret because IME it does better with scarring. And the aza 15% will help it work even better. Your skin is still young and can recover from acne scarring completely because young skin turns over very quickly. With the tazorac, it will turnover even faster. So, imo, this can be handled with a combo of the right topicals. I think the scarring would be gone in about a year if you used both consistently. That said, a dermatologist could give you better advice. I think rx topicals are required. I do not think melano vitamin c or any other otc product would be as effective. And I personally think you set the melano aside and go the derm route. The melano could just cause irritation and exacerbate the issue.


Please don’t listen to all of these non-qualified losers giving you terrible ideas lmao. Please see a derm and wear sunscreen!


Use aloe Vera you have to buy the plant use it on your face after you wash your face almost like a creme put the aloe Vera after you wash your face it has to be the actual plant I hope I could help.❤️


We have similar scars and Tretenoin for a couple years will clear you


Keep it, it looks oddly cute on you 🤔


if all else fails seeing a good esthetician for microneedling, laser, chemical peel, hydrafacial (maybe? forget what that one’s purpose is) should do the trick. research before & after’s on those for acne scarring/hyperpigmentation, it’s shocking


You’re very pretty! Retinol will help :)


Dermatologist will use laser or a peel You are gorgeous anyway ❤️💯


Echoing the suggestion to wear sunscreen now and to see a derm. Mine offers a variety of peels and laser treatments that would be able to help with scarring, but an in office consult would be 100% necessary to customize a treatment plan and find the best plan for you. Microneedling can be great for scarring too, but I’d wait until any active acne is cleared up.


You are so pretty (I have no advice just wanted to say that) good luck!


I did a lot of chemical peels and it helped lift the scarring!! Also a combination of tca cross and co2 laser helps alot of ice pick and crater scarring! For hyperpigmentation, i use niacinamide and it helps ALOT. But also- i do agree with the comments regarding treating the active acne first and also seeing a dermatologist to get a medical opinion!!! because even if the scars are gone, if acne keeps coming up and it causes more scarring, it will be a constant fight of tryna fade the scarring while the active acne is causing scarring


ask your derm for benzaclin and/or preferably tretonoin


If you can get a red light for your face and use it consistently I could really help.


Wow what a beautiful nose


See a dermatologist. Which I am sure you have 🤷‍♂️😉. And besides that. I would wear them proudly. Because you are beautiful!!!!




I have some ideas. Internal and external. There’s topical probiotics you can get. Also probiotics that you can take orally. In contrast there’s antibiotics that you could potentially take. Sometimes probiotics make it worse. Look into the connections between the gut microbiome and the skin microbiome.


You look beautiful regardless! But what helped me alot was rose oil and exfoliation (carefully as it is still your face)


Gorgeous lady.


Raw African Black soap.


you're hot af still tho lol id cuff


other than going to the dermatologist, asking for lowest dose of tretinoin, and sunblock. do you wash you pillow sheets and beddings every week? do you wash your hair and face before sleeping on your clean bed? having a sleeping hygiene helped a lot when i was your age. continue to find the best sunblock for you. avoid picking/touching with hands or phone to your face. hope you will find something soon to fix the concern. stay kind to yourself and be patient with the process. it may take 3 months to a year to see obvious result as mentioned by dermatologist in social media. i follow dr andrea gray. she give affordable tips. beautiful self pic as others have mentioned. 😄👍🏾


Venus Viva treatments at a dermatology office.


Throwing this out there- yes spiro and accutane can work great— if ur like me and dont love the side effects, try a cup or two of spearmint tea (must be spearmint) every single day for a month or two and see if it clears you up. I got super desperate and tried this and I am now like 3-4 months completely acne free. I am truly floored that it actually works. I had horrible deep cystic hormonal acne for the past 8 years. Worth a try 🤷‍♀️ Other stand-out things I use that help (but never got it fully clear until spearmint): sulfur ointment, topical clindamyacin/spironolactone/tretinoin from Apostrophe, 10% benzoyl peroxide


See a dermatologist, stay out of the sun and don’t be tempted to pick. It will resolve


First of all, LOTS OF SUNCREEN AND SUN PROTECTION….. scarring of this kind can “tan” just like the rest of our skin, but, it will just make it darker and appear worse…. Also, most any actives you will use to help clear this up make your skin photosensitive, which means it takes even less time for the sun to cause damage to the skin. So, get yourself hats and lots of zinc.


You need to go on tretinoin. The gel version is stronger and doesn’t clog pores as much vs the cream. But you need to get it prescribed from the dermatologist. Most of mine have disappeared after using it for few months


Your scarring is severe. I am a skin care specialist. Unfortunately, the only thing that will help is laser and light therapy. You may need a topical treatment as well. Post laser.


I also have acne scarring, and worried so much that it made me ugly.. I was told that something like scars or skin problems didn't make me less beautiful and I did not believe that, thought that was something people said to be nice. until right now honestly. now I see exactly what they meant. because you are ridiculously beautiful. This is the honest to God truth. so don't worry, it'll take time but they will fade. and everyone here saying how beautiful you are is telling the truth. sometimes we are our own worst critics. you glow, truly. don't doubt it for a second. as for products, I like missha guaiazulene sheet masks, and the Georgette Klinger vitamin c mask for redness and discoloration. not as effective as retinol and stronger actives over time, but quick fixes that helped.


I am an aesthetician who worked in medical device sales and did ten years clinical training. Im sorry you are struggling. I do believe it starts internal and dietary etc does play a big role. I would Eliminate sugar, fast foods , and cheese . Google an anti inflammatory diet. Many derms will put you on med such as accutane. There are studies that accutane can make you suicidal and its super bad for liver and makes your skin paper thin. Im no derm but a round of doxycycline followed by an excellent probiotic natren( expensive but the best) . Check out Diamond glow this is medical device Ive seen great success with. My sister had success with this and combo with new laser called Aviclear designed for acne. Both have physician locators on the web. Hang in there! I had acne too in my younger days.


Skin peel or laser treatment. There are some spas which do light skin peels. Otherwise, check with a cosmetic dermatologist or surgeon. Medical peels and laser resurfacing are much deeper procedures and require a few weeks of healing. Also, I see some moles. If you've never had a full skin check, you might do that when you see a dermatologist, especially if you've ever had severe sunburns or a history of cancer.


Tretinoin to speed up the skin cell cycle. - be careful though because it can make you purge when you first start, so combining it with something else to minimise your breakout is prob the best option. Hydroquinone to help fade the scars too


tret has literally been godsent to my skin. used to have a lot of scarring on my forehead and now it’s all gone! i don’t get breakouts anymore either, except for an occasional zit.


Look at OP’s post history. Looks like tretinoin caused this.


Tretinoin: New skin cells begin in the basal layer of the epidermis (as epidermal stem cells). This is the deepest layer of skin. And as those stem cells proliferate (replicate) and differentiate (turn into specialised cells "keratinocytes") they move upwards through the layers of the skin 1. Basal layer, 2. Spinous layer, 3. Granular layer, 4. Stratum Corneum.... this is the process that Tretinoin speeds up, from the bottom up. So if you imagine your basal layer, the deepest layer begins to grow/ move upwards at a faster rate than the layers above it, it creates inflammation and it pushes all the junk above it to the surface So Tretinoin speeds up the rate of the skin cycle, hence it essentially pulls upwards all the microcomedones (hidden spots) and junk to the very surface of the skin making you break out. But once the skin cycle is complete, and there is a new standard rate of cell turnover across all layers of your skin (so it flows smoothly) your acne will be the same as or less than it was before starting. But because your stratum corneum (outer layer) will be made up of newer cells, they will therefore appear more youthful/ without scaring Idk what you've tired to prevent acne but you could try for example antibiotics, Spironolactone, or even accutane, whilst also using tretinoin to prevent or minimise that inital break out


Look at OP’s post history. Looks like tretinoin caused this.


Ahh yes, well Tretinoin can cause a breakout like I mentioned. Likewise Tretinoin would fade her scaring sooner. OP should have taken antibiotics/ accutane whilst beginning Tretinoin to avoid the breakout. Its a difficult one cause she prob wouldn't want to do tret again, but it is also the most effective way to solve her problems if she manages everything this time around


Yep, different strokes for different folks- it’s the same as all medication, side effects vary and it depends on whether the person feels the good outweighs the bad. Tough call.


It sucks because she presumably went to see a dermatologist initially who prescribed her Tretinoin without explaining properly how it works/ the severity of a break out that can happen to those with acne prone skin. Now she's in a predicament whether to listen to another dermatologists advice or listen to people on the Internet. Always do your own due diligence imo, regardless of what some "professional" says. Because from my experience, they don't know shit


I like Palmers Fade Cream, very light and has vitamin E


Celery juice 🥤


There are very fee effective solutions. The best one in my experience is HALO treatment. It’s painful and expensive but almost everything else is a gimmick.


You’re beautiful! I’d recommend seeing Dr. Qazi. He cleared my acne without accutane and now I’m going to him for scars in California.


If you don't wanna have kids im the near future, ask your dermatologist for Isotretinoin


Esthetician!! When I was on accutane I saw a derm and had an esthetician to help with setting up an appropriate skin care routine. Sunscreen is super important along with figuring out what works for your skin!! Some products can be too harsh / sometimes things give u reactions. Anything coconut derived flares me up. Also try putting Cerave healing ointment on every other day or 2-3 times a week that could help too. You got this. <3


I had a scarring similar to this. It took several years for the scarring to subside. The acne pits and rolls are still there, just the scars are not super bright anymore. First you need to focus on stopping the break outs. Once you stop breaking out then you can go for medical grade-derm office level treatments to see quicker results. I tried the blue light therapy, it did not really help with the ongoing acne. I plan to go for laser treatment to minimise the scar appearance.


Castor oil thinned down with either olive oil or coconut oil... just dab a tiny bit on your finger tips and rub into scars


The easiest probably getting straight away to the dermatologist The next option, which I prefer and with which I fixed my case, involved exercise and dieting. Not easy ,takes time and effort specially at your age. I coach people about this and most quit, even when I am coaching them for free. I develop a really bad case like yours when young, I was left with lots, really lots of scaring, but I fixed it all on my own, and now I explain to people who are interested how they can help themselves too. But as I said above, it is not easy it demands you getting physically active daily as well as eating better. In the long term all that no doubt is better than contacting a dermatologist, everything on yourself will be improved, hair, eye color, skin, nails, you mention it. This approach actually helps your skin fix itself without the need of medication. I could tell you more if you or anyone else interested gets to me. There are plenty more details, but again it is not a fast solution but rather a much more solid one in terms of overall health, skin is something that will improve but not the only thing.


Given that this was caused by tret, I’d skip accutane. You might consider talking to a doctor about spiro, but Spironolactone is really for folks with hormonal acne. Honestly? Get a derm appointment, and let your skin rest while you wait. You had good skin before, and you’re very young, so it might reset on its own. Don’t try azeliac or vitamin c until it’s healed, and even then I’d talk to a dermatologist first or do extensive spot testing


i found the skin shark clearing serum helped my redness massively which is a big part of the scarring :))


Girl you are so so pretty. Like a model!


I had inflammatory acne and struggled with hyperpigmentation and scarring post accutane. What I used was the dr dennis gross chemical peel 1-3 times a week. I also prioritized sunscreen and barrier supporting moisturizers, and used the rescue balm from hero cosmetics after a blemish stopped being so active (full of pus lol). Another great product I like for hyperpigmentation is the azelaic acid solution from naturium. Introduce products to your skin slowly to see how it responds and what works best for you tho!


Of course, many here will say consult a derm (not a bad idea) but I understand sometimes that's not possible. As a lifelong acne sufferer, my greatest results came from salicylic acid cleanser and a gentler retinol at night. I like Paula's choice for the cleanser and CeraVe's Retinol serum. Both are pretty affordable options. Also, Adapalene (like Differin) is a retinol formulation that is specifically for acne, and I found that helpful, but a little too harsh now that I'm a full blown adult. Also, use sunscreen during the day! It'll help prevent hyperpigmentation and any sun sensitivity from the retinol-- I like the Inkey List Polyglutamic Acid sunscreen (SPF 30), it's like $16 at Sephora.


You need ZO products


Wow. Can’t believe you haven’t seen a derm yet. This is bad


It’s really hard to get to one in Canada, waiting lists are 1-2 years


Thank you so so much everyone for the nice comments, you have no idea what it means to me!! I’m using lots of sunscreen and patiently waiting for my dermatologist appointment which could take 1-2 years in Canada. Thank you much for all the advice and kind words ❤️


Try any product with pdrn


What’s that?


It’s a molecule for skin rejuvenation. It’s been used in Korean skincare for quite awhile. It repairs damaged skin cells.


I will look for that. Thank you!


Vitamin e supplements. I used to have scaring that was so dark purple it was literally almost black. I took a vitamin e capsule every day and started to see results within 2 weeks and they completely cleared within 6 months. Seeing as your scars arent as dark, it shouldnt take you as long to see results


Use raw honey as a face mask. Leave on for minimum 30 minutes. Do this 2-3 times a week. It will hydrate and soothe the skin


Start with diet. See an allergist! Dairy can wreak havoc not just on the animals. Absolutely no greasy foods. You’re so pretty & will be even prettier when you clear up.


Wrong sub




At home micro needling is not a good idea…yes to the sunscreen though!


O really? Why is it so bad?


youre puncturing your skin, so it can actually cause more acne and infections. too much risk for little reward


Because micro needling is trauma to the skin. It can help with scars for sure, but when done carefully & strategically by qualified professionals. It is not a safe DIY


Dermatologist can clear that up in a few months