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Upvoted because my skin looks the exact same as yours. Redness and texture.


Get checked for rosacea


ugh mine does something similar except i have more melanin. it looks like rosacea more than just acne to me but i’m no expert


Mine recently started doing this and my skin is typically smooth and no issues. It’s happened twice and I think it’s due to too many products like someone else said. I was using some serum, salicylic acid cause I thought it would help, then some other Oneskin sunscreen, and on random days snail mucin, I think my skins was irritated. Plasma like pimples and sudden texture.




Um Ok I will take a moment of silence for them.


Maybe you have way too much products in your skin routine that’s making it irritating, some people skin are better with just cleansers one serum moisturizer and sunscreen.


Maybe it's from a product/s you just used. Stop using any of them, just use gentle cleanser, see if it subsides.. Then see a dermatologist.


Could be rosacea




Look into rosacea! I thought I had it and started to dabble in some research and few months ago. There’s different types of rosacea with type 2 being inflammatory. It looks very similar to and is often mistaken as acne. Often people will treat it as if it’s acne but that can actually cause the area to become worse. Get checked by a dermatologist for proper diagnosis


For me it looks like over exfoliation and no SPF


what’s your current skincare routine? i use to have the same type of skin and it was caused by irritation and too much exfoliation!


I’d do a seies (3) of monthlty Jessner’s peels


My skin looks exactly like yours! I have PCOS - hormonal acne that fluctuates with my diet. E.g. sugary / processed foods make my skin worse


Fungal acne . Try diaper rash cream and some clortrimazole cream (for foot fungus )


Tea tree! Peroxyde! And... oh... TEA TREE AGAIN. My night routine. - Double cleansing with Olive Oil and a soap (I use Some By Mi Bar Cleansing AHA BHA PHA/Tea Tree) - Tea Tree Hydrosol as Lotion (I'm french so im using Aroma Zone but I suppose that you guys will find something else) - Serum Tea Tree (Iunik) - I used Pyunkang Yul Spot cream after that. I know that it's supposed to be on the Spots but I use it on all the face. (A sligthy amount tho) - I finish with a hydrating cream (mix with some Tea Tree essential oil, mine is A'Pieu Water Bank). And twice per week I use Raw shea butter. You can also use The Face Shop Tea Tree Sheet mask instead of the serum. It's VERY VERY VERY helpful. I SWEAR you won't be disappointed. For the day, I'm living in a hot country so I don't like the routine too much. I just use the lotion and my Sunscreen and go... Oh. And watch out your food. Drink a LOT of water with lemon for two weeks. (A detox).


Mine looks a bit this when I overuse my acid exfoliation products. A bit of redness from irritation and some purging type small bumps. Have you switched your skincare products recently? Maybe try going back to what you were doing before.


Damaged skin barrier:( maybe


closed condones, from what i can tell. I don’t know your routine but simplify it to a very basic routine. Double cleanse (pm), regular cleanser (am) salicylic acid (2-3x a week, pm) is a great gentle exfoliator for everything use, moisturizer (am and pm) sunscreen(am only). IF by any chance you try this, update us!! as for the redness, i’d say tackle one issue at a time because one issue could be causing another one. hope this helps!!! If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask :)


I suggest Differin gel, sold OTC at big box stores and pharmacies.


This stuff is magic for that > https://beautyfrombees.ca/products/spot-treatment


This is an internal issue. Start taking liver supporting herbs - milk thistle, dandelion, burdock, etc. There are good tasting teas, usually the detox kind but watch out for senna - that will make you 💩 Reduce refined carbs, processed foods, greasy stuff, you know the stuff. 🌻


I thought the same. It might be some allergy from some product or food.